(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

mrs puppet, you too modest liao la.. 'scare' ya hb.. kekeke..

vic_ma, ya fren so er xin one... safer to keep vicky away from her..

glayz, like tt hor.. is it better to flip/crawl/sit/walk early leh???

To my mum.... cannot walk too early...
otherwise very kor mia..... dunno la..I see my sis ok leh... she spend alot... like flowing water.... I want to...but too many commitment...
Flip, crawl, sit all ok la... but is the walk part that determine lor...according to my mum...
Think my mum also mention abt the talk then walk or walk then talk... but I forget which liao.... also determine the kor mia-ness...
morning ladies

2 more days to the weekend!!

elaine, have u tried swaddling ur boy to let him zz?? it helps last time when my boy was very man zhan and dun wanna zzz...btw, u not working ah? can go back to zzz...

glayz, oh isit, then i think i started walking the day after my first bday...so earlier is not good ah? how early? earlier than 1 yr old?
Aiyo...this one I dunno leh... think after 1YO should be fine la... My sis can RUN when she is 1 lor.....
glazy: OOPS...i didnt knw it's u who run out of fm... i thot who...i knw mustafa is 24hrs, u never ask me :p

wat is this facebook thingy? i v blur too. i tell u, friendster i also never join!

went to pd. Leting's white spot (only one) is jus like a pimple in e face kinda thing. doesnt affect her in any way *phew* pd said she is of gd wt & growing v well (double her wt & more; now 7.1kg!), so not to worry too much abt e milk intake. if she don wan at one feed, prob wil make it up e other feeds.
abt shaving eyebrows & applying oil fr lemon skin:
DON"T DO IT pls...my mum did & nw left a brown 'shadow' on her eyebrows. citrus oil too strong for my bb skin (though when my mum did for me when i was a bb, i am perfectly fine). hoping e brown pigment wil fade in time...*SOBS*

mich: i bought e bb cereal. both brands to try at railway mall (Sweet: yes, railway mall organic shop carries them). check w u, e cereal box is wrap w a clear plastic, then INSIDE issit seal again? cos i saw bits of cereals outside e box, inside e plastic wrap (u knw wat i mean???).
glayz, wah.. so troublesome one ar.. nd to look at so many 'factors'...

sporty, morning.. yeah yeah wkend coming.. veri excited leh.. cos bringing jerral back to boonlay hse after so longggggg...
morning all

wow, alot of ppl on facebook liao! hehe

sporty, oic.. need to add using email addy via that way and yesterday i was trying to figure out how u gers did it! hahaha.. i lazy lah, i just search u gals' facebook and add from there.. hahahaha

athan didnt poo for 4 days liao? seem most babies here having this issue.. wonder if it will happen to trishelle too? coz from wat i see, she's the poo queen here, poo very often!

me having long weekend! on leave tmr and mon is off in-lieu for hari raya holiday

glayz, is it?! didnt know that talk or walk first will have impact on bb's future! hehe
aiya... I think the kor mia thing is FAKE lor... becos my sis pay packet HIGHER than mine leh... and she is dip grad lor.....
But the thing is she need to TALK a lot and WALK a lot for her job...even tho she is not in sales...
i am on leave tomo too

regarding e poo, think for bf bb, it's fine that they don poo for days. my fren once brought her bb to KK (didnt poo for 10days?) e nurses said it's OK. cos bm is mostly absorbed by e bb, not much waste to pass out. & when they do poo, it's stil soft & they pass out w ease, no discomfort, its fine...
though personally, i feel if Leting didnt poo for 3days, i wil keep massaging her tum.
Morning ladies!!
To invite frens for facebook, think it is on the right hand panel that says "Invite your frens". After that, can keep in email addresses to send the invitation. If not, can also go to one of your frens' FB & click on those common frens to invite.

Sporty, got your invite. FB moving so fast i din have time to click all the applications!

Waaa.. most of u now into facebook. HaizK my office bans that site

Elaine/glayz, same. My gal will also move her mouth like suckling but the milk level never drop. Sometimes she even makes choking sounds and you know it is those lame kind. She just wants the bottle out from her mouth. So now I dun give her full feed. Only give her 2-3oz and if she finishes within 5-10min (meaning she is hungry), I will give her the rest.

Glayz, I guess all bb acquire some habits along the wayK like yours, my gal now lie on her back, put one hand on top of her head (like saying-ing her own botak head) and the other hand inside her mouth. And she enjoys it!

Lowja, my gal also dun poo everyday. After her 1st month, she used to poo once every week. Saw PD many times already. Given stools softener, reuterfene etc but still same same. In the end there was this PD who told us, usually BM can be digested fully by the body and thus very little waste (no sure wanted to believe totally). As long as bb not grumpy and in his usually self, you dun have to worry too much.

Sporty, you working in cityhall!! Cool! Ya, can meet up for lunch

Rina, my mum and mil also say cannot walk too early. Though my gal now likes to ,stand,, we try not to let her do so for too long. Scared her bones not strong enuff. My mil even best, say cannot grow teeth too early too, if not next time adult teeth will look uglyK but my mum says my siblings and myself starting teething during 3+mths. Our teeth ok leh.
tano, wow leting is of a good wt! far heavier than trishelle liao even though trishelle is older.. hehehe

dun worry, the brown pigment will fade off soon

thanks! now at least our place there got sell the organic stuff.. u so early buy liao, intend to feed leting cereal soon?
err.. them must be my baby cannot digest my BM fully.. no wonder she poo so much everyday and wt not gaining fast enuff! hmm...wat goes in comes out straight away!
sweet/tano, so siok ar.. tomolo take leave.. :D

glayz, it all dao ting tu shou ar... i think dun think too much into tt.. as long as bb grow then good le..

sporty, think i got invite u leh.. got rec'd or not huh???

re FB.. i lazy to explore the FB... but i juz accept whether u gals sent me.. heehee..
tano, morning! facebook is like a online network site tha u can add ur frens...glad tha leting's growing well!!

rina, wow...how long have jerral not been home??heheh...

sweet, i also search via other mummies's face book and added accordingly...still very chim to me...got water war la, hugs la, buy bag la, buy drinks, etc...ya lor, he didnt poo for 4 days and my mum said my BM too heaty wor, must be the heaty food tha i ate...wow, long weekend for u!! what u plan to do??

kc, ya lor...so added me liao or not ?? :p

sy, i never surf facebook in my office so dunno whether its banned...but i kno msn is...hahha...where do u work in city hall? i'm starting work there on 22th
sporty, long long ago.. hahaha.. cos cabbie uncle drive very jerky leh.. then by the time reach hm.. he very unsettle.. so we nv bring him hm.. instead we went and stay over at yishun during wkend..
sweet: cos same as buying later...e expiry is stil a long way. i don often pass by railway mall, unless purposely go. u got ur super bb food? yester i was reading. it's say to DELAY weaning as close to 6mths as possible. prob intro her solids when she is 5mth-5.5mths.
Morning LAdies!!

I dun mind share with you..but i juz tt the $ to itsy bitsy then i saw ur post

or add order undr my name?

Re: Facebook
wah i sibei luan leh..my facebook seem very messy..haha

Juz n case i nvr log in tomolo..Juz wan wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!MAY ALL UR WISH COME TRUE!
JOvial new drinking time:
SInce Jovial dunwan drink milk my grandma make 80ml milk and feed him every 2hrly then at nite i will give him 120ml..yesterday his last feed is 9+pm till this morning 5am+ leh..
hi sporty...no not working full time. only giving tuition cause i ex teacher. in fact we just relocated back from hk cause of bb, i used to teach in sg.cant swaddle. he will kick and kick and wanna stretch , if cant then he cry.

gladys, i make 2 bottles, first 90ml then 60ml. lol....

mummies, i just took dylan temp . it is 37.2 in the ear. it aint fever is it?
morning all.. busy busy..

tano - u reading e super baby food ah? alot of words.. i no time to read.. like so much to read.. tt time i read e first few chap i find not tt much leh.. i prefer for a book to tell me step by step wat to intro!! haha
hi sporty...no not working full time. only giving tuition cause i ex teacher. in fact we just relocated back from hk cause of bb, i used to teach in sg.cant swaddle. he will kick and kick and wanna stretch , if cant then he cry.

gladys, i make 2 bottles, first 90ml then 60ml. lol....

mummies, i just took dylan temp . it is 37.2 in the ear. it aint fever is it?
thanks mummies for your advise regarding poo poo. think i better bring him go see pd later. cos my mum nagging me everyday, n keep saying tat my breastmilk not nutritious, since i keep drinking cold stuff. felt like telling her back that if really not nutritious, then it should be the food she cooked everiday! but i kept it to myself, cos i din wanna hurt her feelings.

and the worst thing is, my hubby also started to harp on the not nutritous milk tat I am supposedly producing. i was so angry w him tat i scolded him. they veri funnie. think i enjoy pumping milk izzit?? if not for the good health of my boi, would have stopped pumping milk long ago....hope u mummies dun mind me venting my frustration here....
rina, got leh...i added u liao :p u never see me eh?? icic...now with ur zoom zoom coming, u can bring him home on every fri nite le...better la...i also have plans to move near my mum's place next yr when my 5 yrs's up with hdb so tha i can bring Athan home everyday

glayz, oh ya...saw ur bday on facebook, u have the same bday as my dad :p

hui, whoa...jovial can sleep thru liao eh?? congrats!!
yeah.. finally forum up!!!

hui, nm la.. my facebook also veri luan...

glayz, tomolo ya bd ar??? got take leave go celebrate?? can go tian mi mi wif hb le.. :D

sporty, no leh.. or i 'omitted' u.. hee... yah lor... but housing price so ex nw.. i dun intend to move leh.. prob will try n hold the flat for 10yrs ba.. heehee..
rina, took leave tmr coz hb's co declare tmr as off in-lieu for the public holiday whereas mine on mon.. hehe so we each took 1 day of leave

sporty, icic.. but 4 days is still quite all right, just have to keep mointoring

tmr, either go Giant (got to buy ladder coz the maid very short cannot reach the high cabinets to do cleaning) or go west mall jalang jalang.. still thinking whether to bring trishelle along anot coz if buy ladder very troublesome to push her in pram (sekali she made a din again!) then mon will go funan to exchange hb's xbox plus have a belated celebration of our wedding anniversary lunchie.. hehe

u change your start date at your new co, so no need to go bintan liao? hehehehe

tano, i didnt get the super baby food book in the end, i ordered the "first food" book, still waiting for the delivery yup, the earliest i will start trishelle on cereals will be 5.5 mths if not 6 mths
Take leave tmr for what....
Tian mi mi... scare later we quarrel.... now very tense as Sky is sick....
and hor.... he ACT BLUR.... want to ah bish him liao
elaine, icic...no wonder u are logging in from home :p we have alot of teachers here like caitlyn, dryperbaby, lin, powermama, phy etc...37.2 not fever yet la...

lowja, my boy poo-ed today...after 4 days cuz i massaged for him last nite...my mum called juz now and said my massage works!! 2 big poo at 5am and 8am...my mum was very happy as she was more worried than me...hahha...no prob venting ur frustration here as we are here to share :p

cary, hello! how's sahm so far?? keke

rina, icic...cuz we intend to bring him home everyday so have to get a new place lor..easier la

sweet, ya lor, no need to go bintan liao...managed to shiam...hahha...better la, at least i have a mini long weeekend next week...wow, ur long weekend very well planned eh...
sporty, haha sahm so far really good leh kekeke but think i cannot do this for long, I need to be OUT!!!
athan never pooed for 4 days ah? ian now hor, poos every alternate days ... sigh ... and your bintan trip shiam ah? good good
sweet, they 'force' u to tk the off-in-lieu so early ar.. so sweet huh.. then must take equal amt of leave.. keekee..

hui, yes.. u got adopt pet? i adopted a cat.. troublesome.. still need to go 'earn' money to buy food to feed the cat.. the garden thingy haven go and explore.. hee...

sporty, ohhh.. then nd to re-do reno again??? phew... then tk up reno loan again? or u lookg for a smaller unit?
cary, ok la, at least ur sahm period made up for the "lost" time when u went back to work on 2nd mth of maternity...oh...he pooed liao...thanks to my massage...whahhah :p ya lor, managed to shiam la...cant imagine travelling with my pumps there...

qiuling, ya hor...u also teacher :p haven seen u ard for long time, how's u?? seems like alot of teachers in this thread... :p

rina, my reno loan for my current place already paid off...new place maybe will use the sales proceeds from current place for reno ba...will see how it goes cuz now still early to say...
sporty, hehe ya loh
haha talking about the massage, I still haven't go "learn" yet!!!

Oh ya... everybody
I bought an EA at Seng Kang whahahahahhahaha
so from next year onwards, I will be a Seng Kang-er instead of a Tampines-er
cary, wow...new house ah??!! abt the massage, think u no need to learn liao la...ian grown up le...hehhe...maybe i will soon join u at sengkang/punggol next yr if i'm getting my new place...whahhaha :p
yah , actually reading this forum everyday ... but not much postings .. silent member
now more time to come online cos students exams over and rest time most of the days :0
hui, hehehe ... yes Mr Cary is at home but he's still in dreamland whahahah ... cos last night went out for drinks with his friends
tonight we are going out "dating"
just the 2 of us kekekeke

sporty, ya new house! HOORAY!!! yes yes, please come and join me there kekekekke

sengkang / punggol has new units ??? thought those new ones ready by year 2010?? hmm ... ask u gals har .. my first hdb is 2nd hand and took grant .. if i want to buy another house directly from hdb , i gotta pay levy and also have to wait for 30 months after selling my flat before i can apply ??
