(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

jang, not all transfer maids are problematic. Sometimes they cannot get along with their previous employer for reasons but doesn't mean they are not good. Like my friend got a transfer maid who turned out fantastic. Mine is also transfer case... previous employer got many things to complain about her. But I find her ok cos my expectations not as high perhaps. I feel that for maids as long as they dun lie, steal, give trouble and do an ok job, then can already.

J&mum, welcome back! I also want to see pictures

wah piang.... dun rub it in leh...
ok i have decided to perm my hair again in March, and i mean really PERM CURLS, not waves.
can't wait to get back my pre-preg curls.

and hopefully by then Jerald wun be interested in straightening my hair.
now everyday he pulls and pulls straight my hair.
soon can't even see waves liao.
sporty, how many times a day do u pump now? does athan drink any FM ?

Tear tissue: my boy tears anything that is paper- he loves to crumple them and then tear into pieces. then after that put the pieces into his mouth

IKEA high chair tray- i think it essential...1) can keep him away from table and also he tends not to try to stand when there is a tray 2) can put toys on it to keep him busy. I've let him play with small spoons to keep him occupied so that he won't snatch my spoon so often when i feed him.

oh yes, Gabriel spoke his 3rd word- milk! He fussed last week when we were changing him for bed time. At first we thought that he still wanted to play so we let him continue to play with his toys but he kept whining and showings signs of going to cry. Then we gave him the teether toy(thought it's his teething) but he threw it to the ground (like throwing tantrums). He kept whining and going mmmmmmmm. I thot he was going to call Mama. We didn't think it was time to feed him milk because it's not time yet. After a while, my hubby asked me to listen carefully then we heard him trying to articulate "milk, milk" he didn't pronounce it correctly though, he kept repeating the word over and over again.....anyway when we realised tt he wanted milk, we warmed up a bottle for him and when he saw the bottle, he waved his arms so excitedly and drank the whole bottle quickly and was a happy boy after tt.
ikea chair -

mine's the safety 1st chair to be tied to a chair - i used a heavy wooden chair then my MIL changed to the old scarey chair, the my FIL said why put this shakey chair? scold me - i said DONT ASK ME ITS MUMMY WHO CHANGED IT! - basket pple.
lizardess, never rub in la...yes...go perm soon...now shd be quite messy la, not straight not curly...ekkek

lin, i pump 3 times now...how abt u? athan still on tbf...only last week he drank FM once as tha day he drank alot and not enough milk..have u started gabriel on FM yet? great tha gabriel knos how to ask for milk,...must be a very cute sight!
sporty i pump 4 times. i am thinking of cutting down to 3 but not sure if my supply would be enough for Gabriel. can u share with my yr pumping timings? 8 hrs apart?

Gabriel still on TBF but i am no longer freezing milk.
lizardess, march u gonna perm yr hair again- is it too soon? will damage quaility of yr hair?

baby channel on SCV- any one gonna subscribe?
aftern girls!

high chair: my mum refuse to use e high chair i bought...saying it's easier to carry her & feed all tog.

anyways my febm stocked cleared jus few days back. factory closed down. no pumping, in a day mayb latch 1-2x whenever needed (my guess is jus a few drops of bm).
Vic ma, I have the safety 1 type too. It's really useful during feeding time. I like that it doesn't take up another chair space.

Sporty - which FM are you giving Athan? Just curious though I have withdrawn all FM for my girl.. hahaha. Planning ahead for my FM re-intro
lin, i dun pump at 8 hrs intervals...currently doing 630am, 12/1pm n 10/11pm...quite flexible...anyways if u plan to do 3 pumps, its a good time to start on fm n of cuz the ss wun be enough at times esp if ur gabriel is a huge drinker...

tano, so ur factory officially closed down liao eh...good la, at least can led normal life now...my mum at times also like to carry athan n feed him...

kompass, i have one tin of similac and one tin of mamil gold at my mum's place...i told her to feed him similac if there's not enough BM, then she blur went to feed him mamil gold instead...hahha...but so far ok leh, or maybe he only took it once so not much effects...what did u fed abergail with previously when she rejected FM?
lin: my mum v lihai lor...carry 1 hand, other hand feed...i dont understd hw it can work out well, but apparantly it's like that. e high chair i only use on wkends, when i feed.
fm nan 2ha, nw on total fm (4x)+ 2 porridge+ 1 cereal add to fm. one tin seems to finish v fast.
my hair texture already very bad since teenage years, cos i kept colouring, straightening, highlighting, then everything all over again.
never gave it a chance to rest, only preggie days and confinement period.
Thereafter it's back to "torturing" days!
so now everyday i use hair treatment as conditioner, hope to "liven" it up a bit lor.
lin - I am not getting the babyTV thinggi. Don't think it is wise to intro TV to baby so soon. May not be good for the little eyes.
lin, wow gabriel can utter milk too liao!
u must be so happy, at least now he can tell u that he's hungry!

still thinking whether to subsribe to the baby channel. trishelle loves it!
she can watch for at least 15 mins w/o moving and she will bounce up and down at certain songs hehe

sporty, since u let athan drank FM last week, u got to continue liao? since cannot keep opened tin of FM for more than a mth?

tano, such a pity that your mum doesnt wan to use the high chair! saw from your blog, the chair looks very nice!
sweet: bai swee lor!!!

btw: announcement to make...
i overstock on pigeon baby wipes. wan to sell at $8.80 for a pack of 3 (standard normal size). anyone interested???
sweet, i brought the FM home over the weekend and didnt get to feed also as there's still bm...so it was a one time thing last week...ya, i told my mum to feed him FM at nite since its already opened, dunno whether she did it lor...but she prefer to feed him BM rather than FM, unless its bo bian then she feed FM...

lin, dun think i'm subscribing to tha channel as i dun really let athan watch tv yet...tha day let him watch, he rather play with his toys...hehhe

tano, ur high chair not cheap also lor :p hee hee...wow, ur announcement scared me leh, thot drum rolls...kekke
i also thought your announcement is drum roll.
i also keen in your wipes, but how to collect from you?
where are the collection pts?
i saw the baby channel preview, it was sooooooooooo babyish i cant tahan. lol. definitely meant for babies, ut i find it too repetitive lei. i rather put on baby einstein for dylan cause at a go he only watch 15 min, then whine whine whine. his fav is Baby's first moves.

lin, dylan's i dun wanna drink milk phase started last week, and still going on....well, what i do is at night, if he wakes up , i feed him. i dun really care about forming a habit of wanting to drink when up at night, cause he wakes up anyway.he can sleep at 6 thirty pm to 6 am next day and still wake up in between.qi(4) si(2) wo(3)!
sweet, ya lor...luckily its sample...tha's why i let my mum decide la...

tano, u never say drum roll but it sounded like one...kekke :p

kompass, which FM u plan to start her on next?
lizardess: bukit batok/ buona vista/ toa payoh (only if u wan to go up to my in laws house, cos cannt make them wait at mrt or wat). or best if u r going for e trial this sat, can pass to u then.
i wanna sell in a bundle of 3packs (ie $8.80 each bundle). i hav many packs...how many u wan leh?
sporty, very good that athan doesnt reject FM.. think when it's trishelle's turn, most likely than not, it will be a struggle!

tano, no leh lizardess not in the list too ;p
sporty, no idea at the moment though I have quite a bit of samples in my store room now (mamil, enfa(something), Nan, promil) The PD has stopped me from feeding her with FM for now. I think my PD is rather "anti-FM."
tano, seems like u really stock up alot!

sweet, ya lor...was quite worried abt him rejecting FM but he's ok leh...at least now dun have to worry have to kept pumping...heheh...u never kno mah, maybe trishelle will also accept FM leh? when do u intend to intro FM?

kompass, wow...thas alot of samples...then when will ur PD give the green light?
hi all.. just went to see gynae earlier this morning.. bb not cooperative.. haha.. gynae says she doesn't see any male organs so MAYBE a gal.. but no confirmation as bb kept legs crossed most of e time.. as long as healthy i okies liao.. =)

on 1 week mc.. due to weakness in limbs n severe breathlessness.. darned sianz..
sxporty, she's one fussypot, even rejects FEBM, so i dun pin high hopes on FM. probably going to intro FM soon liao coz ss dipping. every time when AF reports, ss will drop like crazy and it didnt bounce back to the same amt of output since last mth le...

caitlyn, wow u take care leh, severe breathlessness sounds terrible
dryper - sorry.. i keep forgetting ot transfer $$ to u.. i do it by fri k?? sorry sorry!!

sweet - it is terrible.. esp in class! then when tok too much or too loudly will either puke or get lightheaded.. but i dunno my students how.. sianz..
sporty, so good ur boy wanna FM huh... ayo tt time, my gal reject fm like nobody biz... until i give up liao... so you still pumping huh? intend to bf for 1 year?

sweet, my gal was a fussypot too... geez... eating solids is like a battle for me and her... she will eat for 1 over hr. sometimes i even have to bring her downstairs to distract her so that she eats...
caitlyn, dun worry lah... you not feeling too well mah... rest is more important... :) so are you teaching any graduating classes this year?
dh, that time when your girl rejects FM, then u continue to pump ah?

solids, so far i only started on cereals and some fruits & vegs. generally she's quite ok with most food, dislike items include bananas and rock melon ;p favourite is carrots! wa, eat for 1 hr, dun think i will have the patience.. hehe
sweet, db lah not dh... hahahahhaa.... because i was still on npl, i just latch her on lah... she rejects fm until got fever... i see her so stress i also bo pian lah... continue to bf... at first she was ok with her food till she turns 8 months, she become one fussypot lor... i feed her until neck all stiff leh... i mean they keep on saying dun eat dun force, but everyday like tt leh, how to just let her be without eating any solids... so i persevere lor... finally now she is ok with all food... thank goodness, she outgrows her fussiness... headache man...

hahaha... paiseh bout your nick ;p wow reject FM till fever, that's quite bad! think i better intro FM soon while my ss is still enuff now. if not, cannot imagine wat will happen when my "well" dry up and she refuse to take FM! by then, i dunno go where to get BM for her hahahaha

hope that my gal can also outgrow her fussiness! she's like very interested whenever we are eating but when intro stuff to her, then she's not very keen
