(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Finally forum up.

Sporty, yes, added you already. Send you an invite to buy bags too!!

Glayz, 'bought' you a branded bag for your birthday too. Check out your FB.

Ya, my page also very messy. So many invitations but no time to click.

Wah... so many pple joining me at SK la...
Cary...u too slow la...where are u when I need u most... read: Friso...

My mum spread to him..and my sis spread to my mum....

U rich sia... EA...
glayz, paiseh lah ... busy for the last few days mah ... call me lah! dun be shy kekekeke

Qiuling, these HDB thingy very complicated one ... maybe you can call them up to check?
cary i ordered the magazine motherhood too , but yet to receive the letter for the BUMBO seat .. hopefully they still have stock.
Qiuling, maybe you wait for a while more? i placed the order 2 weeks ago and received the letter last week but was waiting for hb to be back this week to collect it
hui, ya think the 2 books is useful
their action quite fast one, so if you are keen, go faxed it keke ... hahahahha no lah, cos his pants were thick thus seems to be small
but there's actually more space available
qiuling, post more msgs since now u have time
first time i see ur boy's pic...he looks tall...re the hdb thingy, u better check with them cuz they change their rules so often tha better to check...

cary, where are u going for dating with mr cary?? :p hahha...dun find excuses for ian liao, saying tha he can fit in the bumbo :p are the books any good? i still thinking whether to order...
hi sporty , he is 64 cm during his 4th month , weights 6.8 kg .. haha he looks tall but still in the 50% percentile .. yah .. free now to chat . just finish my work review and working on the scheme of work tomorrow .. then can take a long break till next year projects / lessons start.. hehe .
sporty, hehe good to shiam the bintan trip! at least no need to fret wat to go with all the breast milk.. hehe

rina, hehe yalo it's "force" leave but never mind lah, coz i still got 10 days to clear by end of this yr
so most probably take 1 day leave every fri for the mths of Nov & Dec

cary, wow congrats on your new place! but a bit lang fei on your current home's reno hor? somemore u spent quite a fair bit on it.. hehe you got it thru walk-in selection? then your ILs will also be moving in there?
juz back with my YTF lunch ... yummy

lizardess, finally i get to eat the YTF!! yum yum

qiuling, yeah...some books on solids for bb
qiuling, 50% percentile is not bad la...average mah :p so ur hb long term in shanghai eh? how do u cope with bb alone? who's taking care of him while u are at work now?

sweet, ya lor...if its not for the BM...i will happily go...hahhaha

elaine, saw ur blog yesterday...ur limited edition LV speedy is nice!! was eyeing tha tha day when i went to LV as well...kekek :p wow, dylan botak already eh?? heheh...welcome to the botak club :p
u mean you can get bumbo seat free? i bought at mothers at work at great world city..

quiling.. your baby so good, can eatthe teether and not make noise. you know my baby, i give him the teether, he bite till he get pek chek and start throwing tantrum. argh
sporty . hehe. ya i very lucky. got one customer order it, then din collect, that is why i managed to get it....now burn hole in pocket.also bought chanel 2.55. went crazy after being stressed up . never bnought such stuff before.
elaine, the bumbo is free with the motherhood mag subscriptions...tha's why everyone was gaga over it last week... how much is tha speedy? wow, u are lucky to get it, heard tha there's limited pieces in singapore...
i see. i see. no wonder. hiya, if i know i wld have subscribed
it cost 70 bucks ya know. waste money.

speedy is 3030. husband almost flipped. but ok la, not everytime can already. somemore not he pay.
elaine, i also didnt subscribe to the mag, bought the bumbo at 64 bucks from mums r us last week as they were having a promo...anyways, even if u subscibe to the mag, heard tha the bumbo is OOS already...so also cant confirm can get too...wow, shd have ask ur hb to pay mah, a gift for giving birth to dylan :p
YTF shiok eh?
i'm going to start eating that and fish soup for lunch.
everyday alternate!

must maintain my shape.
next time when you have craving for YTF, tell me.
Then i da bao for you and pass to you either RP or City Hall. ;P
lizardess, damn shiok lor
but hor, not full enough leh... so i juz gobbled down a small pack of m and m from the pantry...kekek...aiyo, u so nice, wanna ta bao for me *touched* oh ya, next thurs's lunch...any suggestions what to eat?
sporty..ur massage works wonders..maybe shd impart ur skills to me.

my boi finally pooed...all thanks to the anal medicine the pd inserted for him...
lowja, used to massage my boy daily when i was still on ML, so he poo-ed everyday...now since my mum's the caretaker, didnt really have time to massage at nite when i see him...i learnt the massage skills from the bb massage class in tmc, maybe u can enrol lor, ur bb will loves it
can imagine the amount of poo, my mum said my boy's poo leaked out of diapers as it was too much and she had to let him lie on toilet's floor to clean as its too messy to use wet wipes...hahha
har??? that BIG pack of YTF still not enough to fill your stomach?!???
oh i forgot you eat alot one!
you choose or tell them mix?
normally $2.50 mix alot already leh...
choose one lesser.

Thur lunch
now i can only think of the Asian kitchen at Republic Plaza.
i'm open to others though.
Motherhood's Bumbo - they still have stock apparently. Just picked up mine. However, there is only 1 coulur (pink)left.
hi gals,

elaine, maybe u wanna try to put your boy in sarong to sleep? maybe it works for him...my sil's son also like yours so they let him sleep sarong but con is tat when outside, without sarong, he wont sleep lor...

hui, so we combine orders la...i let the person know we together n i tt the remaining moni to her n refund u the 10%? cos we can save the register post moni if i go collect it at compass point..near my house anyway...

i revised your order with mine liao...total amt is $90 so each of us is $45...i will tt $7.50 back to u and then tt the outstanding amt to itsy bitsy...ok? u pm me your acc no...tks
cary, wow...which part of sengkang did u buy?

sporty, gd la, move to punggol..can become neighbour...

next time when cary n sporty move over here, can organise a mini gathering for those staying here liao..hehehe
hui, your farmyard friend dreambag is OOS. itsy bitsy asked u to choose an alternative...ulet me know what is your alternative then i revised the order again...
lizardess, aiyo...dun say so loudly tha i eat alot leh *blush blush* ... hehhe...i dun mind asian kitchen...do they take reservations? any idea...

elaine, oh yes...gals never get enough of bags...kekeke :p

ros, still long time for me la...think by the time if i move over...earliest mid next yr liao...hahha...we can also have punggol gathering now mah, juz let me kno when and i'll be there :p

powermama, didnt u kno cannot any how drum roll here leh :p...i suddenly thot u got preggy with #4 liao..hahhaha... btw, congrats on the flip
powermama, drum rolls are NOT PERMITTED in this thread except to announce pregnancy.. i thought u are pregnant with #4 liao..
sporty, ya maybe can have mini gathering for those staying in punggol area since I havent met any one of u b4...u all must give me face huh if i organise one...hehehe
congrates to all mummies whose baby flipped. Mine cannot flip yet. She can only yell at me to turn her around to see the world, but she refuses to flip. Sob sobzz
