(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Glayz- haha.. my cousin damn niao lor. before she got married , still gt a chance to see her (dunring CNY ) . BUT after she gt married hor, she DUN APPEAR liao . Wonder where did she hide . her mum will say she went holiday wif her hubby.
Glayz , ic , thank you .. so only the tanglin branch left .. keke .. cos serangoon class shop ?
Sporty ,
yah gg back to Dr ho .. he is exp man .. first checkup $190 .. that includes only consultation and scan ... me gg to save up for this # 2 now and now i am stopping zac from drinking BM so his FM $$ will also increase .. So cham .. no planning .. "accidents" having # 2 will leave me poorer and more sacrifices... but u are right .. as long as bb is healthy and fine, everything should be worth it
sha sha, wow ur cousin know how to bi nian ah..

glayz, your MIL got many many pattern hor... too bad la u have to endure her lor
sha, ur cousin really kno how to shiam... :p

qiuling,so u are cutting down on ur pumping/latching already? ya...FM expns will increase if u stop bfing...aiya, bo bian la, most importantly u are comfortable with the gynae...
Hi peck - ya ler.. so niao rite sigh..

Qiuling - my cousin oso got a son liao. but becos the output will be MORE then input, so i guess she decided to siam after calculating .haha
Quiling - dun be too bothered . stay happi & ur little minnie/micky will be happy too
Now I remember...
My cousins (dad side) also disappear during CNY!!!!
Or they will turn up at places we will meet SUPER late!!!

Harborfront also have
But think for u... both are far la... but u drive...so should be ok la

At least ur cousin child also disappear...
My hb had this cousin who will siam... but her child will go round collecting ang pows with the grandparents lor...
I last yr from first day..din see his cousin..onli see the child...
then I act blur ask the grandfather... then can see im FUME lor... say the mther went duuno where to GAMBLE... throwing the child over VERY early in the morning...

Poor ger leh... CNY and machiam like ganna abandoned EVERYDAY lor
re hi

since having AF, ive been v tired more so than expressing milk... jus now i put emmanuel in playpen to let him play... i lie dwn on d mattress beside n fell asleep instead of him falling asleep...

re: bi nian
some ppl rather spend d $ on holidays than giving ang baos...
tts y always MIA during CNY... and oso a fewer days lesser for leaves to take for holiday...
qiuling, so you're back with Dr Ho? wow $190... yah his charges are super ex but his queue of patients ever so long...new pregnancy, he charge $80 for first consult, rite? I'm due to see him for check up again soon. But he's a good doc, so very worth it lah... yah I know FM quite expensive. Now I finally have to spend $$ on FM also. But baby eat alot of porridge so one tin of FM also take forever to finish. My girl really know how to save my $$$ hee hee.

Glayz, your hubby's cousin very li hai... ha ha
hehe i just went to buy tonnes of pigeon porridge and an allegan diaper bag.oh ya, i also went to order bumper mat for dylan liao. yellow bear.beary beary beary.

glayz, i think i PAK JIAO. today then i see the label write 8 mths for nordic fish oil...

peck, i think i will get travel cooker instead, cause need to cook veg too. of course simple one lah, like brocolli and spinach leaves blah.i rather cook than take the risk of MSG in hk food.
Hui/lin/jen, thanks!!!

Lin, yes...Gabriel and Joshua is only days apart which is why I always wonder how come Gabriel's motor skill so advanced???
Mich , $100 for consultation now with Dr Ho.. dunno y his charges went up again but me comfortable with him .. cos think he very secure . and the scan 60. and then urine test 7 .. then plus GST and folic .. around $190
Pinkzebra, I agree with Sporty that your Mr looks very stern leh. He didn't smile at all during bb bash. Scared scared...
Mich , the urine test , i also dun understand y $7 .. just the little test strip for protein / glucose thing so exp . Then my zac really can eat solid food and drink milk .. he ate three square meals now .. quite a big bowl .. plus milk and snacks in between the meals .. and one tin of FM cannot last very long.. keke ..
free trial class for Kindermusik Village (which is suitable for 0-18 mths babies)

Location @ 200 Turf Club Road, #01-26 Turf City Singapore 287994

Date : 2nd Feb 2008
Time : 11.00am

So, please indicate your interest!
1. BB Trishelle - Sweet
2. Gabriel- Lin
3. Leting - Tano
4. Jovan - peck
5. Abigail - kompass
6. Jake - Jen
7. Rina - Jerral
8. Bear - Joshua
9. shannen - Reanne
10. Emmanuel - Powerpuffs
12. taken up by my hb's colleague

since leobaby has given up her slot, anybody else wish to join us?

update on details : I have received all already. Thanks!
quiling, aiyoh, $100 for consult now!!! haiz... maybe time for me to change gynae liao since mine are just regular checks. yah I always wondered why the urine stick is sooooo expensive!! Oh yah folic acid dun have to buy from him, buy from pharmacy... how long does one tin of FM last? Mine can last 10-11 days... so one month just 3 tins which is not too bad I think.
elaine, you cook lunch and dinner? also need to rush back to hotel and cook? i saw nestle instant porridge that day, can we use that?
free trial class for Kindermusik Village (which is suitable for 0-18 mths babies)

Location @ 200 Turf Club Road, #01-26 Turf City Singapore 287994

Date : 2nd Feb 2008
Time : 11.00am

So, please indicate your interest!
1. BB Trishelle - Sweet
2. Gabriel- Lin
3. Leting - Tano
4. Jovan - peck
5. Abigail - kompass
6. Jake - Jen
7. Rina - Jerral
8. Bear - Joshua
9. shannen - Reanne
10. Emmanuel - Powerpuffs
11. Qiuling
12. taken up by my hb's colleague

since my hubby will be back from shnaghai to take over
bear - i didnt manage to see u during the BB bash. but i find ur hubby gt baby face leh. look so young. haha. Dun worry bear, every bb is UNIQUE, importantly , they are growing well
Sha, hahaha...will let my hb know about your compliments. Yah...I know every bb is different but sometimes its just natural to check against bb around the same age to check on their development.
same here...i oso tends to wonder y my boy developement seems slower than others
den again console myself every bb develope differently... v contradicting hor
hi mich
emmanuel oso takes abt 500ml per day...
btw tmrw im gg for 1st svc but i will b sitting inside... u?
we intend to bring emmanuel for 2nd svc nex week n go to d toddler corner as according to dorcas 2nd svc not many toddlers so we can join in...
peck - my gal now take one solid meal, her milk intake per day is 900ml. think if bbs can eat / drink we shd nt stop them .i think they are veri smart too, if they dun wan, they will reject. my gal will nt open her mouth when she DUN WAN to eat / drink .
sha, i that day still think he drink less one feed cuz now if he sleep i didnt feed him his last feed at 11pm liao
