(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

re:potty training

have not start yet.

now he only knows to inform us AFTER he finish his poo poo

he will say 'boy boy ng ng' and pat his pampers

My mother bought the red colour plastic cheapo potty for him from market, I dun think is more than $3RM...hahahaha. The potty was bought b4 my boi was born!

My boi will say shh shhh when he wanna pee, but for poo, he sometimes will say ng ng but most of the time we have to judge fr his gesture.

Tiring part was he wanted me to bring him to toilet to pee in the middle of the night!!!
an_gal, i like yr answer. zz, that is correct when people say you fat or something. then say because hubby treats you well. I also say that when they say im gaining weight, i say its better this way which means i do not have problems, cause if getting slimmer then they might think i have lots of problems....people, you cant really please them, ha?!

re : potty training
my boy also has the FP royal potty (gift during his 1st bday), but most often he poo on the adult toilet seat with the small potty seat on it (another gift from his 1st bday...hehehe), he wants the later one because he can reach for the potty shower (is that what you call the shower next to the toilet seat?!). he knows when he is about to poo and will say 'poo poo', but at times when he just want to play with the shower then he will say 'poo poo' and when its more than 10mins that he is seating on the bowl with out any poo coming out then we know he just wants to play with shower.
hey choco,

tats nice leh..i wont mind if pple giv me seat..i just act blur haha.. "i am fake pregnant"

till date i kena like 5-6 times "u pregnant 2nd one liao ar" ||~_~
same with puppygal, so many colleagues thot I preggy so I just laughed and said I am not preggie I am fat hahahaha..

anyone got part time maid recommendation.
preferbly on sunday morning abt 3 hrs....

would prefer to be s'porean or msia ;P

my current cleaning auntie is my friend's mum's frenz, but my frienz is also doing on a sunday monring so our timing clash and of cos she is given the poirty...so need to look for another one
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">Loh
Are u still seeing Dr Woody for ur #2?
I heard alot of -ve feedbacks on him</font>
nining, we can still join the birthday bash?


Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake &amp; Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

iddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

CAKE - from E-creative, 2 Kg cake approx S$80

* buy a unisex gift, value $10-12
* please write mommy's SMH nick and kid's name on the back.

According to presents received on that day then Jete will arrange the exchange. Don't want to assign who buy present for who now, if not if one kid doesn't show up that day, then another kid will go home empty handed.

Party Sign Up

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (2) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1
12. Selvi bundle_of_joy (2)+1
13. Cin Cen (2)+1
14. puppygal (2) +1
15. jessel (2) + 1 ?
16. Glee (2) + 1

Bday Bash Photography:
90% confirm will hire Wai Peng from foto u. S$300 for photography service and softcopy. Cost will be shared by mommies who signed up below.

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
7) choco
8) Selvi BUndle_of_joy
9)Cin Cen
*sigh* rainy day..what a nice day to sleep in...zzzzzz...but IM AT WORK!! Wah lau!! hahah!!!

I left my umbrella in the train today..damn it..in the end, had to ask my colleague bring an umbrella to the MRT for me in the heavy downpour.

Isnt there an eclispe today? Like nothing leh....
Hi zhu,
Yah, still seeing woody this time. Tell u hor, he is more boh chap this time and fees increased. Only got measured my blood pressure aft 30weeks onwards. Was seeing him on Mon clinic, all no bp measured. Then changed to Thurs, started measure my bp. According to nurse, Thurs less patient. Faintzz. He never ask me to go take weight also. For blood test, I got to ask him during last visit, then he said, ok, draw blood today...aiyoo.
For 2nd pregnancy, he chat wif me more. Everytime he talk more, me and hb will say: hey, he is in good mode today! whahahaah
Morning mummies

I dun think we can see the solar eclipse today in such a weather.. can't even see the sun, how can we see the eclipse

Re: potty training
Meg has been potty trained since 14 mths.. and recently dunno y, never want to tell us if she wants to poo poo, so she either poo on her pampers (after nap) or on pants!

Like yesterday, my mil put her on the small potty on top of our toilet bowl, she cried her heart out, so mil carried her down again.. after awhile she came to mil and told her "Ama dun beat megan k.."

mil said: "nope, i wont beat u if you are a good girl"
meg said: "Megan ng ng on pants already... (pause) Megan sayang Ama!!! (followed by a pank kiss!)"

MIL told me actually her blood was boiling already but hearing what Meg told her, she melted haha..

Haha.. this girl is sometimes a real terror!!!! Her T2 is super duper bad.. tho we tried not to say that "Megan is naughty" in front of her, coz she will get naughtier..
I always remind her that "Megan is a good girl but sometimes likes to do naughty things" I read from a book that, we cant always use negative words to tell the kids or else they will live up to the "negative terms" given to them..

This has been going on since the arrival of the baby, i think everytime she sees baby poo poo on pampers bah.. so she follows suit..
tho everynite she still dares to tell me "Megan cannot ng ng on pants, cannot ng ng on pampers or else Ama and Mummy will scold" but yet she still creates the "mess"

How many weeks are u now?

Stil around?

Miaon and Loh
will deliver almost the same time rite...
hehehe...good news from you???
hmm...may be this is my 2nd pregnancy, so i also a bit bohchap la, as long as bb is growing ok liao. If i had Qs, he will still answering. Anyway, his answers also like not answering one. Like I told him my hand is numb, then he said 1 hand numb better than both hand right? I told him my V is sore if sit on the toilet bowl, then he said, dun sit so long la...grrr. Dunno is he try to be funny...
As long as he do a good job during my labour then can liao.
Zhu zhu
What do u mean by asking around for gynae?

U want I recommend u my gynae, i think he is very nice and professional..
Always take BP and urine test after 12 wks of prg.. always weight u.. and do blood test on the 1st or 2nd visit after he found that you are preg..
Share share if you got good news k..
I have no idea what to buy for the gift exchange ler.. Unisex somemore..
Headache, must make some time to go for shopping..
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">u all really read into my lines leh
yes I bfped this mrg.
I tested today.
Considering to see Dr Woody again anot cos his csect is good but many pple comment he bochap</font>
hint for gifts - no clothes / wearable hahaahaha.. can be educative toys.. that will be more unisex.. go to toy shop sure will find..
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">Thanks Nining
when did u start seeing him?
I wonder if I go earlier isit too early... or wait till 5weeks </font>

megan v cute and witty

i need to shop for the pressie too, will do so this week , excited

thanks, and hor can include me if there is slot for the photography
I ordered 50 cuppies, now got 47 pax (16 kids + parents) I will ask the baker to make some more if nearing the D day we get some more headcount.. anyone bringing maids?
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">Thanks hor
Actually I contemplating to announce anot cos still early mah.. 4 weeks only
I abit pantang one :p</font>

Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake &amp; Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

Kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

CAKE - cupcakes from MY CREATIONS www.debyprabawa.blogspot.com - currently ordering 50 pcs with fondant figurines

* buy a unisex gift, value $10-12
* please write mommy's SMH nick and kid's name on the back.

According to presents received on that day then Jete will arrange the exchange. Don't want to assign who buy present for who now, if not if one kid doesn't show up that day, then another kid will go home empty handed.

Party Sign Up

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (2) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1
12. Selvi bundle_of_joy (2)+1
13. Cin Cen (2)+1
14. puppygal (2) +1
15. jessel (2) + 1 ?
16. Glee (2) + 1

Bday Bash Photography:
90% confirm will hire Wai Peng from foto u. S$300 for photography service and softcopy. Cost will be shared by mommies who signed up below.

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
7) choco
8) Selvi BUndle_of_joy
9)Cin Cen
11) Glee

me still around, no sign of labor, so will just working till next monday which is my edd, will apply ML from next tue.

Potty training:

ruoxi seldom poo on panties, she will tell my mum she want poo poo since she's very young, and then we bring her to toilet to sit there to poo. but for pee,she wont tell us, only tell us when she already finished pee. my mum sometimes scold her say " if u dont tell grandma b4 u pee, i will beat u", then she very funny she beat the soft toy(elmo or cookie monster) and saying the samething that my mum said to her.


haha, u ah, how to say u, let me keep quiet and then u announced it the next day! tot u will keep it till u 4 months pregant.
Ya.. true.. maybe i go to toyrus and take a look.

Our 2 girls are gonna meet again hehe.. sure all the tods will have a fun time coz they are more sociable now.

Tt day Jang brought Jae to my plc, the 2 kiddos can hold hands and walk around my house haha, cute scene

Zhu zhu
I think no need to go so early ler..
That time i went early, my gynae couldnt detect anything (he is someone who doesnt use the V scan) so just tummy-scanned and cant find anything..
He said probably too early.. but anyway he stil congratulated me :p

Eh your caps are so bold ler.. the biggest words and boldest colours in our thread haha!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">xman
cos I gg for the birthday party mah.. maybe can see?? hahaha cos my tummy grows very fat one

I got light cramps leh.. isit norm anot huh
#1 so long liao until I forgot..

Not sure if Dr Woody uses V scan. Must ask Loh liao</font>
the cramps is cos uterus expanding mah..

so how much will the cuppies cost?

ur EDD next mon n u still can work...u very steady..thk ur BB enjoying inside dont want to come out! haha!
Another 8 wks to go only! Must be very excited rite..

Haha.. pee never tell.. hm Meg does that sometimes... or she either wait till the pee is about to come out then rush to potty, in the end the pee is all over the potty!!!
If we scold her, she will hug her toy and cry together for quite long wor (at least 3 - 5 mins, unless I asked her to stop!!)

Zhu zhu
Dun think too much of the pantang thingy.. Just take care of yourself, eat well, rest well, keep the stress level down..

ya, i somehow got feeling that bb wont come out so early, as this time want to try VBAC, so my gynae will not induce me, scarly i take leave next week but bb only want come out at 42 weeks then i waste 2 weeks leaves stay at home.


haha, our gals hor really very girly, my gal loves to cry too, but most of the time is she want something but couldnt get then only cry, and her tears super fast, only hear she cry then eyes red and the tears all over her face already.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">really?
So ok hor..
cos I just feel cramps again and then I can't see Dr Woody till next Tue.
I think now so early oso can't see anything leh

I #1 time kanna light spotting during week 6 I think..</font>
congrats!! =)
juz try to rest more.

yah. loh and my EDD is 1 day diff nia. but hor, my gynae told me yesterday my bb head quite low already. so i juz take medication to "slow down" my BH so she can at least stay in till aug (i.e. after 36 wks). now i paranoid leh. dunno when issit really contractions. coz got so many aches all over. still got so many things to prepare leh... *sweats*
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">really?
So ok hor..
cos I just feel cramps again and then I can't see Dr Woody till next Tue.
I think now so early oso can't see anything leh

I #1 time kanna light spotting during week 6 I think..</font>
Hi 5, my girl is now a cryee baby, she was never one! Now can throw tantrum by sitting on floor!!! YIkes!!!
Coz meg is fair, so once cry, all the eyes, nose are red hehehe.. tears also super big one.. and very lor soh cry (lasted 3-5 mins!!) haiz.. dunno where she learns that from..

Ya probably will bring my boy along.. see how first..
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">I pre-warn u all 1st hor
Tricia is very forthcoming in seeing kids
She gets very excited and will start hugging every1..

So the occasional cramps are ok lah</font>
with fondant figurines only S$2.. if using edible image only $1.50,.. cheap ya?

here is the sample of fondant figurine she sent me via email:


I guess it's bcos they knew #2 is here so beheave like that.

my gal everyday as long as i'm at home she will say "only want mummy, dont want daddy dont want grandma, dont want xxxxx",and must let me carry her else cry. she used to be ok but now also sit on floor sometimes. no one teach her that since shes not go to child care yet and my home no other kids visit! think this is nature, they no need learn also know.

Jessel &amp; Glee,
hopefully it will turn out as nice as the pic hahaaha.. dont shoot me if not nice OK :D She can make assorted flavour so asked her to give us at least 2-3 flavours for the cake itself..
