(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

urine strip - i paid $10 each time i went to The Private Suite at KKH for this ok & its before GST i think,

Its for urine test with the strip, blood pressure test & weight test & sometimes they open the dustbin for u also to throw the strip - haha so that they dont touch it.

So i think 9 mths preg i went maybe 12-15 times $126-157.50 on these liao (including 5% GST) Now GST 7% hor even worse)

Me also feeling CRAMPY
U go poo la... I want to... but no toilet paper...wahahahahhahaha
Im bk. bloody hell ... juz ended an overseas call to Pakistan. The caller accent so strong until i been kana influence by him. wow bian
I work with colics from indian lor...
My Chinglish accent still remain leh...wahahahahahaha
i am bored on leave but still at work - going to go carrefour buy things to cook for dinner before i go pick hb to go home.

Its my hb's birthday! & he is stuck in meetings after meetings & w baby no chance to go out to eat either.
re bored...

i was damn busy at work.. and everyone give me the same deadlines.. stupid me.. try and pleased everyone.. in the end got mistakes...
peck...actually hor. i dunno. by then dylan will be taking 3 solid meals!!!. shit. i think morning i will stick to bee ghor and food jar, bee ghor easy, just stir in water, boil can already then mix with food jar. the porridge i wll prepare first then put in my zorushi lunch jar before heading out, his lunch will be ard 12/1 pm, then in the evening, we will be back ard 4?pm then give him pigeon porridge? hehe. but i wanna rehearse at home first. lol....the pigeon porridge i bought 2 flavours to try, it actually taste not bad. i dunno about the nestle porridge is it nice?how to cook that?also by then baby can eat bread and kuay tiao. so can stuff him w that, i think few days should be fine. i will fill him up with fruits too!!! the worrying thing is nowadays he hate to drink milk ( gawd knows why)...

then hor, i wanna train him in my ergo also. lol...
just came back fr sch visit.

sporty, did u take calcium supplement or drink more milk? we need more calcium during preg & bfing, else, we r e ones who'll suffer nxt time as bb will just suck us dry & take whatever they require.

sporty/bear, maybe mr pinkzebra purposely looked stern, dun smile so tha we, incl our hbs, all dun go near him, scared our hbs hum tum him. kekeke...

hmm... urine test strip need to pay huh? mine incl in e consultation.

elaine, u bought zorushi lunch jar, $60+ is it? fr where? is it e bento series?
Wow...nvr login for juz 1-2 days so many archives to go thru...*phew*

Sorri leh, I don't hv ur email add. Btw the photo taken that day not very clear & nice becos they keep moving...heehee! Can send to u lah, pls email me @ [email protected] if u r still keen ok.

Hi Ros & Catherine,
Thanks for the concern. Tricia's face miraculously gets well the following day. Now was wondering her sudden rashs izzit cause by the banana puree that we fed her twice on 2 separate days. Probably will do the test again.

Think my pair of hands will not be BETTER than your hubby lah. Mine will be super itchy, scratch until super red, peel & bleeds. The worst case is they will be so itchy until i was FORCE to wake up from my sleep to either I wash it with water or get cream to soothe it so that I can get back to sleep.
Its been many many years like that liao, so I kind of live with it too...I even done the patch test for allergic @ national skin center but they also can't find the cause. They juz asked me try to put on gloves & apply ample of oil based gel. But nowadays got to handle Tricia, its mOre difficult to apply promptly. That's why turn worst lately, so painful yet still got to endure it to clean her & do washing.

U going to 2molo's gymobree too?? Hope u r mentally prepared that there will be a ONE & ONLY crying babe in the class & please hope u dun mind too...ya!!! that's my princess lor...pretty STRESS to bring her to class nowadays! She was OK until she go into the class. Abit regret signing her too early
Seem tat she always in her own worLd "jumping & jumping" when the rest babies "guai guai" sitting down listen to the instructor...*sian*
Wow! Congrats to u too!

Hope Xavier boy is better & well now.

Powerpuffs & Bear,
Ya, me so agreed with both of you on checking on our lil ones against bb around their same age & comparing their developement on how come slower than others...

Tricia is only younger then Kendrick & Anthan by maybe 1 week only, and their motor skills were so GREAT differences lor! Till date, Tricia still can't sit on her own, whenever we put her in sitting position. She will reach all the way down to her toes with both her hands and show us how FEXIBLE she is lor...*faint* She only loves to be held at "standing" position, and forever jumping up and down NON-sTOp! *faint again* Put her on tummy down, she will stationery stay put there, nowadays she likes to show-off her "sky diving" style, lift both hands & legs up in the air with tummy on the floor...heehee!!!
Vendy, see...its inevitable for mummies to compare. But actually I would say its more like we are expecting similar development lah.

Hahaha...hey, my Joshua was doing the sky diving before he gets up on his all fours. Its like asking for help like that...very funny hor?

Oh...kendrick and athan ah...hahaha...the babies you compare Tricia to is indeed very stressful. Hahaha...I can imagine how worried you are.

mummy_tang, no lah, i din bring cos rina told me u can't go. No worries. Hope Megan and u get well soon.

glayz, high maintenance meh..gers must dress up mah...anyway, mine cfm no suitors wan, she is resembling a boy nowadays...at least Shane got double eyelids lor, mine is single eye

ros, thx, i ch ltr..no worries lah.

sporty, haha, its true wat, after bb bash, everyone fighting ovr Rae ann, nobody mention Megan leh...

Vendy, hv u tried calendula cream to sooth the itchiness?

Baby's Development
While its impt to monitor, I wd discourage mummies from comparing their bbs to other bbs. We need to understand tat development cd vary, just ensure that its not extremely delayed will do. Comparing may not be good habit cos next time we'll subconsciously compare other things e.g. academic results.
Ya, whenever she does the "sky diving" she will turn over & make sure Im looking at her doing her current fav stunt. Yes indeed VERY funny!

Actually I read on books tat mention bigger babies probably will start slow too due to the EXCESS weight...heehee!!!

Well, I constantly consoLe myself at least she is a happy & healthy baby...
We still can reLax abit. Even without crawling I oredi got hard time changing her diaper & dress her after bath...phew* Cannot imagine what will happen when she REALLY start crawling...
Divamama, compare academic results ah...I think that one confirm will compare one. We are all Singaporean leh.

I hope I am not those mummies who sign my son up for alot of classes. I hope huh...just want him to learn swimming.
finally back home!
went to the zoo in the afternoon with my 2 boys...

bear/powerpuffs - every bb grows differently la...best is not to compare...no matter how fast or how slow they are, they are still our precious...

lizardess - ohh mas never issue 50 bucks ah?? no wonder...

jen - yeah, took calcium supplement n 2 glasses of milk every day...

vendy - yes...going for gymboree tom...dun worry abt tricia crying la, think she will get used to it soon...
vendy, its true that bigger bbs may hv problems with some milestones due to their weight and size but generally it will not be delayed.

bear, haha, singaporeans ar...i hope i wun do tat cos i hated it when my mum did it to me last time. At the same time i hope she will be an all rounder. aiya, dilemma
Vendy, yah yah...healthy is the MOST important!!!
Oh...talking about changing diaper...I really hot ah...I have to ask hb to press Joshua down so that I can quickly put on. Its really a test on my patience.
vendy/bear, think kendrick n athan are two of the older bbs in this thread...thas why development could be faster but think better duun compare la...chinese have a saying...ren pi ren qi shi ren...heehee...as long as they are happy n healthy, tha's more impt...

divamama, use the double eyelid tape on megan la...it helps...hee... dun worry, i'm sure megan will have suitors soon... :p
bear, i reli hope i will be able to control myself and not stress her up...stess stress

sporty, i told hb abt ur suggestion. he said, "dun be silly"...
divamama, my sis's fren's mum did tha to her when she was a bb and she really had double eyelis after tha...heheh...no harm trying mah :p
sporty, so happening huh...go zoo...very hot leh today...

bear, i'm gonna let amadeus learn to play piano n swimming...cos i wont stress him next time...tink all parents r kiasu la...

vendy, tink u got same prob as my hb..u try not to use any detergent or wear gloves f u need to...s whether condition will improve or not...

amadeus development also quite slow but now i try not compare liao cos u jus make me more gek sim...

btw, my hb jus told me tat he heard amadeus say "ok" the other day...hahaha...tink this is one time thing like the hello he said the other time...bear, u don say i lying huh...hahaha...
thanks for your kind concern
xavier is on his way to recovery.

you have serious case of eczema? you can try wear the gloves after you apply the cream or lotion, hope that helps

today's a good weather, bet you all enjoy the trip at the zoo! show pics yeah hehe..

me too, also hope I won't be one of those who jump on the bandwagon to put my kid in all sorts of classes. not only he'll be "bo eng", I'll also be "bo eng" to bring him from class to class haha... then worst if end up to be jack of all trades but master of none!

bear, me too, will sign him up for swimming class, at least he know how to survive if there shd be a flood! hehe...

saw your email, will see you there tomolo!
Wa! Go Zoo ah! Not hot meh??? Heehee! Zun Bo? Use the double eyelid tape work meh? Tricia oso SINGLE EYELID like mama leh...sob sob*

U so funny leh...u say better dun compare yet u r comparing ur gal with Shane wat...hahahaha!!! Agree with bear, we are SINGAPOREAN difficult NOT to compare lah.

Hey, sama sama leh! Sometimes I also need heLp from hubby to press Tricia down so that I can get her dress up quickly.
Pinkzebra, hahaha..I think boys must definitely know how to swim lah. Anyway this mummy cannot swim well so both my boys must be able to swim well to save me. Heehee...
Actually I am more interested to let Joshua be sporty lah. He wants Judo ok, taekwando also can...soccer also no problem.

Flood??? Singapore got flood one meh??? LOL

Ros, I hope Joshua don't tell me he wants to learn how to play piano leh. Hahaha...to me that one is more for girls.

No lah...I won't say you lying...but you sure you are not bragging huh???? Hahahah...

Vendy/Divamama, single eyelid doesn't mean not pretty lah. Some girls with single eyelid quite nice leh.
Thanks, ya I try to put on gloves whenever I do washing nowadays.
Hey, btw ur ENGLISH is dam power hor! You can phase ur words so nicely with "chim chim" words...heehee! Sorry for my "broken" English....:p
bear, i wanna him to be like jay chou mah then i can be 'xin ma' liao...hahaha..the 'ok' thing i don know la cos i never hear it but the hello, really lor...he really say it...not bragging la but must be those 1 time thing la...think the next time he say it again will be when he is much older...
xtine, divamama paid for it...think it is 38.84 if i didnt remember wrongly...for the acc, tink u have to view the archive liao as cannot remember...
ros - aiya...today at first wanted to go orchard shopping but in the end didnt go cuz have nothing to buy then we decided to go zoo at abt 3pm + la...quite hot but still ok la...my hb said athan so fair shd let him tan abit...hahha...oh ya, i believe u tha amadeus said "ok"...cuz athan said tha once or twice before...

pinkzebra - yeah...nice weather to be out today...think mr sporty and i enjoyed it more esp tha we haven been to the zoo since pri skool...hee hee....will post on my blog soon, stay tuned...hhehe...

vendy - ok la...not tha hot to go to the zoo la,...nice to go out in the sun once in awhile esp it had been rainy these days...tha double eyelid thingy works la...u try try lor :p

pinkzebra/bear - u gals can consider bringing ur boys to aquaducks...kekek

bear - aiyo...juz believe ros tha amadeus really said "hello" la...she tried sooo hard to convince u leh...
WHO says Singapore NO FLOOD? U nvr read newspaper meh??? Heehee....2yrs before & recently Thomson rd's flooding was quite serious leh.
I would like to let Tricia learn swimming too BUT daddy scared later she will hv the muscular build of the swimmer "JAWS-lyn Yeo"---> oops dunno how to spell! hahaha!
to know how to swim is an asset lor... s'pore no flood as yet lah... but hor the water level on earth is rising leh, u know... saving GAIA? hhahaaa... u no see the Ad meh? hahhaa....

I'm ok with anything lah as long as he dun tell me he got interest in BALLET.. that i'll faint! *LOL* and if he shd learn anything, better not be short span interest that kind, else really waste time waste money.

ah? power meh? haha... guess all of us here no check for spelling mistake, grammar error or any wrong use of tenses lah haha...

vendy - hahhaha...i like the way u spell JAWslyn..hahhaha

pinkzebra - ur ballet almost made me fell off my chair...so funny...cannot imagine guys doing ballet leh...imagine tha tight suit..yucks...kekeke
