(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

cheok...not sure if i tod you but i conceived shortly after i started on this new job. and the people are great...my boss is great...working hours are short, no OT, can leave on the dot at 530 and this job pays 50% more than my govt sector job...so you can imagine how reluctant i am to leave...

but just now the drill noise from reno downstairs startled veve who immed burst into tears cos she was just at the gates of lalaland...quickly i ran to pick her up and calmed her, cradled her to sleep(my first time :p) and i felt super protective over her...haiz...wat's she gonna do without mummy? :p

we too need to build up our savings but dun worry la...trust God
i jus see myself in the future wearing my 2006 pre-preg threads :p super untrendy...with a haircut once a year :p haha no la not tat bad la...

actually a lot of my school/college mates are SAHM...hmmm...tat makes me feel less guilty :p

i had the dilema of being a SAHM too... i just came back to work this monday.... and decided to throw in the letter... somehow... i dont regret what i did... actually i asked for earlier release... AND GUESS WHAT!!! next friday is my Last day.. Plus tml onwards.. i am on leave!! hahaha for another 5 days.. so basically i got 1 day of work left...!!!

one thing i going to miss... is my spending power.. HAIIIIIIIIIIIII... no more shopping already!!! have to depend on Hubby every mth.. dunno whether i going to get used to it or nt.... HAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi
hi everyone,

havent read the posts yet. just got home quite exhausted- we had a long hot day at dempsey (it seems everyone at dempsey is a mum with a baby!) and A and I are both in need of a nap... but i just wanted to share with everyone... I got my babyrock sling today!!! and I love it! tons easier than the MIM sling which i love as well- but this one I just shoved A in and she was fine (no crying this time around) so im glad i got it

okay going to catch some Zzzzzs
Qn for mummies who has color or reborn ur hair
Do u express out n throw away the milk after colourin/rebondin ur hair? or is it ok for them to consume?
i juz got my baby rock too!!! totoally agree it's so much easier than MIM sling n jolovan fell asleep while i was tryin it out haha.. so in d end i juz continued lettin him slp in it while i made payment

thks mummies who intro d babyrock sling to me!!!
hey bedebe... thnx for checking up the two centres!! actually i still like baby planet.. my american colleague sent her kids there.. and highly recom it..

also whn i called them.. they were very flexible abt 3 day options and abt timing.. like i said i'd drop bb off at 8am instead of 7am and pick up at 230pm.. instead of 1pm.. and they were really niec abt it.. Pat's schoolhouse was VERY ANAL.. said half an hr late for pick up they charge me!!

still better to drop by and have a look... see the teachers..
thts a big issue for me.. the teachers.. and cleanliness..
i dont want auntie auntie types who have no energy or personality.. sigh i guess being a teacher, i know the importance of how type of personality (& English profiency) will determineee the quality of learningg your chuild receives..

abt losing weight.. darn in i find it damm bloody hard.. esp cos im hungry A LOT!! whn i stop BF in december, i'll pay more attention to my weight

4ever, Cheylssa so diff from Ash!! Ash doesnt sleep in the day.. from 8am till 8pm maybe she does 2-3hrs MAX!! very tiring but at least she can play by herself on the gym mat or sit in her bouncer for an hour..

cheok, I KNOW!! thts why i really gotta do everything in my power to keep this job man.. good thing they really want me back.. even offered 3day week.. think im gonna take tht option cos thn i can spend the other two days with Ash.. take her swimming, kinder music.. mandarin classes.. heeee so exciting!!

ARGHHHHHH i got seperation issues with Ash man... err not abt being away from her physically.. oh gee i dont know wht im saying.. im talking thru my bum.

Ash is getting too big for her bassinet and i dont want her going to the cot in her own room.. its like letting go of her being a baby.. i'm feeling the tug on my heart strings real bad.. i want her in her basket by the side of my bed EVERY NIGHT!

hey Bernice,.... i really have only 3 to spare.. but if i have no extras i will post pics here and offer it...

hey have you guys got your period yet? i havent and am wondering...
hope lis is feeling better now...

take care and have a safe trip!

Ems has such a strong grip! and your grandma looks so strong and healthy

re: bottlefeeding
i'm having a REALLLLLYYYY hard time bottlefeeding Celeste this week. it seems that she is refusing to be bottlefed... and i'm going to work next Monday!!! i'm going crazy... she drank 70ml after 1 hr of coaxing and hysterical crying yesterday. sigh.... this morning, she cried when she saw the bottle, and made retching noises when i tried to shove the teat in. any little milk that managed to drip in, she spat right out (this was fresh EBM, so i don't think it was the taste). any one has advice?

re: SAHM
wow... it seems that a lot of moms here are resigning to be with their bbs... i'm really tempted, but i don't know if i'll be able to stand not working...

re: baby rock
yup, it's a life saver! and really easy to use too... just plonk bb inside, no need to do any adjustments! celeste loves being inside, and will calm down immediately
think it's worth the investment...

re: period
nope, not yet... not sure when. heard from my gynae that once the freq of BF drops, it'll come sooner.

re: sunken fontanelles
actually my PD told me not to worry if the fontanelles are slightly sunken. a more accurate way to tell if bb is dehydrated is by freq of peeing. sufficiently hydrated bbs should pee 6-8 times a day, pee should be colourless/slightly yellowish.
irene:Whoohoo you're my idol! All this talk about quitting is making my backside itchy!Let's see how i would feel when i get back to work.
i know what u mean about the spending power..now i am spending without second thoughts but it would be different when i become a SAHM. But being a SAHM you won't have much to sped on la...so you wouldn't be really feeling it.
<font color="0000ff">Babyrock mums</font>
wow it seems we have a large group of Babyrock mums here! And all thanks to Yolksac who intro us to it!

aiya I know what u mean abt the quinny.. But its really sturdy so I really like it. Did u have a problem when taking cab? Hmm I think we need to plan ahead next time. Plonk baby in sling first, fold the quinny, Ask the taxi fella to help load into boot then get in lot. But if u r driving, then no prob hor? The masi cost seat is a really pain! Its really so so hot lot! Somemore not comfy...R always cry when in it aft awhil. Super hot! The next car seat I get must be cool type with ventilation one...

<font color="ff0000">Parsniketty</font>
welcome to Babyrock gang! Which one did u get??

have a good trip back to china! Stay in touch!

wah u can force xy to drink ah? If i do that to R she will yell and scream then gag and choke! No way i can force it down her throat!

Bottle rejection?
R also having bottle feeding issues these two days! She will actually refuse feed and yell hysterically! In the end i have to latch her on....am worried ! She is also super fussy these two days...sigh

Sores On scalp
today R keep scratching her scalp and didnt think much of it as u thot its her reflex but on close inspection,its red and sore!!! How ah? Should i apply anything on it?
cheok :

hehe i keep giving my husband excuses these few mths... Next time SAHM cannot spend so much already.. let me splurge on Kaelyn first hahahah... AND SPLURGE I DID!!!! one thing about SAHM.... THERE IS Always ONLINE SHoppingggggggg... hahaha which my hb say where all my marni went to.. hahaha But mostly nowadays i spend buying things for kaelyn.. never myself...ahahaha actually i really dunno whether me being SAHm would work out or not.. just have to wait n see..
I colored and rebond my hair few days b4 my BB first month. Did not discard milk as I felt it was ok.

Here's Neith with her BBlegs that arrived today:
more n more mummies becoming SAHM
I wish i can too since now i got 3 kids but i can't afford with the high spending on them so gonna to work. Anyway they will still be close to me even i go back to work

irene, since i have kids i also spend my money on them. But for myself i will find it hard to let go the money.. so now my girls got more shoes and clothes than me.

These few days, Cheylssa drink 120ml every 3 hours and she will wake up to drink too. Think i need to increase her milk intake soon.

Tmr i am going to trim my eyebrow and rebond my hair and sat my friends are coming my house for BBQ steamboat and sun i am going back to work. Oh no no time for my kids these few days.
Hello gals!

Yay - more Baby Rock mummies!

I'm so so envious of you mummies who can just go into work one day and hand in resignation letters! It's such a joy to be able to spend time with our little ones. Sadly the situation is a bit more complicated for us bonded woman. Been giving this more thought lately. I can probably take more no pay leave and there MAY be the possibility of going part-time, but either way, the remaining years have to be done somehow. Sigh.

cheok: Me too man! Every day, I come up with a different permutation for what I want to do come Jan. I think I should just decide and get on with it, don't you? PP photo - hb lay Emily on a white bedsheet and took the photo, no neck control necessary! But it's hard getting a nice photo, we must have taken abt 50!

tots: lovely legs - hehheh

4ever: yay, enjoy your pampering session tmrrow, you deserve a break! i know what you mean abt spending $ on kids - these days, i can't be bothered to buy stuff for myself (unless we're talking abt nursing tops) but i love walking arnd Toys R Us and checking out the Babies R Us section.

shymz: thanks! will tell granny
ems has a slightly sunken soft spot - i've also read somewhere that that's normal and the important thing is to look out for dirty diapers, etc. btw, when are u back at work?

amber: nope, no period yet - but am expecting it soon even tho i'm on TBF as i've been having that long 8/9 hr stretch at night when ems doesn't feed and apparently that makes a difference. btw, i bought the chinese book for you - lots of pics and most importantly, there's hanyu pinyin under each word! quite funny - started reading a few stories (in my AWFUL mandarin) to Ems today just so she can hear the language, and for some reason, I got all dramatic when reading out the direct speech parts of the little monkey and little chicken, and Ems looked at me rather bemused! My Mandarin is really terrible - I totally mispronounced so many words, darn malu

nor/amber: can i have the contacts for the earring clinic pls? must make appt or can just walk in?

dorami: I did highlights and rebonding a month or so ago - didn't pump and dump. The books I've read said it's ok.

ok gotta go - ems just got up for her night feed!
Tots/ / yolk sac.. gd gd.. at least I feel more assured to gif d milk to jolovan.. feel heartpain to throw away so I expressed it out juz nw n freeze it up 1st haha
yolk: i know!!! I wish i can just wake up one day and make my final decision & move on. Just now while sitting on my great white throne, i made a firm decision to quit only because i know if i don't do this i will be beating myself up. BUT, i won't regret staying home looking after my little one. Let's see if THIS IS the final decision. Sometimes i wonder, if we are all acting this way because we are first time mothers? I wonder, would i have the same strong urge to sacrifice my job if this was my second or third hmmm...?

Passport photo: i used a cloth as the background but can see its rather crumpled...you think can pass? Else i have to resort putting my boy on my hard floor to take & take 50 shots...
Wow, the thread moved so much yesterday and today, can hardly catch up.

hey, am considering Babies Inc. at Mountbatten too if my mum can't cope with my baby. Right now, she's still ok with it as Asher has been very cooperative. Maybe he really understands when I tell him to be a good boy, otherwise grandma cannot handle him.

Wow, your Ash is even better than my Ash. Can self settle. Mind still needs to be carried or nursed to sleep. But I'm already very happy that he can sleep for 1 to 2 hrs uninterrupted in the day already. Will just take it one step at a time.

Oh, the restaurant we went to is Da Paolo Bistro Bar. Love all the Da Paolo outlets actually.

I haven't been to any of the new restaurants at Dempsey Road. Keen to try. You mean the restaurant you tried is called The House? What cuisine do they serve? We especially like Jap and Italian.

my baby's poo is also frequently greenish yellow and lately green. Doc says greenish yellow is fine. Seems like green is also normal from what the other mummies mentioned. Actually, the day my baby had green poo, I also had green poo. Ate lots of greens the day before so I suppose it affected baby's poo. Haha.

I've no idea how long the wait for classes is. I'll go call up next week and let you know.
bedebe: looks like we are both in the same boat...heh never mind we can go and have our once-a-year haircut together if i resign ...& meet up at coffee shop, pluck tau-gey in our ah ma pjs and gossip...hahahaha

amber: WAAAA, you really have the best of both worlds. Can work and still spend quality time with Ash. Good on you!

irene: sure can one la....think after being a SAHM you'll probably not want to go back to work! hahaha otherwise you come join me and bedebe in our pluck tau-gey sessions...goodness i am going crazy....
re: period
lynn is on total breastfeed & has started to slp thru. but i'm still waiting .. ..

re: sex
when can XXX resume? kinda of frightened sthg rupturing dwn tere *yah sounds silly rite*

re: poo
lil L has had 1/2 times greenish poo but it was one off never repeated. so i tink so long as green poo is not consistently a daily affair it shld be ok?

re: 3 mth old fine motor skills
how do we train bb to utilise hands more? r tere any gd exercises to use "train" em?

re: hair coloring /rebonding
i still look a mess with hair in "natural state". figured prob wait till 6 mths & start to intro solids then will do so but its just personal choice lah

re: SAHM
totally agreed purchasing power will fall. also prefer to be indpt on a financial front. civil servant jobs with bonds :- wat i will be doing is to use study leave as reason to "take time off". friend of mine @ admin service did that for her PHD & went on leave for 1 yr & it was approved. so she studied and took care of bb. prob study feasibility of tis option in e meantime till i return to work Jan 08 .. ..
Hi mummies

thanks for all your kind advices on bb poos - greenish and sulken forehead! maybe i should cut down on my intake of greens? hehe

now feeling not so anxious liao hahah...

re: SAHM - definitely $ would be more on a budget conscious unless fiancial is never a issue ;-)

re: 3 mth motor skills - i'm interested to find out more too. how to train them leh?

my bb been very cranky these few days also, don't know is it weather very hot? cos when i shift him in another room to sleep, he could sleep longer.

re: period
it depends on individual.. my friend had her first mensus after birth when her bb is about 6mths, whilst another is when her bb is about 8mths.. it varies from person to person

re: sex
i understand it can resume already, some already resume like after 1mth? depends whether c-section or natural.
chk with the teacher at shicidah regarding infant classes.According to her is choose a timing when your bb is mostly awake cos there's 1 class out of 6 bbs, 5 slept thru the lesson!
hello mummies...
its been a long time since i posted here..good to know all u mummies r having fun with ur little ones..got a lot of catching up to do here..
hi ju, welcome back

I've been very busy since back to work and i insist to take care of jovan at nite myself, he still wake up once during the night between 2 to 4am and that make me very tired and once i even oversept!!! hb has been telling me to let go abit and let the helper takecare at nite.
i agreed to let her takecare 2 nite and let myself rest and charge back but i have training and meeting on wed and thu so when i back home on wed nite he already sleep and in the morning he havent wake up when i leave for work feel so sad that he didnt meet me for two days!!! and i feel jealous when i the helper told me about him in the day... hope that i was the one that telling story, playing and talking to him.
Lucky last nite he wake up with i reach home around 8 pm and to my surprise he flip when i was playing with him so happy that i witness his first flip!! hee
I agreed that i feel much better and fresher today for the two nite rest but i still dont feel good to leave him to helper at nite.Hopefully he can sleep thru sooner then i can have him by my side every nite.
we cant afford to let me be SAMH but i think i need to balance myself in this area...

Going to taka tonite and hopefully can get a swimming trunk for him and can bring him to the pool this sunday hee...
yeh yeh yeh...more mummies are joining me. welcome to the club

irene, cheok & bedebe, we can hv tau-gey sessions together next time
i'll be resuming work this coming monday
not looking forward to it... have been getting calls from office lately, think it's going to be really hectic when i get back. what's ur bond duration?

nice! hopefully mine will arrive soon...

yah, celeste has these sores behind her right ear... think it itches, and she scratches it whenever her aim is correct. will go see the PD tom to get some medication. will let u know what he says...

welcome back

i understand how u feel... i'll be going back to work soon, and i'm worried that i'll miss all her milestones. i've been telling myself that i will knock off promptly everyday, but knowing the workload this might be difficult... she hasn't flipped yet, so i think i might miss her very first flip

re: rebonding and highlights
finally, after a year of bad hair days, i'll be rebonding my hair tom. yay!
i managed to solve my sleep regression probs!!!!

Ash was sleeping thru frm 12am till 530 or 6 for two weeks n thn started going backwards........ even did 3am wakings!!!!

so yesterday i cluster fed her in the morning!..
she already drnks 180ml every 4hrs... now i added 60ml in between.. so shed eat every two hrs 8, 10, 12,2pm thn 630pm..

AND IT WORKED!! last night she went back to 530am...
increasing daily intake of milk definitely works..

yolk, the clinic is called THE NEPTUNE CLINIC its at clementi ave 2 blk 328 also cos ramadan period they close at 530.. so either go 930-1230 or 230 to 530.. i got there at 3pm.. n waited till 4 before seeing her apparently its a one off thing doc said she had a v diff patient earlier... 67797444
call thm n double check the add..

earrings good idea right??
do now or wait forever to do!

mamijoan, bedebe.. heee will be nice our bb in the same class!!! cool!!

tots, Neith looks so cuuuuuuteeeeee
in cant wait for thm to ARRIVE!!!!
shymz: it was a 8yr bond, i have 3 to go
what do the sores looks like?

amber: thanks for the info! yah, definitely thinking abt getting the earrings done. will post a pic if I do! well done for resolving the sleep issue! ash can really drink. ems doesn't take much, no wonder she's so small (my MIL politely says "petite")
pl let me know what us PD said! Am thinking how to put medication for her as she can touch and transfer to her eyes!

u piercing ems ears ah? I am so scared she will scratch it during healing period and cause infection!

how to cluster feed if they refuse to drink huh? R already drinking every 2 hrs. She's been waking up more than once in the night! And she usally wake only once! I am so tired!!
YOLK, no prob babe!
hey i wldnt worry abt Ems being big small long short for her age.. it makes no diff i feel.. they end up wht they will be genetically in the end... i was born 4 POUNDS!!! am certainly not small now..

Ash is a BIG DRINKER.. but im not gonna fret abt her being a FATTY like her mum and DAD.. aint no HAPPY FATTY CLUB here man! hee

bcube... hmm.. sounds same like Ash.. how much she drink every 2hrs? can try to feed her every hour for the morning period and see how she goes.. dont over feed at 230 feed cos you want her to eat as much as she can at 630 and 1030 before bed so she'll sleep thru..
Ash is asleep.... few minutes i got now to check mail and post..

hey Yolk, bcube, Parsniketty, whts bb sleep schedule if you have one??

Ash doesnt have one... only one consistent is at 12ish and usually for 30mins or so..

hey mummies... any ideas wheres a good place to buys sports bra? also.. im desperately looking for a good diaper bag.. ideas?
im not into buying gucci and LV's and stuff... (er i said me buying.. if someone else buy for me thts diff lah!!)

my budget is ard 300+ thts abt as high as i'll go..
i like long straps.. the kind your elbow can sling in very nicely..
or anyone got 2nd hand bags to sell?

Yolk.. Cheryl's was abt 300+..wht you think?
peck: wat happen?? Cheer up la!

amber: how to cluster feed baby?? Will it lead to over-feed? I so scare... When Kayden doesnt wan to drink, nothing can force him..and when he wan to drink, nothing can stop him..He is drinking 120ml every 2 1/2 to 3 hours..he is 2 1/2 mths now..

RE: Swimming
I'm intending to bring Kayden to the pool this weekend but wondering how to bathe him after tt...cos usually I will bathe him with luke warm water..Pls kindly advice.

Ash has has done new record... 200ml.. and not spewing!

babylegs.. first batch has arrived..!!!!!!!!

ive got 3 to sell off cos i have two of the same kind!!!
and 5 ppl on waiting list..

colours are: bubblegum, whiteburst, gold polkadots

Angel: just feed more often or in between... i dont think its really possible to over feed... if Kayden doesnt want anymore, he tell you right? try small amts more often.. why not try 60 or 90 every 2 hrs..

bare in mind.. im only cluster feeding cos i KNOW Ash is capable of sleeping thru longer but is waking up hungry.. so logically if i stuff her with more food, she'll sleep longer.. and she has!

hey MUMS... this lady Parsniketty and i met.. Cherly.. shes only like a swimming coach?. was it Pars?
and she says we SHOULD NOT BRING BB TO POOL TILL 6mths
she explained tht its more of completing the vaccinations first thts important.. cos the water is dirty etc.

i really dont know how true this is.. but stick to the side of precaution and ASK YOUR PD FIRST! playing water in a bath tub or blow up baby pool is apparently OK.. donnoleh

exercising motor skills: ive bought a wrist rattle for Ash and i notice her playing w it.. and taking notice of it.. its good for her.. and she tries to put it in her mouth..

been placing her hands on her feet too! And how amazed she was at thm.. since she's been able to hold toys i thought why not place her feet in her hands and well, TOYS!!
practice hand to mouth coordination

BUT Ash cant flip over yet from her tums to back..so practicing tht with her as well..

PECK! whts wrong girl? you ok?????
I m interested to get one and saw this BP going on. But just read that some mummies bought the slings But not from this BP?
surelylook: I received a Baby Rock as a gift (bought from Life Baby - Raffles City) and we subsequently bought one more off the lady who brings them into Singapore (contact details at www.babyrock.com.au). Price is now $120 in all shops, I think. A few months ago it was $99.

1. ooh - can post a pic of the babylegs, pls? I definitely want to take a pair off you.
2. Cheryl's bags are way cool, IMHO - all leather on the outside and I think she has a good eye for choosing the lining, whic is great if you're selecting a tote. Her website's at http://www.cherylannspencer.com/. Saw quite a few in her cupboard when I visited at home. Maybe we could go over for playdate and handbag viewing? I'll ask her if you're up for it. Important that you see the bag to confirm that it meets your needs, esp for a diaper bag - cos functionality is key.
3. swimming - my PD said to wait until bb was at least 6 months or more, if possible.
4. sleep schedule - usually, Ems naps 40 mins in the morning, abt 1.5hrs from her wake up time; on and off abt 2 hrs sometime between 11am-2pm; and one more nap in the late afternoon. The last nap is most all-over-the-place at the moment! Sometimes it happens at 3:30pm, sometimes later. Today, she went down at 4:30pm only. But this is usually a short nap - 15-30 min only.

bcube: yes, we're definitely thinking abt it. ash looks soooo cute with her earrings. but worried abt infection etc also

nor/amber: my MIL asked me if wearing earrings wld cause a problem for bb when lying on her side. Ems generally sleeps on her back, but sometimes, her head might drop to one side, or there may be occasions (eg when in her sling) when there is contact b/w a surface and one/both of her ears. Any experience with or input on this, please?
peck, you look after your boy at night, dun you feel very tired in the morning at work?? i really wanna try from tonight onwards to look after my boy..cos for the past month or so, my son has been looked after at night by my helper..and now i think and think and scared abt him not close to me...however my hb not so supportive abt it, somemore say that i am a worrywart...but i dun care i still wanna try....mothers are just different from dads...and i think they just dun understand...

4ever, your 2 girls are close to you cos you sleep with them since birth??
oh... bummer. hate the feeling of being bonded... was so happy when mine ended. the back of her right ear is red and raw, and there are tiny red bumps near the tip. there is also a clear sticky discharge, prob due to the raw area. have been cleaning it often with clean water, but it doesn't seem to get any better... prob aggravated by the fact that she prefers to sleep on her right side.

ems is not small... think mine is smaller
really small appetite compared to amber's ash. and she's one stubborn bb... if i force her to drink more milk, she'll just throw everything up and clamp her mouth shut, then smile at me...

sure... no prob

what happened? u feeling ok?

i understand how u feel... my hb says that i worry too much too, but can't help it, think it's our natural instinct.
i've been taking care of my girl since the beginning, and i'm worried that i'll be tired out once i start work. will still continue coz she's more of less sleeping through now. does ur boy still wake up very often for milk? don't tire urself out though...

re: swimming
will ask PD abt it tom too. but my bb's head is still not steady yet, so i think i'll wait till later. i think most bbs here have pretty strong necks already?

re: flipping
hmm... she's still not flipping yet. maybe coz i don't put her on her tummy. any opinions on tummy time?
keagan, of cuz i will feel tired la but if he is not around in the room, i feel lost leh..
Now my plan is i will takecare till wed or thur, that is the time i drain out and let the helper takecare the next two days to let me rest.. in this way at least i can takecare of him at nite if not i wouldnt get to see him at all!! Now i still in office and by the time i go home he will be sleeping liao..
thanks gals... just too busy at work and everything seems not right!! cant cope and feel breathless... now better liao..

ok gotta pack up chat lata
peck: oh no, just saw your post - hope you're feeling better! my friends all say the first few weeks back are the worst, after that...you'll get used to it and realise that bb still loves you no matter what, so things get better. hang in there ok?

shymz: you lucky thing, finished your bond! how long was yours? yup Ems doesn't seem to have a huge appetite either...but she produces sooo much pee/poo, one wld imagine she drinks A LOT
hey all... ive taken some pics of the babylegs with my phone.. but they're pretty crappy.. tmr i try again with my hb camera k??

yolk,.. abt earrings.. im definitely not worried abt infection cos IM SO KIASU.. i went out and bought more spirit after i used up the one from clinic! hee

its the front i think tht might get entangled,.. not the backs.
had already thought abt the sling and it getting caught on it.. well, for one, i switched to the bjorn for now.. and if i wanted to use the babyrock, i'd put a muslin cloth on where she was lying.
cos yes, i guess it cld get yanked. why take the risk?
with clothes and all tht no prob at all.. and really, after the first 2 days.. its dried up and very sturdy.

Ash only sleeps on her back with her head completely sideways.. was no prob with earrings..

in dec, i'll switch to the flat kind of earrings..
so excited...
oh oh my get a pic of Ash in earrings for youguys to see!

oh my... is it always HOT or is it just me?
hey Shymz, gee... hmm... i donno abt the wetsuit.. will definitely keep bb warm.. thts for sure.. in tht aspect i thnk its great.. but wht abt sun exposure? how long will bb actually be in the water.. also.. in our climate we dont need wetsuits..even bb.. maybe in a pool which is very cold.. its pretty ex.. i think between 12 n 24mths and up who spend more time in the water its a good thing.,

tummy time: Ash doesnt get a lot of it.. i try every now and thn to do it.. her neck is really strong.. shes good over my shoulder, in the bjorn.. but when placed flat on the bed... FACE PLANT!

ok wait i try to get my phone pics bluetoothed

perhaps if i had an iphone things wld be SO much easier.
yolk sac : about the earring when sleeping on the side.. kaelyn sleep on her sides... as in she rarely sleep on the back of her head.. even after the piercing... she dun seem to mind that very night... so i think it should be alrite...

about infection ... what i do is... i straight away keep applying dettol antiseptic cream.. AND baby oil!!! and remember to keep turning the earring after applying the baby oil n cream... (to loosen up the tightness of the earring...) hope this helps... they heal pretty fast... a couple of days...
