(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Baby's Bedtime:

jialat, i think doren's bedtime is getting later.
now on weekends, he follows our sleeping time, 12mn. sometimes later. he'll wake up as late as 10.30am for a feed!
next time when he is older, dunno how to bring his bedtime forward. what if he wanna watch TV program/DVD with us till very late???
also realise he sleeps longer on our bed!


i have PM un the other forum address

i did not post here as i scared ppl can just imitate one of the user name and apply for log in
Scorp: My baby turned 5 months yesterday. Babies need a lot of sleep. Something could be bothering your baby, some discomfort or a bad dream. Have to try to identify by trial and error. As for feed amount, my baby is also taking between 150 – 180ml per feed 5x a day.

Nining: I agree. They’ll get their come-uppance. I just feel sorry for all the people who don’t get the help they need because of these people’s behaviour…

Angeline: I think caretakers need to be octopuses… : )

Jete: No prob! Will definitely review stroller : ) As for Paige dating, my mum would say start dating during university, otherwise hard to find husband next time : )

An_gal: Actually, in my time, 7 years was quite understandable, ‘coz that was the waiting time for HDB flat. I was lucky, as hubby was literally stuck with his late parents’ HDB flat which he couldn’t sell, as BIL would have no place to live otherwise. Hence, I could get married without having to wait so long.
went to see ur blog, ur gal is really very sweet and cute. entertaining to watch the videos. think she has ur eyes.

me too! speaks teochew (plus mandarin) in my family since i was a child. but some ppl thot i look like a cantonese!
with my PILs, English and Teochew cos MIL is teochew also. FIL is hokkien but somehow tune to be like us, hehe...
with hubby, when i wanna to tease him, i speak teochew, sometimes he also "catch no ball" haha!

this weekend, i'm trying out pumpkin leh. bought half of it from NTUC already. hehe...
but also headache of her loh.. haiz...
thx for activate my acct.

Ethan also like tat...
but even ought one of my breast hv milk..
he will still scream like hell..
den no choice hv to make Fm for him loh..
but sumtime Fm he also dun wan.. haiz..

i bot it at kiddy palace. ard $12 bah..
cos tat time, my sil's mil wan to look after h=my niece and she dun wan her to look after.. so wan to quit n look after herself.. N tis cause no income for my mil to pay all those bill loh..
so at first she should nt say she wan to look after lah..
make it so problematic for me as I hv to use all my materinty leave at 1 go.. so hate it..
ya... of cos dun wan her to take care..
onli act act like angry loh.. kekekekeke...
mommies with DDs,
u all so funny kekeke oredi tok bout dating for your DDs hahahahahaa.....
the other day my hubby's boss said Ike will get his CCIE (Cisco professional certification) in 2025 and I was like " he's 17 years old then, I dont want him to be a geek like his Dad" kakakakakakaakakakakakak.. and fortunately hubby agreed, said Ike will be trained as athlete <dreaming>

ya looo entertaining baby is really exhausting maaaan!! dunno how come my hubby never get exhausted!!! maybe cos his boobies dont work hahahaha..

My experience taking more liquid gets more milk.. I think Adeline oso said same thing...
haha better let Doren slp earlier if not next time u jialet.. oso don let him get used 2 ur bed ah.. haha.. i nv put Melcolm slp on my bed b4.. don 1 2 try..
haa i oso hav 1 pumpkin in the fridge.. going to try out 2mr if got time hehe..

u mean last time apply flat so long 1 ah.. i thought our time was already way long !

haha, got pics of the float u bought? see see leh.. so now u look after urself better mah..

True leh..if I drink less, my supply is less, like I am at work lor! Hardly got time to drink de, but I make sure lunch time I drink and pkt something back to drink also...so by evning whn I return home, I yield more..
An_gal: 96 and 97 were the property market peak. Min wait was 5 to 7 years...after the Asian Financial Crisis, there was an excess of HDB flats, so now no need to wait.

Ya, must be on very good &amp; close terms with our future DIL, else we gonna lose our son ah!! boo hoo hoo....... so sad!!!


" Ba jiao yu " ah!!
After all these holidays and hubby back from his trip, Ike is back to sleep in his own room (he was sleeping with me/us during my hubby's travel and the holiday trip) He slept still okie , from 10pm - 5am, then woke up.. I latch him on, then he slept again but kicking me out of my own bed cos now he wanna flip!!!! It's been few times oredi.. during our trip to jakarta, I moved to sleep on the spare mattress on floor (supposedly to put ike there when we're not in the room) then hubby was confused cos I went missing hahahaha.. I dunno why he wouldnt flip in his own bed.. perhaps he's afraid to do stuffs when alone?

Kind of lor but hor my mum help me look after our son, of course we spend more time at my parents house lah!
Ya, keep our finger cross man!
How soon can we start letting our lil' ones swim in a pool huh?? I scared the chlorine too strong for thier skin...
my hubby said dont wanna Ike be mommy's boy kekekek.. Daddy's gal is cute but mommy's boy is pretty sad he said :D silly man

he said if we have a DD, he can make bf's life difficult then his DD will not date until big enough to get engaged :D

Daddies I think are very obsessed with their DD kekeke..
haha, so many defensive daddy..my hubby never think that far..only me think must train my DD well to let her marry a good man, and first of all must teach her what is good man and how to filter those bad apple..haha..mummy is bad taste but want DD to be better.
got an offer liaoz but is contract, i need to get back to them next monday lol.. i m still considering cos is a stressful job.. i oso hav 2 more interviews 2 go next monday.. i hope yest evening tat interview ok then i can stop looking liaoz..
oh.. contract seem a bit dangerous leh...
well, hope u will get e gd news lah...

me will look for job after cny...
he never had sister , all brothers, so like that laaa heheheheh..overly doted to women in his life!!
hi scorp

my baby's sleeping pattern is 8 pm to 7am. he wakes up at 11 pm, 2 am n 5 am for milk. morning 30 mins nap n another 30 mins in the afternoon. that is all. i am very concern abt his naps. 1 hr nap is really not enough cos i read somewhere that baby got to sleep to grow. but my pd keeps assuring me that it is ok.

hi ladies
today took titus all by myself to taka. wah!! so happy can shop while i push him in the pram. but end up didnt buy anything for myself cos i cant try the clothes. cant possibly put him in the fitting room with me

btw, anyone of you taken studio shoots with baby? any good studio to recommend?

i agree its fulfilling but TIRING. its 24 hrs! i told my hb n insist that he must give me my 13th mth bonus. he said he will tag it along with my performance bonus. hah! he jokingly said sahm also has got kpi (key performance indicator). they are, "baby's growth, health, behaviour, etc" .

also i realise that people alway have this perception that sahm is very free. that is what my mum's thk so.
Hi all my mummy friends who were looking for me these few weeks...sorry for not updating the forum...during the holidays i actually went back to my grandma place to have short stay. She doesnt have internet access there so i have no chance to go internet. OPnly yesterday then i back home and back to work so got too much things to do and settle down. I have no chance to log in until this noon adeline told me many were looking for me, ask me to update where i am. So sorry.....
The thread is running supper fast... me now pumpin... noon n nite session together...

Applause to u for speaking up for Sunbloom on the BP saga.
But at least now, there is a few pple who felt otherwise.. I din noe it was 4 items until ivy pointed it out! Hmmm...

Thanks for the story!
At least it make me noe more abt a person...
oh ya,
cant remember who asked bout taking photo studio recently.. I did it in Bandung Indonesia. For 5 poses , 1 large print 16R plus the frame, 5 poses (not 5 shots, they took more than 3 shots for each pose) and the CD plus enhancement (editing) it only cost us approx $60 heheheheeheheh.. Sis will collect for me and send
nining, it's cin who mentioned abt photo studios.

cin, I'm also looking at taking pics for bb. Hve someone in mind, think he's pretty good. Lighted pixels, he was my wedding actual day photographer. Saw some of his work for kids, very cute. I'll be dropping him an email to check on his charges.
yaloh... i was fuming inside when my MIL said that and yet i still have to 'cake' smile to her.

when chloe was 2mths old, her hair all started to 'stand up', then everyday after washing her hair, i comb her hair down, so now become like this..
sometimes facing chloe 24/7, i also run out of ideas how to entertain her liao..

thanks.. realy burnt alot of midnight oil doing it &amp; my hb likes it very much. btw, any romantic kopi tonight?

glad u enjoyed my blog.. my camera is 24/7 on my coffee table, any action from chloe, just snap.

hahaa.. tease ur hb with teochew. my hb is a teochew too but when he speaks teochew, 7 out of 10 words become hokkien.

i agree leh.. nowsaday trend, guys seem to be married out and become closer to wife's family and/or grandchildren are normally taken care of by the maternal grandparents. olden olden days DILs are not allowed to anyhow go back 'niang2 jia1' except CNY. duno next few generations will children take after mother's surname not hor?
hi ladies!
so many posts! no time to look thru..have been taking bb to his future carer's place since wed...then over to in-laws palce for dinner..only get home at 8...bathe yee heng and put him to bed, have my own shower, tidy up the house a bit and spend time with hubs then its sleep time already!! wah! can forsee this will b what things are like once i start work in feb!!! siong ah!

yee heng still waking up quite often for nite feeds, but tapering off a bit now..realised tt he sleeps better on the bed with me (hubs slept in guestroom last nite..couldn't tahan waking up so often anymore)...but gonna try to resist doing that tonite cuz dun want it to b a habit...

wanted to ask u mums who've bought high chairs already..what's the amount u've spent? and what did u guys get? yee heng is getting very interested in sitting at the tableside...and gets upset with us if we don't involve him! hehe...thinking of just buying the ikea hi-chair but it seems a bit hard..no cushion/mat for support le..
ya but is 1yr contract so actually quite ok lah.. however, i more concern of the stressfulness, wait no time for Melcolm

then veri gd, he mus b dote u alot haha..

SAHM is nv free.. unless ur bb can slp n slp after milk.. imagine hav 2 look after bb, do housework, cook etc etc..

haha no romantic kopi lah.. jus go walk walk awhile at J8 then la kopi then go hm lol.. i oledi plan tis sunday for hubby bday haha.. hope my plan don "chuan pang"..

i had a hand me down ikea high chair at hm.. haven try it out yet though.. if u scared too hard for yee heng mayb can put some cushion or pillow 4 him? most impt, let him try b4 u buy..
cin, your hubby is really humorous sia... yet dying to get a beating from you right?? ;P The allowance thingy is something we have to get used to huh... really difficult to ask for money after being self-sufficient for so long. Now with my purse strings tightened, I find myself buying NTUC housebrands to save on a few dollars each month! Become auntie liao!!!!!!

jete, ytanhn, cin, we should pool our 'how to entertain babies for 4 hours straight' ideas together! Like an Idea Bank that we can all tap into! :D

I think Carters own website do not sell online but other websites such as Macy's, Target, JCPenny or Babycenter do. I am in Southern California now and there are Carters stores and factory outlets here. The prices of Carters are quite expensive imho if they do not have sales. I have pple telling me that they get 5 pieces at S$9.90 which is quite impossible...then realised that those were made in china...hmm...however those in US are of rather good quality. I bought some recently for my bb son and his bb auntie (haha...although she's still a baby but due to generation status she's my son's auntie) too. I love the Handsome bib esp hehe..here's a photo link to my purchases http://picasaweb.google.com/losalora/CarterSBabyClothing

so envy your chloe's hair..ruoxi's hair is so little even after shave, initially expect she to grow more hair after shave but seems no use, wont shave for her again liao..


agree that better dont choose too stressful job, that's for ppl without kids, after hv bb and esp bb so small, we need job that can go back home on time..
btw, Angeline/leooh,
our leap frog books bought from catz arrive liao..when u want to collect it from her house?I going today afternoon.

chloe is really pretty...i love her smile, and she look different from her 2 mths photo...become a pretty gal liao

i love ur DIY things, i will be trying out the yakult bottles and the Crunchy Chew Cloth soon

wan to ask u, how do u stick the felt to the yakult bottle? using normal glue? how mcuh is the felt, cos i dun DIY very often hence dun wan to spend too much on the thing. also where can i get it??

i also super like the Alphabet Comfort Blanky...u r so creative and innovative (clap clap)...
good afternoon!! Feeling good today cos my MIL went back to my SIL plc for the weekend!haha!! Its just me and Mathias today
Will be bringing him to Merchant Court for high tea with my elder sis later at 3pm..hope he lets me enjoy my food!!
Bumped onto Jete, Paige and her HB last night...my oh my..Paige has really grown..no wonder Jete says her hips starting to hurt when she Bjorns Paige..Paige was all smiles last night..such a pretty girl...

So much diff and Chole's hair from standing became machiam rebonding!
She had grown so much.

so u taking the job? But contract job dun hv cpf is it?
Wow, u so romantic, still go walk walk with hubby!
N wish ur hubby a happy n romantic birthday!
