(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

oh swimming! Leting don't hav e opportunity to swim yet. mayb after my exams...after 17th april, promised to make it up to her

masters in zoologicals science.
it's such a dilemna ya? was talking w my frens last nite. is it e life style in singapore that no one really get a rest, but to keep on moving forward? work & work, must advance! is it ur choice or it's a 'no choice'? though 'no choice' might be a choice by itself? *mmm*
then we talking abt if it really comes a time to choose bet work & our child/family. it's pretty much clear. which hav to go.
i jus hav to make it thru this 2-3yrs if possible. if not, things hav to go means they hav to go lor.

haha...am i boring u w too much details? heavy topics.


sporty, u went to the zoo le! we planning to go next mth or early mar, wanna ask my family whether they wan to brave the sun with us anot.. hehe

pinkzebra, xavier is so smart! can still eye signal to u that his poo overflow.. hehehe

tano, wow your term sounds very busy!

free trial for aquaducks! i m interested. trishelle loves the water nowadays
peck, if you wun be back in hotel, inthat case, i think training your bb to eat pigeon porridge is much more convinient, just soak in boiling water can cook already. then train baby eat fruits. also, bread.i was taught to dip bread in FM, filling too. hahaha. terrible mother i am.food jar, just soak in warm water first and give direct also can. how about food jar with bread? OMG, all of a sudden, i have so many weird ideas, hope dylan dun LS.i am going hk, in april

bear, how u cook your porridge? slow cooker? cannot be that bad taste la, i think bb not used to it only.so must train.
sporty, the yogurt brand yoplait has another "sub-name" for babies called petite miam, i saw selling in giant too beside NTUC. this yoghurt is suitable for babies 6 mths & up

update on kindermusik - i have sent in our details (except qiuling) and ask if both parents are allowed into the studio with the babies. will let u gers know again

<font color="ff0000">qiuling, pls email me your details such as your name, bb's name, bb's DOB and contact no to [email protected] so that I can update the centre accordingly</font>
tano, wow...masters in zoological science already sounded chim enough...basically lifestyle in singapore its a choice la...its all abt time mgmt and the sacrafices tha u made to make up for more family time...

sweet, shd be fun la...if u bring trishelle to the zoo...later i'm going to my cousin's bb's full mth near ur place...heheh..ok, will look out for tha yogurt, have u fed trishelle with yogurt yet?
Peck, don't worry lah...I can see that so far you didn't miss out on any FREE trial. Your eyes definitely bigger than mine. Hahahaha...

Elaine, I will boil the porridge in a pot for 2 hrs then dump in some veg to boil when its near done then throw all in the blender and blend till smooth.
I think it really could be my boy not used to porridge coz I've tasted the porridge, although not as saltish as what we eat, but not that bad lah.

Sweet, since Trishelle loves water, you can bring her for swim on weekends more often since the weather nowadays seems better already.

Sporty, yes...I love my country! Hahahah...
sporty, looking forward to your zoo's pics!
your cousin also stays ard my area? hehe wow today your schedule quite packed hor, got full mth celebration and gymboree class also

not yet, will be feeding her when she reaches 8 mths but i m getting another brand - horizon.

bear, trishelle "swims" twice a week nowadays, my dad brings her in the late afternoon ard 4 or 5 plus, so i no need to bring her swimming on weekends or else she might just develop a tan!

okie dokie, me go do peas liao.. see whether trishelle likes it anot
bear, good la...national day u better go grab the ndp tickets...lol

sweet, already posted the pics...u can go n view...
my cousin stays at block 391...ya, today have to go a few places...
Sweet, horizon is the organic brand of youghurt, is it? But I think the plain youghurt really taste sour leh... dun know whether I can get Joy to eat it... maybe have to mix in some pureed fruits to sweetn abit. U gonna try toufu also sometime?

Bear, so you blend the porridge after cooking, so it means it will be very fine after that like paste is it? So any luck with blending the peas?

tano, must be tough to cope with so much school work. Working is already tiring enough!
Mich, yes...I will blend the porridge till very fine like cereal. Its the fastest way to make the porridge smooth.

Yes, I tried to blend the peas together with the porridge till very smooth. But Joshua don't like it...he keeps staring at the colour of the porridge. Hahaha...
Bear, yah I also cannot imagine bringing baby to NDP *faint* now best is watch in comfort of home. Maybe he dun like the taste of peas? I disguise the peas with pumpkin hee hee. Cos pumpkin makes everything sweet. That day I was in church and saw this 1 yr old eating a raw tomato and blueberries... I think the mummy very good hor can convince a toddler to eat raw tomatoes!
Mich, maybe I put in too much peas already. Hahaha...will try again some other time with lesser pea.

Yah man..I don't even eat much raw tomato.
make mental note...
NOT tokking to pinkzebra ANYmore

me intend to let sky learn ballet...

u too...

mich, yup horizon is the brand for the organic type.. will try toufu also, but can we freeze toufu anot? or it has to be prepared freshly for each meal?

aiyo, just now i spent at least half an hr peeling the snow peas to retrieve the peas inside. went thru 1 whole box and in the end, only that pathetic amt of peas!! just enuff for 1 cube niah. trishelle took it with the barley cereal, she's all right with it but can see that it's not her favourite

sporty, that's really near! me @ 394

the zoo trip look lots of fun!!
for mummies who are free today ...
there is a warehouse sale selling very cheap bb clothes , like osh gosh and carter brand .. something like 3 a piece .. i went down only today and realised that it is the last day .. open till 8 pm ..
the address .\
43 tampiness st 92 Gimmill building . they only accept cash ..
the sale very organised ... and clothes came with hangers ..
Come come.... Ask my mum for mi jue
Sky love veg quite a lot
He eat raw tomato....(mummy dun eat), pumpkin (mummy also dun eat), dragonfruit( again mummy dun eat) is a BIG carrot monster(mummy dun like carrots!!!) hey...good sia..whatever I dun wan...shove to him!!!!
Glayz, why want to let Sky learn ballet? Very very eer leh...other boys will laugh at him leh. Why can't you let Sky learn swimming or whatever?
back from the gymboree trial n cousin's bb's full mth...
was carrying my cousin's bb n he was crying for milk...for one moment i feel like latching him...lol :p anyways time flies, cant believe my boy was smaller tha size months back...

bear, u never kno mah...maybe joshua also likes ndp??!! haha

glayz, why learn ballet??
bear, level 2 is definitely more fun than level 1...and it seems more interesting than tumbletots as they have more equipment and more singing n movement...i didnt sign up for the class as athan was bz observing other bbs and the teacher than enjoying himself...hahha...anywyas, i signed up for the membership where we can go for the gym at 8 bucks each time...and its valid at any branch...
bear, ya...u shd ask ur CEO to consider...then get the membership and we can organise mini gym get together sessions....kekkeke :p

oh ya, i find my cousin's wife very poor thing...very stressed... the other time when i first popped, i insisted on going tbf but some of my aunties cornered me to a corner during athan's first mth and asked me to feed him with FM as he was sooo small...i juz listen and forget abt it...now they see the size of him and they see the benefits of bfing and started to psycho my cousin's wife tha she shd go tbf and why she dun have milk la, etc etc...she told me she was going crazy as her MIL (which is one of my aunties) kept asking her to go and pump and kept cooking papaya soup for her... my cousin was so angry with his own mum stressing his wife tha he told her off saying if papaya can do the job, then he shd eat more banana!! hahha :p
Sporty, aunties are like that one. Somemore last time don't fashion bm so they don't believe in bm.
She didn't latch ah? You should share your experiences with her and teach her what to do.
bear,she told me she couldnt latch as her bb was very kan chiong...so in the end she pump and at nite she wanna koon rather than pump...guess i cant help her much la since u really have to be very hardworking during initial mths of bfing to maintain ss...recently i went to some full mth party, 90% of the mummies didnt managed to do tbf becuz they wanna koon...so no matter what i say also cant help much la...i guess its ur personal choice lor...whether u wanna be hardworking or not
Sporty, I get what you mean. To tbf is a very tough thing. Its ALOT of sacrifices. I am sure those who have been through it will know.
WOW! so many of you interested in aqua ducks huh... ok lor, I'll go call up to make enquiries on the free trial tomorrow, cos yesterday i was out the whole day =p

understand, sometimes we also just blurt it out w/o knowing hehe... maybe hor we can try to use *toot* to replace the f*word haahhahaaaa then we'll sound like the intercom system like dat hahaha ok some crazy thoughts =p

for the porridge,i grind the rice before cooking it. so when it's cooked, the texture is just as smooth. for broth, i put either minced pork ball or beef ball to cook together with the porridge, all the flavour from the meet will fragrant up the porridge lor, then put in the veg and fish too. of coz the meat ball will become very tough.. and the hb will eat it hahaha

haa wow u also another one shoot up by FREEbies =P
ok noted. i'll revert to you once i got the details

so now we know, when we see mamaBear sleepy or not concentrating we can use the "FREE" word to wake her up =p I reckon not all ntuc has that yoplait petite maim yoghurt, but i think i saw at Giant and Cold Storage. yup i've let Xavier tried it, he finish it clean lor... but i try not to give those with berries flavoured ones at the moment.
how much is the gymboree membership?

hee...he must be feeling very uncomfy with the diaper full of poo lor.. hehe he really kept very still till i go to him.

it's good that trishelle go for regular dip in the pool, good to train her muscles

nice meeting you on sat
the kimono is sooo cute! the print matches my diaper pouch! xcept for the color haha..

WHY NO WANNA TOK TO ME? "tok to me... tell me your name..." *LOL*
wow you really got the intention to let Sky learn ballet? very rarely i hear that coming from a mom of letting their boy learn ballet. I just thought ballet is more for gals, and i can't imagine my boy in bodysuit prancing and frolicking on the stage haha... plus X so big size think he'll look uber clumsy lor hehe
yo ladies...
sunday again and tom's mon again!!

bear, ya lor...anyways, i had to tell her yesterday tha FM is still as good, most importantly ur bb's healthy

pinkzebra, thks...will try and look out for the yogurt next time as i myself is a great fan of yogurts and wanna start him on yogurts soon...kekke :p oh, the membership is $50, yesterday's trial was $34, and membership have one free trial(which was yesterday's), tha means the membership is $16 effectively...join join leh? then we all can organise to go for gym dates together... think caitlyn is signing up today after her kinder class...
ken ma, hahhaa...then i better collect commission fees from gymboree...hahha...i didnt sign up the class yet cuz waiting for the rest of u gals mah cuz they prefer to sign up at harbourfront...tha's why i signed up the membership first since can use anywhere...
wah lau!wana strangle my MIL liao!! we were eating breakfast dan she carry ken to the dining table and tempt him with the food..have told her so many times not to do that cos some kids will develop the bad habit of asking for food when ppl is eating....wonder is it that my mandrian is not good and she dun understand what i m saying or what.....
mornign ladies ,
these two days i have been looking after zac myself ..cos MIL gg out with SIL for shopping .. super tired plus MS starting ..nt as bad as first preg .. should be a gal this time ..keke
anyway yesterday anyone went for the sale .. lucky i went yesterday cos dunno is the last day till i went and saw the notice ..
Hi Sporty,
HB said one of the daddy from yesterday's group told him that harbourfront not very good leh after they attended the trial, and they came back to signup tanglin mall instead. Reason unknown, HB didn't ask mOre. Maybe u try out their trial class first before you decide to sign there ok.
Vendy, maybe Pinkzebra and me will try out the harbourfront branch. Maybe...

Pinkzebra, yes...pls tempt me with all the FREE.

Wow...your porridge very tasty leh.Thanks for sharing the recipe. Anyway I found out that Joshua can't eat because his tummy still full. I ned to give him a longer break in between the meals.

ken-ma, my mum also always tempt Joshua with her food and I will scream at her 'Oooi...' and she will laugh and continue.

Qiuling, I know its not easy to be preggie at this time. Scared scared...
Afternoon ladies,

sporty, yes yes, i will remember not to overfeed him...hahaha...

tano, u sound to be very busy huh wif your studies...hope u will still be able to enjoy your studies even though u have to juggle work, studies and baby...

glayz, y u wanna let sky learn ballet? wait he become ah gua how?

qiuling, jus saw your posting on the sale leh...too late liao...

bear, remember to jio me huh when u go for the gymboree trial...
powerpuffs, I was sitting at the back today, no wonder never see you since u sit inside.

glayz, wah its good sky can eat things like raw tomato... my elder one eats papaya, dragonfruit, guava, pineapple and whatever but she would not eat tomato and carrots or potatoes... strange.

qiuling, good that u still got energy to go shopping and look after zac... hope ur hubby can help you out. I remember I was flat out with MS, cannot look after my elder one at all, so just pass the buck to MIL and hubby.
Bear, I think not easy to be preggy at all any time when they are older kids to look after. When they are younger, gotta chase after them to make sure they don't knock themselves trying to walk. If they are older, then gotta coach their schoolwork and deal with their tantrums...

ken-ma, sometimes older folks just ignore us... u just carry ken away lor...
So happy...finally see some white stuff on amadeus' upper gum...tink his teeth is going to come out soon...no wonder he had been so cranky lately n at nite will cry occassionally...

he also very sticky to us lately..he must have both of us to be wif him...if either one of us walk away, he will start crying liao...don know y...
ros, hee... very exciting hor.. i also saw jerral's teeth coming out but on the lower gum... does it make a different?

ken-ma, old folks always think their method of teaching is the 'orrect' one.. juz dun bother abt them ba..
Mich ,
the sad thing is hubby is in shanghai and MIL planning to go Australia soon .. In fact , she planned to go last year , then my zac came along and she pai seh to go .. cos she take care of her daughter son for 2 years and scared the family member say bad things .. and she told my hubby that she is at most gg to stay one year only , that is when zac is one year old .. now the preg is sudden .. and after she came to know about it .. my life became worse now .. now everything i have to do .. and she went shopping with SIL for two days .. Think she is trying to tell me the timeline is almost up and dun expect her to stay ..
so My solution is to look for a maid .. and was told that it will take two months ..
actually quite sad nw , cos i let my MIL and BIL stay in my house for five years already and everthing i paid but never voice anything out .. and for two years she helped SIL take care of her grandson , i also never said anything ,, nw SIL emigrate to Perth and MILwas"Reserved" by her cos she said she want another two kids that MIL can look after while she work.but no news after one year of trying.. and the worse part of her was not the " reserving " but that she called me out for coffee one day and tell me " not to have a rat year bb " and that her mum is gg to australia with her for 10 years , then she will give back and we are suppose to take care of her after that .. NOW THINKING BACK .. feels that the family is really very frightening nw ..
ken ma, aiyo...ur MIL really too much leh! yesterday when i brought athan to my cousin's bb full month, i saw one of my relative trying to feed him orh nee leh! i was sooo angry and kept staring at him and luckily he didnt do it...also another uncle fed him with kong ba pau leh, the pau...*faints* tha's why i already warned my mum if she wanted to bring him ard for visiting during CNY, she better keep an eye on him and dun let other pple anyhow feed him...

qiuling, hope tha its really a minnie for you since the symptoms are sightly diff...aiyo, hope u can get a maid to take care of zac soon...how abt ur own mum's side? anyone can help?

vendy, we wanna go harbourfront becuz tha's more shopping there as after the class we can go kia kia there...tha's why we thot tha place is a better choice...ok, thanks for the heads up...other gals here will go for trial at harbourfront, will get their feedback before we decide...yesterday tricia was ok leh, not as bad as u mentioned la...think maybe she's already used to the classes liao...
Mt story havnt end yet .. she cannot get the one year Visa application for MIL to australia,which means that MIL have to return back every three months from australia .. so she asked BIL to apply for PR so that MIL can successfully stay there. and the aplication is still in the process .. so scheming .. nw thinking back , the coffee talk was one month before i am expecting Zachary and i was saying to myself , luckily zac is " pig year " not " rat year " .. nw she ask MIL out for shopping .. siAnZ .. Must tell myself i will survive .. and my bb will be healthy and fine .. MIL asked to go for " jie za" operation after this rat bb so that i have no more kids ... that is evil also right ??
Praying that it will be a gal so that i can close factory .. so stressed ..

Sporty , my dad also anyhow feed zac .. and zac is very happy about it . that is how he gets excited when he saw my daddy ..
My parents are working and my mum not the stay at home type .... thinking she cannot stand .. but she volunteered to pay for a maid for me and all other extra expenses .. the prob is who then to leave the maid and zac to . cos ned supervision ..
