(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs


i think now no need see gyane yet. just go phamancy to get folic acid if u have not start so.
then maybe 8 weeks then see gynae. save the money 1st

oh ya...pass me the baby dust!!!!

i see all the mummies preg also make me itchy hearts

my cycle starts today.31 days cycle...


<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">bbdust to u!</font></font>
actually most likely less than 8 weeks cos Gynae say my 2nd bb big again..so most likely need to induce again if I dun want to do c-sect.

Love the cupcakes and definitely cheap! Did she give u quote for the buttercream topping type? Maybe I can order for my bb's ful month
Wa, nice cake ya! Yummy!

Wish u luck luck...

Congrate!!!!Ur big Red Bold Writting catch everyone attention!!!!
I saw woody since week 5. Since already decided to stick to him, I just go and paid for the package for multiVic and folic acid. Week 5 was too early to detect the sac, so he ask me go there 2 weeks later for a scan. Woody did ask me want to scan fr down there or not, then i told him no need la.
Since #1, i already knew his bohcap style le....so no surprised this time..hahah

#2 shd be easier to give birth even is bigger. Hmm, since tt day we talked abt durian, i wanted to eat durian so much!

Ivan will sit on the floor at shopping mall if he didn't get wat he wants. Can even bye bye to me and smile...aiyoo

Already enrol Ivan for Apply Tree Playgroup. He will start his class 2hrs/day on 4th Jan!
envy u... i wan think of 2nd one liao but my work just start and its 1 yr contract so I dont dare to anyhow get preggy..scared they wont renew me after 1 yr..i wana tigger too.

nining, the cupcakes look great.

Alicia recently becomes shy to strangers. she at school also liked to be alone..san nao jin..dono wat happen to her... scared wait she scared scared at the party
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">puppygal
I just got promotion.. hahaha
I think if they know gonna kill me</font>
congrats..maybe this promo brings u extra luck! nice gap for between tricia and the lil one.

wah..so many lobangs for free stuff huh...

counting down to the daes....hope u gonna have a smooth delivery...take care
I think she deco more using fondant or edible image.. for buttercream is just simple ones like the one in her webbie..
here u go!

1 sachet jelly powder
1 liter fresh milk (Banana Flavour)
300ml water
50gr Dark Cooking Chocolate (DCC), slice thin to allow easy melting
50gr choco powder
Coaster sugar, qty depend on preference (see the recommendation from the jelly sachet)
Bananas and Kiwi

Cooking instruction:

- Prepare the jelly mold (pre wet it with a little water so the agar later can be taken out of mold easier), put in formation on bottom the sliced banana and kiwi
-Boil the milk, water, jelly powder and sugar and sliced dark cooking choco together, continue to stir.
- Take a portion, put into the mold and let it settled
- Mix the left over in the pan with choco powder, bring to boil to allow chocolate to dilute, add sugar if needed.
- Once the 1st part of the jelly settled, pour over the 2nd part onto the mold
- Let it settled inside fridge prior serving
if u wanna eat, just eat lah! Wait your bb come out drooling all the time leh...hahah!!!

Thanks for the translation!! hehe!!can twait to try it out
congrats!! don't need to see dr too early, even through v scan also dont see much. the HCG level must reach certain level before scan can see. If you want can ask for beta HCG blood test and repeat 2 days later. HCG level in a normal pgy should double about every 2 days. if i dont remember wrongly must reach 5000 then can see on u/s.

what recipe is that? the cupcakes look good!!
Zhuzhu, congrates, so happy for u!! Your 'hard work' paid off, hee hee! Woody did V scan for me last time when at 5wks i think, cos' can't see on tummy scan.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0088">drama in the house lor
Evening time I kanna red spotting den I went kkh 24H women clinic and just came back
Can't see anything on V scan
HPT faint line.
Did HCG blood test going again on Sat for 2nd test..
Prescribed duphaston..
Dr say maybe implantation can be anything..
Cant see nothing lah.. I also know..4 weeks only
Healthy ovaries and thin lining.. wonder wat he means.. some blood clot or wat but stop liaoz</font>

banana chocolate puding hahahaha..

take enough rest.. I can feel that your work hours is long huh?
Hey guess what I am ordering from her also for Ike's bday , 20 cuppies with thomas edible image and blackforest with thomas edible image plus Ike's photo hahahahah.. Her price is reasonable and she charge by dimension size, not by weight to avoid misinterpretation..

She gives us 4 extra cuppies cos I will self collect, and loan us the cupcake stand too!! other seller would've charge us rental!
Zhu zhu
U better rest well. Yes it could be implantation bleeding..

Last time when i was preg with #2 (before getting to know about the preg), I was in hk with hub and Meg, got bleeding for i think 2 days... 2 wks later i checked with the HPT, i was +ve preg, so i thought the bleeding should be implantation bleeding.. during meg's time also experienced implantation bleeding, but cant remember when liao...

Just rest well.. it's too early to detect the pregnancy now.. take care zhu..
morning mommies!
i have been lurking and not really having much time to post..

the cuppies looks yummy! hope you mommies enjoy the birthday bash.

sorry babe, still no time to arrange for meet-up/ play date cos been running errands for my new place.
getting my keys early aug so i gotta rush for reno works as i wish to move in by end aug.
hey nining,

i saw bakerzin also sell thomas bday cake. heard ike is a great fan of thomas.

anyone knows where to find cheap mickey mouse and good cake.. this year jus doin a small celebration so 1 kg is enuff for alicia.
no worries..

will do..

we (tiny's boy and Ike and the mommies) will have playdate on 25th morning.. u r welcome to join if can..

keep forgetting smsing my addy.. will do now..

THomas cake sample I emailed her the sample from An_gal's one but she doenst have cut out mold so I order square shape with edible image on top and on the sides, plus some deco of thomas railway, and Ike's picture inserted as edible image too..

these are the edible image (choose 1) for the top of the cake:



and this one to be on the side of cake along with railways

thanks for the info
I've placed order with the mommy who will bake us the cuppies too.. Wanna simplify it hehehe since I am ordering cupcakes for Ike's school party as well..

Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake &amp; Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

Kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

CAKE - cupcakes from MY CREATIONS www.debyprabawa.blogspot.com - currently ordering 50 pcs with fondant figurines

* buy a unisex gift, value $10-12
* please write mommy's SMH nick and kid's name on the back.

According to presents received on that day then Jete will arrange the exchange. Don't want to assign who buy present for who now, if not if one kid doesn't show up that day, then another kid will go home empty handed.

Party Sign Up

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (3) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1
12. Selvi bundle_of_joy (2)+1
13. Cin Cen (2)+1
14. puppygal (2) +1
15. jessel (2) + 1
16. Glee (2) + 1

Bday Bash Photography:
90% confirm will hire Wai Peng from foto u. S$300 for photography service and softcopy. Cost will be shared by mommies who signed up below.

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
7) choco
8) Selvi BUndle_of_joy
9)Cin Cen
11) Glee
nice!! that percy train u can buy also.. then deco as you want with the cake.. easier to find baker this way..

Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake &amp; Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

Kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

CAKE - cupcakes from MY CREATIONS www.debyprabawa.blogspot.com - currently ordering 50 pcs with fondant figurines

* buy a unisex gift, value $10-12
* please write mommy's SMH nick and kid's name on the back.

According to presents received on that day then Jete will arrange the exchange. Don't want to assign who buy present for who now, if not if one kid doesn't show up that day, then another kid will go home empty handed.

Party Sign Up

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (3) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1
12. Selvi bundle_of_joy (2)+1
13. Cin Cen (2)+1
14. puppygal (2) +1
15. jessel (2) + 1
16. Glee (2) + 1

Bday Bash Photography:
Deposit paid. Wai Peng from foto u will be the photographer. S$300 for photography service and softcopy. Cost will be shared by mommies who signed up below.

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
7) choco
8) Selvi BUndle_of_joy
9)Cin Cen
11) Glee
Tiny / Choco,

for thomas she charge by size :

17x17x7cm or Round with diameter 20cm-- $ 50
20x20x7cm or Round with diameter 22cm -- $ 60

Hers is similar like Polar ya, just edible image, no figurines.. the difference is you can ask her to customize further.. unlike Polar which is quite strict..
she quoted:
For cuppies with buttercream and edible image $1.50
For cuppies with fondant and fondant figure $2
for cuppies with freshcream and edible image $1.70
she can't do cuppies with fresh cream and fondant figurines as in her experience the fondant figurine will look sweating hahahaha..

Share with you guys what happened to my fren.

They have a son, eleven and a daughter aged three.
She only allowed her children to watch certain films and no cartoons.
One night her son was watching a Disney film and did not want his sisters to watch as its almost their bedtime. So he thought of an easy way to make the girls un-interested.

Ben, her son said to his sister, “No you can’t watch this film because they are having SEX!”
Not really understanding what it means, the girls looked at each other and told him, “But we also want SEX!!!”

My fren and her hub were stunned and burst out laughing.
