(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

I think you must be in sales line. izzit? haha u really know how to watch and hit at the right target hor? hahahaha....

in fact i got tot of aquaducks leh... but not sure if it's too early for him. now he enjoy wadding in the pool lor, i dun expect him to know how to dive yet haha..

I believe u too. Tricia mOre "tum jia" likes to mumble "mum mum mum". She first started with dunno whether "Pa-pa-pa or Po-po-po" until lately "mum-mum-mum".
vendy, don let tricia learn butterfly stroke can liao lor..tink it is better to learn swimming..anyway, if tricia go to pri or sec, she compulsory have to learn swimming lor in sch...
sure! will check out your zoo entry hehe

yeah i can't imagine my boy in the ballerina tutu *FAINT* and that tight suit??? omg! so eeeeeyerrrr leh.. hehe
pinkzebra, got hit the right target meh?? kekke....i also did considered abt aquaducks before also...think they have trial class also, if i'm not wrong...wanna go bo?? kekkeke...

ros, orh then we better :X
Hahahahahahahaha! Ya! I can't heLp sTop aughing too when I type that. Really dunno how to spelled her name correctly and hubby came out with this FUNNY name lor...he said u all sure will understand who I mean.
vendy, amadeus don know how to mumble any words yet...but it is those out of the blue tat he burted out hello n ok...so funny lor...hee hee...finally i got something to boast about...hahaha...or else i keep envying the babies in this forum...
My mum said Tricia is a "Chia Char Bo" & I agree wif her too. Nowadays u scold her she will retaliate by raising her voice. Seem that she is imitating our facial expression too, she will frown her eyebrows, "chui tu tu" when I change her diaper TOO LATE! Frown her eyebrows again when I talk nonsenses to her! Hahahaha!
hi jen..ya i bought the zorushi lunch jar, from tangs. there is the old and new model, i got the metallic one, inside have 3 compartments.it cost $65, think the old one cost $60.

then when i was there i saw this hot plate, can steam, can boil, can fry can blah, almost end up buying it.... wah biang., really auntie liao.

dylan win already lor. he only drank 420ml today. think i am gonna switch to 3 solid meals already.
pinkzebra, let me kno hor after u found out abt the FREE thingy, cheapo me wanna go also...kekkeke :p heard tha the suntec branch is not bad...

vendy, tricia's so cute...already kno how to talk back already by raising her voice...
Ros, hor lah...I believe you lah. Just making fun of you only. Hahaha...maybe Amadeus is more vocal.

Pinkzebra, yah hor...learn to play piano is sooo much better than wanting to learn ballet. Hahaha...I think I will kill him if he says he want to learn ballet.

Sporty, swimming can wait lah...wait till he is 4 or 5 years old.

Vendy, aiyo...that flood got so high until need to swim meh??? Only the ants and spider need to learn how to swim lah.

If just swimming won't become Jawslyn one lah...unless she is a real swimmer who is training to represent school or what.
sporty/pinkzebra, maybe we cna organise a trial n bring our babies down for a swim hor...hahaha...

pinkzebra, maybe lor...hee hee...hope he don mutter out foul langauage one of these days...

sporty, i know what he is gd at...move himself by lying on the mat facing up...hahaha...
Elaine, my Joshua is also drinking very little milk and the worse thing is he is only on two solid meal. And he don't eat much porridge...he prefers cereal. Dunno is it because cereal has milk in it or this mummy's cooking is damn horrible!
tricia very expressive, at least she knows how to respond to you at the right time haha... "chui tu tu" when change diaper too late... this is so cute!

there's once, my boy's poo overflow in his diaper, and he'll sit very still inside the exersaucer look very quiet, then when I go near him, he pat his diaper and make eye contact with me... and gimme that kinda look like he's in some deep shit kinda expression *LOL* I can't stop laughing, but still have to bear with that smelliness and change the diaper.
bear, the way u say how u cook the porridge really must had tasted very bland lor...ask u to use stock to cook the porridge or add more ingredients inside to give it more taste mah...tink babies already know how to taste food liao leh...

elaine, amadeus also drinks very little milk nowadays so i try to feed him more cereal but i guess if they r hungry, they will surely drink milk one lor...
bear, heard so bbs start swimming as in real swimming at 3 yrs old...

ros, oh ya...amadeus and his "backstroke"... hahhahaha :p take a video of it and show us leh...

vendy, sure sure

pinkzebra, xavier's so cute and kno how to pat his diaper and make eye contact!! hehehe
Pinkzebra, yah lor...Xavier is really cute leh...knows how to tell you he has poo-ed.

Ros, I just drank some coffee 2 hrs ago coz got kopi-gian. Hahaha...but I can still sleep one lah.

You used stock to cook porridge ah? What stock?

I got add alot of ingredients hor...sometimes I add pumpkin which is sweet and he will eat but today I added peas and maybe he didn't like the green colour. If I put banana into the porridge hor, he will sup all one leh. Teach me some recipe leh...
vendy, sporty, ros,
i call liaoz, let you gals know haha... we are suckers for free trials! *YEAH Hi5, Hi5, Hi5* hahaha...

bear: FREE LEH!!!! hehee... try liaoz 4 yrs later then consider *LOL*

aiyoo.. if u guys dun say any foul words infront of him, he wont know how to say also mah. hehe..
so must be careful of your words and language when Amadeus is around
Guess they are starting to learn how to communicate with us with their unique ways. HB & I were pretty SURPRISED wif her "chui tu tu" expression too, hahahaha guess wat? There's shit inside her diaper that EARLY morning, no wonder she keeps so STILL and keep making nOise until I attend to her...
pinkzebra, i rem tha time u mentioned abt bb yogurt...where to get ah? and what brand? aiyo, dun say FREE so loud to kiam ka na la...hahhaha... :p yes yes...cant wait for aquaducks...esp if its "complimentary"...kekkeke :p

ros, use stock for porridge? wow...sounds so chim...macham like cooking for adults...
Pinkzebra, I am a Singaporean so ofcoz I see the word 'FREE' hor I will cheong too lah. Hahaha...cannot lose mah.

Ros, now we also didn't dare use any foul words in front of Joshua so we will just say it in short form. Hahaha...
ros, sporty, bear,
I think its more like too much poo till it's making him very queasy and mashy down there, and dunno what to do *LOL* so when i go near him, he signal me haha *LOL*
Sporty ah, I think all of us are kiam ka nah lah...all so excited at 12am plus when see the word 'FREE' leh.
yeah agree with you that they're learning to communicate with us. esp when we talk to them, and they look at you intently hor, i guess they are listening and trying to understand of sort... i read before that, this is the time when they can absorb the most and also try to imitate our actions and speech, that's if you do it repetitively to them.

must hightlight to mamaBear one then hor she'll "BLINK BLINK" and bounce out of her chair mah hehe... see it works right.. she also WANT LEH hahaha...

the youghurt hor, can get from NTUC or Cold Storage. it's very small cup that comes in 6, the brand is yoplait

i know wat is your favourite song already "We Are Singapore... " *LOL*
shortform the foul words ah? wat if next time he know how to decode it how?
bear, frankly hor, i havent started porridge on amadeus yet...hahaha..but i got buy 'first food' which got recipes inside on how to make the different stock...got pork/chicken/vegtable stock...u go buy also la then can prepare diff variety for joshua...if u wan, i can photocopy the receipes of how to prepare the stock for u...

pinkzebra, when hb driving, foul words will surely come out from his mouth one lor cos he cannot tolerate lousy driving from other drivers though he is not much better...now we trying to set gd example for him to follow...hee hee

sporty, cos if using stock to make porridge, it will be tastier for them to eat mah...gonna make veg stock on sun to cook porridge for him...excited leh...
pinkzebra, we also shortform the words leh...eg, fu** you...we use F you...hahaha...but hor sometimes angry hor, the foul words surely come out one lor...
ohh... i fully understand that, heee coz my hub also will have all the *pfft pfft pfft* coming from him when on the road with tortoise and snails *LOL* I'll scream at him to watch his words, esp when X is in the car.
Pinkzebra, hahaha...boh bian lah...brain not working well at night so didn't get the 'FREE' word well.

I don't think our bb so intelligent to decode those shortforms now but we are trying our best not to use those 'not o nice' shortforms too.
Like what Ros says, its difficult not to use those words when in the car. Hahaha...

Ros, I have the 'first food' but didn't look at those how to make stock coz I only look at the fruits/veg puree.

Excited about cooking porridge huh? Oh...1st few times its like that. I cook everyday so I am not excited about it and in fact I was doing 'xyz' inside my mind as I don't even cook for myself.
Pinkzee, i wake up and read the forum now eye BIG BIG FREE TRIAL AH COUNT ME IN PLEASSSEE... hee hee hee

elaine, i've not try the porridge yet but i want to do a trial at home before i head off, incase jo dont like it... and i wont be back to hotel to cook dinner for him leh... that why am thinking of cooking in themo food jar.... if cook plain porridge + add in food jar hmm.. should be ok hor..
btw where and when are u going?
yo morning!

bear, ya lor...so excited abt the free thingy!!didnt kno ur fave song all from national day one...lol

pinkzebra, ya lor, think u triggered mama bear at the right spot n she got so excited!!! haha...i went ntuc leh, didnt see tha yogurt leh, did u let xavier try it?

ros, yes its tastier to eat but hor...rem dun overfeed hor!!! :p

peck, haha...u also excited by the free word!!
morning *anyone*??? never tried logging in on a sat. but no choice...doing assignment, might as well come in & say hihi :p

i only saw e FREE FREE sentences, never chat for so long, never go see archives (usu only vaguely skip thru), duno wat u all talking abt too. hahaha...

quiling pregnant w 2nd bb? she w dr HK Ho right? duno she going back to him?
yo tano, how's juggling with work, studies and bb so far? ya...free trial for aquaducks...

yes, think qiuling going back to Dr Ho, same gynae as u...
aquaducks? ha...duno wat is it. *see hw back dated i am?*

anyways quite often i cant log in openly at work. work issues & so happened we r jam-packed w work this mth & next. hardly hav a breather.

working thru my 1st assignment, need to complete by CNY. total of another 5 more assignments upcoming+ exam in mid april.
class is interesting...one module i took is philosophy in sci (boring!), another is comparative environmental physiology (basically learn abt e adaptations of mudskippers, lungfish etc on their advancing fr water to land++++ many many more...)

sometimes i wonder...hw much more i can enjoy my course if i don't hav a bb at hm? to read piles of journals w a bb at hm. concentrations really low. mmm...jus hav to endure it thru.

tano, aquaducks provides swimming class for bbs... u can see www.aquaducks.com.sg for more info.... wow, what u are doing sounds so chim...its masters in what?? bo bian la, since u already signed up, have to endure thru it lor...jia you!
