(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

en_hui: I live at Punggol Central,the stretch with the blue full length windows next to Greendale Sec. Ya I am trying to relactate after not bf-ing for sometime since I am more emotionally stable now (had post-natal depression) Hope I will succeed. Milk has really greatly decreased as I was really stressed n depressed. My fussy baby wants my attention whole day so I cant pump diligently. I really hope it will work for me as I want to at least bf her for daytime feeds.

Wish me luck ladies!

hey all...

we spent much of the morning doing up Ashley's cot.. cos shes too big to stay in her basket...

im so so SAD
cant imagine her not next to me at night.. SOB

here's some pics.. they're not so great cos they were taking on my new phone resolution is just alright
Amber: lovely room you have for Ashley. Poor Matt has to share his with Mama and Papa.

I want your job too! Does your school welcome local mainstream teacher???? ; P. Life is hard as a teacher in the local school and I'm going back on Monday. Drat!

Cheok: I have a mini pigeon sterilizer. Will put that in the office to sterilizer the pumps. I think I will pack the pump in the ice cooler back with the ice in it. Think shouldn't be a problem, right? I have two pumps so I may just leave one in the office to save the hassle of bringing it to and fro.

BTW: I think you should start training your boy to feed from bottle so that you can condition your breasts to supply milk for longer intervals.

peck and yolksac: I also very possessive over Matt. I want to be the one that he clings to most. My MIL looks after him and dotes on him so much. Deep in my heart, I'm so afraid that he will prefer grandma to mummy. Once I start work, i will have lesser time with him cos by the time I'm back, he should be asleep. Sigh...He's just so cute.

Mamijoan: thks for checking out.

SAHM - can't afford to be one. Sigh... I'm lavishing Matt with all the material needs now. Guess cos' he's my firstborn. If I stop working then i can't enjoy this extravagance anymore.

Guess what? Do you know that if you subscribe to Motherhood mag for 2/3 yrs, you get a free bumbo. I want the Bumbo but not the magazines so still deciding whether to subscribe or not.
Very nice room Amber! Well done!

Can understand what you mean..i think us mothers have seperation anxiety more than our babies! I had problems relenting the pacifier to baby.

En Hui: ooo the medela steambags do sound convenient! Is it very expensive? If i buy, i'll only use it for 2months plus before i quit...and i dont have a microwave at home. If its too ex i dont think its worth the $. Another question, did u sterilise the ziplock bag? er wait, don't think it can be sterilised...probably will melt..what am i saying??

claire: Pigeon has a mini sterilizer? can it fit medela pumps? About SAHM ya, guess i would have to be more careful in spending $$ on shayne...he would have to make do with hand me downs.....there's really no such thing as perfect balance i guess...with the exception of Amber of course!
amber, ash's cot is so lovely! its very sweet!
oh and congrats on your new toy

heres A in her swing this morning

when my hb saw the swing last night he made me promise to stop buying baby contraptions that take up a lotta space haha
its a graco baby delight 2 speed swing.

how much is the subscription? if it adds up to about the same price as the bumbo, then just get the bumbo! by the way moms-rus.com has the bumbo on sale for 64!!!
so cute! My HB also complaining the house is getting way o crowded!

LOVE the room!!! So envious for all of you who have own baby's room. My BB is bunking in my room lah....
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9) [email protected] (Bernice)

Hi all, wow so many posts here... need time to read up.

btw, I'm collecting IORA receipts to apply for membership. Do you have any to give away?

Will send you SAE. Can also give local stamp as token.

what a lovely room u have for ur gal... even i love it too.

so i'm not the only one who is worry that my bb will be too close to my helper. initiately i thought i was being too over-protective & selfish having this thought but my hb assured me that there is nothing wrong for me to harbour such thoughts! in fact, my hb prefers me to mind my gal.. so now i have taken over the duties of feeding, bathing, changing, taking care of her at night etc etc while my helper concentrate more of the housework. it is indeed very tiring but happy. previously i was very jealous when my helper carried her, talked to her or able to calm her down but NOW my gal calm down the moment i carried her!

hey mummies, do u agree that taking care of our little one is getting more & more fun each day? It's like we are starting to know their "pattern" thus making our lives easier & the reward is their smile.. my gal will be in extremely good mood every morning when she wakes up & always keep smiling at me.
hey all!
Wairah flip over on her own today!! so excited!! she was sleeping and i was baking when i heard a small cry.. when to chk on her and she was already on her tummy.. i took pics but no time to upload yet.. mebbe tmr.
Thanks Jules and Yolk Sac for the reply. I realized that Zach latches on for about 10 mins and is done or rather my breast feels soft and he seems satisfied. He has NEVER done that before. So I am a little concerned if he is taking enough.

Livvie, I am sure you can do it. Just that you really have to be diligent in pumping and latching baby on. Do update us on how it goes.

Amber, the cot looks so nice and sweet and wonderful!! I would love sleeping in there =)

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got back from the PD today. according to him, my dd has sensitive skin, so he gave me some lotion to be applied. it's supposed to be absorbed really quickly, so no danger of her touching her ear then her eyes/mouth. supposedly heat will aggravate the rashes, so she'll have to stay in air-con room in the afternoons

thanks for the info re bb swimwear... otherwise i'd have made a wasted trip down tom

nice! i love the colour scheme... so sweet!

ur bb looks so cute in her suit... my hb would prob kill me if i bought a swing... no more space to walk...

yup... it's definitely worth it when u see them smile and respond to u. my dd will also be in super good mood in the mornings right after her feed, so i usu play and talk to her as much as possible
or else when i start work i don't think i'll have that much time to spend with her.

wow! another milestone for wairah
mine is still struggling to flip... only made it halfway though

finally got my hair rebonded, coloured and highlighted today. no more ah-soh look... hehe
hi gals,

i have purchased from a previous ovrsea spree.. but wants to sell it off..

got 2 box... one unopened and the other one got 14 tea bags.. (only took out 2)

BN box - $7.00
Opened box - $6.00

Organic Mother's Milk
Promotes Healthy Lactation*
Herbal Dietary Supplement

Organic Mother's Milk promotes healthy lactation* and is traditionally used to increase breast milk production.* This traditional combination of anise, fennel and coriander has been used for centuries by European women and is often recommended by lactation counselors and medical herbalists.

How does it taste? A pleasantly aromatic balance of sweet, spicy and slightly bitter.

can sms me if interested..hehe
prices not included postage.

hi mommies

long time no post... so busy with back to work and stuff..


good luck on relactation... don't give up!! According to my husb... all women suffer from some degree of depression... me too esp recently since i went back to work... so tired of running around for baby and then working and just being tired... my threshold for tolerating baby's demands also dropped... in the end i realise i needed a break so hb brought me for some good ole retail therapy WITHOUT bb and WITHOUT looking at bb stuff.. just shopping for ME... hehehe... felt a lot better than...

anyways... u are very wei da... trying to relactate cos its not easy... will support u!! jiao you

i'm back to work liao.. for 1 month... very sian carrying the barang barang around... i'm lucky my work place is very good... i just found out they upgraded the lactation room and got hosp. grade pump there for use... only problem is "choping" the room cos is first time first serve kinda thing. I lug my PIS advance to work and put my pumps in a lock and lock container. My office got steriliser so i can use that.. but most time i am lazy.. i bought an extra set of funnels and bottles so i only pump twice at office and i dun sterilise, i just wash the funnels and bring home and then rewash n sterilize. I posted earlier on in the thread that i slowly retrained my breasts to tolerate longer pumping hours by stretching 1 hour at a time so that i can avoid drop in supply as well as prevent blocked ducts. U should train ur breasts to unless u can pump so frequently... my son also still feeds 2 hourly at home, and on weekends when i latch fully, but at work i pump 6 hourly apart or earlier if i can but mostly 6 hourly... i pump at 1pm and 6-7pm. So far so good supply is stable. good luck with going back to work...

wah.. nice room for bb and is that your breastfeeding sofa... looks so comfy!!
hi all - been out and about a lot so no time to read/reply to posts! hope everyone's having a good weekend

last night, for the first time ever, hb and i decided to stay out past ems' last feed of the day (10:30pm) - to attend a dinner party - and to let my granny+helper feed her by bottle and put her to bed. as it turns out, she FOUGHT off the bottle - apparently she used her hands and shoved it away, while crying and looking around frantically the whole time. in the end, she drank 60ml only. when i arrived home at 11:20pm, they were still trying to get her to sleep. So i latched her on and she drank like there was no tomorrow, and hb patted her off to bed. Aiyoh, jia lat - how to go out like this?

parsniketty - great baby suit A is wearing and I love the swing!!
I totally know what you mean re lack of space. It's becoming a serious issue for us too. We used to have quite a bit of room before bb arrived, but now we have her (in one room), granny (in another room) PLUS a helper. The baby gear is spilling into the living room! and thanks for the heads-up abt the bumbo sale..i think my friend wants to get one for her 14 mnth old (who sat in ems' bumbo yest and loved it)

nor: wow, cool! you were there for the first flip! wairah so cute with the sound she made when she did it. ems also must make sounds! sometimes, if she's struggling with the flip, she'll yell out (to herself, i think) while she executes it - darn funny! like those bodybuilding athlethes who grunt while they lift weights
hope cookie baking was fun!

lilac: don't be worried, esp if Zach seems satisfied. they really do become a whole lot more efficient at drinking as they get older.

amber: wow, great room! looks so spacious!
we're going to try to find that bed positioners today

peck: good "chatting" with you over SMS last night, sorry i replied so late! eeeks, that story abt the kid being so attached to the helper is scary - not so much becos it is a helper, but becos, as a new mummy, i can suddenly understand why it feels so impt to mummies to be their bb's favourite person. i think you're doing the right thing by devoting your full attention to jovan when you can, at nights, in the evenings, etc. some mums may be around a lot but not give quality attention to their babies, which isn't good also. so we just do the best we can right?
btw, is he still very chatty?
morning mummies!!~!

peck sorry i didnt reply your sms.. i was at a wedding dinner last night and i decided to leave my new phone at home..
did you find it? did you buy the baby rock??? hee so exciting!!

we shld take a group pic and send it to the babyrock lady!!


we didnt do it up at all for bb (as in wall and drapes) we just stuck in the furniture and found some cheapo pic from ikea and put it up.. the cot sheets have got little yellow and pink bumble bees on them and Ash is constantly talking and smiling at them!!!

i have to share two things i discovered..

I usually dont latch in the day..only at night been doing tht since 5weeks.. yesterday pump wasnt ready so i latched her at 230pm.. she drank happily.. but the next feed, she refused the bottle!!.. everytime the teat was in her mouth, she screamed like no tomorrow! so i didnt feed her.. waited an hr, thn tried again,all was fine!

bottle rejection! first time its happened!

routines.. bb need routines.. im gonna stick to wht ive been doing.. gee changed it a little bit and all goes bananas!
yolk, thts kinda wht happened with you...

yolksac:high 5!!
and i know its cos i feed her much more in the day! Ash had a 210ml feed yesterday!! (no vomiting)

more milk=more sleep!!

she woke up this morning, talking to the bumble bees and wasnt crying outta hunger like usual.. she loves her new rm and her new cot.. shes so facinated with her musical mobile too..(1st time using also) and i think the munchkin cot light is FABULOUS.. it comes on whn bb cries.. Ash loves it!!

its been a heart wrenching experience leaving her all alone in her rm.. but im glad she seems so cool abt it all.. and everything turned out so well in the end.
oh Yolk! the brand is babysafe.. i just checked.. its a common brand.. seen them at robinsons and isetan so far.
the positioner basically is like two sausages and a flat velcro slip on the bottom!

i just remembered... if u got no steriliser at office... u can use tablet sterilisers... my friend used that.. in am.. she will make a batch and then throw at end of the day... it can be used cont. for 24 hours...
just want to check with the mommies that are using latex teats... do u sterilise using steriliser or boiling water? coz i noticed that the teats gave a burning rubber smell when i used the steam steriliser.... still ok to use?
Good morning!!!!
Last nite the first time Jovan stretch his sleep to 5 hrs from 1130 to 5am yeah!! Hopefully he can stretch longer, Amber i agreed with u , MORE MILK = MORE SLP
i have increase his feed from yesturday and he sleep longer,well lets see how tonight

yolk, amber is ok la, just that i cant find thot that is faster to ask u gals. the shop is in the office tower that why i have difficultly to find it. Yesturday Jovan first time shopping in his stroller! i worry that he dont want cuz if i go out with my mum she doesnt want to put him in and in the end we didnt bring stroller out
and to my surprise he enjoy it!!

going off now bringing jovan to plaza for breakfast.. and shopping AGAIN hee
oh amber, i didnt get the babyrock as i cant find the color i want. May try other shop, hopefully later hb wont change his mind of getting one for me haha
I used to sterilize them in steam sterilizer but they gotta out of shape so easy (within a week or so) that I only scald them in hot water before using. But have totally given up a latex teats now cos they really wear out so fast! I have changed at least 10 teats for the past coming months! Guess latex cannot within high heat for long.
<font color="ff0000">Mamijoan</font>
Yes, the restaurant in Dempsey road is called The House. It's at the back of all the restaurants. They serve a mixture. Cos I ordered this Thai shrimps (Yummy) and this Mini Burgers..... What's best about it is the view there. Nice.....

<font color="119911">Amber</font>
Love your baby gal's room. The chair looked so comfy for BF.

<font color="ff6000">Claire</font>
You are not alone in sharing room with baby. I am now sleeping with my 2 babes. Actually, I have a spare room, had intended to convert it into my boy's room liao. But then, gotten a maid. Have to give her the place to sleep. Sad.....

<font color="0077aa">Yolksac</font>
Baby are beginning to recognise you liao?!! Hee.... yeah, as time goes by, it'll be harder and harder for us to go out without our little ones. I still remember I go out to everywhere with my first. Since his birth. Even when I go to work on Sat, I bring him along. Luckily at that time, my company allows it.

Re: Baby Sleeping
Yesterday was the first time my boy sleeps deeply at night. For the whole of yesterday afternoon, I never allowed my boy to sleep in the hammock. Thus, I finally found the root to his restless sleeps..... Gotta find a ways to stop my MIL making him sleep in the hammock liao. Or else I don't have to go work anymore.

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11) [email protected] (Angeline)
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11) [email protected] (Angeline)
12)[email protected] (BCube)

<font color="ff0000">Bottle rejection or growth spurt???</font>

I am confused and tired! R been realy fussy the past two days. REFUSES to drink from bottle..every feed is like a battle of wills! She dont sleep in the day as well! And then she gets cranky and obviously hungry....only thing she wants is nipple! Yikes! I am so afraid this is the beginning of bottle rejection! A friend with 3 kids adviced that sometimes, baby go through a stage where they dont want to drink much milk..and that they will be ok after a few days. Am wondering if thats ok to let them drink little! Thankfully night latch is still ok.

<font color="0000ff">Caffeine</font>
Have tried and tested. R is super senstitive to caffeine! I wasnt sure but now its confirmed! I have just ONE cup of Teh-si as it was so tempting and the following day, she was bouncing off the wall! Refuse to sleep and was cranky!!! Oh my...bye bye to my fav tea!

<font color="aa00aa">Baby Flipping</font>
When is baby supposed to be flipping? My R is probably slow (or lazy!) in developing her motor skills! AT this moment, she still lies face flat when I put her on tummy. This gal will yell and complain when i give her tummy time! When u say flip, does it mean they will turn from back lying position to tummy position??

<font color="0000ff">Cot</font>
HB wants to get a cot..aiyah after all this time! So now cracking our head on where and how to place the cot in our small small room....
tabbiesus: ya i bought the sterilising tablet but very ley chey leh. Need to bring a box to store the pumps...as it is there is enough logistics already! i like the micro steam bags better...more convenient.
so many posts no time to go thru all... once I started work and busy with 2 kids, surfing net and blogging have become such a luxury to me.

my boss told me he's giving me 2 weeks to start engine. After that he wants to have a talk to me regarding my progression. He's hinting more work and responsibilities which I am very reluctant to accept.

<font color="aa00aa">cheok,</font>
My office has a water dispenser that has hot water (100 degree celsius) so I have a small pail that i use to put my pump parts in to sterilise them. Very convenient cos I'm using Avent manual pump. Everyday I just bring my pump in a zip lock bag and an insulator bag with ice packs and two 330ml bottles.
u mean it's ok to sterilise just using the hot water? hmmm, ok... will do that then. no need to get the tablets in this case.

thx for the info... mine seems to be changing colour. however, bb seems to prefer latex to silicon, so i guess i'll stick to that for the moment. she was rejecting the bottle, and after changing the teats it was better

it's available at motherswork and lifebaby stores... think it's $120 now...

i had the same prob of bottle rejection... think it was better when hb and mum took over. she refuses to drink if i'm feeding... PD said it was very normal, as she's used to latching on if i'm ard. mum fed her today... she finished her milk in 10mins
so glad... at least i can go back to work in peace.
well, R is not alone... my dd refuses to flip too. think she's too comfy lying down in her cot.
hmm...well at least ur dd still drinks! R fights all the way. So far the max she can drink is 60 after all the fuss! Also, I think most of the babies has progressed to drinking more at approx 3 hour interval right ? Am wondering why R seem to b drinking lesser and at 2hr interval!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Yolk Sac/Shymz/Parsniketty</font> ... we went Hong Kong for our holiday. Wasted the first 2 days ... I had flu on 1st day n headache on 2nd day. We spent most of the time shopping n eating. Didn't get much clothing as the the shops are already selling winter clothing. Guess what?? Although I eat alot during the holiday, but I didn't put on extra weight!!
The only sad part is I have to throw away about 5 litre of milk that I express n I managed to bring back 9 packs of 180ml each.

However my baby bully me once I return as he only want to latch on n refused to drink EBM. He cry n scream if we gave him EBM. He can cry for half an hour until I give in to him. Hubby jokingly said baby is taking revenge for being deprived of drinking milk from the direct source. Mum gave him EBM during my absence.

Now 1 week had passed since I return n I have resume only allowing him to latch on during night time.

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Frequency of Feeding</font>
I notice that my baby is only drinking milk 5 or 6 times per day now. Each feeding is about 160-180ml. The amazing part is although he drink less frequent now with more milk, the total amount he drink is about the same as previously when his feeding is about 8-9 times per day.

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Sleeping</font>
My baby can sleep for 9 hours at night and 5-6 hours in the afternoon. Sometimes I wonder if my baby is sleeping too much??

Last night was the first time hubby n I bring out the children to meet up with friends for dinner. Guess what? We didn't enjoy ourselves. We spent more time tending to our children instead of catching up with friends. Baby wanted to be carried most of the time and our eldest gal was not cooperative and refused to eat the food. Sigh ... guess it will be a long while more before we can fully enjoy ourselves together with the children
amber (and ash): well done on the night sleep!! feels great, right? you wake up feeling so so good. ah ok - babysafe - noted, hb and i going to look for it tonight becos our current set-up is not so good

bcube: flips - lots of bbs don't like tummy time apparently, and some doctors feel it doesn't need to be stressed as much as it was in the past. so renee's reaction is quite normal lah. if you want to let her practice, just make sure her arms are well-positioned in front of her and shoulder-width apart so that she can balance easily on them. surprisingly emily seemed to enjoy tummy time even as early as 6 weeks so i try to give her two sessions of between 10-15 mins per day. i've been reading that it's easier for babies to flip from tummy to back, and that it's only a lot later that they can flip from back to tummy. Ems does both with some guidance but you can see that she struggles a bit with the back to tummy flip as one of her arms is usually caught under her body and she doesn't always jiggle herself correctly to free it. But I love to watch the determined look on her face when she tries.

winniebear: wow, no weight gain! you lucky gal. sounds like you had a good holiday even if the first two days were kinda not so good.

angeline: yes, from arnd 2 months, she can recognise me. so nice!
heard that they start getting separation anxiety at arnd 8-9 months?
oh I see now..anyway I wasnt too concern yet lah...I know they all develop at diff rates! But ems so clever!!!

<font color="0000ff">Baby bjorn</font>
R loves it. HB brought her out for a walk add the estate and she was enjoying the sights and the tasty cloth right in front of her!! Then when he approaches the door to come home, she yelled in protest! So funny! Brought her out in evening before her bath a d she was good too...am glad I got it! Babyrock is great for when they r sleepy and babybjorn is good t to keep them amused!

what is the name of lotion PD gave u?
bcube: clever? no lah! she just likes to wiggle around in awkward positions i guess

parsniketty: do you shop at online sites which only ship to the US/accept US credit cards? just wondering how you do it - a friend mentioned there is some concierge service for SG users to get the stuff to them for a fee, but i don't have details
hello all!
i went shopping today, left lissy & wairah at home with hubb & helper. hubb is in aftn shif so i reach home just in time to take over caring for the kids. was good to go out alone.. oh and i finally got my hands on the LV PM tote from a fren who just got back from London!! yay!!

oh oh, i also bought tops for Lis & 2 rompers for Wairah.. so pretty!!

Anyone can help me buy iphone?? i'll have to wait til its launch in S'pore... dono when.. sigh

oh on a not so happy note, i put on 1kg.. liao lah, fasting also put on weight!! shucks
amber: found the sleep positioners at Robinsons, thanks for the info! will try them out tonight, hopefully they keep Miss Wriggly in place

nor: wow, so fun - lots of shopping! which LV PM tote did you get? post a pic leh! don't worry abt the 1kg lah - you are really slim, i'm sure it doesn't make a difference

bcube: just sent u the tel numbers in your email. still waiting for cheryl to get back to me re thurs, i'll sms u once i hear back from her ok?
hey Claire,
sorry i was just reading up and noticed your a teacher too!!
yes, i know local sch is a whole diff ballgame. i know how hard and complicated the system is.. how many diff roles you play and tasks you have to do.

i never took tht route tho.. was a drama teacher/director for mny years and ended up doing my TESOL and thn teaching ESL EFL

bcube: im not sure why R is still on 2hrs and drinking such a small amt.. sounds habitual to me,.. hmmm gotta find a way to get her really hungry n thn taking a bugger amt which will keep her fuller longer.. try delaying the feed.. let her cry for a while? hmm sounds mean.. but thts wht id do.. maybe Ash is just easy.. i usually distract her for 15mins orso if need be.. but at nights shes good tho yah?

i like tht story abt R protesting coming home!!! hahah
yeah its amazing how much morealert and aware bb are now..
Ash get excited whn she sees me..hand and legs everywhere..
she does the same thing whn she sees her bottle!! HAHAHA

flipping: Ash cant do at all.. but her neck is super sturdy whn we carry her.. shes just not figuring out the flip mechanism yet..

yolk/pars/bcube... ear piercing how?????

Irene: i'm so sorry my friend, but i'mgonna have topull out my order for the ice cream bikini.. if its not too late. if you've already gone ahead, i'll still buy it off you. My sis who lives in SF has bought a set for me.. i mentioned it to her and she surprised me by buying it..
i didnt ask her to buy for you guys here cos its already a surprise, shes gonna pay postage on it..and it was hard to mention to her can you buy a few more sets for my friends..
sticky situation, hope you understand..
BUT, if youve orderedmine, i'm happy to have it and sell it or give it away as a gift to mycousins..

winniwbear: im SO jealous you can eat and not put on weight..
im struggling with weight.. hate myself for being a cow.. yet so hungry all the time... like im a freaking hamster

you mums notice bb very aware abt the diff with bottle/breast feeding and WHO's feeding..to me, it's much more blatent now.. very obvious choice and tantrum..
CULTIVATE good habits NOW.. and stick to it!!

every night Ash goes to bed at 7pm by herself.. no pacifier,no History channel anymore.. no patting.. NADA
thts one thinng im v proud of..
her day sleep patter is not set at all... realised she;s all over

am planning to makespecific nap times for her... like stick her in her cot and swaddle or whtever and see if it works.. sleep or not, i'm gonna try to create the sleep time. think it'll work?

yolk sac, this monogram PM is stil OOS in Singapore. my fren manage to snap the last 2 pcs for us! oh this is the smallest of the Neverfull family, just nice for me

amber: eh i'm super impressed that ash goes to bed at 7pm sans fuss or "help" (ie patting, etc)!! - how can i train ems to do this? she still needs lots of assistance to go to sleep, the poor thing

ear piercing - may do it on tues afternoon if my PD (whom we are seeing for routine check that morning) is supportive.
