(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

morning mummies!!

IRENE IM SO SO SORRY.. Peck, SHymz.. sorry too! because of my order you all dont get the swimmers!!
I feel so BAD.

Claire, your schedule looks good.. naps are also good length of time..i can only conclude tht its the amt Matt's drinking..
if Ash drank only 80 or 100ml, she'd be up in an hr or two too.

kinda like bcube,.. im not sure how to get bb to drink more..
the concept is pretty simple.. kinda like whn bb is on solids.. they sleep better cos dont need to wake up to eat
sorry guys i had tht on my computer since morning.. didnt post it.. was halfway writing decided to shower.. came outta the bath n noticed my c section incision bleeding!!!

ended up at the clinic but cld only get appointment at 430.. so was out with Ash from noon till thn!! didnt see doc till 530 SIGH. BUT she was a gd girl.. didnt fuss.. smiles and yakking all the way till 6 thn got grumpy n fell alseep.

been a tiring day..

turned out i had an infected hair folicle.. gee. actually this isnt the first time.. anyone encountered this??
bloody PAIN
ok... just read all the new posts..

dammit this branded diaper bag HYSTERIA!!

i dont buy branded bags.. cos im such a bag lover..i refuse to pay such huge amts for a bag.. whn i cld possible buy 5-10 bags with tht amount.........

now, cos of you lah BCUBE (heh) its all your fault..
personally ive never liked LV (thought the poo brown and monogram a but "nehnek" (grandma)
but i MUST say the one you have Bcube is VERY NICE and gee whts wrong with me.. cos i think Nor your white one is LOVELY!!


i still refuse to spend MY money on such nonsense..
but this nonsense is very BEAUTIFUL

so now have been trying to convince my hubby why i NOW, suddenly would love a nice branded diaper bag..
ive looked up GUCCI and Coach and seen some VERY GORGEOUS BAGS!!

drats.. this is not a healthy obsession.. im only a poor part time school teacher.. sigh sigh sigh

just got my last salary btw.. earning NADA till end JAN
sweetie, don't forget Kate Spade too yah?
(*taking over from bcube as the forum's resident bad influence*)

Prada just launched a new diaper bag (see www.purseblog.com) but I think it's gross.
hiya yolk..nah no pain.. just ooozing hole.. hmm whts tht in past tense.. an oozed hole,..haha
its better now thnx.. was a bit of a scare..
got solution to clean it with.. supposed to keep it dry.

PARS: wld you likeme to go with you?? i wld if you like..
hope you see this..
cos if you wanna go.. lets go late morning.,. they close at 1230
wht say you babe??
yolk wht time is your PD?

ya know i was really nervous bfore i did it.. but i thought to myself.. LOTSA bb do this.. hell i had mine done whn i was a couple of mths.. so it cant be all tht bad.. and ya knwo wht i really LOVE it..
amber, coach has pretty nice diaper bags the last time i surfed ebay. i'm more a coach person than LV/gucci hehe..

yolksac, aiyo equinox so ngiao!! frankly not v impressed with equinox food or ambience. have u tried jaan? they have a fantastic value for money set lunch on weekdays. yummy!! admire ur bringing ems along to a posh restaurant.. xy wld just yell the house down. me and hb decided that we wld eat cheap food when we r with her cos we never get to eat in peace anyway!!

and ehhh.. xy is not zen hor. she's just darn lazy. oh and fat too. even her intestines are lazy.. she just pooed after a record of 13 days!! faint..

bcube, ahhh.. but my fingers are stronger than a bb's tightly clamped jaw right?? hyak hyak hyak.. i very rough.. will just pry her lower jaw open and stuff the teat in. once the teat touches her soft palate the reflex suckling will start and she'll drink her milk unknowingly!! hehe
lol.. yeah horrigible

yuck.. nah if im gonna jump on this wagon.. i gotta invest in something shing baby.. we're talking oh so DIVA honey

who the heck is Kate Spade?

amber, coach coach!! quite nice and not too ex.. prob like 300-400 bucks? kate spade is the one who launched the I am not a plastic bag bag
amber: good to hear! must have been quite scary
speaking of follicles, I've started losing hair - just this week! But I have a lot of it so no biggie. Wish the same cld be said of Emily tho - she's developing bald spots, the poor gal. Not like she had loads of hair to begin with.

amber/parsniketty: I can only make it in the afternoon at the earliest. Ems has her routine PD at abt 10am and we have an appt to see a PD-opthamologist at 11am (as PD wants to get the strawberry mark checked to make sure it isn't affecting/going to affect Ems' vision). Since I'm not sure if I'll be going tomorrow (I have a feeling PD might advise not doing the ear-piercing on the same day as the 5in1 jabs), why don't you gals go ahead without me tmrrow morning? I'll text Parsniketty tmrrow in any event to update her.
just saw kate spade.. hmm.. okonly.. diaper bag is this black nylon thingie.. its ok lah.. looks like a diaper bag.. not impressed...

i like the gucci ones..
and coach..yeah coach is nice..

gee wht am i getting myself into..
i like diamonds.. i like clothes.. i like sunnys
i'd spend on holidays.. on watches.. but i dont really see the issue with these bags.. i did have LV wallets and stuff given as pressies.. aqnd i must admit,.. they last forever,.. went thru major bashing and held up well..

Jules.. i agree,... the coach bags look pretty SNAZZY!
I have the Coach Healthy Child Scribble diaper bag. Great bag - definitely big enough, comes with a great (and comfy) changing pad, lots of compartments etc - but not sure if it's still available. Bought it earlier this year from the US.

Kate Spade - American bag designer, gorgeous stuff, famous for her totes

Amber: that bag's quite nice - is it a diaper bag or just a large tote? You may not need a bag that's marketed as a diaper bag (as often times, all that means is that it comes with a changing mat). In case you haven't noticed, I love love love bags. Heheheh

Jules: I've never tried Jaan actually, but the good value lunch set sounds like a must-try, so will go check it out one day. Thanks for the tip! I have Feed at the Raffles so it works out quite well if it's just two people dining (50% off).
Amber: one more tip - if buying from Coach, it's MUCH cheaper to buy from the US. Get your sis there to either pop into the store, or buy from www.coach.com. The online store only accepts US credit cards and ships within the US, but if you've got family there, that's not a problem.
yolk.. i hope all goes well tmr.. will pray for you guys..

hmm i dont think you shld do ears and vac all on same day.. poor girl...
dont worry, i'll follow you too whn yourre ready.. or pars can wait for you,.. whichever way,.. im there support shld either or you need it!!

Jules... i dont have a diaper bag.. ive got this gorgeous slik one from motherswork.. but really cant take it out on a daily basis it'll get ruined.. its kinda like a cheongsam.. its so beautiful..
hubby just bought an iphone.. so my chances of a coach bag is rather SLIM..

hey all hey feed is coming up.. better go..

bcube..how did starving her a bit work?
nite ya all.. so so buggered

wow so much talk about bags!!!

irene, amber is ok to cancelled the swim wear la..

nor, envy envy you ah!!!
yolk... i like the one you have! err.. am not sure, i think the one i like is just a large tote...

its kinda hard to ask my sis.. i can try.. its just tht she doesnt come down here v often.. and gee i donno.. i guess its very mah fan lah.. posting it will be a pain no? hmm if i find the bag i reaklly really like.. i'll just ask Marc and see wht he can do abt it.. heh

nite all...
yolk good luch tmr..
nite Jules...
amber: thanks babe, prayers appreciated!
erm, the kate spade which is nice is the Classic Noel Henry, not so much the plain nylon ones.

Ems had her last feed and went to bed in her cot at 10:30 without much fuss. About 15 mins ago, she woke up, cried for 30 sec and then self-settled! If only she could do this during the evening stretch from 7-10pm.
peck: jovan's looking good and happy as usual!
give him a hug from me. must post a pic with your new sling yah?

amber: thanks! will update tmrrow

ok all, going to log off. need to do some reading. Goodnight!

yolk, he just wake up and chatting away.. so i try him in the sling
hmm... dont know what time he will be back to sleep :C

nite ya
Amber, hope you're ok.. poor you!
on bags-> buy buy buy! no need to find a reason to pamper yourself, just do it!!

the coach tote is not bad, it looks better in person thou. i have the Coach Carly demi but can't put much in it lah.. a bit miserable size for a $500 bag! i din regret buying it thou cos i love the look of it.

yolk sac, if ever you wanna have a garage sales, call me

ermm.. isn't i'm not a plastic bag bag by Anya Hindmach? my fren got me an imi from HK recently.
nor, oh gosh think the lack of sleep is getting to me!! ya ya.. its anya hindmarch, not kate spade!! sigh.. dunno why so blur. thanks for pointing that out!

amber, hmm i always get my coach stuff off ebay. much cheaper but must make sure u get from the powersellers to minimise risk of getting a gd fake instead! have a baby couture diaper bag i use day to day, so cheap so i dont care what kinda surface i bang it on. but for work, wld prob lug my big coach tote so i can stuff my pump and cooler bag all in one. dun think i have enough moolah to blow on another coach diaper bag liao

yolksac, wow nice scribble diaper bag!! so pretty! but isnt it hard to maintain? think the scribble material gets dirty easily hor?
oh ya, the jaan set lunch is like 35 or 39+++ for a 3 course meal. but on wkdays only. food quite yummy and frankly the service staff seem a lot friendlier than those at equinox! also quieter and nicer ambience as cp to equinox(IMHO, equinox food is too ex and tastes just mediocre leh..)
Good morning all! Busy day for me, so I'm just catching up with the posts before waking Ems up for breakfast.

peck: great pic of Jovan and of the sling! He looks so happy in it.

jules: yes, now that you mention it, the scribble material does gather lots of lint!! and there are plenty of white bits so i try not to chuck the bag on the floor. but so far so good in terms of maintenance, but i suspect that's cos i use other bags as diaper bags as well - i have a OiOi one given to me by a friend and i also use a Coach signature stripe tote if i'm feeling ambitious (requires me to carry around fewer things!)

and yes, i keep noticing how the equinox staff are NOT polite and don't seem terribly happy to work there. dunno why i keep going - guess cos it's quite big and i know i can always get a table without making a prior booking. thanks for the info re Jaan - will definitely give it a try soon!

nor: haha, garage sale?
speaking of garage sales, why not attend the biggest and coolest designer goods garage sale of all (thank goodness I'm not a copywriter - sure get sacked) which my friend is organising for UNIFEM? Free admission and all proceeds go towards helping end violence against women! Info below.

<font color="0000ff">UNIFEM Singapore is having a Charity Sale of Designer Wear on Sunday, 14th October 2007. Designer items on sale include new items contributed by leading fashion retailers as well as gently-used items contributed by socialites, celebrities and professional women.

Called the Buy to Save event, the funds raised will go towards efforts to end violence against women.

Date: 14 Oct Sunday
Time: 12-6pm
Venue: Velvet Underground
Webby: www.unifem-buytosave.com
Cost: Free admission</font>
yolk sac

just wondering.. who is the PD ophthalmologist you are seeing? I may know him/her. Hope all goes well for you... i think Ems will be fine.

Btw, how much did u pay for the coach scribble diaper bag?
hi tabbiesus: thanks! we're keeping our fingers crossed. we were advised by my PD to see Dr Pauline Cheong who has a clinic at Gleneagles - you know her?

coach scribble - my sis bought it for me. can't remember the price offhand, but i think it was somewhere in the high 300s (USD) region?
RE: Iphone
Think there are some good deals on Iphone at Yahoo Auction, etc. Brand new set selling at near 1k by stores at Sim Lim. Somemore they have made it suitable for GSM use.
yolksac, oh yes noticed u r damn good at squeezing ur stuff in the small reversible tote! dun think i can leave home with so few things lor!
yolk sac

re: pD
yes.. i've worked with her before .. she's very experienced in pediatrics ophthal.

I'm sure Ems will be ok.. She looks alright from the pic. u posted. Most impt is she doesn't develop sight threateing issues like amblyopia or glaucoma or ptosis. Otherwise it will regresss...

RE: coach diaper bag

its very nice!! so tempted to get one but I have so many diaper bags alreadY!
Peck, welcome to the Baby Rock CLUB!!!

very very nice!!

wohoo... we can do a bb rock outing!!!

sigh.. all this talk over bags... asked my hb last night.. and he said "for whhhaaaat? aiyahh no need lah"
i kept quiet.. thn he asked me if its available in stores... hmmm
so maybe got hope!

ok got tons of email to read..
Yolk.. am thinking of you this morning..
J lok so happy in the sling!

hee u have been infected with the BAG BUG!

you gals are amazing! I have bags BUT I never know their name or ven bother to find out! I just use them! heehee...

I went through phases leh...first it was Coach mania and I ketp getting it...followed by Gucci (influenced by my evil HB) and after than by LV..heee...

Have not tried the feeding stretch yet but will do it today!

tabbie, u in med line?

yolksac, all the best for today's review.. hope ems is given the all clear..

bcube, R so pretty!!think she looks quite like u leh! love the last pic!

amber, ash has a v nice smile.. my xy always doesnt cooperate. smile and smile then when camera comes out, she goes all serious!! camera shy la!
bcube u used ur iPhone camera ah?i did!! Am using now!!
tots thnx I really hav no regrets was a he decision
Jules ash is a real poser!!
camera hog
bcube r looks so lovely jules is rightshes looking more n more like u!
ok gotta shower
bcube hope to hear frm u I'm so so excited
the pics of R are so nice!

How many megapixals is the iphone camera?

ya so nice her earrings

yes i am

Hi all

So tired. Just back from many hours at Gleneagles.

Gd news - Ems' motor development is very good - PD was impressed during her routine assessment. As for her eye, it looks okay for now, and her retina is fine. She has slight astigmatism, but this is in BOTH eyes so not related to the strawberry mark. Doc says that a lot of babies have astigmatism, so she didn't seem too worried. But the mark is likely to continue to grow (until 6 mnths says my PD, until 1 year says the PD Opthamologist) so we have to keep monitoring it every 2 months. Apparently the thing to watch out for is if the mark becomes so heavy that it causes her eyelid to droop over her pupil - argh, I get so scared just thinking abt this!

Bad news - As I expected, Ems is a bit too light! She's only 5.2kg and I think my PD would have liked her to be at least 5.6kg. Not major, but I've been asked to express 40ml from my breasts before each feed so that Ems gets to the hindmilk with less effort. Apparently, I may have too mich milk?!?! Doesn't help that Ems just wants to play and play these days and has lost interest in feeds.

bcube: Renee is so pretty!! Gorgeous pics - taken by you or hubs?

tabbiesus: are you an eye doc as well? Dr Cheong's clinic was sooo busy but I cld tell that she does a very thorough examination, so the wait is understandable. So many kiddies with eye issues - great money in this field, I reckon

parsniketty: did you do the ear-piercing in the end? so sorry abt not texting you, i stupidly left my mobile at home today. hope amber managed to reach you to update you? i had to get my helper to locate one of your tel nos from my phone and it was SUCH a trying experience, so when she found amber's number first (A being before T), I just hurriedly took that number down and Amber kindly agreed to get in touch with you.
