(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

fix 2 pcs puzzles has no meaning, mayb thats the reason why yr boy is not interested haha.. buy those cartoon types, sure he will love fixing them.

have a smooth delivery.. u can see your #2 real soon

haha "golden mouth".. think better don let Doren get used to drinking Pediasure and reject solids.. did u wait until he's very hungry then feed him? I agree with wat loh said too cos it works for Melcolm.. he will eat more.
cola - ya, long time no see! I see you are coping well with the 2 kids...no maid to help?

Loh, miaon, mel - ya lor, thats what I thought. Must be super tiring to handle 2 children...

glee - i very scared leh with having #2. Then i sure will have very bad morning sickness one. My 1st is already so bad...what's more for #2?

my son is also like Meg. He like to do everything that i do. when i want to cook rice he want to touch the rice and imitate me. then when i am arranging the groceries he want to take and put in himself. He also likes to open the cabinets and see what are in them and rearrage the things.
they are very curious at this age. and since they are always watching wat we do, they want to do the same thing as well.

I am another mad woman screaming here. my boy is also immune to nice talks. He listens to me only when he has the mood to. if he dont listen when i tell him nicely, then screaming is the next weapon. I seriously wonder wat my neighbours think of me. so paiseh...
Haha i think our kids are quite alike.. when she sees me wanna cleanse bb up coz poo poo, she immediately say "Wet tissue" and then start to get busy with taking out the diapers etc.. i understand she just wants to help but sometimes she makes me even busier rather than help me..

We, mummies, should really learn not to shout or yell at our kids, coz they imitate..
Hi Morning everyone..
Still around?

This morning I am so sianz.. my manual pump is dying.. one of the rubber parts is loose haiz!!!
Wondering where i can get the spare pigeon manual parts..
Hello mummies! thread so quite today.

Jete: my boy the same, very itchy fingers, want to touch everything & everywhere and took out all the cd/vcd/dvd from the cabinet and attempt put in, pull out, remove the discs from the case!

Like Nining, i think if they're so guai and sit there, then i think something is very wrong.

That day PD clinic called, and ask to bring my boy for speech review. Few mths back, i commented he is not talking much but i think no need liao. He is progress surely but slow. haahaa! The longest sentence he formed is "Bye Bye MaMa!" Am happy enough...hee hee.
cola and selvi: am also 1 mummy that like to scream/shout at my boy, sigh!! Not that we like to do it but we have to pray for more patience and restrain ourselves. They're at a stage where they test our boundaries and make us very angry and upset. Endure endure endure!
For sam, you prolly wanna teach him sing.. u sing, then let him finish the last syllable.. like you sing twinkle twinkle little -- sam then say stars, you need to give him few moments , and when u sing the last word, must be in question tone so its like twinkle twinkle litte? waiiiiit.. then sam will say stars.. hehehehe.. u keep going must be patient.. in no time he can sing whole song.. now Ike is doing hickory dickory duck with his dad..
our home is tidy only during night time after Ike goes to bed, and before he wakes up hahahahahahahaah.. then my maid will put away everything and it will stay liek that till the next morning till little monster starts his work again!!
haha, only one day not come then got rumurs said i pop liao?

I'm still around, this morning go to check up, bb 3.3kg already, start to worry bb too big hard for nature but my gynae said still ok, heard he got one patient VBAC a near 4kg bb.

Gold piggy,

ya, first one by c, this time want to try VBAC, thats why choose paul who is very pro VBAC.
Loh: haahaahaa, ivan sure is cheeky leh!

Nining, mine loves to dance leh, he still got challenges in expressing himself leh, i never think of teaching him how to sing yet. He loves to hear me sing 1 song only, ie. Jesus loves the little children", if i switch to other songs, he will go 'eh eh eh...'...so notti!!
xman, u must report everyday if u haven't pop mah, else alot of speculation flying around...hee hee! U not going to induce...still can tahan eh?

gynae said VBAC can't induce one, very dangerous. as induce may cause contraction more serious and higher chance for emergency c section again.


ya, bb playing game with me, i shall start tell her to come out now since she's big enough.
Ivan was V birth with induced. Many will kena emergency c-sect coz cervic dun dilated enough, else head stuck.
My gynae only allowed me delay 1 day at most aft EDD. Hmmm, may be most Sing Gynaes want things to be on schedule?haha
Stil around..

Agree with Nining, try to sing more to him.. they pick up very fast, real fast!! I think for boys so long as they catch up their speech by 2.5yo, should not be a concern.

So tired, just came back from Tuas!!! My manual pump is dying liao ler.. now dunno if i should buy new manual pump or frantically search where i can find the parts for pigeon pump
<font color="ff0088">Hi Loh
I went to see Dr Woody today and he is still the same.
Not as bochap as what the others say
Today only saw the gestational sac
No yolk yet so have to go back next week again</font>
Ya, he will still give his concern if he thinks is important. But most of the time he will keep quiet bcoz he doesn't want his patients to worry. So u sign up the package wif him? His gynae fees has been increased.
Take good rest and enjoy pregnancy!
<font color="ff0088">Loh
I have not signed package yet
Maybe next visit cos he say only can see sac and not the yolk yet..
I'm having a slight bout of mrg sickness already.. so fast.. haiz</font>
I was also quite worried Doren was not even articulating a word but since 21 months he has been talking already.
though not long sentences, he was able to read the alphabet and 1 to 20 and other vocabs now.
am also happy he can hum a tune.
no need for Speech Therapy already haha!

I was pretty surprised how fast he learnt from our continuous singing and talking and how accurate he can articulate actually.
it is true he has been learning all these while, except he was not ready verbally then.
now i'm trying to incorporate some Chinese into his vocab, if not, he would have alot to catch up!
me too, v hungry at the begining of pregnancy. Then slow down due to a bit of MS. Now appetite super good again!
<font color="ff0088">Loh
I hope to see the yolk next Tue!
Maybe heartbeat in another 2 weeks time
I think next Tue will only be 5weeks 5days</font>
hi all,
been mis for quite sometime. Actually on and off got read the thread, but never post only.

congrats. Yeh, can see woody again! I sort of miss those appt days, haha!

Fox sales at compass pt. both downstairs and the shop itself. kids jeans at 50%, tees at 40% . Bought yesterday.
Hi Mummies!

Anybody brought their kids to see dentist yet?

I was reading the first visit should be somewhere between 1-2 years old. Does anyone know of a good dentist for children?
Nining: i always ask him, 'mummy love who?' he will point to himself, i should change my way of talking to him, make him talk! Am bad at probing lah...hahahahha! I will end up answering my own questions, hee hee.

Bliss: speech therapy sounds like something v. serious, I won't go down that route since he is progressing.

ZZ: congrates, at least u see something, hee hee. Now is best time to eat and nobody will complain you fat. Just whack!!
