(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs


irene sounds good to me.. but tht means new mums wont be able to join no?

argh i gotta go..

oh thts's a pic of Ash discovering her FOOT!
hello all!
THANK YOU ALL for the well wishes for Lis. You gals are so sweet
really glad i join this thread.
Lis is better, only occasional cough. I did a reverse psychology thing with her - told her to jump around and fidget till she throw up so mommy can enjoy cleaning up after that. It works, she behave and dare not dance around as usual. oh oh, and took her med eagerly (to please me). I was a happy mommy.. until.. wairah start to make small coughing sound last night.. OMG!! so poor thing man.. so small then like trying to clear her throat. I let her drink plain water with a tiny bit of honey in hope that the cough wil subside without having to go thru med. Going to take her to clinic first thing tmr if she's still coughing.

Amber, Yes its darn HOT.. you're not alone dear.

Yolk Sac, no prob with the pointed part poking her skin behind the ears. Wairah sleeps on her back, sideways and every ways lah.. so far din see any "poke" marks le.

SEX... hmmmm.. i think the key word here is to be comfortable and ready. BUT, if you're intending to have another addition so soon, please use protection. We can stil get preg even if our menses have not started yet. Just for info, my menses have not started when i did my paps and gynae saw 2 eggs sitting in my womb waiting to be fertilised. He explained that if i want to have another want, chances of having twins is super high.. i freaked out man, quickly asked him to insert IUD.

my msn:
[email protected]
The concern is with infant botulism.

Botulinum spores are found widely in soil, dust, and honey. Adults who swallow botulinum spores are almost never affected. When infants swallow the spores, however, the spores can germinate in their immature gastrointestinal tracts and begin producing botulinum toxin. This has occurred even when the honey was only used to sweeten a pacifier (European Journal of Epidemiology, Nov 1993).

Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous natural substance known to man. The lethal dose is only 1/10,000,000 mg per kg of body weight -- an amount that would be invisible to the naked eye. This tiny amount in the blood stream can cause death within minutes through paralysis of the muscles used in breathing.

Infant botulism has been found on every continent except Africa. In the United States it is most common in the states of California, Utah, and Pennsylvania. While infant botulism can occur from taking in soil or dust (especially vacuum cleaner-bag dust), eating honey is the number one preventable cause. Corn syrups are not sterilized and may also be a source of contamination (The AAP Red Book, 2000).

Infant botulism can occur any time in the first year of life, but like SIDS it is most common in the first six months. In fact it has been suggested as the cause of death in up to 10% of SIDS cases (Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics; Saunders 1992).

Thankfully, in most instances of infant botulism, the amount of toxin is so incredibly minuscule that the case remains mild. For this reason it is often misdiagnosed.

The first symptom of infant botulism is constipation (which is also a common benign finding in many infants). This can appear 3 to 30 days following ingesting spore-containing honey (The AAP Red Book, 2000). Typically, the parents then observe increasing listlessness, decreased appetite, and weakened cry over the next several days. Nursing mothers often report new engorgement. Sometimes this is the full extent of the disease. If the disease progresses, however, the child moves less and less and might begin to drool from the mouth. Gagging and sucking reflexes diminish. Loss of previous head control is also an important sign. Complete respiratory arrest can occur either suddenly or gradually.

If an otherwise healthy baby develops constipation, followed by weakness and difficulty in sucking, crying, or breathing, then infant botulism should be considered the most likely diagnosis until proven otherwise.

When infant botulism is diagnosed, the average Intensive Care Unit stay for the baby is about one month, typically including mechanical ventilation and continuous tube feedings. This is followed by another 2 weeks on the hospital ward, with a total hospital cost often exceeding $100,000 (Pediatrics; Feb 1991). Thankfully if the botulism is correctly diagnosed and the baby receives appropriate supportive care, almost all will recover fully and completely. The fatality rate for babies who have been hospitalized with botulism is less than 1%. Recently, an antitoxin for infant botulism has been developed and shown to reduce hospital days, mechanical ventilation, and tube feedings (The AAP Red Book, 2000).

The single most effective way to prevent infant botulism is for infants to avoid honey. Breast feeding also appears to lessen the severity of botulism cases.

Despite other health benefits, honey is an unsafe food for any infant. HONEY SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN TO CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN 12 MONTHS.

hi everyone,

baby A and i are sooo exhausted. we were out again from lunchtime till the afternoon! (yolksac, i dont know how you do it dear! out everyday from morning till afternoon??! this is my third day straight that weve been out all afternoon and i can really feel it taking a toll on my body!)

i met up with a girlfriend who is due to give birth in a couple of months and she was asking me about my birth story--- and i could barely remember because its seems soooooo long ago! and to think its been roughly 10 weeks since i gave birth! hahaha i cannot even remember what it was like before A was born! (or perhaps pregnancy has warped my memory?

hey ya we missed you at lunch the other day!! oh and i got the lime green floral sling!
ive been using it since i got it- plus its been so HOT so the mesh comes in very handy!
by the way, it sounds like R has cradle cap? (im guessing because it sounds like eczema so on the scalp its supposed to be cradle cap) ive been using california baby calendula cream for A's eczema and it seems to be working! the tub says it can also be used for cradle cap

A and ash have the same babylegs!!!!!!!!!! they can be the porky twins hahaha
hey i remember a few months ago there was this bp on baby couture bags (justcouture.net i think?) and they were reasonable (30 to 50 bucks). and i saw a couple with a long strap (apart from the handles) see if you like them (they even have mini versions for little girls :p how cute is that!)
oh and i was at toys r us today and i saw the pool version of your mushroom floatie!!! i almost bought it! and youre right its the most gaudy thing ever (its like screaming- hhey look at meeeee!!) anyway i like the pool version, ill definitely pick it up on my next visit to the PD!

re swimming - start them when theyve completed their shots!!! you never know what kind of germs are in the pool (and its not like they clean the pool all the time even though the water may look clear!) im getting an inflatable pool to start A off! (besides we need to use her swim diaper before she grows out of it!)

yolk sac, let me know if you are getting ems' ears pierced! lets go together! haha ill just surprise hubby with a pierced baby! (i did that before when i pierced my nose and came home with a brand new nose ring... would you believe???!)

hope wairah isnt sick!!! that would be tough

chin up gal! hope you get enough rest for quality time w your boy!

got mine from oz...

as for sleep schedule- i think were the same-- mine doesnt really have one (or maybe she does but i never take note of the time during the day)... but her night schedule is pretty consistent- asleep by 1230 wakes up at 530 then wakes up again around 10
bedebe, thanks so much for the info! gonna BF her all the way for next 2 days.. aiyo.. i'm so careless

parsniketty, heard you gals met up for lunch the other day... hope to meet up soon after the fasting month.
shymz (and other rebonding mums)

ive always wanted stick straight her but i cannot sit on a chair for 5 hours straight (i cant even do less than that!). i have a short attention span and get bored easily! how do you do it? hehe
thanks mum for all the well wishes. Zach was very good through the journey except for 2 occasion when he fussed a little. He seems to be taking the cold weather pretty well (its now 12 degrees over here) - need to give a few days to monitor.

Seems like he is quite bored with just the two of us entertaining him. In the past, at least he still has his grandparents but over here, there are only two of us. But he has been cooing and smiling alot.

Yolk Sac and Jules, how long does your baby latch on for a feed? At 10 weeks when most mums are weaning baby off breast, I am still trying to breastfeed him!!

Gotta go off for now. Will log in again when we are more settled!
glad to hear you had a safe flight!
hope zach manages to adjust to the cold weather quickly! it sounds like hes doing well since hes been cooing and smiling a lot
Hi bedebe, I sent Kaizer to Q-dees infant care at Punggol. We put Kaizer for 2 weeks only as infant care have this 2 wk trial period (of coz we didn't tell them that I am taking Kaizer out after that). But the fees is not subsidised for these 2 wks therefore, I have to pay alot more (no choice

Wow, I did pedicure, message & facial today. Guess I really pampered myself today hehe
For mums living in punggol, there is a spa & pedicure called Delight located next to Punggol Mrt station (near bus interchange) which you can try it out. I tried their full body message & facial today which I found it very good. Those interested can check out their website www.dlightspa.com.sg.
parsniketty/amber/nor: can i ask if there are differences between babylegs and the leggings in the BP nor cited earlier (http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/1002873.html?1191588139)? is there some kind of official babylegs website?

parsniketty: with rebonding, the worst bit isn't the boredom - it's the sore butt from sitting for so long! my record is 7 hrs (in the days when it took that long!) - major ouch! will let you know re ear piercing, but if we do get it done, it will probably be on Tues afternoon - does that work for you? ERM?!?! Nose ring?!?! Very cool! I wanna see pics one day, heh heh.

nor: thanks for offering to give me the info abt the clinic - heard that amber got the details off you, so we all have you to thank for the ear piercing 'lobang' (haha no pun intended). so glad that Lis is well again! hv you been really busy getting ready for the HR celebrations?

amber: heh, i love the pics, esp the foot discover one! hey, hb was asking where you got your sleep positioner from and what brand? we're looking for one without a height elevation and yours looks pretty flat

irene/nor/amber: thanks for the info re ear piercing, good tip to place a cloth over the relevant area when bb is in a sling!

lilac: glad to hear Zach was so good on the flight and that you had a safe journey. ems feeds quite quickly these days - maybe 5-10 mins to finish each side, at most 15 mins. in the early days, she could take 40+ mins to clear out one breast. these days, when she's done with the first side, she latches off and looks at me expectantly...quite cute
yolk sac, hmmm.. not sure on the official webby for the bblegs leh.. i guess for me as long as its of comfy mat'l i'm pretty fine with whatever brand lah.
no prob on the ear piercing lobang (hmmm.. pun intended here). just sharing a good doc who's reassuring even for a 2nd time mommy like me.
oh oh i got my fushcia littlepods slings!! yeehah!! and helping to ask around if anyone wants an Olive S or Slate M. don't PM me pls, i do not activate it. sms or email me instead. thanks!
haha, yup... celeste has a lot of pee/poo too. wonder where all that comes from?

hmmm... think i'll skip the wetsuit then. haha, can get a pretty swimsuit/bikini instead
prob will start off with an inflatable pool at home first. Ash is so cute in the shots! i love the shot with her grabbing her foot
sooo adorable!
and yes, i've been perspiring like crazy lately

sounds scary... must remind my mom/MIL not to give bb honey.

hope both lis and wairah recover soon
shymz, yes he still wakes up for milk at night...sometimes ok sometimes not so good...erratic basically....i have asked my helper to up this milk intake again, hopefully he'll last longer...just gotta keep trying...

peck, i understand what you mean, think i will try for few nights then when i am really tired, then pass him to my helper...no choice...working moms....

yolksac, i hope what you say is true that bbs will still love their mummies even though the time spent is little....
haha, with hair like mine, the looooong wait is worth it ;P no pain no gain mah

wow! sounds like u really enjoyed urself today

sounds like baby zach is doing well
glad that u had a safe flight!
wow so many posts!

bcube, ermm i can only make her drink when she is sleepy.. if wide awake, fat chance! now she doesnt wail if she doesnt want bottle, instead she'll play with the teat and spit out the milk. oh, she'll also grab the bottle with both hands and pull it away from her mouth!! so naughty!

lilac, lets see.. xy takes abt 10min to clear 1st breast, and 10min to complete her feed on the 2nd. (but 2nd breast usually only half emptied). hey, at 2 mths, i was also still training xy to latch for a complete feed! so u're not alone!
glad that zach is adapting well to life in china!

yolksac, think the leggings in the BP posted by amber are the branded ones called babylegs. the cheaper ones arent the real babylegs, so designs arent as many or as nice. but hey, they're half the price! cant complain!

amber, i never fail to be impressed by the amt ash is drinking!! xy is only downing 100ml 3 hrly at wk 16! only managed to up to 110ml over the last 2 feeds.. hope she starts to take more less frequently!
hey guys.. i havent got much time.. and the light is off so im typinh by feel hahahahha this is fin funnn hahahhah\\

yolk: i have two both flat.. one from first years at paragon and its white the one in piuc is from robinsons.. and its in the bedding area ive seen the same brand at taja taka it even has covers!!
i use the one in the pic all the time and will contib=nie whn she is in the cot

pars, thank you so much for the bag idea.. but i didnt like anyof the designs.. eeeks.. they look so .. so... diaperbaggie
yes i KMOW we have same babykegs i copy cat sorry honey.. but the pink and white is sooooo adorable...
im keeping pink n white, bugglegym and white burst

im an idot typingh in the dark..
night ya all!!

the official babylegs site is babylegs.net-- youll know you youve got the wrong one if youre at babylegs.com *snicker*

as for the difference- its just the design i guess?

tuesday afternoon sounds good to me
just let me know if youll push through with it or not! if not, then im waiting till december to do it, and just strap back her mittens on so that she wont touch them while they are still raw.

ill hunt for pics of me with the nose ring ... it promptly came off on my wedding day when i was washing my face in the morning and i heard it go plink plink plink down the sink! we had our wedding in a resort too and since i didnt have any spare nose studs with me plus we jetted off for our honeymoon a couple of days after- the hole closed
i loved it though even though it shocked my hub and my mum especially hahaha

by the way you know how ems loved the swing at cheryls? well i just picked one up for A :p havent tried it on her though because im still trying to figure out how to open up the battery compartment...
hi keagan: there's a thread in the Motherhood, Pregnancies and Babies section about working mums and whether their babies are still attached to them - and most of the mums say that even though their babies spend most of their time with a helper/grandmother/alternative caregiver, the babies still "know" who their mummy is...so I was relying on that reassurance in my reply to peck. maybe the experienced working mums here can comment?

jules + nor: thanks for info re babylegs - they are really cute. wonder how ems will look in them...is there an ongoing BP for babylegs? i didn't see one leh, but i'm useless at surfing the BP section

haha i know what you mean-- i also refuse to use a diaper-bag-looking one which is why i use my HUGE HUGE bags. i have another one which is this giant tote that whenever i wear it on my shoulder i ALWAYS bump into everything (so definitely no going into stores with anything breakable).

and yes the pink and white ones are adorable! im trying not to use them too much (because they go with everything!!!) so that i get to use the other gazillion leg warmers that i have
i also got the ones with the skulls wearing pink bandanas... hehe
oh yeah just wanted to share - i met this lady who is having a garage sale on sunday (12 to 5pm) and is selling baby and kids clothes, toys books,nursing and maternity stuff, home furnishings etc she mentioned shes got lightly used bumwear diapers, medela PIS if anyones interested. 40 chartwell drive, serangoon gardens estate.
parsniketty: hahaha! ok thanks
will sms you re tuesday. I LOVE your nose ring story - I think my mother would have had a fit if I ever got one! wow, lucky A got a swing!
which swing did you get? is it the fisher price aquarium take along swing? a friend of my mum's has offered us her daughter's swing - we'll probably pick it up sometime this week, hope it's a good one and that it has the same effect on Ems as Cheryl's.

amber: thanks for the leads on the positioner, will check them out soon! btw, i'm typing in the dark too, haha
my husband bought him and i iphonessssssssssssssssss

i dont believe it!! i have no idea how the heck to use it!! but its great im soooo excited!!!!!!

ok,... night ya all..

OH OH OH you might not here frmme tmr.. cos i'll be so busy with my IPHONE! heeeeee
haha, this is hilarious! how come we all suddenly got/decided to get iPhones at the same time!??! can't believe i have to wait until xmas to get my paws on mine tho...i shld just have said "yes" when my BIL asked me if I wanted one (he was back last week and cld have brought me mine then)

amber: the photo feature is TERRIFIC on the iphone, can scroll thru each album easily with the touch-screen. my BIL has photos of Emily on his and I just loved browsing thru them. Great for bragging abt baby to unsuspecting friends you meet up with (or random strangers even) - haha
Surelylook.. I bought fr mothers work.. saw d BP but saw d min BP price is for 15pc n response nt tt warm so didnt wana wait.. so I went ahead to buy fr Mothers Work

Peck.. hope u r ok.. *hugz hugz*

Irene/nor.. added u ladies in msn

Parsniketty.. I usually read mags or bring a novel along to read.. time passes faster tt way
yolk sac, i just place orders in the BP.. the link its the one i posted up there somewhere.

i want iphone too!! mebbe can hint to my ex.. he stil pampers me with giftss.. hyak hyak hyak..
hey all imusing my new phone to type its really tricky wow this thing has spell check coolbut not sure how to do punctuations! Hah figuredit out! Dam slow
amber, thanks for the info re-swimming...
I will bring him when he is older, btw hb has bought him a wetsuite from the taka fair..

fyi, taka fair's bb swimwear has out of stock!!
Good morning ladies...hope everyone is doing well..

Yesterday i was at GWC at Say Cheesecake cafe with my friend, guess what? The 2 bosses recognised me & asked me if i came before with the July mummies!! Wow i was so impressed with them, i mean we were in a HUGE group how did they remember me?? hmm, it must be my hot pink sling...WAAAAAH....Anyway, while i was there, there was another group of mothers gathering at the same corner! Wahahahha it reminded me of us the other day!

Working moms: How do you sterilse your pumps in the office? How do you transport your sterilised pumps from home to office without it getting contaminated? Going back to work is so ley chey, need to think about this & think that. Currently, my boy is feeding every 2 hours (ya still!) and my boobs cannot withstand anything longer than 3 hours, wah i cant imagine pumping at every 2,3 hours at work leh, how to afford the time??!!
MSN List

1) [email protected] (irene)
2) [email protected] (nor)
3) [email protected] (dorami)
4) [email protected](ellen)
5) [email protected] (yolk sac)
6) [email protected] (peck)
7) [email protected] (livvie)

kth: I live in Punggol too!!
I've a nail package with them and I just tried the full body massage on Wednesday! My massage lady is Eve. You rem yours? Shes quite good. Not bad ya?

lilac: you are not the only one..I am trying to relactate when everyone else has stablised their ss. Sighs I have not succeeded yet so I might go get Domperidone from GP to increase ss.
yolk, I have a friend that putting the bb under the care of nanny after her confinment for 5 days a week and after that hired a helper when her son is about 2 years old till now. The helper is taking care of the son day and night and including her off day that she is at home. and now her son is sooo cling to the helper until she go toilet he also wait outside for her!!!!
and they cant go out without the helper at all. her son will fuss until he saw her(I think he has regards the helper as mom liao). my friend is very upset but no choice, hmmm she now trying very hard to win him back and he is 3yr+ now.

kinda sad and i dont want myself to fall into this stage. my mum was comment that my helper kinda dont want my mum to carry or pacifier jovan when she is around and when my mum carry bb she will come forward to carry him away to her room. but when i'm around she wont carry him away from me. i wanna to keep close to him as much as possible when i'm home, no matter how tired am i, i still wanna take care of him at nite unless i feel that i cant take it anymore then i pass to her for one or two nite.

At least he can smell and feel me when i feed him at nite.
hello everyone!
i'll be busy making choc chips cookies and london almond biscuits today so wil not have time to logon after this.. have a nice weekend all! will post pics once i'm done.

1) [email protected] (irene)
2) [email protected] (nor)
3) [email protected] (dorami)
4) [email protected](ellen)
5) [email protected] (yolk sac)
6) [email protected] (peck)
7) [email protected] (livvie)
8) [email protected] (en_hui)

Hi livvie, I stay in Punggol too. I think we are in the same cluster...blk 6XX right?
I was also taking Domperidone to increase my ss and it worked for me. Actually you can get it from Guardian Pharmacy. Just ask the Pharmacist.

Cheok, I carry the sterilized pump from home in a clean ziplock bag. About sterilizing it in the office, I bought the Medela microsteam bags. You just wash the pump parts, put them into the bag with 60ml of water and pop in into the microwave for 2 mins and the parts are sterilized. I find it very convenient. At least better than bringing a sterilizer to the office.
