(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

IMHO better be safe than sorries.. cos babies are very active and curious as Leooh said..

ok I order the 1st one ya...
planning for C0658 but without the dwarfs.. gonna put sesame street topper on it to replace the dwarfs
As mentioned to Jang earlier, it's unlikely I can make it for the gathering on 6 July 11am as i need to be home cos maid will be cleaning my place till 1.30pm. so sorry!

wa same day celebration ah!

my preparation only started for guest list confirmation (about 45pax) and helium gas.

Food caterer, considering...
- Fostre
- Neogarden
- Four Seasons

Cake, considering...
- Bengawan Solo (but Angeline said it's not nice leh...)
- ecreative
- emicakes

for party packs and deco, think will get from SKP, Party City, Party Joy.

How are your preparations then???
hehehe so weird ya ppl offered u seat when not preggie, then dont offer when preggie..

Wah Jang I am tempted to skip work and go fidget, but got meeting :S sian..


Date, Time: 6th July 2008, start 11am

Venue: Function Room, Summerdale Condo, Boon Lay Drive (nining's plc) - nearby MRT is Lakeside , then take bus #154, 180 or 187 , get off at the 2nd bus stop after that

Cost: Lunch buffet S$ 11.88 + cake?

1. Jang (2pax)
2. Pooh_astro (2 pax) tentative
3. Nining (3 pax)
4. zhuzhu07 (2 pax)
5. rc_cola (2 pax)
6. Gold..piggy ( 1 pax )
7. Pinksunnysummer (1 pax)
8. sunbloom (1 pax)
9. cottoncandy (2 pax)
10. Chatty (2 pax)
11. woof (1pax)
12. Muddypie (2 pax)
13. leooh (2 pax)

Price per pax is S$11.88 excl delivery.

Menu from www.delihub.com.sg (a subs from Neogarden) :

MINI BUFFET (8 main dishes) to cater for 25 persons.
Main Orders
Vegetarian Mee Hoon
Mixed Vegetable
Cereal Fish
Curry Chicken
Steam Rice Kueh
Mini Chocolate Puff
Spring Roll
Almond Jelly with Longgan

Remarks Veg beehoon, Mixed vegetable & Spring Roll: no garlic, no onion, no spring onion. Egg OK.
Oh, leooh talking abt chalets just reminded me...any of u working with UOB, Keppel, Singapore Technologies, PSA?? Cos that day when we went Pasir ris beach for dinner we realised that soem of e bungalows around the beach actually belongs to those companies and are availble to staff for rental..was thinking that it'd be great if I could rent that place for Mathias' bday cos it can easily fit 100 pax...let me know if any of u have lobang k? Thanks!
Jang - fidgets gathering, if suddenly changing to wednesday can let me know..would love to join cos i heard its good but expensive...wanted to do it for my son's birthday but alas, too ex...

who else is going huh...

must cook on stove,but abt 5 min till its thick can already..


how're you?meet up for lunch someday?;-)
actually if u order bengawan solo from their normal cake but shape it into the number 1 design, can be nice also.. I guess the one not nice is the standard cake used for this bday cakes.. Last time I ordered their choco-banana cake very nice..
GATHERING Amended with cake price:

Date, Time: 6th July 2008, start 11am

Venue: Function Room, Summerdale Condo, Boon Lay Drive (nining's plc) - nearby MRT is Lakeside , then take bus #154, 180 or 187 , get off at the 2nd bus stop after that

Lunch buffet S$ 11.88/pax
2Kg cake from e-creative after disc = $72
Approx price per pax = S$15 (based on 23 pax) I will amend the mini buffet order once pax# is confirmed. Now is still under 25 ppl.

1. Jang (2pax)
2. Pooh_astro (2 pax) tentative
3. Nining (3 pax)
4. zhuzhu07 (2 pax)
5. rc_cola (2 pax)
6. Gold..piggy ( 1 pax )
7. Pinksunnysummer (1 pax)
8. sunbloom (1 pax)
9. cottoncandy (2 pax)
10. Chatty (2 pax)
11. woof (1pax)
12. Muddypie (2 pax)
13. leooh (2 pax)

Price per pax is S$11.88 excl delivery.

Menu from www.delihub.com.sg (a subs from Neogarden) :

MINI BUFFET (8 main dishes) to cater for 25 persons.
Main Orders
Vegetarian Mee Hoon
Mixed Vegetable
Cereal Fish
Curry Chicken
Steam Rice Kueh
Mini Chocolate Puff
Spring Roll
Almond Jelly with Longgan

Remarks Veg beehoon, Mixed vegetable & Spring Roll: no garlic, no onion, no spring onion. Egg OK.
got ur email...

haiz...trying to catch up with the pace..this wk open house and lots of things to be done...somemore got one new pupil..urgh...
thanks for amending.
Ya will check with them if the cakes can be changed to what i want or not.

I'm good.
it's time to have our lunch together again! will msg you okie. maybe we go to Raj.
hi everyone!
been MIA past few days..rushed down to KL cuz had an uncle who passed away fr cancer so went down to pay my respects...sigh...his youngest DG is 14 weeks pregnant summore...really makes u think about mortality and the need to be with our loved ones whilst they are on thie earth..cuddled yee heng extra hard when i heard about it..

trip was so tiring on everyone, cuz we rushed down friday night after work(hubs was so exhausted cuz he din sleep well previous nite also) and yee heng was grouchy for some reason...

coming back also super tired cuz yee heng was fussing super a lot in his car seat, refusing to sit inside..kept going in and out...grr...thot we had overcome this prob already but it reared its ugly head yet again!

sorry to be so morbid and gloomy on a monday morning everyone!
i see lots of excitement about 1st birthday..think i'm only just gonna start planning it now..so lazy..will just have a small affair with family and some friends..just gonna order buffet and get a nice cake for adults to eat..and try to make yee heng a small cake for him to eat himself..not planning to do decor really, just something simple, but wonder if i'm being too "under" excited..compared to all the other mums here who are so enthusiastic!

<font color="0000ff">Lilyn</font>, i think it really depends on you and your family. Like for my, my son is 1st born (1st granchild from both sides of the family) so everyone very excited for his birthday.

About chalets, we havent book a chalet ever to be honest =) is it good? <font color="0000ff">Mel</font>, you said the chalet can fit 100pax, is it that big? i though its house-type right? then how about the furnitures? if it will be cheaper than renting function room, maybe we can consider to book 1 as well. which is better those in aloha or chevron? chevron seems nice ambiance but quite far lah!
This one I saw is actually a bungalow house with garden etc... Cos its actually private property bought over by the companies to rent out to their staff..so how? Is anyone working in any of the places I mentioned?
Hi everyone,

I'm back! Just landed in Singapore yesterday after a super long series of flights from Denver to LA, LA to Taipei and finally to Singapore. Rather turbulent journey, esp. around Taipei, and James was rather frightened by the "violent" rocking of the plane...otherwise, he was a good boy throughout most of the trip...Even the other passengers came up to me after the flight to tell me that they were impressed by what a good baby he was : )...

Nining: Thanks for the loan of the SitNStroll. It was very very useful, as James was able to sit in it comfortably for up to 8 hours a day, while we were on the road, and it was really good to use on the plane! During our flight to USA, SQ provided James with a bassinet, but within 2.5 hours of the flight, we asked them to remove the bassinet coz we realised that it really wasn't useful at all, and James was sleeping more comfortably in the SitNStroll than in the bassinet. On our return journey, we didn't even bother to get a bassinet for him.
I managed to get hold of all your stuff, and will pass it to you when I return your seat : ) Thanks so much!

Jete: I loved your suggestions on the Pigeon Porridge and Organix Banana Porridge. James loved it. : )

Adeline: Got your stuff. Please call me to arrange for collection.

Pinky: Congrats on your pregnancy!

Mel: I like the single storey Loyang Bungalows that are owned by the Singapore Govt. Each Bungalow has a large living, dining and kitchen area, and 4 air-conditioned bedrooms with En-suite bathrooms. They are set within large lawns. I think that members of the public are allowed to book, under the Aloha scheme, but your best chance would be to get a Civil Servant to book for you under Aloha.
Mel, the place sounds nice...but then after the party still need to housekeep or are there any housekeepers for the chalet? =) think very tired after party then need to cleanup still ...hay!
Today's thread seem rather quiet. Quite easy to catch up. Had quick lunch with Glee.

Glee, Charlize is very outspoken and that's very good for girls...my boy seemed really shy today but glad that he did warm up soon enough and gave you so much smiles...hee...try to go for gathering ok, we go together..haha

Eh, your phone need to buy a new one right? Nokia came out with new phone - N78? Else N82 also not bad i think..
welcome back! Glad it worked out well!! Ike also enjoyed sitting in the sitnstroll in the car and on the return flight.. the departing flight I guess he was more bored than disliking the car seat..
read abt sitNstroll in chatty's msg. Quite interested. may i know where u bought it from and how much? is it useful?
take care.. i oso sick last wk, now still slowly recovering

saw have the #1 candle at SKP..

mathias take over ur place in hubby position chart liaoz..

since oledi bk chalet might as well decor rite.. it will be nice cos chalet hav big space 2 play with..

*stress*.. left 2 more wkns to the bday bash..
Food - ordered Neo Garden liaoz
cake - will order frm Pine garden tis wkn
Agar Agar cake - dono 1 2 order or not, pending
Decor - bought oledi but dono enuf or not
Party Packs - dono put wat inside yet haha
Album - done abt 80% till 10mths old

btw, where is Party City and Party Joy? went SKP but nothing much leh

welcome back... u must be exhausted but i'm sure veri fun rite
2 more weeks to bday bash??? Wow that is very very very fast, Meg isnot even 10 mths yet hahahaha..
Y melcom's bday so fast one huh??

Welcome back, how is the trip? Btw do you mind sharing about the pigeon porridge?

Fidgets seem to be quite complex huh, just wondering if our baby could really know how to have fun there haha
Btw, I am so envious of the sahm again...
Yourself, cin, muddypie.. wah who else is the sahm??

Was asking my hubby what do you think if i become a sahm.. he was so frank to tell me that "I THINK YOUR CHARACTER DOESNT CATER TO BECOME A SAHM" *faint*
<font color="0000ff">Morning,

Hi Mummies,
I'm Mar 08 mummies, currently on TBF, using glass bottles to keep my EBM, but as u all know that the cover is metal cap, so i happen to found out that Gerber Juice cap fitted nicely on the glass bottles, so if any mummies giving ur toodlers gerber juice? those in small plastic bottles with blue plastic cap... if yes can give the blue plastic cap to me? I need those to store my ebm....


email - [email protected]
msn - [email protected]</font>
Hi mummies

me got so excited abt the chalet thingy,just sent sms inviting family and friends to the chalet.think will be very fun!this sat will start shopping to see what food we can stock up..and must go order cake from pine gardens too...thinking of bringing enci's playpen there so at least she has a safe place to play and sleep..very kiasu hor?


so fast melcolm's birthday already(blow birthday kiss)..

was thinking decor will cost me a bomb,but now itchy to spend the money still,hehe..later me will go ikea during lunchtime and see if there're cheap party stuff;-)


see you this sunday!hope there's shop in vivocity where i can find party decor too;-)can we go daiso so i can buy some cheap cheap gifts for my hubby's friends' kids for party favours?hehe
helim balloon is selling in Holland V for $7. hope this helps. There is also a party shop there but i thik they have another branch in centrepoint
welcome back! great that james was so good during the trip! he sounds like such a mellow baby
fingers crossed that yee heng will cooperate in sept too!

what's SKP? i wanna get the 1st birthday candle at some point..ur baby's party is so soon! wow!

Party city has an outlet in Raffles city too,but so many things out of stock!i'm planning to walk to Holland V one day and see if the party city there is better stocked.
welcome back chatty!
I thk I know which bungalows u talking abt...its those british colonial houses right? Which on eis nice? I've only been to one before..its 2 storeys, very big with a garden and servants quarters and barbeque pit. 3 bedrooms upstairs...costs abt $200plus.

my office is in MOE building,can walk there but its a long walk lah..

you working in biopolis?wanna join me and bliss for lunch sometime?
can - can arrange to go makan. i usually run everywhere cos of job - so i flexi.

i like my nasi lemaek there. bliss work where?
melcolm's actual day on 17th jul but wkday so celebrate early on 12th jul.. he's not august baby mah.. 2 eager 2 com out haha..

the chalet oso cost a bomb leh.. mayb even more ex then decor.. wah.. big project, move the playpen to chalet.. haha so nw start 2 gan cheong can do planning for the bash already :p

SKP is those supplier for paper cups/plates etc.. they hav a website oso.. u can chk out the web for their branches..

Party city at raffles city shopping centre which lvl? nv came across such shop b4 hehe

foto U..
last sun.. bring ethan for his foto shoot..
end up.. i hv to reschedule it again..
cos ethan hv been beri cranky after 5 pics being taken...
keep crying..
