(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

yvonne: I rented the Learn Around Playground from this website http://www.rent-a-toy.com/shop/index.php. It's $32.80 a mth.

U can also rent from this website http://www.rent-that-toy.com/showToys.php?cat_id=2. But the Learn Around Playground is rented out currently.

Note that the LAP from Rent-A-Toy is more expensive than Rent That Toy. So it's better to rent from Rent That Toy if u can wait a bit.

Yolk: Will definitely post pic of the LAP once received it.

i used corn in bb porridge, but never eat the corn, just for the taste.
I also tried spinach, brocolli, papaya, banana, winter melon, lotus root (in porridge for taste), dried scallop (in porridge for taste)
i am starting fish this weekend, then maybe toufu when he is 8 or 9 months?
ok thanks manuka
looking forward to trying some protein soon!

kth: wow, you really did your research
manuka, i tried corn, and yes, u do need to run it thru a sieve after the pureeing to get the husks out. otw its really tough to swallow. having said that, i have stopped giving xy corn cos she had a bit of tummy upset that very night. maybe indigestion? not supposed to give corn till after 8-9 mths i think..

yolksac, have u tried potato? or avocado? banana and papaya are also good first foods if u are hesitant to let ems try the more exciting stuff like broccoli, asparagus, etc.. tofu's good too!
hey all... its been a very tiring day was out wit hb most of day and only popped in after lunch to hand with b thn out again.. and i've got cell group tonight so i'm feeling very tired and cranky!

and being aaway frm Ash, gee i felt even more irritable!!! i hated being away frm her.. gee

yolk, attachment parenting pretty much abt responding to cchilds neeed.. security is big with it's principles.. but i find tht the context is very important.. i find it very easy to be manipulated into giving in.. i find it a bit of a tease with child..
some bb know how to wrap you ard your fingers and you end up giving in?!
i guess im neither here nor there on methodology.. just feel tht every child is diff.. every method works for some and not others and in diff situations.

i guess thts why i had both GF and Rachel Waddilove.. took some frm here and there..
Ferber.. im on the fence.
i think improvisation is best.. PU/PD.. child likes being PU.. no doubt.. thn wails whn PD thn goes back and forth on this till they're tired and fall asleep.
ferber.. some samseng bb cry till they throw up!
and i think it's like breaking the will of a horse?! literally forcing!
Ash just gave in v quickly.. Ems will scre bloody murder..

my niece STILL DID THAT till she was 4!!!!

i gotta run..

yolk, like Jillian said, it cant last forever! you'll find a way which works for her.. and i pray it'll be over soon..
bcube, you too!! i know how tired you are!

gotta run..

oh i saw the leapfrog plaayground today at metro paragon!
if anyone's interested!

am starting new batch of purees

Ash loved the broccoli!!

am thinking of going back to spinach..
she hates parsnip!
cheok, oops hehe.. this careless mummy already fed xy corn! yikes! luckily no allergic rxn so far.. and i've used corn just to boil chicken stock to make porridge with.

amber, agree totally with u on attachment parenting.. wonder if that makes it easier for us mummies to be bullied by more aggressive kids! cant always give in for the fear of the kiddo developing insecurity issues, etc!

samseng bb... ha.. thats mine alright. really cry till throw up. wish had an angel bb like urs!!
was out the whole day and only just got home. I have a very over stimulated Ally that has gone past her bedtime and doesn't look like she's about to sleep anytime soon. Thank goodness Grandma is entertaining her now.

Nor: How's the search for the crib? Found anything yet?

Yolk: Well done with the PU/PD method!

Jules: I was out with a friend today that has one of those angel babies and then I was looking at my own little monkey who was chasing after the dog. At times I do wish she was a little more angelic but yet we can't help loving our little samseng girls as well isn't it?
hi mummies,

after reading all the posts, i feel like i m bad momm, man! I dun really do all the things u guys do...like PUPD...well, maybe my girl goes to bed on her own and doesnt wake up at night. Where food is concerned, I think its alright to give babies a little of everything- I give my gurl corn, spinach, carrots, steamed yam and alot of fruits.

BEDEBE: u seem stressed but don't worry. All this will pass in time to come. My girl had painful constipation as well. I fed her some papaya and her poop was back to normal. U may want to try some bananas. I always thot that prunes were yuckky so i can't imagine a baby eating /drinking that! As for measurement, i don't think there is a need to be super detail. If u undefeed VEVE, I m sure she has her way of letting you know- So chill!

Abt the pacifier-I feel the same like MANUKA. I read tat its not true that the teeth become crooked or anything but its more that I don't want my gurl to be 'attached' to it. I have seen kids like 4-5years old still sucking on their pacifiers and it becomes a hard habit to shake off when yr chid is older.

Nor and Bcube: Your lovely ones are really cute!
yolksac: Mmmm... I give Matt pacifier to help him to sleep. He doesn't need it at other times and usually he's not interested in it when he's awake unless when he's super cranky. The only problem with giving pacifier is that he will look for it in the middle of the night and you will have to help him find it. Sometimes, he just too lazy to look for it and will just wail to get us to help him... Hiaz ...

Well, Matt has very bad temper and once he cries, it's so difficult to pacify him. Perhaps, we didn't know how to do it intially so we resort to giving pacifier. However, many of my friends said that pacifier is easier to wean off than thumb sucking.

Re: Glenn Doman cards

Cheok and Yolksac:
How's your progress in flashing cards? I started it with Matt without reading the book (don't have the time to go kino to buy yet) and not sure if i'm getting any where. Matt seems not interested in it at all. Hard to get his attention. I try to do about 10 cards with him once a day. Usually, I will seat him in his bamboo seat but I have the feeling that he hates this flashing card thingy cos' he always looks everywhere except the cards. My boy is definitely not interested in "studying". Words bore him. ; P Do you have the same problems?

Have anyone heard of the WInk programme?
claire: nope, what's Wink? ok I have to admit that I've shelved the flashcards for a while. My sense is that it is really too early for Ems. I decided to trust my motherly instinct (!) and stop this for the time being. I may start again in a few months' time. Good that Matt is able to sleep with the aid of the pacifier; hopefully as he gets older, he'll be able to find it himself in the middle of the night without having to wake you up.

jillian/claire: After our very fleeting "success" with the pacifier for the morning nap, Ems showed no interest in it for her later sleep sessions. So much for that!
Thank goodness PU/PD seems to be working (see below).

jules: Hmmm, thanks for reminding me! I still have an avocado ready for the eating
Will try that out tomorrow and see. Papaya ok to give as well? Cool! Should I steam it first or give it raw and mashed?

My PD asked me to avoid bananas for now, not entirely sure why. But I think someone here was telling us to avoid BRAT (the B is "bananas" right?) - can someone pls remind this blur mummy why to avoid BRAT?

cheok: thanks for the info re corn. I'm a flashcard failure, babe, whatever would Glenn Doman say? heh

amber: yuppers! I definitely agree that we all have to find our right balance based on our own needs and temperament and the needs and temperament of the babies we've been blessed with. I'm a bit of a pick-and-choose mum myself; I look at the books on my shelf - some would be considered the bible of the attachment parenting types; others would be considered sheer heresy. I have everything!
If only each and every baby came with his/her own personalised manual - pre-set routine, feeding instructions, play textbook etc. But then life wouldn't be so exciting huh?

PU/PD Update

It's really surprising me but we seem to be getting somewhere with this. Successfully PU/PD-ed at three naps today (morning, lunchtime and 4pm) but only to start the nap and not to lengthen the nap - (just couldn't bring myself to try lengthening the naps today and decided not to bite off more than I could chew for the first day).

In the evening, I brought Ems for a swim, bathed her, breastfed her and she went out to say hi to my parents who were over for dinner. Then at 7:30pm, hb took her into her room, patted her for a few mins while she sucked on her thumb, then put her into the cot fully awake. She cried a bit but he patted her (just like what I did today), and walked out while she was half awake...and she went to bed.

She woke up 45 mins later. I immediately gave her 180ml of FM and she went straight back to bed (hb followed the same procedure, taking care to ensure that she was still awake, though drowsy, when he left the room). She was asleep by 8:30pm. And she's been asleep since, which is a real shocker. This despite all the noise that's been around because we had a dinner party at my place. A few times, when she comes into light sleep, she'll yell out or cry for 10 sec and then she goes back to bed. Dare I say this is SELF-SETTLING?!?!

Naturally it's too early to say where all this will take us. But I must be hopeful! Let's hope for a good night tonight.
Hi everyone,

May I pls join in this thread? My bb was born end July so he's now nearing 7 months
I think most of the babies on this thread are older than 7 months? How old are your babies?

Just today, I found out (or felt, actually) that he has a tiny tooth coming out! I'm thinking of giving him some teething biscuits (e.g. rusks) but I noticed that all of them have some sugar added. I'm trying to avoid all sugar for the time being..... Did any of u give your baby teething biscuits? did he/she like them? and do u have the same no-sugar policy like me?
Hi Kat -

My baby was born in early July so I guess she's about 7.5 months old now. We give her the organic teething biscuits from Bellamys. I'm not sure if they contain sugar, but I doubt it. Unfortunately, they're OOS all over Singapore, so I've started giving her Heinz ones as well. She generally likes to chew on her biscuits and now with two big teeth she can do serious damage to them. I usually feed her lunch in her high chair, give her some water to drink and then offer her a biscuit (but all this while she is in her chair); however these days, she will chew on her biscuit for a little while before feeding my dog with it! Sigh.
PU/PD Update
We had a good night! She slept from 7:30pm to 7am - straight thru, with a quick feed at 8:30pm and with intervention from hb at about 2am (but went back to sleep quite quickly so not too bad). She did wake up a few times in the night - we could hear her on the baby monitor - but she settled herself back to sleep.

Who knows if it was the PU/PD or just a happy coincidence? But for now, I'm definitely smiling.
Yolk: Congrats!! Well done! My little monkey went to bed at 9pm and woke me up at 6am wanting to play! But I'm not complaining, at least the days of 5 hour crying sessions in the nights are over.
I have been looking for those teething biscuits everywhere, didn't realise they were OOS.... by the way, the HT teething biscuits are rather sweet, I bought those when I couldn't get Bellamys. They sweeten their biscuits with molasses.

Kat: Welcome! Ally was born early July and she too gets given organic teething biscuits. She either likes to rub them in her hair, or put them in her ears or feeds the dogs. But it does keep her entertained for at least a good half hour.
Jillian: I've been speaking with the Bellamys distributor and he said that the new shipment would only come in after CNY! Will give him a ring soon and update you. Yes, the HT ones are quite sweet. I think they were handed out during snack time at Playnest on Tues - Ems loved hers and refused to let go of it.
Yolk: thanks. The HT ones are also extremely messy as Ally has proven below. Mummy's fault for putting her in a white T-shirt, should have known better.

Jillian: Haha, she's such a cutie! Argh, PU/PD for the morning nap just took half an hour. Exhausting. You know how the Baby Whisperer says we can put a hand on their backs and speak reassuringly to them (or even shush or pat for younger babies) while they lie down in bed and drift off to sleep? Isn't this a sleep prop in itself? Or is this considered an "acceptable" prop/comfort mechanism?
Yolk: I rub Ally's back just as she is about to doze off, I think that's an acceptable comfort mechanism. It beats having to carry them till they fall asleep and at the same time reassures them that we're still around. When I rub her back, I tend to stand behind her and out of her eye range.
Hi everyone,

Yolk: Thanks for the tip on Bellamys. Yep, I noticed that HT teething biscuits are sweetened with Molasses as Jillian pointed out. With the exception of Bellamys, I believe that every brand of teething biscuit in the market is sweetened!
How? I was even thinking of baking the biscuits myself

What I'm afraid of is starting him on sweet stuff too young and will eventually refuse to eat anything unsweetened/sour/bitter (e.g. veg)....

All: what does PU/PD stand for?
is it a sleep training method? For me, I always let my son fall asleep in his crib on his own. Been sleeping through the night since 3 months or so with 1 feed in between. I think I'd been quite lucky in this sense... At 1 point, my hubby would hold his hands together on his chest & sing to him until he falls asleep but I decided that's not good because he could take up to 20min to fall asleep! So now, I'll just sing to him for a short while while stroking his head (hehe, that works like a charm :D) then leave him to fall asleep. If he doesn't after 15min or so, then I know he's prob still hungry.... I read that the reason why babies wake up crying after being put to sleep by carrying in our arms is similar to us falling asleep our bed then awaking suddenly to find ourselves on the kitchen floor! hahah... Anyway, dunno if what I said is relevant to your discussion or not..just feel like yakking :p
Jillian & Yolk: so funny!!
feeding the biscuits to the dog hahahah....I don't have a dog hmmm, so he may just feed it to his rocking chair (I still put him in the rocking chair to feed), carpet, floor, hair....
Katgrrl: welcome! And yes you can yak, we're all doing that arent we? heehee

yolk No failure la, follow your motherly instinct i say! You're already doing a good job with Ems!

claire erm, when i first started out the flashcards, shayne looks at the cards with interest; his arms and legs were kicking away. But later on, he was like matt and started looking elsewhere. I gradually diagnosed the problem to be ME! I realised i was going to slow for his speed and I was boring him. So i had to change the program here and there. Today, i wont say he is showing excitement like before, but at least when i flash the cards he wont immediately turn his head away like he used to, he'd look at the cards for a few seconds.

Erm im not sure how to advise you. GD says that BOTH mother and child must be in their best moods to do this. Perhaps you chose the wrong timing? But you need to find the right formula that suits both you and Matt and one that catches matt's attention. Maybe Matt prefers u to flash really quickly? Or could it be that he prefers that you use a certain tone i.e. high pitch? Or he prefers to do it in a certain room? Its ALOT of trial and error but eventually you'll find the right recipe. I had a bumpy GD flashcard ride and had to adjust my sessions every other day. BUt GD did say that babies change everyday. You cannot expect the one routine to work, you must change it everyday to make it interesting for the baby.

Having said that, i personally think that u need to see if Matt is ready for this program. If not, you should shelve this till later like what Yolk is doing. No point forcing him to do it if he is not ready else he will think that learning is not fun.

I sound like an expert hor? But im not lei, im still learning and getting myself bumped every now and then.
helo all,

so long didnt post...........tink my prevous post was ard early jun last year.
my boy born late Jun and shd be ard 10kg now. He weigh at 9.6kg early Jan. My boy and Manuka boy abt the same size( manuka is my neighbour lor).
He is a active BB, i am worn out by evening if i take care of him myself during the wkend. Day time he zzz in the yao lan and nite time he zzz beside me on the flr.
this daily routine :
7am-wake up liao
8.05 to 8.20am-MIL wil bring him downstairs for a walk
8.30am -cereal time ( i bot heinz, i add 3 spoons of FM oso)
9am-zzz in the yao lan , sometimes he can zzz for 1.5hrs.
ard 11am-bath
den poridge after bath
2 feeds of BM ard 2pm and 4.15pm respectively.afternoon MIL wil give him apple juice oso.He oso wil nap for another hr in yao lan in the afternoon
6 plus another round of cereal.
7 pm plus-bath
8 pm plus-coax him to zzz in bedroom, den ard 9pm he is abit tired after flipping and rolling on the bed, i give him 150ML to knock him out ,hahahaha.den one nite feed ( anytime fm 2 to 5am) den wake up ard 7am liao lor. i didnt give him pacifier,he wil throw it out.
i am stil BM, but he simply refuse to latch on since born, i tried so many times but mission failed.
yolk Do you wash the frozen peas before steaming them? i am doing it but im wondering if its really necessary?

porridge i think some mummies have been giving this to their babies already? Is there a right time to start or i can actually start anytime i want? Some mummies tell me to stick to cereal others say porridge is fine...abit confused?
cheok: I don't actually (oops!) - reckon I outta?
I'm confused abt the porridge-cereal issue too. Hope someone here can enlighten us. BTW, I'm so impressed how diligently you're keeping up with the flashcards. Go go gal!
I do hope to start again at some point.

vivi: hey long time no see! good to hear your baby's doing so well - wow 10kg!

Kat: PU/PD stands for pick up/put down; it's the Baby Whisperer's method of sleep training for babies from 4 mnths - 1 year. Sounds like you already have a fantastic sleep routine so you don't need it lah
I think Amber previously posted some info abt baking your own biscuits. I'm sure the Bellamys will be in soon, so if you can wait, best to do so. Though... I think a bit of sugar in a biscuit isn't going to be a major issue, especially if you're already feeding your baby fruit purees or breastmilk which is very sweet.
hi mummies,
just back from Toys Wearhouse Sales at Safra Toa Payoh. 22 feb-24 feb, 10am-6pm. CASH ONLY.

PlayDoh, Playskool, Boardgames, StarWars and many more.. Very good deal. Playdoh starting from $2. Bought a handheld PDA (playskool, $29.90) for 12mths onwards at $5!!

Happy shopping!
jillian, haha...little ally makes me laugh...look at her antics...

cheok...go by ur baby's instinct. if he is ready for porridge, he will open his mouth willingly. if nt, there is always the expression to judge from. hehe... as far as i know, babies 5 mths & above can start on porridge le... hv fun

and oh, katgrrl, welcome welcome....
PU/PD = Pick Up / Put Down. Its a method to get ur kid to gradually settle down & sleep on his/her own. err...am i rite mummies?

kth, tks for the link. wow...u sure did ur research...so next time i js tapped on ur knowledge..keke..

like to share..nt sure if it works for all here. when ur child fuss or gets annoyed/agitated & let out those loud screaming, try screaming along with them as well. not shouting words but js ahhhhhhh along (pretending u are crying too), slightly louder than them. once they hear u, they will stop their screaming & listen to u. then stop ur screaming too & look at them with big eyes & ask them : "u ready to eat, darling?" (say if they refuse to eat) or "ready for ur bath?" (say if they refuse to get into the water). if they start their screaming again, js try to repeat the above method again. gd luck & hv fun!
yolk sac/ amber, re: Nuby cup - i did align the
bits together but stil leak

frozen peas - i will try this week

mypreciouskeagan - Tumble Tots do have weekend playgroups. you can call up their centre for details

Jillian - Ally's cute!! i found a play pen which i like from Toys r Us.. Its Graco Pack & Play; getting it later or tomorrow latest. Any comments on this?

littletots - oh thats a good buy! how to get to Safra Toa Payoh? i'm driving.
yolk, as far as i know...starting from 4mths, our babies can start to eat cereal & can last till they are 3yrs or so. but once they hit 5 or 6 mths onwards, feeding porridge will be an additional source of vitamins & proteins on top of the cereal. maye u can feed porridge as the main meal - lunch & dinner & cereal as a morning or afternoon so call snack.

eg: 7am - baby wakes up. /either FM or BM
10-10.30am - cereal
12.30pm - 1pm - main meal - porridge
4-4.30pm - cereal or FM/BM
6.30pm - 7pm - main meal - porridge
10-10.30pm - FM/BF ( required)

littletot, thanks for the info...

yolk,jillian, i like to rub on the back of his head if he cant slp.. that's work!!!

yolk, i start on porridge when jo turn 7 month old, hmm... so far so good leh.. and i start to give him chicken puree
peck, hw u prepare the chicken puree, so far i havnt start giving Ed chicken.
porridge- u gals give BB brown rice oni? my MIL will prepare white rice ( the same rice we are having) ,cook til v nuah nuah and add steam fish. Any mums giving BB white rice?
vivi, me me. i give my girl porridge (as in zhou(1)) mixed with fish, mixed with pumkin, mixed with potato or/& carrots, mixed with minced meat, even duck meat...etc..hehe. naughty mummy hor..

white rice meaning those cooked in rice cooker? dat one nt yet try but sometimes, i will js give rachel a little bit. cos those are nt as soft as porridge so baby will nt be able to digest properly.
vivi, i chop the chicken till very fine, then i use the manual grinder to grind, then steam to serve or add in the porridge to cook
ya ,tats wat i meant, use white rice.Yvonne, yr gal porridge seem delicious.i wil try to giv Ed more variety when i hv the time.
i wil oso try the shouting back to BB ,de method as sugest by u when my BB shout for attention.
boring day ....... waitin to pang gang, one and half hr more .........
thanks yvonne for the tip. Erm, actually i am wondering what is the difference between cereal and porridge? I would think cereal has more nutrient since its usually fortified with iron as compared to porrigde (plain ones i mean)?

vivi i am abstaining from brown rice at the moment because shayne doesnt drink alot of water. I read somewhere with brown rice must down alot of water to prevent constipation (am i right?). So till he learns how to drink water i'll give the brown rice.

yolk hahahaa since i have not convince my hub to enrol our son in the child development centers, i just have to do it myself and i only know the GD way. So no choice must be persistent in the flashcards!
cheok-does Shayne poo poo every day? we r oso refrainin fm giving Ed too much brown rice becos is heaty. Ed hor, oni poo poo every 3 days leh . but his "bowel movement" does not seem to improve though we stop giving him brown rice for 2 wks liao. But Ed didnt cry when he wana pang sai, so i dont tink he is constipated.sometimes MIL put too much veg in his meals, his stools green green one.
one hr more to pang gang...........
Nor: I have the Graco pack and play but Ally uses it as a playpen. It was her bed till about a month ago. Once she could pull herself up, I had to lower the mattress. My only problem with that is I find it a big strain on my back to bend all the way down to lift her up. I've got a bad back

Other than that, it has served us well, we did buy an extra mattress to place in it as I felt that the padding at the bottom wasn't comfortable enough for her to sleep on.
The great thing about it is that it folds up so easily and I always bring it along when we spend the day at my grandparent's place.

Yvonne: How's Rachel now? Was her fever due to teething?
jillian, tks. rachel's fine nw. yup, fever due to teething. her upper central incisors beginning to show. its real painful to be bitten by her.

vivi, i thot babies shd poo every day? once every 3 days sounds constipated but if u say he doesnt cry...wldnt his stomach feel bloated?
harloo mummies

brought lucas for his 2nd pneunomoccal jab yesterday, and phew! he manages to put on almost 1kg within a month after he starts on solids.
he had a "fight" with the PD again. haiz.:p


hmm..hey i bought the bellamys organic teething biscuits from NTUC the other day, lotsa of it!

safra toa payoh is next to the swimming complex + stadium

i feed brown rice cereal to lucas, and he still poos 2 or 3 times per day. never a day without a poo! he used to go for days without poo when on BM. maybe try more water, more fruits like pears then will get the poo going!
vivi, yvonne oh dear, Shayne doesnt poo for 3days...does that mean he is constipated? Er i always thought it was normal as they grow older, no? He is showing any signs of discomfort hence i wasnt too concern...

nana yikes i hate pneunomoccal jab i think it was the cause of shayne's fussiness..that reminds me he is due for his next jab..
cheok: only occasionally, ems goes a whole day sans poo. when that happens, i usually include half a cube of prune puree and that same day, she'll clear her system. did that this morning (as yesterday was poo-less) and she's poo-ed 3 times. but I have heard that it's very normal for them to skip a poo now and then esp if they are breastfed babies. so not to worry! if concerned, can do the prune trick

peck: hmm...ems will be 8 months in a week's time- can u believe how quickly this is going - maybe i'll slowly intro porridge to her then
hey everyone...

ive gone maddd with pureeeing

i did sooo much!

did fresh prunes, a large bag of peas, half a pumpkin, lotsa carrots and a broccoli and cauliflower mix

i am stocked!

just discovered Ash loves pear juice!

yolk, 8mths.. wow.. thts amazing.. i still keep saying Ash is 6mths.. gee.. thn i catch myself!
yeah i find myself delaying the porridge too.. not sure why.. no sense really cos its just rice..and ive already done spinach and broccoli and yada yada..
i think a big part is the inconvenience.. have to do a fresh batch every mornng..


called up today to enquire and the person over the phone was not helpful and said they dont give out tht sorta info and kept pushing for me to come down!

im just wondering how much are the fees for nurery. 2.5yr olds
anyone know?

i've got it at the NTUC at bishan town.

u think so too?? when lucas took it together with his 5-in-1 jab, he's ok with it. funny, this 2nd jab alone is causing him to be soooooo cranky when he came home!

was asking my PD on intro of meat, he advised to cut the meat across the veins (uhm, do we call that veins??) so that it's easier to chew.
