(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs


how did ur frenz son knows that SEX is not for kids????
does it means ur frenz watches S** disc and they said that do their son too!!!
choco, the knows the kissing-kissing scenes are not for kids but i dun think he knows what is sex lah.. but then again, who knows right!

eh i didn't think of asking her if she did watch it and the kids saw it! hahah!

want to check, does this happen to ur kids.

my boy cannot be reprimanded one.
like on sunday, he purposely want to tear a paper, then i just say nicely "cannot do it on ourpose"
then he stand there, slowly cultivating his emotion and feeling, face red, hug me and tear on my shoulder. no sound. just tears only.
he dun even want to let me see his face. i try to pull him from my shoulder but he is hugging very tightly.
i have to ask someone see if he is crying.

then yest also, my FIl say cannot put the pencil in his mouth.
i look at him, din say a word, he face red, then i carry him and he cry on my shoulder.

y like that?
is that 'sa jiao'?
dono y nowadays scold abit they will cry.. like canot scold 1 leh.. once u scold they will show off their crying "weapon"...
my alicia now also so bad tempered even teacher in cc also say. she cant get wha she wan she will cry and row on the floor or those that can bully she will beat with her hands. yesterday finally i take the cane out and tell her don behave like that as she cant open the fridge and start rowing on the floor, she cry even louder and don dare to come near me. daddy had to relent and giv her titbits.

my alicia is going to the terrible and horrible 2.sigh...
ya lor..

very 'li hai' right.

nowadays got a lot of those funny tempers.
make milk must carry him, if u make milk w/o carrying him, dun wan to drink and cry.

buay tahan
Your boy is so drama, but at least he is not those rolling on floor type..

My Meg is another one going thru T2, she doesnt roll on floor, but sit on floor crying and throw tantrum.. I think we need to cool down before we really punish them, I used to be hot tempered with her.. so now whenever she throws tantrum, i will tell her "dun behave like that, you are not a good girl by doing so" if she continues her naughty behaviour, i will just walk away.. let her cool down herself. After that she will go hug her dolls and cry together *also drama*

Yr melcom is a good boy no need to cane him lar, u told me he doesnt even dare to climb up chairs..

ur method i try b4..normally i will ignore her and she will just cry at the floor until she tired then come and look for us bcox she is all alone there when she come and find us we will tell her what wrong she do but it doesnt change her.

i nvr cane her yet cox dont bear too just use the cane and hit the wall or sofa and scold.sigh... hope this is jus a phase cox she at the cc is the noti kid at her class.
wah our little drama princes and princesses
sometimes my gal will listen to me, but most of the times, she is defiant and is the kinda who will sit or roll on the floor when she can't get wat she wants.. i always give in to her, then one day she was throwing a tantrum during bedtime, i was reali fed up and shouted at her, told her to GET OUT..then she quickly grabbed her pacificer and quietly went to sleep. hehe then i felt quite guilty and refrain from doin tat again
ya Melcolm is timid.. but nowadays he cry easily.. somemore abit he start crying if we don giv in to him.. damn jialet.. haiz..
Re drama kids,
My boi will go to me & cry if my hb scold him. I always laugh loud loud and tell him 'huo gai'. u noti and papa scold you...good! kekekekek
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">Thanks all
Spotting stop liao.
On duphaston now
as usual the gynae say cant see anything
say I test too early.. maybe early pregnancy, maybe in the tube maybe outside the womb..
tat time Tricia oso tell me same thing
now the crucial thing is to rest well and dun think too much k? all will be well. =)
take care. oh yah. to play safe maybe u try to refrain from carrying anything heavy leh.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">miaon
tat includes my girl ah??
She so sweet today
Fold hankies and stack.. hahaha</font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">actually wat the gynae told me I all predicted liao
very boring
can't tell me something else leh
sat mrg must go back do the HCG blood test leh</font></font>
tat time when I had Melcolm gynae cant c anything oso.. gynae did blood test for me and check the HCG level.. luckily 2-3 days later can c the sag already..
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">an_gal
I suspect Sat still can't see cos if I count, I'm only 4 weeks and 2 days only today..
I rem abt 5 to 5.5 weeks then can see something
It's all within expectations so I wun let the gynae scare me
The HCG blood test will reveal too</font></font>
ya.. if the HCG level is high enuf then is ok.. that time i check my HCG was not high enuf but confirm preggy.. so gynae told me to go back 2-3 days later check again.. she scare i kanna etopic pregnancy..
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">an_gal
I tell u
all gynae give the same crap reason to u
when I had Tricia, the gynae oso tell me same thing lor
I do HPT can tell me maybe preggie only
But then doc always say even if faint HPT oso take it as u r preggie!
isit it IRONIC??

using my bro's pc
so kanna my sil acct</font></font>
ok lah.. i will not say is crap.. jus tat mayb ovaluate late thats y cant c anything early pa.. gd tat the gynae explain all these oso, gain more knowledge cos 1st pregnancy simi oso dono the other time..
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">an_gal
actually my 1st pregnacy my gynae told me then make me worry for 2 weeks
sometimes i prefer they are more discreet with words cos they scare the hell out of u</font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">anyhow thanks for ur advise
I guess every women go thru the same thing
Share experience will lessen the torture
alot of support here</font></font>
Mommies who are interested in Aunty Yochana's items, she gives me some of the prices, so u can judge whether reasonable or not.. IMHO it's reasonable..

1) Train lolly cookies - $1.60@
2) Winnie Pooh Bear lolly cookies - $1.00
3) Joven's 4th birthday lolly cookies - $1.50
4) Decorated Macaroons and the macaroon tower - Tower is $180-00 , I have a smaller version at $145
5) Percy The train birthday cake for Joven - $75.00
6) Cakelet agar (inidvidual portion agar) for Kim - $3.20@
7) Fondant cupcake with and without figurines with figurines - $2.80@ , without figurines - $2.20@
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">morning ladies!
Nice to see u
seems ur boy and Tricia really good frens.. ;)</font>
yah. nice to finally meet. haha..
tricia is so adorable. when the 2 walked off hand in hand machiam so cute. =)
if i dont remember wrongly, HCG must be in the 5000 range before can see anything on scan. as long as the HCG roughly doubles every 2 days, it's ok. spotting could also be due to not enough progesterone, but i think the med you take is for that? some drs are like that, when i went to see a new dr for L's pgy, she scan and cant see anything. i told her by date i should be 6w but i know i ovulated late so only 4 week, she didn't believe, scan and saw nothing, straight away told me this is a non viable pgy. i told her to run beta and the first one came out almost 3000, 2nd one was in the 5000 range. after that i dumped her. charged so much and tell me craps.
Found a new infant gift set inside store room. Hahahha, let's treat it as the gift from gor gor to didi! me so cheapo
hehe...yalor. Scared later Ivan wants both gifts. Hahahah, since they still innocent, I dun think i need to wrap the gifts also. whahaha

save money...


just relax ah, come in and chat.
read up on the internet for more infor.
when u are equip with the miminum knowledge, u will not be so worried.
hmm...u gals temp me wif food again!I like cakes!!!

Me going to have high tea buffet tomorrow..got to control myself. U/S scan said #2 is bigger then #1 by 300g!
Last time i gained 12kg and it tooks me abt 6-8mths to lose all. My mum is going to cook for me for at least 2mths, i will be v v fat! Coz she want me to drink chicken soup then go to sleep tt kind of confinement
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">Jete
I agree with u
I dun like drs who comment too much.
Most of the time is just plain presumption diagnosis.</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">miaon
as u can see Tricia is over zealous when meeting new frens...

They 2 machiam very gam liao.. can walk off say byebye somemore</font>
coolzy: i like pine garden black forest cake.

glee: no, am not going liao, going to put up my tix for sales in want to sell thread. if any mummy keen, you may check it out there later.


saw u order the fridge to go from BP, i want get one too but hubby said no use as last time i just use the ice brick that pigeon given for free when bought the sterilizer, i feel it can't last for 12 hours so want try FTG. stupid hubby think it's same and dont allow me to buy.
