(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

you meant the shoe size? or the other gap spree?
my gal is skinny, size 12-18m for most of the brands can still fit now.. the big sizes i bought earlier are still intact.. hehe

have a smooth delivery


I mean the gap spree.

ruoxi also can still wear size 12~18m, last time when she's only 6 months old i already bought size 12~18m, too kiasu, till now a lot cloth I bought from spree still keep in drawer as it's size is 2T or 3T which is too big for her.

thanks, still hv 1 month to go. hope i can carry bb till full term this time.
sorry i know u meant this current spree. hehe

i cannot resist buying from these sprees.. its much cheaper and i dun reali have time to shop.. her new wardrobe is full again keke

i plan to renovate the other room as my gal's own room.. but on the other hand quite reluctant to let her sleep there alone.. dilemma
is it too late to let her sleep on her own when she is 4 or 5 yearold?

i stopped as my mum kept complain the 5 layers ALGO drawer full and no place to put new cloths.haha

I just now geipo go to july07 thread and saw quite some mum there already have a room deco very nicely for their bb. I no plan to let ruoxi sleep alone yet, maybe wait till she's oldder.for myself i remember i only sleep alone after go to primary school.
how's the trip?

jon and kate plus 8 is on ch 70. it's real family, real life.

dr wong made me do the pap at my delivery follow up, she said if wait until aug, i will never show up. :p she asked me to consider taking the HPV jab. hb encourage me to but i'm still thinking, not fond of needles. btw weekend appts got extra charge now.

if p is only 3 kg more than L now, i think wearing mei mei's hand me down is quite possible lor, and in the near future.

L is 85%. a bit scary for me since i'm used to P's 10%.

today then i looked at the bags, the black and brown colors all very close, cant tell which is which. but i prefer the darker colors. also i cant seem to get the folding. any idea? i follow the web instructions, hit like pix 6, then lost.

yeah, p is 9.6kg abt a month ago when we brought L for her 6w jabs. not trying to boost her weight, it's prob a given she'll eat most of L's food but L will be the chubby one that is always dieting.

aiya, kids waking up. later.

can u give me ur blog address. and from urs i will link to other mummies blog.

i change my blog template and stupid me did not read properly and all my links and baby ze weight/height records is gone!!!!

feel like banging the wall now.

chiu xin gan!!!!
pm you an_gal's blog.

do a search for your own blog and see if you can find a cached of your old blog page.
if u closing factory liao can take lol.. is 3 jabs and will complete in 6mths.. i thought dr wong all along have that wkn charge.. frm wat i know last time.. wkn got additional $10, now i dono..

oh dear, i hope your blog is ok now.. next time better don anyhow change settings..

hi welcome
thanks for the deco. p loves them, she played with them while having dinner on sat after i went to your place. your dr is really very pro vbac. i know one mommy, #1 is c sec, #2 tried for vbac, he let her labor for 40 hours! even ask her want to continue or do a c sec. my hb wanted 2 girls, he said cannot tahan any more kids/girls in the house (he commented even our cat is girl! LOL), so close factory already. any way after the horrible birth experience for #2, i dont dare to go through another round of pgy and birth.

i hardly bought any clothes for L. everything is from P and one day she wore a new romper daddy bought from the tamp warehouse sale then we realized poor thing, first time wearing her own clothes.
i also did the gift exchange thing, 2 sets, i bought one set and my sis bought another set.

i will always remember you are the one that got hb and i packing our hospital bag. heehee. is it? last time also weekend got extra charge? i tot if sign up for package then no extra, cos this time the recep specifically told us even with package, weekend must top up.

i am on the same page as miaon on CIO.

i dont really find latching bonding. i didn't latch P, so this time bfing is diff experience but latching wasn't as bonding as i imagine. the bb is staring at my chest (or sleeping) and sucking and i am bored to death. feel attached rather than bonded. my girl's record is 90min, after that i refused to latch her the next day, cannot tahan sitting there for 90 mins session. needed a day's break from latching. :D

what bed huh? nice? see how, i'm scare of needle. dr wong thought it will be covered under my hb's co but it wont be. his co covered 90% of all the cost for my pgy and delivery.


yeah, worth a try lor. see can find your old page or not.



u r welcome, glad P love the deco.

i just emailed u a file about how to fold the bags, looks clearer than the one I got ealier. u check it out.

ya, my new gynae really very pro VBAC, no matter what question I asked him like I hv xx problem, can still try VBAC?his answers are always ya, why not.so i make up my mind liao, just try and if end up still with C then at least i know I tried my best liao.
later i check my email. thanks. this time you dont have GD right? how's the measurement on the bb?

your bro's dog not use to S meh?

actually I think I still hv GD if do the blood test, but my gynae said no need do blood test, if pass the urine test everytime when visit him, then no need to worry.he's not that strict, so I feel less stress.

so far bb still small, at 36 weeks check up about 2.6kg, gynae said she should be around 3kg by the time I give birth.
36w 2.6kg is considered small i think, so shouldn't have a problem at birth. i didn't do the GTT since i was self testing very early on. although my numbers were good and i didn't need insulin until the last weeks (only for fasting numbers, after meals ok), i must still have GD cos L is huge! everything doesn't add up, since all my numbers are good and i test 4-6 times a day. my dr couldn't explain it too.

Dun really need a big baby, you can always boost her up when she is born.. most important is both mummy and daug are healthy..

Your L is really huge! I was looking forward to big baby during my boy's time, I drank milk 4 times a day hhaha.. but he came out only 65g heavier than Meg.. :p

Having a boy is also very cute (now that I know hahaha I always fancy girls :p )...

Re: latching
Jete my record is 1 hour to 1.5 hours!!! nite time, he must latch both Bs before falling asleep on his own in the cot..
Rainy day...shoes all wet

So how's everyone today?

Trf the $ to you yesterday liao
Thanks for the TP and Bags!

Haha! So sweet of you to offer Meg's clothes..but its ok lah..my friend already passing me some and knowing myself..I sure cant resist buying new ones..hahahah!!!

Nice seeing you yesterday..Javier is a tall boy!hahah! Didnt really dare to let Mathias go too near to Javier cos he's not 100% recovered yet..heheh!!

Hi Sammi!
Well, I have not sent Mathias to any form of schooling yet...thinking of sending him next year but still undecided..if I do send him, I hope to be able to get a slot at Learning Vision at my place (Punggol). Where do u live?
an_gal, jete

its gone. now have to do up the links over again.

i heartpain the height/weight record only cos its the only place i keep track.

btw, i have update a lot of backdated photos. do pop in to have alook

i have not send my boy to school yet.
thinking of doing so next yr. but to me no hurry. if have space then send, no space then he enjoy at home lor.

but last time we both have GD turn out our bb both so small, my gynae also never mention why.


ya, boy and gal both fun, it's always good to hv a hao3, but different gender then later when they grow up not that close comapre to same gender, thats why I always think the perfect is 2 boys and 2 gals. but not easy to hv 4 kids in sg.


thanks, it's in.

this morning hubby came in office early, when I arrived it's heavy rain so i called him to bring a big umbrella and pick up me as need to cross one road without shelter then can reach office, my stupid hubby only bring 1 umbrella, the rain so heavy, he told me he tot the umbrella is big enough for 2 persons, at the end other than my hair, my back and legs all wet.
haha.. u oways say i m the 1 who cause u 2 faster pack ur bag :p wat horrible experience u hav with L? oh.. nw if got package n wkn still mus top up ah.. wah.. dr wong earning more n more man..

ur hubby company so gd.. cover 90%.. difficult to find man

ok.. will c 2 9.. office all blocked
Gd Mrng Mummies,

Yeah, this morning I also caught in the big flood near my office, my shoe all wet also...funny, Tampines was sunny when I got out from house.




Yeah, can buy more but now less chance to browse during work lor, so also limited lah... I can only on off pop in to browse the posting here, and quick quick post and go...so chium...but work is more important leh...its my rice bowl..

I dun think i will have 4 kids haha..but might go for #3, see how first hehe

It's okay, some of the clothes are now worn by my boy keke.. of course not the lacy type :p
oh dear, then you have to start again. your template is cute.

yeah lor, i had confirmed GD last time and yet P is small. My dr said my pgy/GD always dont make sense.

a lot of bad things happened with the delivery. got a jerk of a dr for the epi and also a bad reaction to the drug. was sick for 24 hours, cant open my eyes at all, else the room is spinning. iv wasnt put in properly, arm was swollen and painful. then iv put in in the other arm, couldn't hold L/bf for more than 24 hours. i was itchy all over from the epi (on top of being sick), the med for the itch was by mouth. since i was sick from the epi, the iv cant be removed, so nothing by mouth = no med for itchy side effect. so i scratch all over for like 2days, cos after iv out then can eat med, med took another 24 hours then start to work. i was not a happy camper.

yeah, hb's benefits for ob/gyn quite good, that's why we were naughty, we went for the suite. :p if he gets promoted one more level it will be 100%. too bad he wasn't up for promotion this year.
If #2 wearing all the hand down clothes, must take photos w/o showing much of the clothing, later when he grows up, he won't realised that he has no new clothing!hahahahaha
How bad was the #2 labour experience? Share?

May be ur hb wanted to have 0 distance from you ler, couple holding 1 umbrella under rain...v romantic! But I dare not said much on the wet part...kekeke
hoho, you are orgnasing babys 2nd birthday party!

my parents will come to visit us from shanghai on that day. otherwise i will love to attend.

ya, work is more imp esp now very difficult to find a new job if been retrench. can surf net at night if u r not so tired after work.Me more free recently since going to birth soon so boss not assign so many projects for me.


u still young, if hv #3 then accidently hv $4 then perfect.
as I know quite some colleagues planed to stop at 2 but when accidently hv #3 they still keep the bb.


never u gone through such a bad experience when give birth L, sounds terrible, u dont hv side effect from epi when gave birth P?I try to dont use epi this time, and seems for VBAC can't use epi, my hubby comment I sure couldnt bear the pain as I'm not a tough person, I dont believe it and want to try as 2 of my friends who use epi for #1 but didnt use for #2, they said feel good without epi.


haha, he's not that romantic lah. the best thing is when i complain he keep quiet and make me more angry, he never know how to console a angry wife.
waaah you mommies can really talk talk in forum kakakaka.. I went off for 3 days and thread flying warp speed!!

was a fun trip although we did encountered some rudies ppl but we didnt let it spoil our fun..

Will post some pics later!!
man is like that. I told hb how come u man never do this and never do that...then he said y i dun go married a woman...faintzzzz.
Now he got a power tool, when i angry, he asked his son go kiss mama....

have u reserved the mac for our kiddos birthday bash.
since that day is a public holiday, i think we should be more kiasu and book now

my gal very funny one, when my hubby let her kiss daddy,she no reaction, then when he let her kiss mummy,she will kiss me, then he knew it's not my gal no mood to kiss ppl but just dont want to kiss him, then he will tell my gal" kiss daddy ,daddy go to take some chocalate for u", then my gal kiss him.haha,she kiss me without any conditions.


wow,so fast back liao?
OK MacD at King Albert Park has been booked for 9 Aug, 11am - 12.30 PM (this is the slot that is avail, else it will be too early or too late)

I've booked for 12 kids, the room can accomodate 30 kids + 12 adults or as our count now is 11 kids, so 12 kids (min party size) + 24 parents.

I told the manager that the parents will buy food themselves at Mac D counter, so we won't cater for parents, we just order the party for the kids.

Do we need invitation card?

For cake, which shop should we order it from? any dietary requirement?
it was fun trip, we only went to the disney, didnt go to the city at all.. airport-disney-airport .. We all had lots of fun at breakfast and dinner with characters, but not cheap buffet hahahaha..

yep didnt intend to do HKG shopping laaah.. Hubby said when Ike is 5 we can go to tokyo disney haahah I think he also want hahahaa..
btw the strawberry bags were very usefull, I brought 4 of them on my trip and anything I have extra on my hand, just pop up 1 and throw everything inside it hahahaha.. all bottle water, ike's snacks etc all go in..

no worries as above I oredi booked.. I think I am more kiasu than most Sporean kakaakaka...

did Ike enjoy disneyland?is it very crowded?plan to bring ruoxi there but always no time.

the bags can carry heavy stuff or only for light stuffs,did u try that? I forgot who asked me but I also never try.hehe.
yes he did enjoy it very much!! make sure you stay at the disneyland hotel (not sure if the disney hollywood hotel has characters at the restaurant), and have your breakfast and dinner at least once at the enchanted garden (dinner must book, breakfast can walk in) so you get to see and take pictures with characters in comfort, no need to queue like in the park.. then u can focus on play in the park instead..

It's crowded but I think it's not peak season tho..

I think the bag can carry goods well around 2.5Kg - 3Kg... above it then it can tear the sticthing faster, although mine are still good.. but there's 1 that the stitching starts to show wear and tear cos I used it to carry 4 bottles of water maybe abt more than 3 Kg, plus some pictures..

thanks for sharing, I will copy and paste about the restaruant name.hehe

i see, seems the bags can't carry too heavy things. will mention it in the BP if someone asked..
welcome back!
Ike must be thrilled to see the characters, did u let him take those rides?
ya i think i wld wanna stay in the disneyland hotel the next time

my gal also v realistic when it comes to kisses or hugs to other people like her grandparents.. but she will gladly kiss me and my hb without conditions
wat u say don sound fun at all, really alot of problems man.. luckily is all over now

nice pics
Ike must hav enjoyed himself very much.

my gal only no conditions to me when comes to kisses and hugs. she only want me when I'm at home, my parents very jealous.haha


nice pic, Ike looks big boy already, yr hubby seems quite serious in the pic.haha.
the dinner at enchanted garden, best booked like after you confirm you're going.. I saw the booking sheet all full when we were going in..and ppl tend to stay longer in resto for dinner cos after that they got no where to go.. if Ruoxi is late sleeper best go dinner after u see the fireworks, like 8.30pm, cos if u take early dinner, not enough time to rush to see fireworks (we thot we did but after dinner dont feel like rushing back there for fireworks, lucky we saw 1 already on our 1st night, dinner was on 2nd night)
breakfast has few batches so maybe that's why its easier to get table..

We rode on those simple rides like merry go round / carousel (ike hates it kekekek) and winnie the pooh, it's a small small world, and the car ride, plus we rode on the choo choo train as well.. I think you can also bring charlize to ride buzz lightyear if she's OK with darkness, Ike doenst like darkness so we didnt go there.. We didnt try the flying elephant, tea cup or the UFO but it seems harmless too.. we just dont like circling about, give us headache kekekeke...

yes he was totally star struck!!! He was hugging piglet, he was the one calling piglet to come over.. then he saw minnie passed by and started pointing minnie minnie ignoring piglet!! so rude haahahah...
