(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Ems dont look too comfy lying on the balls! hahaha! Her expression is priceless!

yeah u gals attending aquaducks after us! Yeah!! Fun!

Actually Baby Whisperer is the first book I bought. But frankly after going through the book thrice, I still cannot find good information on what to do when baby dont respond to PU/PD. Like when they CONTINUE yelling eventhough u carry them (coz they WANT breast!), then how?? lots of questions unanswered..have u figured it out?

wow hey u turning out to be a martha steward!! ANd like I said before, A is such an Angel Baby lah..you lucky lucky mum!

Nor, your gals are photogenic!

Its CNY party for my house tonight and will be a real busy day. Plus tmr morning going to Bangko (a last minute decision made on tues!) so will have to get everything ready today too!

Shall go get my Combi from Isetan today..or is there a better place that offers discount?!?

Here's another pic of R after Aquaducks..she looks stoned...

bcube: awww...b and b look so good in that pic! can't tell them apart though - which is the girl? enjoy BKK! eat lots and shop lots! are you bringing Renee by the way? yah, I think she wasn't pleased on the balls, my mum laughed her head off when she saw the pics of Ems frowning! have you been doing the cry-it-out approach with Renee? how's that going?

jillian: hmm...I enlisted my hb to respond to the night wakings last night. Ems had her last feed around 8pm - 180ml FM, then went to bed around 9pm, then slept until midnight and then hb picked her up and she went back to sleep. woke up once at 3am but was very hard to settle, wldn't stop crying despite hb picking her up etc...i think he took almost an hr to settle her, then she woke up again at 6am but self-settled (yay) until I got her up at 7am. will see how it goes today.
bcube: woo! great pics! she does not look stoned lah, she's such a little beauty
hey babe, if it's not too much trouble, cld you help me burn the ems photos on a disc - my mum wants it as she is starting a scrapbook. no rush, whenever you have time (can be next month, haha).

nor: that pic of wairah and lis is definitely one for the photo album, so cute! must say again that you have beautiful gals - like mummy lah

kth: hurray, hope Kaizer likes the playground - post a pic for us when it arrives at your place!
Gal is the one with the pink scarf lah! :p
I havent done the CIO with R. HB slpped disc problem so didnt want to disturb his sleep (yeah u r a lucky gal hb helps in settling Ems..no such luck for me!). So to minimize stress for all, R gets her way. ;( I know I know..the bad hbits will come back to haunt me...u let me know how the PU/PD method works for Ems!
sure! I have to as there are too many and the resolution is too high to send via email. But do remind me..you know lah my brain is like a sieve now..cannot retain info! There are soem v nice ones of ur mum with Ems that will surely go on the frame!
Morning Yolksac/Bcube!
had been slient reading july thread all these while.
R and EM seems to be have fun at the pool. how's the class at aquaducks? are the instructors good?

isetan private sales coming up in Mar. can wait?

your gals are lovely.
Hey this aquaducks, is it a trial class? FOC?
want to bring bb there leh....

Jules, I'm now about 17 weeks...

BB recently down with running nose and cough.. for 2 weeks le... medicine from PD also running low.. a friend introduce this "Bao Yin Dan" from Yu Yen Sheng... now I am trying all sorts of methods.. hopefully this Bao Yin Dan helps.. anyone tried before?
hello! u still seeing Dr Yap? were u the 1 who is seeing her? my memory is real bad.
why dont you bring her back for reveal? maybe there's phlegm stuck in her throat/lungs thats why she taking so long to recover. my gal is seeing Dr Heng at Kidslink.( www.kidslink.com.sg ) the docs there are quite good. she has so much phlegm that she vomit when she cough. but the medication helped her.
leobaby, yar, am seeing Dr Yeap from KKH.

yar! BB has lotsa phelgm. Put my hand on his chest, can feel the "Grr Grr Grr" sound... Last nite, he also vomit when he cough, vomit out all the milk! scary...Tot of bring him back to PD for review tomorrow, cos tonight PD close..
Ya lor. Ash also. see already heart pain. i think there's alot of phlegm in his lungs. but bring him to see PD asap. she's on ventolin when open up her airway to clear her lungs. dun worry. he will be all right. still BFing? if he's on FM, dilute his milk. it helped for Ash's case.
yolk!! yummmmm

you and bcube joining?

looks really good.. but long hours plus eats into Ash's dinner aand nap times..

it's just the one day?
yo ber! yup just the one day
loads of fun! do come along if you can.

leobaby: they are not bad, give good ideas for how to encourage baby to be confident in the water - quite useful! and they don't push the babies too hard which is great if one has a slightly hesitant child. but I am starting to feel that the pace of the class may be a bit slow for Ems who is quite gung ho abt water.

manuka: trial at aquaducks is FOC, just need to call them to book a slot. but I hear from the Aug mummies that their classes are all full?!?! not sure if this includes the weekday ones though
kth, wat i gave rachel was nt pureed meat but real pieces of meat. cos during the cny period, alot of praying ma, so hv duck la, chix la, roast pork la...keke. i gave rachel pieces of duck meat & roast pork...she seems ok leh...no side effects... and greedily enough...haha

nw, mil feeding her minced pork mix with porridge & tofu...

but during the time when she was having fever, it was only plain porridge mix with marmite.
tried PU/PD with ems at her morning nap and it didn't really work - she was just getting too keyed up. so i finally whipped out a pacifier (which ems has never liked - last tried it abt 3 mnths ago) and she held onto it with both hands and started chewing on the side of it; i put her like that into her cot and closed the door - silence! 5 mins later, she was fast asleep. hmm...have I just freakin' gone from one sleep prop (rocking, jiggling, patting) to another (the pacifier)?

Jillian: Baby Whisperer allows the use of a pacifier right? Argh, need to read up!
yolk, one day sounds good... i'd love to go which date are you guys doing? thn i an call ad sign up!

yolk, gee sounds like it is one prop to another. but was Ems actually sucking on the teat? or just playing?also, she managed to drink 180ml.. thts fantastic.. when she woke up 3hrs later was she really hungry? ohhh wait, i just read up.. she woke up 7hrs later.. she was probaby hungry?! tht cld be why hard to settle.
er.. i cld be talking thru my ass.. but hey.

hows she doing with solids??? does she eat like a whole small jar plus rice cereal?

gee i donnooo man.
i personally dont agree with PU/PD method. same with attachment parenting thingie.. dont agree with some of it's principles

do you go straight to her whn she cries or wait for 5mins etc?
i guess wht im trying to say is find the root cause of the wakings. i understand abt being able to settle back to sleep issue.. perhapsanalyze again wht worked for her before and why things changed..

i hope im helpful even just a bit..
hi yolksac, how is this playnest class that ems have been attending? i am thinking of bringing my boy for something but too spoilt for choices...i really dunno what to start though i know it still kinda depends on the kiddo.....
yolksac, oopss... ems cried till she puked?? same as xy!! xy cried very very badly continuously for 40min the first time i tried CIO and after i finally switched on the light to check on her after she slept, did i notice that she was lying in a large pool of vomit. sigh. cant forget that. it was like soemone just poured 300ml of milk onto the mattress. after that i tried the PU/PD method with xy when CIO failed. gave up after 1 night.. i picked her up and put her down lets see.. 30 times?? it didnt pacify her, just made her more and more angry though i was consistent in how i picked her up. i gave up after the 30th time. back pain ah!! yes.. i believe baby whisperer allows use of the pacifier. saw it in the first 2-3 chapters.

can understand ur fustration abt the bad nights u've been having.. xy's all haywire too. the night b4 she was up crying badly abt 5 times, while some nights she just fusses once or twice. so odd.. anyway, was just thinking that since she is teething and that's the main cause of her not sleeping properly, it wldnt really be a good time to try out new sleep methods right? just a thought.. hope u dont mind.

yvonne, if u think put up/put down is scary, u shld see the cry it out method lor. have given up trying all these sleep methods, and believe that bb will eventually sleep thru on her own once she is ready.

bcube, love those pics of R!! she really is getting prettier and prettier hehe.. was real tickled by her "dont mess with me" expression in the 3rd pic!!
yolk, btw, think no need to be too concerned abt the pacifier being another sleep prop. guess u need to figure out what u aim to achieve by doing sleep training - is it to make ems learn to self settle without any props? or would u be able to accept props that ems can provide herself - eg.. sucking thumb, hugging a fav blanket or toy, even a pacifier (she must know how to reinsert it when it drops out la)? for me, i started sleep training in the hope that i can for once get a proper nights sleep. dont really care what xy does to make herself go back to sleep.. just as long as she can settle herself and not bother me haha. bad mummy huh?? wld have used pacifier if not for hb's strong strong strong objections to it. now i'm the pacifier..
hello mummies

i'm having problems with settling veve back to sleep at night sometimes! for her, CIO and PUPD don't work cos she'll end up sitting up on the bed either wailing away or totally awake wanting to play!

on tuesday night, she woke up at 1am...had her milk then refused to go back to sleep. would cry the minute she was on her back...put her on her bed she'd wail, put her beside me, she'll not stop either, cradle her she'll wrestle her way out. tried to give her more milk/water...refused....gave her her chilled teethers...she threw them aside after a while. really have no idea what's up with her! finally after all that crying, she had some milk and went to lalaland after 100 minutes! tough! anybody encountered such behaviour before?

btw...veve's having bad constipation...been almost a week now. apple and prune juice has no effect on her. now it's day 2 of prune puree...pls pls work!

gugi...yes yes yes...veve is my babe...she's coming to 8m this tuesday!

leobaby...wow...i love isetan sales but hb said no go since the last madness. do you know which dates? he may be outta town...hee :p

nor...owww...that's not fun! i'm not sure what beds/cots to use in between newborn and toddler stage but i've been hearing how some cots no longer fit our older infants. you may wanna consider something scalable.

jillian...hey! sorry to confuse you but i'm not fr SCGS. i was referring to a senior fr JC :p i've also gotten one of the inflatables for veve to play at grandma's...sigh...still haven't got the time to get down to it

bcube...lovely dogs! jus wondering if you follow wholesamebaby's method of storing the tofu?

ok one last thing. can someone advice if the 1tbsp amt of food measurement is measured dry or wet? and also if it's heaped or flat? not sure if i'm underfeeding veve!
ber: we're going on 2 Mar I think - join us join us! but let me know can? then can try to get seats together

ans to qns:
1. she started by sucking the side of the pacifier (the plastic holder bit), not the teat. that's how i left her. when i went in 5 mins later, the teat was in her mouth and she was drifting off to sleep while sucking

2. yup last night she drank the 180ml at around 8pm and we fed her again at 7am. i was quite happy to dream feed her at midnight when she stirred but she just needed a quick carry by hb to go back to bed

3. should i feed her when she wakes up in the middle of the night? i'm worried that she's waking up out of habit rather than hunger, esp since she then slept from 4-6am without needing intervention; am worried that if I feed her, she will keep wanting the milk feed in the middle of the night when really by this time, she shldn't need one anymore

4. her solids are ok on some days, not so ok on others. for dinner, she can do a whole jar of pears no problem but I don't add rice cereal to that. for lunch, usually abt two cubes of purees plus half a teething biscuit, lots of water. for breakfast, she doesn't eat terribly much, usually 2 tbsp of barley cereal with a teeny bit of puree. that plus BF in the morning first thing before breakfast, a BF snack at 10:30am (so she's happy in class at 11am), full BF at 2:30pm/3pm, BF at 6:30pm, FM at 8pm-ish. shld be enough right?

5. actually, we NEVER go straight to her when she cries; this is one thing we've been consistent abt from day one, but she very rarely settles herself back down - most times, in the five mins we wait, her crying escalates. today, when she woke up from her morning nap, i waited...waited...then decided after abt 3 mins that she wasn't going to settle and when i went in, she was standing at the side of the cot waiting for me.

Hb and I were discussing this last night, the only thing that has really changed was that my granny started taking over the night wakings and putting Ems back to bed. Granny claims she only pats her without taking her out of her cot, unless Ems is really insistent, but we could be missing something here. I've asked HB to resume night waking duties, but it's hard on him, you know? I think I can persuade him to do a three-day spell, just gotta hope for quick improvements!
sorry...just 2 more things

1. any comments on pampers active for night use?

2. how much water is your babe taking? i'm not sure if the lack of water is constipating veve.

actually, my bb also same problem. started 3 days ago, wake up at 3am and refuse to sleep then need to carry carry to sleep, put him down he cry big time. need to 'fight' with him the carry, put down, carry put down for 30mins. and best of the best, he only wants me to carry! No hubby no maid! i think i must have owe him big time past life and he is here to torture me like that manz!

Jules, I am also an anti-pacifier mommy... but sometimes i do wonder if i shd give, cos its really too tiring... so far, i managed not to give cos no pacifier at home! kekeke

anyway, am wondering if its a phase they go through... but i dun remember my elder boy doing this to me..
Hi all.. so sad today and need place to let it go.. After one whole weeks my bb starts to wake up in e middle of e nite, last nite was my last staw.. she slept bout 00:10, then bout 3am she woke up n cry, hubby carry her n bring her in 2 our room, ussualy she'd back 2 sleep till morning but last nite she was v naggy oso move n kick around. at abt 4, i decided 2 wrap her, n once i saw her settle, i carry her back 2 her own room, but then the nightmare begun... she cried.. i tried pat2 her tight n even sing 4 her that ussualy works v well, but she still cry, i choose 2 leave her alone, coz sometimes she gave up n sleep, but last nite wasnt like tat, instead of gave in, she cried her lung out!!! i was so angry n leave e room, hubby try to make her sleep, but i dont know what come to me, i dont like that she carry e bb to make her sleep so i told him he's not helping if he do that, he said what should i do then? she cry like that! i feel so sad.. eventhough in e morning he doesnt show any sign of anger n act like ussual, i still v bad coz we're never argue or use high tone to each other since we're dating till last nite, plus i dont understand why my gal behave that way... she never wakes up on her nite sleep before, similiar as amber's gal, last time she loves to sleep, she used to down at 10pm an wakes up at 8 or even 9am e next day, sometimes even hit 10 am when my hubby at home n she sleep with us... i tot bb getting older then improve better, how come instead of my gal improve her sleeping time (sleep earlier for example) she move backwards as become sleep less n woke up in e middle? aiah.. i really sad today, i even break down n cry, hubby just hug me n told me dun be so stress coz bb would keep changing their habit till they're bigger n more settle... is that rite?
I'm sorry if i become so melow... i just need to relief my chest..
mommies, do u think its becos our babies are starting to observe and know more things around them.. such that they have nightmares at nite? or some people say "han meng". people say its becos they play too much in the day or over excite in the day...
for my bb, sometimes, he will cry with his eyes closed very tightly and no matter how we call him, pat him, he will not stop...
yolk, jules, bedebe,

take heart. tis phrase will pass. eventually all babies will find their own way to settle down. dun give up. soon, u will find dat we mummies no longer nid to play a role when it comes to sleep.

am no gd with words here... anyway, m sure u mummies know wat i mean

bedebe, js a suggestion, try giving veve some glucose water. (but must be diluted. maybe approx half - 1 teaspoon to 4oz water). its cooling. first, its sweet. all babies hv a sweet tooth. she might like the taste compare to if u js give her plain water. second, it aids in removing the heatiness seen in constipation. gd luck.
manuka: cupcake class

my preciouskeagan: yup she really enjoys the mandarin playnest at Evans Rd (JG) - lots of different activities, and she seems very engaged and interested in what's going on, without any fuss or tears which might make me think it's too much for her; think I posted a detailed summary of what goes on a few days ago. let me know if you have specific queries and i'll be happy to answer them

jules: hey, really welcome and appreciate your input on this! please give me more advice, i really need to crack this nut soon (erm referring to the sleep issue not ems; would not call my baby a "nut" hahaha)! I'm happy to accept "props" that she can use by herself - eg thumb sucking, pacifier (if she can put it in her mouth herself), favourite toy (doesn't have one yet). Just read Baby Whisperer and she says that by 4 mnths, if bb hasn't been using a pacifier, don't introduce one! Ooops. Tho I do think that Ems is smart enough at this age to put it back in her mouth - but I haven't seen her do it yet (she didn't do it just now) so maybe being too optimistic here! it's only been a day or so, but my feeling is that PU/PD will not work for Ems as it will only serve to annoy her further and get her more agitated. sigh, what does that leave? CIO? same problem I reckon! And yes the puking was a sorry sight, wasn't it?

Amber: What do you find troubling with PU/PD and attachment parenting btw? I think attachment parenting types might have issues with PU/PD actually!

Manuka: Why do you dislike using the pacifier? Is it cos they become reliant on it and it looks ugly? Or causes bad teeth? Do you think if I can get Ems to restrict its use to sleep in her cot it might be ok?

gugi: aiyoh, you poor thing - that sounds like a bad night
hey don't worry too much abt what happened ok? having a young baby in the house is stressful and will surely cause some sharp words b/w hb and wife, very normal one, i promise. doesn't mean anything in the greater scheme of things ok?
manuka, yes. if bb over excite or play too much in the day, sometimes they will hv night mares & they usually wake up crying louder or harder than usual. wat i do is i gave rachel jin(1)feng(1)san(3). comes in the form of powder. js go to any chinese medical hall & ask for it. its a small bottle comes with a spoon. i usually feed rachel once - twice a week, depending on her activity. this aids in calming the bb down & also helps in expelling wind from the tummies. cos when babies cry too much, they will inhale alot of wind. try it out. hope it helps.
jules: oh yah, actually I'm not 100% sure Ems is teething at the moment; she definitely was in the past but now that the bottom two, I don't really see much action on the top and she's definitely drooling a whole lot less this week and a bit. but totally agree that we shld not do CIO/PU-PD etc when our bbs are teething or going thru any other major change in their lives
yolk, its becos of a lot of reasons why i anti pacifier
1. My MIL - last time she bbsit a bb girl, i saw her, many a times, put back the dropped pacifier into the bb girl's mouth! so i told myself, now that she is helping to take care of my kids, its not going to happen to them! so unhygenic. Plus my MIL is those super lazy type, i know she will definately, for no reason give pacifier to shut them (which she did to the girl she bb sit)! i dun want to see my kids with pacifier the whole day
2. I've seen some kids who over rely on pacifiers, some even 5-6years old!
3. Heard some say it will cause bad teeth - but unproven la.. so that one is a minor concern
4. I dun want to wake up picking dropped pacifier at nite.. kekeke
yolk, does emily sleeps with u on ur bed or in her own cot? do u carry her upright or in ur arms
lying down horizontally?

can i suggest a method here? if u are carrying her upright while rocking her to sleep, put a piece of ur own clothing over ur shoulder. babies feel secure when they smell us. likewise, hv ur clothing propped like a pillow with emily lyin on it when u put her down onto her cot.

sorry abt using tradition method here but i find tis usually helps. i dun believe in all tis but it works for my son. likewise it works for rachel. hoepfully it works for u too.
hi manuka: haha, I see! thanks for listing them. if I use it, it'll only be for sleep so my only concern on that list is No 4 - this is the big question - Will little Emily be able to put the thing back in her mouth by herself?

yvonne: she sleeps in her own cot; I usually carry her upright and then she fidgets and pushes me away as she gets more frustrated with the tiredness. thanks for the suggestion, might give that a try! was discussing this with jillian yesterday as well
kth thanks for the tip! In that case i better go for the aquaducks @ tanglin village. but will go on a weekend so that hb can drive us there and assist me! Ok just sent them an email to book me in the next available one- told them im willing to wait.
My goodness the thread is moving fast today...
Yolk: you can try introducing the pacifier and see how that goes. Ally sleeps with it and it usually drops out after a while. I put it close to her and sometimes when she wakes up she puts in back in herself.

Night wakings and feedings: I feel that as long as your baby has had the required amount of milk/solids in the day, there is no need to feed them when they wake up in the middle of the night. I can't remember what is the recommended amount of milk for a 7 month old, have to check my GF book.
For me, I usually put Ally to bed at 8.30pm. At 10.30 just before I go to bed, I give her one last feed. If she wakes up in the middle of the night, she gets water and that's it.

bedebe: I've gone through that stressful time with Ally myself during the first five months. It nearly drove us insane. If you don't think she's hungry then I guess you just have to try to carry/sing/rock...etc to get her to sleep. I know how you feel and my heart goes out to you. Just keep in mind that its just a phase and won't go on forever. Sometimes they are over stimulated and I find that wearing her in a sling just about half an hour before bed time helps settle her a bit better.
sleep training sigh this is a constant problem for me. I think im the only one nursing my boy to sleep. Bad habit i know but he cannot tolerate any other methods lei. I tried to try CIO but heartache plus ive a feeling it wont work on him judging by his character. I also tried to console him by picking him up, patting, pacifier..he only got angrier and harder to get him to sleep. I think ive given up hope in this department. I am wishfully thinking that one day he'll learn how to sleep on his own and know how to soothe himself to sleep. How long will that take? Sigh
Jillian: Yup, was so shocked that the pacifier worked today as she had never wanted one before. I've adapted the GF routine slightly to work around our usual playnest slot of 11-12:30pm. Decided to stick to it every day so there is no confusion on Ems' part. I don't know the total amt Ems drinks per day as most of my feeds are via direct latch.

Cheok: Cool, hope Shayne enjoys the Aquaducks class! Post us a pic ok?
Yolk: ah yes, I did forget that she is BF most of the time. Its great that the pacifier worked!

Cheok: as long as you and shayne are both happy, don't worry too much. If he's anything like my monkey, CIO isn't going to work. Some babies just need that physical contact for comfort.
Eeeks, spoke too soon. The pacifier did not work with the lunchtime nap. But PU/PD did - the last round, I turned her to one side and patted her while shushing (Baby Whisperer said that this usually only works for bbs under 4 mnths old as older babies get annoyed, but this time, it worked on Ems) and she went to bed.

Before her nap, Ems had a good lunch today - 1 LJP cube of pumpkin, 1 LJP cube of peas, 1 LJP cube of pear for dessert and lots of water in between.

She's doing well with the Nuby cup. She will hold the two cup handles and stick the spout in her mouth. But she does need help in propping up the base of the cup a bit so that the water gets into the spout.

Amber/Nor - Nuby cup update - mine was leaking at first too, but then my helper figured out that the bits were not lined up correctly and she fixed it and suddenly, no more leak.
Manuka: Peas are one of Ems' favourite foods! Buy the frozen sort (comes in a bag, you can find them at the frozen vege section in any supermarket). No need to defrost, just steam them for 5-15 min until soft. Then puree in food processor. Then run the stuff through a sieve to get rid of the skins. This is the method used in First Foods, but some mummies here don't do the last step (sieving) and their babies are fine with it.
Then afterwards, you take the remaining puree and freeze them in cubes. And you're done - easy peasy (pun intended, hahaha)
hi yolksac, do you know of any playgroups for weekends only? cos i checked out the JG playnest, only weekdays right?? no way my boy can attend should i decide to let him....sorry you seemed to research pretty well in this area....me lazy so tapping on your knowledge...haahahha
oh! run through seive! no wonder i couldn't get it rite! cos i gave without seiving... and was wondering how to make the skins soft... ok ok, i try this weekend. U think we can do that to corn too??

Really not sure, my preciouskeagan, as I was only looking into weekday options. Was under the impression that there was a bilingual option on weekends. Perhaps you can call them to check?

manuka: hmm, not sure, haven't tried corn - can we feed them corn already? looking for new things to feed ems with - so far we've only done peas, carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, pear, apples, rice and barley cereal
