(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

my girl doesnt wake up now. If she ever does (when she is in her 3rd mth), I would give her reduced quanity of milk than normal (90ml instead of 150ml at that time). "telling" her you dont need to wake up actually.....it works for me....this is of course you must ensure she have enough in the day

Leooh: Have posted you something, then realised that I could have sent it to you via internal mail to MOEHQ! Haiz... Let me know whether you receive it by next week, k? Thanks.
Angeline: Yah lor. Like that might as well send to nanny or get a maid...who knows maybe $400 is before subsidy, in which case, its actually foc : )

My Jed is 4.5 mths. He sleeps from 7pm to 7am (waking up twice at 12:30am and 5am). For the past week, he only takes two naps. 9:00 to 9:30 am, and a long one from 12 to 2 plus. Thereafter, he's awake till bedtime. :S
my girl sleeps from 9.30pm to 5.30 or 6am.
daytime when she with me she sleeps more but at my mum's place during weekdays she sleeps less which I wonder why..

PoPo's house is more exciting or wat?? My mum says my girl sayang me so let me have more rest by sleeping more when with me
well the least knowledge a person has abt a process the more demanding usually .. For us when we did our reno for our current apt, hubby said didnt wanna pay for expensive taps / shower/ fittings etc.. I told him I preferred to get the good quality although basic designs i.e. cheapest range, than get fancy fancy ones but dunno made by who.. then we shopped around he tried and checked the fancy designs with no brand, he then decided he only wanted hansgrohe or grohe hahahaahahahaah.. even more ex than what I suggested!! we told the reno designer we were ok with no freebies but pls reduce the costs.. ended up he gave freebies plus reduced the cost cos we're not calculative with him kekeke.. when choosing contractor oso headache.. I did my homework by joining the reno forum then just read from there who I should avoid etc.. hubby just follow cos during that time he was travelling every week.. the reno designer now becomes our friend and he also grumbled abt some of his clients smsing him like midnight and wanting to see him next morning, as if they're his only client..
u meant abled clients want probono?? wah so kiasu!!!
my hubby said, what if there's fire? how 1 caretaker can bring 6 babies out the room, nevermidn the building?
Nining: Yeah! In cases like this, its not even about being paid peanuts, more like being paid nothing. Very rich clients somemore. Can pay tons of money to lawyers, but refuse to pay the people who actually help them to cope. Not kiasu, just abusive. People like that make it more difficult for charities to help those really in need without having to knock on people's doors to ask for handouts, or hold charity shows on tv or gala dinners. Very disillusioning.

As for ratio, I think 1:3 is the max lor...even then hard to cope. In times of crisis, eg. fire, I think safety is compromised one way or another.
Nining: who u got to design ur flat? sometimes i just very sian cos my hb has to take calls early mrg or late nite and work on the PH eve.. think his csr think he no need to sleep and have family time.

Actually for taps n showers the csr can hunt themselves lah but come to design n project co-ordination need a pro.

ytanhn: envy ur chloe hair so nice one. my girl born with alot of hair but later stage din grow so nice n thick leh..

my baby is going to be 5 months next week. could it be because of napping too much in the day?

how about feeding? Currently, feeding him 180ml stage 1 formula milk every 3.5hr - 4hrs...
its ridiculous ya.. I feel some ppl never think that what goes around comees around.. i am a strong believer of this hehehe..

it's Kelvin from GPlan. poor guy hardly had his personal life.. I think now he's better cos he decided to just take clients who has been referred to him..

Ya lor, where got enough hand to carry 6babies??!!

Think Chatty's one is the best, 1:2! If got fire, can grab 2babies on both hands & run!
nining: yap.. when u r in the interior line I guess u dun have a life. tat wat happen to my hb but now much better. he has lots of referral now
I know during my pregnancy I waited for him till 11pm at my mum's place to come fetch me home.. can u imagine tat.
now i know why my sis used to say "asleep before head hit the pillow". no lah, not that young when i rom, i was 23. some of the mommies here are only 23 and they are married with baby already. my grad school classmates used to tease me that i was a baby when i got married. must review on the stroller when you get it ok?
i wonder if someone get your parcel and the postage is $2.50 instead of the $2 you charged, will they chase you down to pay you another 50 cent! :p
Hey..y all your babies seem to sleep so well huh?? My son's bedtime is at 11plus till 7plus and wakes up for 1-2 feeds in between but he has been waking up 2-3 times for the past 2 nights!! I have no idea whats wrong...I usually just latch him on but past 2 nights after 2-3times of waking up I keep ending up giving him FM...I thk my milk supply really screwed up already...cos this morning I pump only have 40ml
Yesterday I pump twice at work also 40ml p/session...so sad...
like real she'll wait until 30 right? if she only starts dating during or after university i'll be happy already.

wah, so good no chinese wedding. wish we can skip too, but my parents chase after me like nothing. my hubby still call my parents auntie and uncle after rom, they don't recognize our marriage until after chinese wedding. even though we lived tog in the US, when we are back on hols, we cannot stay tog. my parents are quite strict and old fashion.
you're good, still can research on a certain person. heehee. no wonder you have no time to participate in BP, you're moonlight as cyberspace PI. :p
i think the initial idea of BP is to get together to buy in bulk to get a better price than market rate. cos buying in bulk mah. but the BP thread has become more business thread than anything. i think cos the business thread in the forum not much traffic. actually imo if want to have a BP thread then shouldn't charge $25, if you charge $25 then who want to rugi $25 and be the organizer right? since there is $25 charge, organizer will charge more to cover their cost and slowly it become profit more than cost.

for me i don't dare either way. as long as whatever i am buying IS cheaper than outside.

i have a big problem when some "BP organizer" (more like a registered business) complained about mommy organizing spree of the same thing they sell when the mommy is only doing it out of goodwill and makes nothing. just cos it cuts into their BP business, they are out to make trouble for the mommy so she'll stop volunteer to do the sprees on the item.
certain big bank in sg also do things like that. they hire consultant company, see their proposal then get their own IT department to implement it themselves. very dirty.
you may want to post the whole schedule of your bb and not just sleep. schedule too dep on feeding (how much, when etc), play time and other things.

my dd is 5m, she sleeps from 10.30pm for 9-12hours, with no feeding during the night. her day time naps dep on how much she sleeps at night. but she's not a good napping since 9-12 hours is quite a lot so day time she usually only takes two 30 mins nap.
dont know how long can go on bf-ing/pumping. very hard to pump when taking care of paige alone. like this morning, i fed her then put her next to me on the bed while i pump. half way through she poop, have to stop to change her then start again. before can pump to get to letdown, she's cranky and screaming already. my ss also dropping, must be stress too.
jete, chatty,
ya, agree with what you all said. the meaning of BP is no longer relevant in those threads. maybe should be renamed...

well, really can't be bothered, as long as it's cheap, i'm fine with a little postage cost cos buying things from BP can be quite convenient sometimes.
I see my supply like that Im really sad...I only can blame my MIL for all this...b4 the argument I had with her my boy was a TBF baby...evernthough I went back to work...come to worst he also only drink FM one time in a day...now.....*sigh*
last night when i pump, ike sat in his highchair with me in his bed room.. i told him stuffs i faced at work yest etc.. that kept him entertained for 30min.. aftr i finished pumping n tidying up n stop the story , he then fussed at me kekeke..
there was a big thread about the meaning/uses of BP, spree, business thread. i read it back then but didn't think any questions/issues were resolved. it was interesting read nevertheless. ;)
my ss drops pretty badly lately.. cos I dont drink much at work,.. too busy sometimes.. during the trip I had last week, also didnt drink much..
if i put paige next to me on the bed, she likes it if i make faces at her, she'll giggle and laugh. but hor, really tiring to make monkey faces and pump at the same time. even not pumping, making monkey faces non stop for 30-40 mins also tiring leh.

why not u just do latch on since u at home with bb?then no need to pump liao. For me it's my mum who do the feeding job at weekday, so weekends she request me to still pump as she said my ss not enough for bb so if latch on still need to add FM, why not pump like 3 times then the EBM enough to feed bb 2 times, then add 2 times FM like that, so just follow her instruction lor. else I prefer latch on as save a lot time to wash/sterilize the pump..
adeline told me chocolate works for ss, so i happily munched on chocolate over xmas and new year. really did see a little more. but i also gained 2lb leh, quickly dropped the chocolate. :p
now that you mention latch on.....

so i tot why not try to latch on again right? first day at home alone i tried. paige chewed me out! *ouch* wah, panic and tried to withdraw quickly but she won't let go. feel like kena bitten by a crab! haahaa
I have no time to boil the fenugreek!! Aiyoh.. + I dun wish to depend on my MIL so whenever I get home I take over caring for Mathias 100%..even if she volunteer to carry or what I'll also politely decline..

Haha!! Mathias love monkey faces too!! there are times when he allows me to pump (but I'll only pump one side at a time so that its easier for me to detach the pump if he starts crying...) but there are times where I'll just pump for less than 5 mins or in the middle of a letdown and he'll start crying like mad...*gosh*

Looks like u and me in the ame boat..how?? Do u thk drinking more liquids now will help?
thks.. hopefully hubby don work late 2 9 if not my kopi plan failed
btw, chloe's blog veri nicely done up leh.. u mus hav spent alot of time haha.. mi lazy, jus do a simple simple 1..

ur flat is even longer than mine... tink i applied in yr 2002 and get it in yr 2006.. y we drag so long is oso cos hubby still taking part time degree so no time haha

wow, nv heard of 7yrs gap tat long then hav customary wedding, ur frend realli win liaoz..

i guess the in-laws issues is never ending 1.. we jus hav 2 close 1 or sometimes even 2 eyes along the way.. less talk less problem haha..
hee i oso knew hubby 9yrs+ leh.. tis yr oct will b 10yrs haha.. "lau kok kok couple" liaoz..

thks.. ya hubby oways veri "ke lian" sandwich in btw.. actually i oso prefer bbgal, they more close to family.. if u notice, now sg guys all veri side wife.. which i tink is gd 4 us lah haha..

where u buy the float n hw much ah? i haven buy float so cant bring him to the swimming pool yet leh..
y ur sil no work n ur mil cant take care of ethan? so weird... anyway i tink u don like ur mil take care oso rite, wink wink :p

the dinner is a veri tedious preparation, if can skip better skip haha..

Oh my!! Y Paige so fierce? hahaha!! Actually latching on would really be the most ideal..B4 I came back to work I totally didnt use my Pump cos I latch Mathias on for every feed...so easy, no washing and sterilizing, when he cry just stuff my breast into his mouth and he'll be satisfied...it was so nice...no with my supply like that...latching him on is hell!! He'll suck few secs, long go, stare at me..then I'll be thinking dun hv milk so I'll squeeze and see milk coming out then he'll latch on again then let go again after few sucks...this goes on and on...then once he starts getting irritated he scream bloody murder already and thats when the FM comes to the rescue....

This thread is running super fast leh....spend 1hrs to catch up.


I wnt to kpo also..email me at :[email protected]


Recently I have try to cut down pumping but seems so difficult for me, I try to drag the timing, but always ended up with block ducts...so I resume to pump 4 times a day again, people worry supply drop but for me, I am worried I cant stop my milk...faintz...

I just started to add a bit of cereal into the EBM for Chloe since last week as I tried feeding her cereal using spoon, she keep spitting out. So end up I add the cereal into her EBM, that can last her for 4-5hrs. She is taking 140mls with a teaspoon of rice cereal.

Sleep schedule,

Her day naps is very short now, like 0.5-1hrs(about 3 naps a day) night time, she sleep ard 8pm all the way till 6.30-7am next morning.
When she wakes up, she will slam her feet and let people know she is awake, seems all babies hv same pattern.

Notice that my gal hate people to talk loud or argue, she will cry if she heard loud noises...
an_gal/ Zhuzhu,
I also know my hubby 10years liao this year..1st of May will be our 2nd ROM anniversary and our 10 years anniversary of knowing each other..haha!!

I got same idea as U, I never like latching on...like a crab bitting off my nipple...from day 1 I never like latching, not even for my 1st boy...dun even think for my gal lah....


I also scared put on, but sometimes jz cant resist the temptation leh...


realise I can get more milk at home, maybe the twin avent pump are stronger lor...as in office I use the avent Uno, only can yield ard 180-200mls nowadays...

Ya, gal side their family side more but hor, next time not good for us cos ours is son leh!! Scully they follow their wife & hack care us, how har??!! Tolong, tolong , dun want such things to happen hor!!!
how true! sometimes, i feel that doren's stamina in smiling, laughing, giggling, cooing is so much better than mine.
i find it so tiring to talk, laugh and sing non-stop for his entertainment, he loves it n never gets tired before i do!


haha, paige so fiercy..ruoxi didn't like latch on in the first month,after that she love my nipple so much no matter got milk inside or not, whenever she cry just put nipple in then stop.haha. so whenever she cry nonstop my mum will pass her to me if I'm at home. but worse thing is when i'm not around my hubby and my parents can't handle her when she cry like hell for no reason..


ruoxi same as your Chloe, sometimes I talk a bit louder she will cry, she likes gentle voice only. So I have to talk like very nice even when I argue with my dad.haha..
