(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

sporty, hahaha... tt's y there's a saying "never judge by people's looks", last time b4 popped, when i sit besides my hb, i was e one "quick, switch to tt lane, shorter" or "y u let tt car cuts in like tt"... i never give way if pp dun signal b4hand. i oni got 1 prob... i haven't master e skill of parallel parking!

rina, when we 1st got e car, i was e one driving cos tt time, my workplace free parking, then subsequently, my hb took over when i started to work in town, which is like 4yrs+ ago. i became e weekend/occassional driver. everytime, i tell my hb... "wah, long time never drive, dunno still can drive", then nxt moment, zoom off & my hb shakes his head & says "still as aggressive, tt's u!" i learnt manual car but oni gd in auto whereas my hb better in e sense tt he can drive auto/manual car & van/pickup/campervan.

my boi havent poo for 4 days alry....think will bring him to see pd tmw. anyone got the same problem? quite worried, cos my boi on total breast milk, used to poo everyday, dun know wat happen now...
hahah stress ma. you sure are a cheeky one!. hiyoh, how to manage to cut your ger's hair. my boy sure to shake here shake there until my hands shake. haha.let's hope tommorow is a breeze.
iowja, my girl is on BM also, poos once a week from the time she was 4 weeks old. Her record is 12 days. I think Jule's baby holds the record for 13 days? I asked PD before he said not to worry...only worry if the poo comes out hard and lumpy or baby looks fussy all the time. If you want, can buy glycerine suppositories from the pharmacy to help baby poo.
elane - i had maid's help to wrap her in towel & hold her while i shaved - after that my hb SCOLDED me when he found out.

It all stemmed from laziness - i didnt want to walk to friend's salon nearby lor - cos the sun was so hot!
mich, thanks for the advice. my baby does not look uncomfortable. still drinking milk as usual. maybe will call the pd for advice first before making a trip down. as well as try the glycerine suppositories you suggested.

i think its at www.singaporemotherhood.com the main page scroll down abit can see liao

Elanie - sorry i went to pump! ya i so siao - so much hair should have use sissors to cut some off 1st - i shaved until cross eyes! Heng bb didnt cry or fret. (w j & j top to toe)
oops ... mia cos been busy since hb is back kkekee ...

went to collect my bumbo seat today and they left with the last piece (not sure whether she meant today or not cos hb didn't ask as he went up to collect) and guess the colour???? it's PINK whahahahahha .... but we thought that Ian looks so cool in his pink bumbo seat kekeke (and pink happens to be my fav colour kekekek)
Its normal la..
My ger will use her hand to push out the bottle...she cannot even gasp the rattle toys properly yet her aiming for the bottle is SUPER!!!
My boi last time will PRETEND to suckle..dun ask me how he did that..can see the mouth moving...but the milk forever at same marking
And he is the rich man kind...MUST left at least 10ml in bottle after each feed...now worse..at least 30ml....

Sng's mummy
I dilute the first feed..then second feed..I realise still have like 2 scoop left...was like..AIYA..can give FULL feed in the beginning...
Then morning wake up chiong for shop and save.....
To think I walk around in SK for an hour going to so many 7-11 (even those in neighbourhood) thinking there could be stores that sell FM..

Think... Shane is bigger size than Sky..becos this romper..Sky wear nice nice at 5mth+ (read snug..) mei mei haven 4mth and snug liao... maybe she is LONGER...
I dun stock milk one....BECOS..me weekendmum la...
I had stocked Sky before..then must bring whole can to my mum as he is changing to the other brand....

Ur boi really chubby cute cute

Think dun let her flip too much...she will scream the whole house down when she realise she is stuck... when on her back she can rotate left and right mah...
on tum tum she can onli do the nod head dance....
and my lazy ger...found a NEW entertainment... she lie on her side with her arm below her head..and keep sucking....

My ger also reject water... this morning my hb try to feed her water that had gripe water added..she take a sip then PUI out..

Sporty/ sweet/ powerpuff
Try my method.... roll baby here and there... then maybe they get the pt....
Think mine did la becos I keep turning her left and right...but now...means cannot placed her on sofa anymore...

Mrs Puppet
No din go la..so far...
I rather go back to my mum place lor....
and hor my mum scold me for not stocking ...say if got war..my ger no milk... (_ _)

Cary got from motherhood....
My mum just say... shaving can take place anytime between 1st to 4th month!!!!

Then she was like...aiyo Sky shave after 1mth+..U forget liao har.....
My mum is auper worried abt Shane milestone...
She say..Shane FLIPPED TOO FAST...
Becos most bb flip around 4mths+...
and my sis who flipped early, sit early , crawl early and even walk early...(my sis was running with me at her first bdae..)

She say that walking too early will have a hard life... to me my sis life is NOT BAD leh...but she walk a lot for her job la..going to job sites and work ultra late....
powermama, yup, like what glayz said, I got from subscribing to motherhood mag

glayz, sng's mummy say you are going to call me last night, how come never call leh? kekekeke
glayz, very funny hor!!! if I'm VERY busy, sms me loh!!! then when I'm FREE, I will reply you whahahhahahahah *wink*
kc, i added u on facebook liao

sy, some old pple very patang...cannot say bb bak bak or fat fat...tha's why ur mum will scold u...btw, i'm gonna work in city hall soon...in 2 weeks time and we can meet for lunch!

mrs puppet, ya lor...u really dun look so "hiong"....kekkeke :p

lowja, hahha...same same...my mum juz told me my boy also haven poo for 4 days...i did some massage for him juz now, hopefully there will be poo tom...

glayz, think i meet u next week la...next 2 days i got dinner date liao...so cannot meet...

powermama, margie koh is sng la...added u as well !!
No la..also scare u asleep liao mah...
I called Sng's mummy..then my hb was like... MIDNITE u still call.... I shoot back... SHE DUN SLEEP SO EARLY la.... then he diam diam

But Sng mmmy super lor...told her I am glayz liao...called me back to give me my hp number...hahahahaha

Sng's mummy
Me low batt...so was charging phone...quickly take hb phone to call... I see the list...NOT many Sk mummy leh....
No prob...
Actually...Sky also play the play gym... if mei mei play...he will SQUEEZE beside her and play together...*faint*
Glayz, haha.. u already say midnight liao mah, person not asleep, brain asleep... i never sleep early cannot be having xxx huh? wahahahahaaaaa
Sng's mummy
U say ur hb low xxx drive mah...so must be SUPER lucky to catch u in the act mah...hahahahahahha

Hb today finally understand what is been vomit on...becos Sky puke on him..... I ganna twice ytd.... carry him and he puke on me....
Haiz...so poor thing ganna gastric flu...hope he dun spread to mei mei
Sng's mummy
U cute mah...kekekekeke....
Call me back and ask..u want Glayz number right...94XXX.... hahahahhahahahaha

I add liao... [email protected]
But hor..how to add friends..how come I search ALL CANNOT find one!!!
glayz, i stay in punggol...if u got the contact list, can find my no..my name is roselyn..so if run out of milk powder can get from me la..but i using similac not friso if u don mind...

glayz/sng, if your hb low xxx drive, still can have 3 kids, so not tat bad la
shannen lim/powermama, i think hor... have to add the person's email to ur hotmail/yahoo mail, etc first...then u go under friends-> find friends then key in ur email addy then password...sounds like a long winded way la...thas how i did it...if not search by name lor...thas another way...
hi gals,

so some of u still around huh? thought i'm the only one left...

hui, i sent u a pm...regarding the dream bag...c whether u wanna combine order wif me to enjoy the 10% discount...
great.... dylan did it again. din sleep from 4 plus till now. cause when put him down he keep putting finger into mouth even though got pacifier, then carry , keep whining and wriggling. dun carry also kao pe kao wu.
no lei... powerpuff. he is like that, if he ever wakes up more than 50 % in the night, it is hard to make him sleep. the optimal time to make him sleep only when he is outside, come back tired, or when we see he yawn yawn, carry till drowsy , then put down pat pat. if he wakes up at night, it is dooms night for us. check already , feed him , change diaper liao. he just very ' man zhan" in cantonese, keep rubbing eyes, tired, but dunno how to sleep, we help also cannot. sigh.
