(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

coz Ivan purposely fall backward and almost hit onto my tummy. The distance was abt 1 inch to hit on #2

ur body is just too efficient to absorb all the nutrients!

Wish to see you at the gathering!


welcome back! Alicia in full day CC?for how long liao?does she used to it?ruoxi will have to go to full day cc soon.


i see, u must be careful, think boys more rough compare to gal, my gal only fall backwards when she play at bed and she knew behind her nothing else.
But will it confuse him seeing the small letters beside the capital ones? hmm...Maybe I'll go buy those charts that have the Caps n small letters beside each other if thats the way to teach him...

Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake & Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

kids party pack include :

kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1 (prefer 9th but ok both day)
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (2) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1

Bday Bash Photography:

Interested in sharing the 2nd bday bash proff photography:

a) Tomato : S$550 including 20 pcs of 5R and soft copies - we can share the 20 pcs so each mommy picks her own choice of pics (if all 10 mommies OK that means each mommy got 2 prints + soft copies)

b) Cheersntears: S$399 incl 120 pcs of 4R and soft copies - as above can share 120 divided among mommies who agree

c) Benjamin Loo: S$340 incl soft copies and dvd slide show (no printed copies)

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
I think can take bus from clementi MRT.. it's just beside big roads.. I think from BOon Lay got #154, let me check other buses..

I think at this age they will just absorb anything we teach them as long as do not contradict..
Matthias is so smart to know the alphabets.. I have been lazy to teach meg aplha since i get preg :p

Tomorrow I am officially back to work so sianz!!!
Yeah actually i have been at home for 10 wks.. time flies!!! feel like just resign tomorrow hahaha..
but MIL told me to just work first till she goes back..

One mum is preg again!!!

Sorry XXXX let me start the guessing game hahaha
Must be careful hor... Last time Meg used my tummy as stepping stone somemore.. but dun worry bb is well protected inside the amniotic sac.

3 more wks only! v fast one :p
Wah u all go for stripping off the "hair" hahaha..
My hubby said gynae chopped off some of my hair when he was about to do stitches hahahaha.. i am not that hairy hor.. keke

the pregannt mum is it woof?

so fast yr ML finished?today i just submited the maternity leave form to HR. will start take from 27th which is my EDD, though today gynae told me baby head engaged so anytime can pop liao.

BW is very good, then during maternity easy to clean too.
wah. BW? very pain one issit? =P

re: riding on mummy
yah. my boy oso like to ride on me leh. and hubby will pluck him off from my back. he really taakes me like a horsie now. but lucky he never sit on my tummy. =P

sianz. i trying to keep #2 for another few weeks. keep having BH and worried preterm labor. then office got kolig with the h1n1. haiz. now like the flu virus is everywhere hor...
So fast need to go back to work...sian hor

I also have lots of BH, gynae asked me go get some medicine fr him, but i lazy to go down. The clinic is just a few minutes walking distance fr me house...:p

Have u specified any staff to do it for u?
hi all,

newbie here...
i'm a SAHM mum with 1 very active little girl, ... except when she's watching TV *sigh*.

How do you usually occupy your little ones' time? Dun wan her to watch too much TV...

not yet, i lazy, will call to make appointment tomorrow and tell them to arrange experienced stuff for me, will tell them i'm due anytime.haha


a bit pain but sure bearable, after give birth nothing is painful than labor pain,right?

if u worry about BH and H1N1,why not take MC n rest at home?I can't take as my com policy wont allow MC 4 weeks b4 give birth, can only use leave or ML, i want to save my precious ML to accompany bb later. so die die must work till edd.
Hi xman,
yar now in full day cc.
she is very naughty..go there learn use her hands and beat when she is angry...always constently remind her but still no improvement..any mummies has any good ideas how to solve this prob.

first 2 mth ok but recently this 2 week always down with flu so cc dont want her in.hurts me to see her down esp she has asthma.. when she sick have to extra precautions making sure she doesnt becomes asthma. she is slowly used to it and she learn to self feed, take out her shoes and learn a lot of new words...

loh,nining,wana go but not sure hubby wana go..must check with him...

nining, i think i know the place liao... i inform again..
My workplace also said sick leave 1 month b4 delivery considered as ML. But there is a loop hole. As long as dun take more than 2 or 3 days in a row/week then can escape!

my gal not go to cc yet but already learn beat or bite ppl(my mum normally) when she can't get what she want, so this is nature reaction when they are angry, but my gal only bully my mum at home, when go outside she's super timid and dare not beat others. thats why i more worry she will be bully by others when go to cc.

the sick part is what I worry most, as later my #2 still young when ruoxi go to cc, if she sick and pass to #2 then i hv to take care 2 sick kids at same time, and my parents not here already by that time, when think about it make me feel frustrated.


at least got loop hole, mine no loop hole, so if sick at the last 4 weeks have to take own leaves to rest.
long time nvr login
I finally uploaded all the pictures onto the blog..
walau.. die..

nining: the photographer thingy, who are we picking?
Morning mummies,
I am in the office.. haiz!!!

Re: preggie mummy
I cant say :p just to keep everyone fun in guessing.. keke
aiyoh. this cannot be lazy leh. the worst for me is that the BH hor, sometimes is painless...juz tightening so i tend to miss it out. =P
so now i juz take the medication to prolong the timing til 36 weeks. my gynae says aim for 34 first then go for 36. =P

yah. now i on mc for 3 days liao for bedrest. i oso wanna save leave till yr end so more time for bb. but oso trying to delay going back to office until no more new cases for precaution sake since dun wan to have any more "complications". =P
no worries.. still Aug lah
can still let me know within the next 2 weeks..

dunno yet.. but I personally like Tomato's work.. its the most ex tho.. But 9th is a holiday so most likely we book anyone of the 3 that is avail hahahah.. But if you're keen regardless of the photographer, can pls put your name in the list? thanks :D
Wah, cola... so fast u went back to work liao.. I will start my working life again on 20/7. Holiday will end soon. My #2 is with nanny already. So have 2 weeks free time for my own.

Planning to register for #1 for half day childcare next Jan.
Mine also not the painful type, just v tightened. I just hate to take pills. Tomorrow appointment wif gynae, hopefully i remembered to tell him. My BH can be more than 12x/day!

Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake & Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

kids party pack include :

kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1 (prefer 9th but ok both day)
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (2) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1

Bday Bash Photography:

Interested in sharing the 2nd bday bash proff photography:

a) Tomato : S$550 including 20 pcs of 5R and soft copies - we can share the 20 pcs so each mommy picks her own choice of pics (if all 10 mommies OK that means each mommy got 2 prints + soft copies)

b) Cheersntears: S$399 incl 120 pcs of 4R and soft copies - as above can share 120 divided among mommies who agree

c) Benjamin Loo: S$340 incl soft copies and dvd slide show (no printed copies)

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
7) choco
I had BH since wk 24th, dun worry it's very normal hahaha..

Yeah in office now.. stress starts!!
Missing the 2 terrors badly..

hehe.. i dun dare to think about waxing.. must be very painful..

I just made appointment on this friday, take leave on friday. wow, so exp now, last time remmber its' $38 due to promotion, now it's $63.
haha...tt's y i lazy to go to see my gynae

let me know is the staff's 'service' satisfy. Then I book mine end July or Aug.
I remembered 2 yrs ago w/o promotion is abt $50
my gynae says more than 10x per day then need to take care leh...i oso dunno how to count so play safe i take the medication lor...haha.

wh piang eh. BW is so ex...heh. =P
This morning till now i had abt 7x BH liao..heheh
How heavy is ur bb now?
I ate lots of durian last weekend...haha
recently our thread quite quiet hor.

Loh, what is the feeling BH exactly?I heard it's the tummy hardening, not sure if i hv that or not, when u press yr tummy it's hard like rock or cans till press?

i ate a lot durain too, but my gal is still small at 36 weeks estimate 2.6kg, 37 weeks no ultra sound gynae just measure and said bb is still small.
BH will make ur tummy hard hard ,like a rock. Everytime if BH, my heartbeat seems beats faster. BH will go off within 20-30secs. I have no pain when BH happened. If got pain, then serious liao, shall go see gynae asap. Read fr internet, BH normally started v early during 1st tri, and normally u will not feel it coz v v mild.
I had BH too for my #1.

maybe i hv but i dont know it's BH.no experience, as long as not pain and no breathless i dont notice.hehe
One of the mtb in Aug09 got BH until bb heartbeat drop to v low level if BH occurred. She is hospitsalised to monitor the case since many weeks ago

i cannot decide how to do my boy birthday.
most likely i will bring him out.

sentosa...can go underworld...and beach and ???

last time got mummies stay at sentosa right? how much was it
Will celebrate my boy bday at sentosa with my family. I hav booked 4 rooms at rasa sentosa. book 3 rooms and free 1 room. Total abt $990 for 4 rooms. Adeline was the 1 who stayed at sentosa.
i have bk chalet for my boy bday tis year...

as for last yr.. i brought him for photoshoot then after that stay 1 night at Siloso Beach Resort..
Re bd celebration,
I will book 1 room at TMC and may be celebrate my boi bd through 3G phone????....hahahahahaah

my #2 is now 2.15kg at 33week

Gynae given Ventolin, only need to take if BH comes wif pain
I think we pre celebrate oredi at the disney heheeheheh.. so his bday will be just simple party at school and a cake at home with just us and my maid

wow...thats not cheap ah...plus still need to incurr additional expenses like food, cake, and maybe to the attractions places.

i have check out the rasa sentosa, if become the islander, romm is 246nett, then underwater world, song of the sea....plus cake, food, maybe need to spend abt 600 in sentosa alone!!!

then i am thinking i wan to buy LV bag..also interested in iphone....haiz...money no enough

my bb small small leh. at abt 33 wks was 1.9kg nia. =P
my gynae gave sabutamol (dunno if correct spelling or not). take 4 times daily and cannot miss teh midnight dosage...even if it is juz tightening oso to take. so now i machiam very tired coz gotta crawl out of bed to eat med at midnight. *sweats*
wah piang the aug09 mtb so serious ah. =P

re: bb bday?
i cannot plan leh. now dunno when #2 wanna appear. hopefully after my boy's bday so at least i can bring him out for a nice meal and have cake. else it is juz cake at home and with smelly mummy...haha.
