(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

No la...
Wanted him to learn something that had a lot of market
AND ballet is IT!!!! intended to let him take exams type
Had ask around.... most male BALLET dancers may be niang la.... but most are straight lor...

ps: sky already so niang liao...so not much diff la

Aiyo...ur mandarin bad meh
Think she is deaf la
For me..I sure will scold one...

Today while eating Nasi lemak..he request for the CUCUMBER...mummy quickly stuff him as mummy dun eat also...
opps me a picky eater

Wah ur SIL...really CLEVER leh...
Take ur MIL when she is still useful...and throw her back when her value is up!!!

Have a maid FAST.. and let her know..after 10yrs... u dun expect her to be back....
Tell her... u think AUSTRALIA is GOOD to yang lao after u get the maid lor.... tell her PR should not be that difficult to get la...
to ur SIL in front of MIL of cos!!!! (so u are not backstabbing wahahahahahaha)

I already...... give up..
Becos the one feeding is ALWAYS my hb.. until I buay tahan will tell him..U DEAF???

And ytd he feed her with CARROT cake... I told him...HAVE EGG..
then he insist he din feed the egg.... and continue to feed her...
Luckily no allergies

Recieve the kimono!!!
Its LOVELY...was thinking...biang..should also order for Sky..
But TOO BIG LIAO... must wait till later then can wear..hb was like...hey SKY can wear!!!
I was like..no is mei mei...by then LONG mileage also
quiling, your SIL too much. You mean 10 yrs later send your MIL back and expect u and hubby to take over... how can??? But u hiring maid to look after the 2 kids without supervision ah? Like that a bit scary leh cos maids cannot be trusted.
qiuling, i havent receive your details leh, did u sent to the wrong email addy? mine is [email protected]

anyway, if u r really keen to take in a maid, can go for transfer maid, dun have to wait for 2 mths. alternatively, since your MIL is so bad and u worried tat if hire a maid and no need to supervise, can consider infant care. some infant care centres are not bad one.
Ros, okie dokie...will remember to jio you.
Congrats ah...see...Amadeus is fast in more than one area too. My Joshua has been cranky for very long liao but still not sign of tooth.

Glayz, whey...Sky already nia and you want to make him gua huh? Let him learn something more macho so that he won't be so nia lah...too nia later cannot find gf leh.

Sporty, your relatives horrible leh...didn't respect Athan's parents at all...didn't even have the courtesy to ask for permission!

Mich, I agree lah...to have no. 2 is not easy. I really cannot imagine having no. 2 as I cannot stand letting someone else look after my baby.

Quiling, tell your MIL about your SIL's intention and see how she reacts. Your SIL too much leh...make sure of her own mother only.
Qiuling, ya agree with Sweet, maybe u can consider a nanny/childcare. Really a better option than maid cos these days the maid can be quite scary...

Sweet, but these days transfer maids also quite hard to find I think... heard that their salaries have gone up again!
Bear, u can always consider no. 2 when Joshua is older and more settled. I have a friend who is planning no. 2 now that her elder one is 2.5 yrs old and attending nursery... by the time she has no. 2, he will probably be at least 3.5 yrs old and by then easier already
its toughest when the age gap is too close.
Mich, no leh...I cannot imagine running around to send Joshua to nursery when I am preggie leh. Then imagine still must cook for Joshua and look after baby. Cannot lah...better close factory liao.
Haiz... some relatives hor...will think they KNOW more than u lor...so even if U stop them they will still stuff...
Still remember hb aunt... I already tell her NO EGGS for sky back then...
She can TELL me..IT IS OK while stuffing Sky's mouth.... u say angry or not la...
mich, gosh! their salaries went up again?! never know that.. luckily we got in our maids liao.. hehe

bear, haha i imagine myself in your shoes, i also wouldnt dare to have a 2nd one!
Glayz, if anybody dare to do it when I say no, I will snatch Joshua away. Anyway, I think I am too fierce so don't think anybody dare to try.

Sweet, I inflict too much stress on myself. I am too responsible which is making me scared of trying no. 2
That was 2 yrs ago la...
But think now I say No is really a NO ba... My temper had grew from bad to worse...esp when facing hb relatives... think my reputation...should have spread across his family side...
qiuling, ur SIL really too much lor...haiz...think u better find plan B soon...how abt finding a bb sitter near ur place? tha's another option...

glayz, carrot cake??!! omg...have chai poh all those leh...

bear, my relatives always no respect one la...think its retribution la...tha time i taught my young cousin who's 5 yrs old how to drink...opps...kekkeke :p
Sporty, eeerrrmmm...what can I say??? Hahaha...

Glayz, this kind of thing must be firm lor. Who cares about reputation??? Our bb more important lor.
sporty, ha ha, your poor cousin... now u gotta make sure your cousin dun teach Athan how to drink when he is 5 yrs old ha ha

bear, I always thought that my "cannot let go" is bad enough, you even more than me hee hee. It has taken me 2 yrs to be convinced that I can entrust my kids to someone else so I can go back to work.

Sweet, yah lor, I think if I get my maid any later, I will be paying $380 *faint* my friend tells me her indon maid with 1yr exp is $360!
Mich, I have been looking after Joshua on my own since his day 4 when we leave the hospital so I don't think its easy to let go.
Hi Sporty...
Sianz lor... have told her so many times not to do that already... yet she is so stubborn... sekali nxt time ken really pick up the bad habit then she will blame us for not teaching him...
wah... orh nee and kong bak bao... can't they see athan is only 8 mths old!!?? actually i m more concern of the people feeding food that might cause an allergy reaction lor....

Hi Rina...
U took the llots fr divamama? where do i meet u?
bear/mich, frankly i was being trained to drink at a young age too...think 10 yrs old...hahhaa...ya, must make sure they dun anyhow feed athan...ahhaha....

ken ma, yeah, me too...more concerned abt allergy reaction than anything else...
Hi ladies

I had an 'eventful' sunday. My MIL feed Megan until choke. And I din see what happened cos I was in the room. Then I heard her say 'sorry sorry', I thot she burned her again...i walked out, saw my FIL hitting Megan's back, I know something's amiss.I saw Megan's face, expressionless liao, I was so scared, but got to be calm. I quickly gave her back a hard pat, out came the pumpkin. SO BIG lor. Then I carried her and continue to pat her back and talk to her to ensure that she is behaving normally and breathing. If I came out later, dunno what will happen..so scary. Very heart pain...wat if its fatal? I That's why i dun trust my MIL, she is reli blur one lor, i saw the pumpkin so big pc, how could she has given it to her...like that how to trust them with her...always tell her to be careful, last time she burned Megan's tongue with v hot bm. Told her just put in the cup of hot water to warm up can liao, she kaypoh, go and boil water, then pour over the the bm. I told her nutrients all gone liao, and worse, burn Megan's tongue.
They always do funny things. I ask them to feed milk, they will do it and at the same time read a book to her. I will hv to tell them not to do that cos it will be a bad habit next time. But if I dun let them hv a chance to feed her, like i damn mean.

xtine, my account is POSB 200-85542-6

pinkzebra, glad that u like it.

Glayz, yup, ur fabric very chio. Actually can let Sky wear first then mei mei mah...share share lor..if got demand for 2nd round, then u order for Sky lor. I also agree that u shd not let Sky learn ballet. Learn singing lah, next time can be famous...

kenma, rina never come and collect leh...
hi ladies,

its been a looong time since i last log in..
really super busy these days esp with baby
weaning.. I'm cooking, pureeing, freezing,
reading and putting all these down in my mini
log book just in case got sympthoms of allergy &
i can't remember what i fed baby.


so sorry to hear that.. poor megan! Haiz.. as a
sahm i can be careless at times too.. just the
other day while bathing baby i didn't hold her
tight enough, she lean forward & had a slight
knock on the bath tub :p i feel like a bad mommy
after that and was thinking even i a stay home
mommy can be careless at times.. what about
maids or other carers of babies?? hmm.... *sighz*

I'm also thinking of getting a maid..
MIL mentioned that she might be able to help me
with baby after she is born but SIL got
pregnant.. due this coming June.. so my hopes of
going back to work & MIL helping with childcare
are dashed :p haiz....

Your hubby is working in Shanghai? So do you go up often to shop? hehehe.. "Xin Tian Di", "Chang Huang Miao", "Jingan Si" hehehehe... I stayed there for the past two years coz hubby was posted there for assignment.. baby is made there too.. hhhehehehe
BTW Ladies,

I'm doing a Bulk Purchase from Healthy Times.. hopefully can close/consolidate orders by this Thursday 31 Jan.
Anyone interested, pls PM me..
afternoon ladies.

talking abt comparing bbs... really want to compare, then i'm more stressful, jake is aso one of e older bbs, oni 5 days younger than kendrick & 3 days younger than athan but jake is not crawling. hmm... maybe he'll skip e stage of crawling & walk instead.

speaking abt swimming, will aso let jake learn swimming, tink it's impt for boys/guys to know swimming. me & hb both dunno how to swim, so nxt time, will need to get someone to teach him swimming.

elaine, txks for e info abt e zojirushi lunch jar, i'm tinking of buying tha too.

qiuling, ur SIL is damn horrible, wanna make use of ur MIL while she can help out, then throw her back to u when she's old & need pp to look aft. if it's me, i'll tell my hb since ur mum likes ur sis so much, she can stay w her sis forever in australia & dun come back as i dun welcome her. txks for telling me abt e warehse sale but too biz, so no time to go & no time to reply u.

speaking abt tis, till today, i still damn piss off w my MIL. my SIL got 4 children & MIL helps her to look aft e 3 boys but when it comes to her oni nei shun, she rejected cos she afraid she can't cope anymore as she said long time never look aft bb liao. i was like telling my hb tha she can try out 1st & if really can't cope, then we switch to get her SIL's help but @#$%^&. then my FIL b4 i get preggie, been telling me many yrs to quickly give birth so tha they can help out while they r still fit, then when preggie, he says not free cos need to go teach tai chi, i was again @#$%^&. during my ML, i got damn bad post natal blues tha i ever threaten hb a few times tha i'll jump down fr e flat w bb, he's so scared tha he got to dump his work aside to rush hme & accompany me. then when my c-sect wound torn, hb skipped lunch & rushed back to bath bb. thank goodness tha hb was running abt for his work & sometimes, quite near our plc. thruout my ML, they oni came once during weekend to visit & 2nd time was bb's full mth. aft ML, they aso haven't been to my plc. they rather stay at hme & play mahjong w my unmarried SIL & friend. in my heart, since they never ever help me, nxt time, dun expect me to look aft them when they get old & can't move abt, ask e unmarried SIL to look aft them. am i an evil DIL? but i really tink tha way lor... cos when i need help & support, they din reach out to me. if they dare to tell me to hv #2 soon, i'm gonna tell them how to hv #2 when no one helping me w #1, all their sayings abt helping b4 i get preggie is crap, so they better dun interfere. sorry to all tha i been nagging abt tis but i'm sure u all will understand, it's really tough having to deal w post-natal blues liao, some more, my c-sect wound got complications & i dun hv much help & support.

divamama, txks for helping to organise e kimono spree & passing my loot to sy. v.big, now cold storage, & take out in 1yr time bah. haha...

sy, txks for helping me to collect my loot.
Jen, I think alot of parents or PIL like to do lip service. So don't trust them so much.
I also had my fair share of craps from my MIL, which is why I minimise my contact with her.

Divamama, aiyo...poor Megan. You better help your PIL get ready the food before they feed Megan. I don't think its mean not to let them do it if they proved to be incompetent.

Jang, although we are SAHM, its still normal that our bb 'kok' their heads lah.Don't feel guilty. We stay home to take care of bb and not to over-protect our bb.

Sporty, so I guess you must be a GOOD drinker!
No la...
Think my reputation as 1 who dun give face had already spread...from the many times I just talk back to MIL in front of her sister...

Ya lor...we are scare of allergies lor
So far...we being pinching bread for Shane... she is OK...so I decide that ONLI bread can be feed.... plain white bread la...I gave her pizza crust on Sat..

He cannot sing...and his dancing worse..
people dance..he stand there gong gong... BTW..both me and hb used to be chiongster till he came a long lor...and he dun dance...very dunz right
No la.. I heard from friends...male ballet dancer had BIG market la... as they are so rare...

Collection pt???
I need dinner food jars for CNY...

Aiyo... I forget abt the toothpaste and ang pow...
Will try to collect asap..... my brain cells... think not many left...

Mine also do lip service mah...keep telling me to let my 2 S to stay over...when she see i actually want to dump them... she claim she is busy... she unsure whether she able to take care
She say BOTH will cry... and she cannot bear them to cry s0 long... her excuses big big tons lor
hello good morning ladies!! another monday.. look forward CNY.. haha

divamama, my transfer done. plz allow 3 wking days for transfer. thanks!!
Reference No. 20080128062306
i need advice

Gabriel is teething, his first tooth appeared last week when he was 7 months exactly. he is refusing to eat porridge and solids, only wanna drink milk. anyone had tips on how to get bb to eat? he lost weight, fall to 7.9kg
BTW Ladies,

I'm doing a Bulk Purchase from Healthy Times.. hopefully can close/consolidate orders by this Thursday 31 Jan.
Anyone interested, pls PM me..


Tuesdays: Cityhall MRT 6.30pm
Other Days: Bukit Timah (Dunearn Rd near Raffles Town Club)
Once a week I'll be Pasir Ris :eek:)

Bear, thanks!
Morning Ladies!!!

Nice meeting Athan n Isaiah again!!

ya. Athan pay attention to the Teacher :D super like his eyelash..

Isiah seem enjoying the class hor? Chiong very fast..next time chiong (shua)moutain wan huh?
divamama, oh dear... does your MIL normally look after Megan when you work? Or is it your mum? I think if like that, I won't even let them look after at all! Thank God you came out on time to help her spit out the pumpkin.

jang, if you hire maid, who going to supervise for you?

Bear, no its not easy to let go at all. Now everyday I will ask my MIL how much she eat, what she eat, how much she drink, I must know all the details... then when I reach home even if Joy is already inside the cot going to sleep I will rush in to say hello first. Really miss her alot.
hi morning ladies!

thanks for the info on gymboree membership. I'll let Xavier try out first then consider if we gonna take up anot

I'm also very worried about the uncle and aunties giving "junk food" to Xavier during CNY visitings. I already fore-warn my hub about it and he also agree that we shdn't let them give him junks. So, when go visiting at his relatives side, he'll do the talking when spot any junk going to X. And vice versa. They might think it's ok since the baby can take solids, but they dun factor in the consequence if the baby shd fall ill or having tummy-ache after that... not only does the baby suffer, WE also suffer to look after them and bring them to the docs. Watever it is, i guess the best way is to keep close watch of watever is given to the baby during those days of visiting.

goodnes! that's really scary... i would have freak out too! hope Megan is doing fine now.

orhh.... indeed ballet for boys is really rare lor. but you mentioned Sky is niang enuff now, then y stil put him in ballet hehe... wooo... didn't know you're sucha chiongster! but chiongster dance and ballet is different leh. Anyway, ballet is one of the expensive class to take hehe... esp those with exams at the ABRSM, and got diploma one if i'm not wrong, just like piano.
pinkzebra, actually this year its easier to get off the hook with relatives where giving junk is concerned cos can say baby too young. What's tough will be next yr when they are 18 months old cos that time no excuse liao. When my elder one was 18 months old, my hubby's relatives were feeding her everything like pineapple tarts to cookies to packet drinks!!! And I have never given them to her before.. so angry lor.
Ya... like piano...
I want him to learn all the way up la....
Becos male dancer very little mah...so have many chance to perform also lor...wahahahahahahaha

Ya lor... For me... Sky dun dare to take if people dun offer...I see my hb niece.....the one ganna abandoned at CNY one... was drinking packets and packets of drink as her grandma is busy gambling...
Sky onli dare to take sips if I allow him to
Glayz, I watch over what my elder one eats like a hog, so whenever I see the aunty stuffing her, I will quickly intercept and bring her to the bathroom or something... can you imagine what if they fall sick after eating too much junk!!!
Think after whacking him hard... on weekends..
Now Sky appear to be very guai...esp when I do the 1,2, and whack....

He love junk food la... but he also get sian of it easily... so lucky me...can u imagine..he took those small packets of M&m..he cannot finish and ask me to keep in fridge
Becos he sian mah... same taste.. even tho is different colour
He eat those small pack of tidbits also cannot finish one.... he get bored of the same taste...

Like the ego sponge cake.. he will eat all the different colours lor..if same colour(flavour)... he will eat at most 2

i think my parents & PIL & aunt can drop by to
watch over maid now & then lor. But I'll train
her till she is capable first b4 i go back to
work. Hey, Indonesian, Filipino or Myanmar
maid better har? anyone got advice??
morning gals...

divamama, hope megan's ok...must be a big scare...i will freak out lor...anyways, next time better tell them to make it to small small piece before they feed megan...

bear, good drinker?? ok la maybe was pre preggy...now very long never drink liao...maybe standard dropped le...hahaha...

glayz, u chiongster??!! dun look like leh...kekekke :p

hui, yes...athan was looking at the teacher so intensely but he like dun really enjoy leh...

pinkzebra, yes...have to keep an eye on the relatives to make sure they dun anyhow feed the bb...wat u said is correctly they feed but when the bb's sick, we suffer as we are the ones taking care...
Ya..me chiongster
last time goes at least once a week... and drink like there is no tmr... I drink more than hb lor....
jang, actually getting a good maid is by chance also one... but philippino easier cos language will be ok. If u dun want to have to train, then transfer maid will be better.
Glayz, you sure you chiongster ah?? Really don't look like leh. I can never imagine seeing you at disco or pubs drinking and shaking your bon bon leh.

I also will tell my MIL anything I don't like. That time she ask my Joshua to bless her to strike 4D so that she will buy him something leh..I was so pissed so I say might as well bless his mummy so that I will buy more things for him! (FYI, I rarely buy 4D)

Sporty, from the way you say, I can tell you can drink damn well liao.

Mich, I thought by 18 mths should be quite ok to experiment more food???
btw.. just to share & also need some advice on weaning my baby (sorry i don't have a blog web). Pls feel free to comment.. hehe..

my baby's feeding schedule:

7am : milk
9am : breakfast - fruit with cereal
11-12pm : milk
1-1.30pm : Lunch - homemade pureed veg or baby food jar or home made rice porridge
3pm : milk
5-6pm : Dinner - homemade pureed veg or baby food jar or home made rice porridge
7.30pm : milk
Night feed : milk

*total milk intake about 600-700mlml per day only.
*Baby Age 7 months 1 week
*Weight 8.1kg
*Height 73cm
*my baby dislikes fish, intro her 3 times (ikan kurau) but she gave a yucky look and refuse to eat at all :p

she has tried:


-Sweet Potato
-Potato (from bb jar)
-Parnips(from bb jar)

Fish (ikan kurau)


Egg Yolk
Cheese (from bb jar)

Cornstarch (from baby jar)
Herbs (from bb jar)
Ginger (added in porridge to kill fish taste but didn't feed to baby)
