(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Ros, she mentioned that you treat Amadeus more like a baby. I also dunno what she means exactly but I guess it could be that my Joshua cannot sit still while your Amadeus can.
went for mac breakfast, bank and supermarket...
so diff to change new notes...no more $50 and $100!!

bear, i told mr sporty liao...if he swing then we go...when he heard tha, he said dun wanna go kinder liao...lol :p dunno whether first half or 2nd half more shiong, heard tha it depends on tha day's program one cuz they have diff modules one...

sweet, yeah...wanna take some leave for a break la...now planning to take which day in feb liao...hahha... think my scv is even more under utilised than urs...cuz i never watch tv at all at home and my hb on watch soccer on weekends, now thinking of cancelling some channels...

pinkzebra, wow...u making private date with reanne for X ah??!! hahha... nvm abt the gymboree level 2, next time la, sure have chance one :p

divamama, tha day what u said was very funny, no one wants to match make with ur megan...kekke :p maybe like what glayz said, high maintanance...kekeke

caitlyn, wow...ur isaiah love to eat ants ah? hahah...why dun u get those fence thingy to enclose him in a certain area, at least its easier... my mum juz moved away the coffee table in the living room so tha more space for him to crawl and stand up...other than tha, not much safety measures...

ros, dun worry...amadeus will crawl soon and u will be headache abit it!! haha

powerpuffs, yeah!! good...finally ur hb dares to drive home alone with emmanuel...next time have to train him more using this kinda unforeseen cirumstances...kekkeke :p

qiuling, if ur #2's a gal, will u close factory liao?
hui, atm's $50s are old notes, juz now tried liao then the stupid atm ate up mr sporty's card and we had to queue for replacement card...so ^$$^%$$%... $100 are for parents and PILs la...
What I know is... DEPENDS
My dad manage to draw all new notes from the ATM..
Heard they actually rotate...sometime sfill with news, others old...

U rich sia...this yr my mum told me...U have to give ah po at least $50 hor...last yr I super poor give very little...wahahahahahhahaha
Ros, hahaha...maybe she thinks I treat Joshua like an adult hor??Scarli she thinks I am mad...keep talking to Joshua. Hahaha...
hui, tha's what mr sporty said...so we went to try and the stupid machine ate up the card!!

glayz, ya la...i depends la...maybe today we suay so no new notes la...aiya, every yr we give the same to our parents and siblings and tha's the major part of the ang bao outflow lor...bo bian one la...on top of tha have to give $$ for preparation of CNY...haiz...

bear, tha time kinder he juz stayed outside the room and laughed at us lor, never even participate...think he kno how shiong la, tha's why he rejected straightaway
I give my mum bonus... machiam like AWS lor...and had to give my dad a bit before CNY..(i mean JUST before..u give earlier he will ask for u again...and say the one give earlier is bonus...)

Haiz.... VERY poor..
I dunno where my AWS all gone too!!!
My ang pow haven started to pack lor
glayz, my mum have no bonus la...there's still no signs of my bonus yet so i also haven given her tha sum for CNY lor...hahha...ur dad so cute, must time swee swee to give him where...aiya, where got so early pack ang bao one, i usually do it on the eve...yeah, this year can recoup back my outflows for the past few years!!! hahhaha
Aiya.... give liao mah...so...kekekekekekekekeke
I mean I also haven get ready all the $$$ to be pack lor...and my AWS all GONE dunno where...haiz

Must be my spending habits....

Ya lor...last yr my sis gave him straight after getting her bonus... he nearer to CNY demand again...then my sis was like..I gave u liao...
He keep insisting that one NOT COUNTED...
So this yr... she say give on eve.... I last yr also give on eve...wahahahahhahaha
glayz, hahhaha...then ur dad will be speechless lor since u two kno his pattern liao...kekekke :p

sha, yes, past 4 years to be exact! hahha...bai nian at many places? dun think have so much time to leh...hahha...
Ya lor...
I actually wanted to give earlier last yr...then my sis make a LOT of noise when he ask for it...
So I know lor... she more jia lat learn the HARD way....

So this yr..we swee swee give on Cny eve...
But I still need to give on CNY also la..in form of ang pow...also need to give MIL swee swee on cny eve also.... so my children will have ang pows the next day...($$$ to let her buy clothes)

i remember the yr before... i gave her early... no ang pow for Sky
Last Yr..my hb drag until eve then gave her...(me pass to hb to pass to her), CNY Sky have ang pow...
This yr..will pass to her on eve also...wahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaha
Sporty- wow.. bai nian actually veri tiring one leh..cos unless relatives stayin ard the same area, else is like u gt to travel north , east & west
re hi

FINALLY lessons over!

i think i lost my voice liao...sigh

friday is the most 'xiong' day for me. only have 30 mins break,(and that was my time to report to pump)from 7:15 am till 1pm.

ang bao money - my hubby managed to get the new notes from his fren who is working in a bank. so good for me no need to queue and headache abt it.

bonus for parents: i gave my MIL bonus leh during Dec (even though she was not looking after Gabriel in the hols) and also give more this month to parents and in laws for them to prepare for CNY.

baby crawling- Gabriel's crawling still not very coordinated sometimes i see him crawl with his shaking bum i wanna laugh.

we usually let him play by himself on the bumper mat as he likes to play with his toy train. He is actually playing like a big boy, pulling and pushing the train on the mat. We showed him how to move the train to travel around the world map on the bumper mat and he would try to do the same.
glayz, ur MIL also alot of pattern eh? kekkeke...as long as she give to ur 2 S can liao la...hehheh :p so u having reunion dinner at her place?

sha, tiring but fun la...good to catch up with frens and relatives :p

lin, better take care of ur voice, not good to lose it now and cannot enjoy CNY goodies...hee hee
afternoon ladies. just came back fr lunch, v.hot, so now cooling down while reading forum b4 going to pump.

dryper, yes, it's against e law to lock someone in e hse w/out e key. last time, my dad owed loan shark $$, then they came & did something to e lock, can't open, called police, police said it's against e law cos e person in hse can't escape if there's a fire, luckily, no one at hme tt time.

sporty, can adjust teeth so tha wun grind? i tink i grind teeth leh... maybe i shd visit a dentist too, i'm one of those whose aso afraid to c dentist. happy belated 8mths to athan! so u reach 8mths bfing, still continue?

glayz, so blur huh... never mind lah, start fr harbourfront got seat!

bear, happy 7mths to joshua!

mummy_tang, take care! rest more during weekend. hope megan recovers soon.

sweet, send u e details for kinder le.
aiyo.. wan CNY liao dun lose voice ah..

i understand..haa! That's y ppl say CNY is money giving day but although i a big sum but i give till very happy leh.. One year once mah so is ok :D
hui, i went to stanchart juz now and the queue was ok...dbs was damn crowded lor...

jen, thanks for ur well wishes, yeah, i reached the 8 mths mark for bfing...can continue la...now seeing how la...cuz esp during my not feeling well period, it feels damn sianz to pump...kekke...the specialist did something like filing my teeth slightly i think cuz i cannot see whats she's doing but can hear la...yah, shd visit a dentist la, esp we so vunerable now and kena suck dry...kekek
hi sha sha

sporty /hui yeah i think from now i will rest my throat and not talk

bear happy 7 months to Joshua!
so Gabriel is just 4 days older than him
ya! i went to DBS the quee so long then went UOB no nd quee..straight away got ppl serve u :D

AIYA! i talk so much forget to wish Joshua Happy 7 months old! :D
at least your mrsporty stood outside and watch leh... mine went out of sight, shopping ard till the class end then he appear!
Ya lor...
Think I forget me in Outram mah... so happily took the same side as in Douby Ghuat...(read down from escalator)

This one I suspect la...
Becos all along I gave her few weeks before CNY mah... then last yr..pass to hb to give her...then hb DRAG all the way till cny eve...then Sky have ang pow that yr...

I will be eating at my mum place first...then go over to MIL place......hb will not eat at my mum place.... but at his mum...while me opp lor...wahahahahahahahha
hui, what u said is true la...cny is money giving and everyone's happy...one yr once :p

lin, its the weekend liao and u dun have to raise ur voice and u can rest ur throat lor...hee hee

pinkzebra, err...tanglin mall got things to shop meh?? kekekke :p but hor, i find mr pinkzee very stern looking leh...opps :p
hui - ya , though "heart pain" to give out hong bao ,it is a once a yr event. Esp , when u give the little ones, they are so happy
see liao oso veri happy lor. haha .
and i gave my MIL money to buy CNY goods after my bonus last dec .. and my mum dun want anything but i still gave her some $ to buy CNY goods .. CNY .. time of giving ,
Glayz ,
where is the $8 place where boi can play ?
My mum side family size is so big...until I was like... WHO HAVEN RECIEVE..PLS COME FORWARD...
Then my uncles all notti la...will come forward...
Gymboree...After u sign for membership
They will give u a list of all their class timing
As well as the timing the place is available for playgym...
But then best to call before going..as playgym hours is also the timing they give for private parties...
glayz, but weird lor, how can MIL dun give ang bao to grandchild one...this kinda money can save meh? thot amt doesnt matter, its the thot tha counts mah

qiuling, if #2's a boy...will u try for #3?? kekke :p

pinkzebra, look only ah?? okok...tha time the bb bash...he also looked so stern leh...hahhaha...window shopping no shiok la...hehhe :p
Not too sure for Tanglin and Vivo
But from my exp in Serangoon..(closed liao)
Most timing are weekdays... and weekends is normally the evening that is available... or late afternoon
Thats why I buay tahan lor
She can act blur...and dun give lor...i cannot say anything mah..later she think I very gian her ang pow... ah pui...

But last yr..she gave lor....I was SO SHOCKED...
U imagine la.. her first yr having a nei sun she dun give... the next yr of cos I dun expect anything liao mah.....
maybe he pms that time hahaha oops! =p coz u gals says your hubbies will wanna bash him mah hahaha... *LOL* well, he's not as stern as you tot lah hee
If # 2 is boy .. i will keke faint... and still wait for a long long time before i get my #3 .. if money and time permits .. if not also close factory .. if after # 3 still dun have bb gal , then i will not dare to try anymore ...
Okie , Glayz , then i think i sign for membership first .. then hor go for one trial lessons to learn what is gg on .. then just join the playgym . the money used for one lesson can play the gym three times right ?
glayz, maybe u shd had framed the ang bao tha she gave last yr since its so RARE! hahha...

pinkzebra, maybe lor...kekke :p he better put up a fierce look before all the hubbies bash him up!! hahha

qiuling, dun worry la...most importantly bb's healthy...so u going back to same gynae? when's ur appt?

Sign for memebership will come with 1 lesson lor..
So can use to offset trial....

Or u see anyone organise trial class...join liao...see u like or not...sign for membership...then pay membership... that class will be free lor.... (this is what I did for Sky)
