(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Hi mummies

my bb who is 12 weeks old has greenish yellow stools and green stools (like veg colour). he's on tbf.

is it alright?


poppy pop,
i read somewhere that what mommy eats influences the color of the baby's stool when on tbf. it could be the coloration of vege or fruits that you consume.
hi everybody, me already back at work since yday. Couldn't wait to go home to see my boy. I have this constant fear that my boy won't want me anymore cos my helper is the one that is always looking after my boy and the hours that I spent with him is so few compared to my helper. But then I need to work. Do you mummies have this fear??

Btw, lilac have a good trip tomorrow. If I recall correctly, you will be leaving tomorrow.
thanks nor ;-)

has been very worried about it...

btw, do you know if the baby's head is sulken - at the front part, any idea what's wrong?
jules: i will need to check, but i'd guess that if say we work 3/5 of the week, then that period would not count as one week of the bond period, but only 3/5 of one week of the bond period - that would be the only fair way of dealing with the issue, i think. for civil servants, they count by hours worked - and you have to work between 11 to 29 hrs per week. all subject to agreement with the department in question. i'm still considering my options at the moment. now that Ems has arrived, i just cannot bear to work full-time...frankly, if not for the bond, i'd probably QUIT! i agree with your hb that part-time = full time work on part-time pay, but bo pian lah. i committed to working the bond period and i intend to complete the obligation - but maybe take a longer time to do it?
Nor, OH NO!!! wht a nightmare...
vent vent.. you'll feel better,.. shit happens..
dont let it get to you. ive had one of those reallyt bad days not too long ago.. whn i pierced Ash;s ears.. it was like everything tht cld go wrong, did!

i hope Lis gets better quick!

mamijoan, i know wht you mean.. its good you dont work till 8pm or something, which some mums do!
foie gras (is tht how you spell it?) i havent had in ages!!!!
wagyu burger has it!! YUM!

bedebe... re infant care.. it'll prob be near where i work.. which is in the east.. changi to be exact! so prob baby planet or babies inc in katong.. but im leaning towards baby planet cos my colleague strongly recomds it.
either tht or closer to my place.. which will be babies inc bk timah or Pat's school house at halifax which will blow a huge hole in my pocket!
hey poppy!

dont worry abt the stools.. completely normal.. ive had those many times.. even wetter thn normal mustard stools are still normal.

yes, its true a sunken fontanelle means slight dehydration.. but you'll notice it'll go back to normal very soon.. or after the next feed. but if it's extremely sunken/discoloured i'd see the PD. slight depression is fine!

Jules, my bblegs havent arrived.. i think next week.. if ive got a spare one i promise i'll sell it to you.. so far on my waiting list (heh) is bcube and yolk.

im so happy... Ash is getting used to settling byherself in the evenings!! and no History channel today! LOL i swaddled and gave her a kiss and walked out!! minimal fuss and now asleep!
amber...i'm most likely to choose babies inc at tanjong katong...already checked out eton and learning vision in the area also but find that babies inc is the best imho. my colleague's 2 kids have been to the bt timah babies inc and recommends them.

i've not heard of baby planet actually...do they have a webby?

poppy...think it shud be fine. veve had greenish ones sometimes. and the girls are right, sunken fontanelle = dehydration...you'll need to give your baby more liquids. likely baby is also losing weight
bedebe, yesbaby planet has a website...


ive not been there yet...
ya know how they say when you actually go and see the place, you'll know if its right for you..

yes i heard tht the babies inc at katong is quite good and newer and cleaner thn the one at bktimah

im also considering going back to work 3 days a week but not sure yet.. my full salary already isnt tht great.. 3days will be pathetic!!!
Mamijoan: Would love to but i'm afraid tt Matt might not be ready.His mood swings and am scared that he can't be attentive and would fuss during the lesson. Can't afford to let him miss too many lessons cos it's expensive. Will observe him. Do you know how far ahead we've to register him if we decide to start the lessons.

Yolk Sac: I share your worries and is hoping that he could self-settle and fall asleep by himself. However, sometimes, I wonder whether i'm expecting too much from him. He probably hasn't had the maturity to self-settle yet. I try to put him down at semi-conscious state as much as I can. It only works sometimes at night but definitely a no-no for daytime naps. Wonder why daytime naps always cause so many problems. So did you try letting Ems sleep on tummy?

Childcare: Wonder whether I should put Matt in the childcare when he's slightly older although I have my MIL and maid to help out. I'm really scared that my MIL will spoil him. Besides that, my MIL can't teach him and he will end up watching tv most of the times. Arrggggh... Plan to let him attend Julia Gabriel or St James. Don't think they have child care, right?

Nor: Hope Lissy is better today?

Sigh... am counting down the days to work. sigh...
amber...from the looks of it...babyplanet looks nicer than babies inc katong. any idea what're the fees like? child to teacher ratio?

i kinda like babies inc cos it's jus down the road fr my office.
jules, yup the swimwear fair is still on till this or next weekend. It's not at the atrium but at B1. Quitea lot of triump baby swimsuit n bikini N it's all 9.90.

However, the float are quite limited. u may want to pop over to paragon toy r us to have a look.
Hello all!
Lis took her med and slept a bit after 8pm on the sofa.. then just after 9.30 she started coughing. I told her to sit up first and just go to the toilet if she have the urge to throw up again. and she keep on coughing and coughing like wan to choke but refuse to go toilet to spit out the phlegm... wa piang eh!!
and everytime she cough wairah would be startled from her sleep.. so fed-up. Lis can be damn stubborn at times and this is the times.. shit.. shit.. shit!!
Anyway, hubb just came back and i just put wairah in her cot. must cool down in air-con room or else i might explode. i try not to scold Lis too much, esp now that she's not well but she's like testing my patience man..
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh... feels so much better that i can let this out somewhere. Thank you all again!
Hey Claire

i love Julia Gabriel! i know they have excellent enrichment classes.. and courses like edu play and edu drama.. mandarin classes..
but they dont do day care or infantcare.. er im pretty sure lah
childcare for Matt, you mean whn he's like 18mths and up?

abt sleeping.. Ash barely sleeps in the day,.. err.. 2hrs maybe or perhaps 3 max
but shes a log at night..
parsniketty i think the night schedule, we're pretty much the same.. 7-11 12-530 630-830
this is her USUAL.. give or take
some strange reason she did a 430am last night.. i hope she goes back to her normal.. am waiting for the day she does 12am till 7am!!!!
Keagan.. Ive d same fear as u.. told my hubby my worries too.. but like he said no choice lor.. both of us nd to wrk.. but i noe i'll b very sad if bb becomes closer to my helper than to us..

Lilac.. u leavin soon?? Do keep in touch w us here ok? Muz take care

Nor.. sori to hear tt Lis is sick.. hope shell get well soon.. dun b too stress
Hi Ice Goh, thanks for your reply

Hi Nor, U take care. It's really not easy looking after a sick child. Hope Lis will recover fast!

Kaizer is going to infant care tml...I think I will not used to not having him at home...Must find some activities to do tml to keep me occupy. Already plan to have pedicure hehe...
Nor, hope Lis is feeling better now. Yes, go and rest. It is so important to get some rest whenever possible.

Yolk Sac, Ems' motor skills are so good now. She can even grasp toys in her hands. Zach always have his little fingers up his nose though he wanted to suckle them!!

Bedebe, veve is so adorable with her head full of hair! She looks so angelic.

We are leaving for China tomorrow! Zachary has been a good baby and he is finally latching on for a full feed in the day time!! I still do not know if this is enough for him but that will means I do not have to supplement with FM anymore. Keeping my fingers cross though. Just in case, we are bringing over 3 tims of Similac. Hope we do not have to use them.

Mums who are pumping, do you feel that the area around the nipple area is sore and itches? I think I overpump and now its begining to itch like mad. Sometimes its okay, sometimes its not. I think its also because of milk leaking and causing the area to be damp all the time. I certainly hope its not infection!! Really do not have the time to drop by TMC to check. Maybe I will try to drop by a GP later.

Will continue to log in the forum to hear updates from you all!!!
Eileen (preggy10),
have you tried changing his milk teat?

Irene chio,
went to Honeypot for my brazilian today
.I must agree with you on the wax they use.It's so..less painful then Strip.I sign up package on the spot!Thanks for the recommendation!

hope lis is feeling better.
her not fierce lah! Heehee! How's lunch?

normal to have bright green poo! No worries on that.

Amber, shall we meet on 9th??
Hi nor

hope liz is feeling better now.. my gal been coughing badly also and each time she cough my bb eyes will be big big staring at her! is she on antibotics?

thanks amber and bedebe! oh dear dehydrated! but just curious how come huh? i thot TBF supposed to include all in the bm package - no need to give bb drink water already. how come dehydrated? is it cos of the food or lack of water that i din take? is it me causing bb to be dehydrated?

if feed water, how often to feed?

so lost ;-(

lilac, take care.. jia you! maybe you wana change the breast pads once it gets too wet and uncomfortable else will get itchy.. have to keep the area dry
how long is it since u delivered? wanted to do BW last mth (around 8weeks after delivery) but the girl at honeypot advised me to wait for another mth or two.
Wow... Great Grandma. Envy you. I never even met my grandfathers. Grandmothers all gone already. Sometimes feel so sad for my kids. Don't even get to meet their great-grandparents.

Did you try Demsey Road dining place? I went there last week with my hubby and he was full of praise for it. Tried out 'The House' and he enjoys sitting next to the 'jungle' as he like to say. In fact it's only the forrest la.

Hope your gal will get well soon.

You are not the only one. I'd hired a helper to help my MIL out. My elder son is already very close to her. In his sleep, he can even say out her name. Whenever he has a new toy, the first person he wants to show it to is my helper. Nowadays, he don't want me to feed him anymore. Only my helper can do it. It's super upsetting. But still, I'm mummy. Cos whenever I'm home from work, he'll stick to me, hug me and kiss me. And would spend quite quality time with me alone in the room. But I do find one disturbing sign though. My helper seems to enjoy making my kids close to her. She is focussing on my little one now, play with him as often as she can. I told my hubby, I totally hate what she is doing. Maybe I change to a helper who don't like baby?!!! I know I'm being a devil, but who would like a stranger to try to take your place as a mother????

Can't post much. Anson is doing alot of his baby talks right beside me. Got seduced by him again! Chat to all later!

I have just changed the teats yday, it did helped but he's still fussing during his feed.

Can I check with you mummies, how much sleep does a 10mth old baby need?? Just this week, Isaac seems to have hit into a sleep spell! Sleeping throughout the afternoon and only wakin up for his feeds and fussing!I tried to keep him awake thru play but he refused and cried to be put to sleep. He will wake up and play during evening then go to bed ard 9-10ish, wakes up ard 4-5ish for milk and then go bk to sleep til abt 7-8am the next day. Not sure if I'm just plain paranoid but is this normal? I tot as the baby grows, he shld have more awakening moments, esp in the day??
Lilac: have a safe trip! Hope you & Zach will settle down quickly in China!

Nor: Welcome back! How come that person so mean & complain about u leh? Hope Liz gets better soon!

kth: tot you are not going back to work? how come you are putting bb in infant care?

claire: if i were you, i will put bb in the child care center when he gets older. like what you say, the centers have programmes to help him stimulate his development plus it helps in his social skills. You cant really depend on your helper and MIL to do the same.
Take care and hope to hear from you from China soon!

I think the itch is caused by residual BM that has dried up. I experience that sometimes too and it usually goes away after I clean my breasts.

That's my concern for hiring a helper! I'm worried that my kids will become closer to her. But if I really need to hire one, her main duties will be household chores.
hey bcube!!! lunch was great... missed you!
hey i putmy original seat back on my quinny.. i did tht cos, well, i think it might be cooler thn the maxi cosi.. also wanted Ash to get used to it and just leave the car seat in the car!

but hard to manage man. i mean w/o anything to strap her in whn in the car.. AND
it's impossible to hold the bb AND collapse the quiinny!!
so i use the bbjorn so both hands are free~
sigh.. i hope i didnt make a mistake w the quinny.
i think i shld just put the damm car seat baack on the stroller... 10 times easier cos i just stuk Ash in the car first, thn fold the stroller down..

good thing Parsniketty was with me.. i asked her to stay w me at the taxi stand..
Parsniketty: thnx babe.. sorry hon im still getting used to the damm thing!

9th? sure!! i'll have the bblegs by thn..
i just got mail saying perhaps arrive sat or Monday!! yippey!!

yolk, got a question abt your angelcare..
the cot sensor.. do you have to turn it off and on?
cant be right?
(obviously i havent set mine up yet-and havent read the manual!)

lilac! take care and all the best in China! dont worry so much, im sure you'll manage! thts how fantastic humans are.. we adapt..
if you run into feeding probs, im sure both you and bb will manage ard it.. it must be scary being away from family and support and of course familiarity.. if you feel alone or cornered.. find someone to talk to.. internet is GREAT.. we'll always be here!
claire: yeah they are still v young, so I'm still hopeful they'll self-settle when they are a bit older. haven't had a chance to try the new position as she's been taking most of her naps while we're out and abt (yes, i'm a bad mummy - always going out!) - will try soon!

bcube: heh heh
lunch was good...as usual we were a bit all over the place cos the babies had needs! but fun lah. hope to see u soon!

angeline: i'm so so terrified of what you described. it's strange - i never realised before i popped how important it wld be for me to be my bb's favourite person, but now that she's here, it's so so important to me! funny how mummyhood changes you

lilac: we'll miss you! have a safe trip back to china
and yah, must keep in touch. haha yes, ems also likes to put her hands all over her face - getting stressed out trying to figure out how to keep her hands clean. i mean, we sterilise her bottle etc like mad but then her hands are all over the place!!

amber: ash's sleep pattern is gd! like i said, it mirrors the patterns some older babies (my friends' kids) have - sleep v little in the day and konk out at night. yesterday, after ems' quick 20 min catnap at 3:30pm, she stayed up (and was fairly good-natured) until knocking out at 6:30 (after bath and milk), slept from 6:30-10pm, then up for milk, then slept from 11pm-7:30am. Was very pleased! Her 11-7/7:30am stretch is fairly consistent but the evening stretch (up to 10pm) is still not always good - so gotta keep working at it i guess

cheok: hey gal, how are u? have u made a decision on returning to work yet?

eileen: you lucky thing! gd to have a bb that sleeps
i think it's quite normal lah, some bbs just need more rest, esp at certain times. more sleep = more time to rest and grow, i think.

nor: hang in there gal, i'm sure things will go back to normal once Lis is feeling better. how's it going today? u back at work?
amber: eh sorry babe, i have no clue. we haven't been using the cot sensor, so i'm not familiar with its operation. will check with hb and revert if he has any insights

the quinny is darn cool! but yah, i know what u mean abt ease of assembly, getting around etc. i love my bugaboo, but it's hard to work (must get tips from cheryl) so for now i'm sticking my car seat on the bug frame and praying that ems will agree to sit in it!
lilac, have a good trip back! and keep in touch via forum ya? i used to get v itchy ard the areola area.. but after i stopped applying BM and allowing it to airdry, didnt have that problem anymore. breastpads also made the itch worse. after i pump now, i will use tissue to wipe away any residual BM.

ice, hey thanks again! luckily u told me, otw i'll spend like 30-40 bucks on a swimsuit my girl will outgrow in no time! so tempted to buy a bikini set in a bigger size for her to wear when bigger! 9.90 really a steal!

yolksac, yup.. wouldnt make sense for them to count 1 wk part time as 1 wk of bond! wishful thinking on my part haha
but yes, if i wasnt bonded, there is a very high chance i wld just quit!
lilac...well done mummy! your efforts are paying off! have a safe journey back to china. remember you're never alone w us and the internet

amber...i've checked w babyplanet...ratio is 1:3 (higher than babies inc), fees is 950 after full time mum subsidy (babies inc is 1200). currently have 2 babes under 1yo. i'll prob go check it out soon except it's a not so convenient location.

haha about quinny...i had those apprehensions when hb wanted the quinny...now i must say tt while i enjoy it...it's tough to handle it alone. to this my hb has said "you wun be going out alone wat" ...well if i'm gonna be SAHM...i'm sure not gonna be IAHM (I = imprisoned) hey actually the actual seat is only suitable from 6m. i'm tempted to let veve use it cos the maxi-cosi is a real heat trap! thinking of getting zapp when she's older when we start travelling w her.

nor...hope lis is better today. can imagine her discomfort...mummy have patience ya...it's tough on her lil body.

jules...i oso hate hate hate bottle feeding...so ley chey...eh...wat do you mean by drinking when sleeping huh? when veve sleeps she's dead asleep with lips clamped shut...how to drink?

cheok cheok...i can't decide whether to quit or not...it seems tt God has planned for me to return to work (office shifted to area w lots of infantcare, office has first-ever in SG nursing room)...aargh...last discussion w hb was like he said go back to work cos he thinks i deserve a life outside home and veve...aargh...but tat made me wanna stay home with veve more
bedebe, i am one rough mummy. i'll literally pry her lips open by pulling downwards on her lower jaw. then stuff the teat in above her tongue.. usually she'll start sucking by reflex once the teat is in her mouth. oh, when i notice her mouth moving when she is asleep, i'll take advantage of that and feed her too.
hi mummies

could i check with you, why bf bb could be dehydrated? is it due to the food/water that i take?

angeline, dorami, last night i went home, i tried my best to spend as much as with my boy as possible and keep telling him how much i love him etc and if he misses me and all...i know he can't answer me but i was hoping that he will hear my voice constantly and will not be so so close to my helper...dunnoe if it is a wasted effort...my colleague was telling me that no matter what i am his mother, in the end he will still stick to me when he grows older...hope it will be true...but i still cant help but get paranoid that when he is older, like your elder boy (angeline), he will show your helper first before you...i think i will be madly jealous....torn man!! troubles of a working mother....
poppy pop...dehydration need not mean lack of water. since your baby is on TBF, it could mean the milk intake is insufficient. if your baby's fontanelle is v sunken, you shud bring to PD.

jules...haha...our lil ones bring out the worst in us :p but it's for their own good hor *wink*
Hi cheok, I still need to go back office to serve my 1 mth notice but the good thing is I will probably stay on for another 2 wks only (as I have plenty of leaves to offset). So have you decided to be a SAHM?

Kaizer is in the infant care now, I miss him very very much....sob...
yolk, bedebe, kth: Every day my decision changes. One day i would wake up and say, YES i shall be a SAHM...but on another...i think i'll go back to work. SIGH...i dunnoo whats holding me back...its only going to be a year for goodness sakes! I think i have never been out of job (so as to speak) before since graduation....and to do it IS really scary. I worry if i can adapt back to the office lifestyle and if i can have demand a better salary when i return..arrrgggg...

amber: i sooooo want your job....got cleaning job for me in your school? hehehehheee..

bedebe: If you ask me, i think u should be a SAHM la! You have all the signs that's pointing you that way. As for the future finances- trust God! He will bless you for sure er i mean your husband! A church friend (also a SAHM) told me all those mums she knows who chose to be full time mummy never regretted their decision. Wait...who am i to tell you to be SAHM? I am confused myself la!!

yolk: hey a question for you. How did you take Em's passport photo? Shayne cannot lift his head on his own yet...i dunno how to take a photo of him with a white background...so tough!

kth: i know, i think i will miss my son terribly when i get back to work next next monday, not looking forward to it....
nor, hope your girl is getting better. Maybe you can put a container beside her or nearby her and ask her to vomit in it instead. This is wat we did when our girls are sick. So when they want to vomit they will take the container and vomit.

bedebe, i already on diet for one and half month and already lose aro 5kg. At nite when i want to take something to eat i will think twice first and put back cos i want to slim down faster
. Abt SAHM, you can be one and dun worry. God will plan everything for you and will not give you something taht you cannot handle
(hmmm is this wat you told me b4)

keagan, dun worry. All my girls are still so close to me even i work. Your bb will go back home with yoy after work? My mom said both of them are close to me bcos at nite i sleep with them. Very funny lor, once i go back after work they will run to me and want me to carry them and it will, be like my turn to look after them liao.

lilac, have a safe trip home and remember to chat with us in the forum
gonna miss you.

Eileen, until now Cheylssa still sleep a lot during the day. She wake up aro 8am and go sleep again after milk/bath then will wake up for her milk after 3hours later. Awake for maybe an hour and go back sleep again. Now she is sleeping since 1pm and guess she will wake up at 3pm later. And she will want to sleep again aro 5pm. At nite she will sleep early at 8pm. So sun worry. If he wants to sleep then let him sleep. BB sleep more will grow faster

My elder one who is 3yrs old does not take nap anymore when she was 2yrs old. by rite she supposed to take nap aro her age. But we let her be, no point forcing her if she dun want to sleep.
cheok...u got me started planning for my resignation :p

tentative plan is: resign in december- cos 1. only 19 working days!!! there may be 1/2 day for christmas and new year eve too :p, 2. 2 public holidays, 3. year-end everyone holiday mood...there'll hardly be anyone ard working...both colleagues and clients :p, 4. last paycheck for christmas shopping!

now i've gotta plan for somebody to care for veve those 19 days...hmmm :|

4ever..jia you jia you!! i find tt i will not lose weight if i stay at home, need to go gaigai then can lose weight :p yes excuses to roam :p

yup...thx for reminding me. i somehow do feel a lil happier after deciding the above :p now...to share the news w hb :p

kth...which infantcare is kaizer at? he'll be there for just 1 mth while you serve notice?

bedebe: my turn, you are making me so wanna hand in my letter today! Seriously, i feel that you are meant to be a SAHM & im sure you wont regret your decision! Anyway, if need to, you can always get a part-time job or bounce back to the working world mah...

For me, my family is still young. As in, i only got married last year! So i feel that i should work as long as i can to help build up the family savings.

I think i am reluctant to quit is because i do have a good job. A position, a great team to back me up, plus this job a bit no brainer one (at least to me), pay most likely be higher next year and we have off peak periods in a year so we usually literally do nothing in the office the whole day & get paid...so...its really hard to tear myself away from this job...sobs

But on the other hand...i want to be there for baby...so hard..its sooooo hard...
