(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Felt so much better after the complaints and yes lor , i have to find a maid .. and the maid fees went up .. filipino cost $400 now .. and supervision is the real problem nw . my mum's place shoudl be a good place to deposit the maid cos all relatives are staying next door to each other .. can help look out , else the next option is to find a baby sitter and leave zac .. but the maid option is still a muct for the house work .
Also , i did tell my hubby about it and his response is he will staill have to take care of his mum no matter what after the years .. he say see first after 10 years, if MIl want to stay with us also cannot be helped .. actually MIL is not a bad person but think she does have her perference and she wants to help SIL , so much about " nei shun " and " wai shun" . she always say all the same la .. all " Shun " but i always see her buying things for the " Wai Shun " and so far nothing for my zac , even after her recent holidays to australia , she came back with nothing for Zac .. but she buy tons of toys for SIL son and about 8 sets of clothes for him. then nw they came back for a few days , she bought another 6 sets of clothings and washed them and gave to the " wai shun " .. where got fair ?
agree.. i also cant imagine Glayz shaking in the dance pool :D
Here alot of "wu hu chang long" leh!! dun judge it's book by it's cover wor LOL
glayz, u still dun look like leh...now u looked like xian qi lian mu...kekke :p find one day we go chiong k?? :p

bear, err...i ok drinker la...now very long never drink liao...but hor, during my wedding banquet, i was the one who went ard the tables drinking lor...lol :p

hui, dun think he's paiseh la...think he's more curious and kpo his surroundings...kekkeke
Ya... my bones will BREAK then...wahahahahahaha
Ytd..do a bit of spring cleaning...now my whole body ache...

hahahaha...I also long time nvr drink liao...so i fell on new year day mah.... becos I gurp down too fast and furious...last time sub sub sui..now cannot liao...
glayz, talking abt spring cleaning...i think i have no time to do this year as my backup's on leave for 2 weeks from 1 feb lor...haiz...yesterday nite juz painted my bathroom with mr sporty...all my hands and legs kena drips of paint...haiz...wow, u said until u last time very zai leh, still sub sub sui...hahhahahhah
really? hehe.. so Jovial & my Andrea sama sama.. no teeth yet.. hehehe..

i bought a maxi cosi car seat on sunday for baby from baby hyperstore in kaki bukit for about $359.
Now looking for a high chair & potty.. any good brand to recommend??
Glayz ,
you are correct , i have to be " gracious " right .. asked her to go australia and "yang lao" .. but i predict that if SIl can psycho her mum to go nw , next time she will also do something to psycho her to come back .. no use one la .
Bear ,
Think if i tell MIL about SIL , she will think i backstab SIL n she will not believe her daughter is like that one .. she will think that her daughter want her to have a good life , that is y bring her to australia now .. and next 10 years , if she missed the grandson over at my side , then she can stay with us .. she very simple minded one . everything SIL says she thought SIL is planning for her ..
Sweet , i email u now again .

Jang ,u looking for maid too ?
Fillipinos are better cos they can communicate with you. cince they are better educated too, should be better .
wow....punchpacked with anger and letting hor ,all the relatives dunno what happen, so insensitive...:/ anyway, for CNY, i make it clear to everyone, dylan is not gonna be a toy to be passed ard to carry, besides he has tad bit of stranger anxiety so he rather stick to me. hahahha, this way, can keep close tabs liao. i hate it whe, n pple start pinching the cheeks and say sooooooo cute, you mean you like it when i do it to you ah?

jang...hiya, about the knocking of the head, as long as it is not serious, dun be too guilty, just be more careful, ahahha, i also let dylan fall a few times, i mean when he is sitting up and i never watch properly, then he fall on the abc mat...felt guilty too, but no choice lor.

anyway, do your babies have a penchant for biting on strings? my bb is forever looking out for strings to bite!my gawd, my rubber band hair tie, bolster string, paper bag string, blah...

jen, no prob, have yet to test out the jar, but should be good la") intend to get the hot flask too.glad, you survived the ordeal last time, and have a good hubs to help.

quiling, ...i think dun be too nice to SIL, so hypocritical, wat she mean by 10 yrs later give mil back, it's her own mother lei!!!! wah lau. where got this kind of daughter, next time got retribution and her kids do it to her . take Glayz advice and tell MIL in front of SIL/ vice versa, say go there yang lao best.
then get a maid, transfer maid, or seek out any infant care centre. bo pian. unless you wanna hire maid, quit your job and get your mom to help out occasionally, if you dun stay too far from MIL, can get maid to stay with her, with zac, i mean even if mom wanna go out, also can bring zac out go gai gai too ya?

For me bo pian. MIL has 4 kids, but never looked after them herself, a total blur queen, then hubs ask me to leave dylan w maid only, how can? infant care, i scared too, so quit job and stay home.and my mom stays like on another island...lolanyway, i am getting used to this lifestyle.

divamama. i think maybe next time you prepare the food first then let them feed, safer.:/ lucky megan is fine=)
I used to drink machiam everyday mah....
So sub sub sui lor....

But now cannot liao
think half a glass I cannot make it liao....
Jang ,
high chair can buy the IKEA one ?? potty .. any brnad la . i have three at home and zac dun use it .. u want can collect from me..
elaine, dylan is teething? tts why biting on strings?

jang, how abt ikea's high chair? i like it cos its economical and practical. I can put into the car and then bring it to my parents place.

as for maids, i think really depends on luck.
qiuling, how come u bought so many potty?? think u juz have to focus on looking for a good maid now...and dun bother abt what ur MIL and SIL liao la...cuz no matter what they action or do now, it wun change the fact tha u will need to seek alternative help...

elaine, yes...my boy loves bitting on strings, no matter its bolster string or strings from my shorts...think they have itchy gums la...tha's why...

glayz, wow...drink everyday??? u li hai leh...can drink everyday...whhahaha

jang, i gotten the high chair from mums and babes, its convertible to table and chair when bb's older...tha's the reason why i bought it too...
Elaine ,
i solve my probelm here first and see how later , whatever happens 10 years down the road .. think nobody can see.. so everything i will still leave it to fate .. and of course , i will remember this episode of my life .. that is when i am in need of help , they do these kind of things , so next time , never blame me if i dun help back in some ways or others ...
choices in life very hard to see , so i just make sure my children is well and healthy , everything i also can let go .. that is how i am gg to be HAppy i guess .. if not will be having " pre-natal " + " post - natal " depression all at a go .. will die man ..
Glayz ... i REALLY cannot imagien u dancing on the BAR top counter .. keke .. pardon me har .. haha
hi mummies.. i'm bk, and all burnt up!!

Qiuling: oh.. congrates on your next baby...

No MS right?

glayz: i agree with bear.. cannot imagine u shake your bon bon. next time we go lin jiu must jio jio you...
Yes , MS came yesterday or two days ago , i forget .. but not strong MS like the first one .. This time , only feeling hungry and burbing and nauseous .. no vommitting like the first one ..
qiuling, how come u bought so many potty?? think u juz have to focus on looking for a good maid now...and dun bother abt what ur MIL and SIL liao la...cuz no matter what they action or do now, it wun change the fact tha u will need to seek alternative help...

elaine, yes...my boy loves bitting on strings, no matter its bolster string or strings from my shorts...think they have itchy gums la...tha's why...

glayz, wow...drink everyday??? u li hai leh...can drink everyday...whhahaha

jang, i gotten the high chair from mums and babes, its convertible to table and chair when bb's older...tha's the reason why i bought it too...
When i stop dancing... haven approve the bar top dancing la....

Anyway...u need to plan well lor.... for Zac arrangement
Since ur mum side have relatives all around...ask them to help to keep an eye on ur maid lor..or u see any aunt free to 'pop' by when there is no one at home....

Must be happy sia... go on and imagine me shake bon bon...think u all think its very funny lor...

hb drink mah...so I pinch lor...
But realise drink beer get FAT very fast...so now on diet...NO MORE DRINKING!!!

ikea is good... but pls be careful when u walk around it... the base super big...so can trip lor...or u kick while bb in it... may frighten bb...

Potty...aiyo those round round no brand one can do la....
I also have 2 potty at mum home... Sky refuse to surrendar his old small potty
qiuling, juz stay cheerful esp u are preggy now and solve the prob soon...

lizardess, u scary leh...suddenly appear from nowhere...next time u can jio glayz to lim jiu...she li hai leh...everyday drink...kekkee

j & mum, welcome back! drum rolls???

glayz, bear very fattening one...tha's why i dun drink beer...

jang, its mamalove...think 159 if i rem correctly...i bought mine from amk hub...

ok, will try salmon see how's her reaction. If
still dun like means confirm like her daddy..
dun like fish :p

my baby also like to play with strings from my
shorts to the mosquito net with little strings :p
Another favourite is tearing tissue paper! hehehe...

Try not to bother yourself with ILs too much.. best to plan things without them.. easier to manage..
My hubby & I hv learnt to always depend ourselves even though my ILs are very nice to us.. they won't say/tell us directly but how they think/feel is another thing. Maybe too nice also a problem... hehehe..
Lin, how is gabriel taking to solids? if he is good, then move on to 3 meals? as for milk, there was a time tt dylan was like that, i forced feed him. babies constantly change, dun worry too much.

Maybe babies play w the umblical cord in the tummy before coming out, so that's why love string so much. good ness. lol

Quiling =) YOU GO GIRL! you definitely have a happy disposition and zac too, keep that going!
lin/lizardess: very nice... very beautiful... the water is so crystal clear and just like drinking water appearance...

corals are everywhere... we even took pics with the reef sharks... so many of them... then fishes are right below our water bungalow.. i fed them with chips.. hope i don't kill them all!! So nice lor, the marine fishes...

will share you the pics when i load them up soon... kekeke...
<font color="aa00aa">Kindermusik Free Trial Class

The trial class for this sat (2nd Feb, 11am) has been confirmed

Accompanying parent, pls bring your own sock and only 1 parent is allowed into the studio at any 1 time (I am now asking her if we are allowed a swop during break time). 10% discount will also be given to interested mummies who sign up for their term after the trial class.

Please refer to this link for the directions to the centre : http://www.terrifictikes.com/contact.html</font>

<font color="0077aa">Qiuling, I have just forward you an email. According to the lady, they have given out all their free trial classes already, so if you are still keen, the cost will be $25.50. Pls let me know if you are still interested</font>
i dont mean to be crude - old car 10 yrs older liao give me back for what? (i wanted to say give me back for F**K)

that time only keep needing to go to work shop liao - &amp; keep having to spend time to bring it to workshop &amp; worse still some cars have scrap value hor - some 'cars' no scrap hor even go 'scrap' must pay alot of $$ hor cos price of wood has increased!
j&amp;mum... u back ar.. haha.. share your pic hor..
btw now i know who your bf is liao.. he's reallyy...!!! is he one of the 200pound beauty actor
me been super busy at work, covering colleague's work. so just pop in as and when can lor...
you can ask your sis, whenever she see me, my hair super messy wan.

me bought the ikea high chair too.
$25 for just the chair, $8 for the tray, and i think another $8 for the cushion.

you didn't buy the tray ah?
Ikea Chair
I din buy the tray... think I need to get 1...to make sure SKY is at least 1 arm length away from the main table...
That day...was eating steamboat...and he want to sit with us...so we allow him lor
then we bbq some of the food for him to take...
the next thing we knew...he take the raw meat..and placed on his plate also... and scoop the marinate of all the raw meat on top of his rice...luckily he onli PLAY with it...din eat lor....
Next thing is we SHOO him out... and he was crying and screaming la
back from buying lunch and pump...

jang, my boy loves to tear tissue paper too...macham like she loves me, she loves me not...hahha

j &amp; mum, hee hee...maybe u will change ur mind lor...kekke

bear, cannot eat bear la...its endangered species la...u never see advertisement meh?

hui, haven video him yet as tha day my hb not ard when i taking his pics...so better to have someone ard before i take the video...heheh

lizardess, aiya...permed hair of cuz messy la...lol :p
