(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

dyperbaby, j&mum, hope you are feeling better.

Congrats to all babies who flipped!

Tano, I think for some reason babies do tend to wake up earlier at this age. My girl was able to sleep till 7am once upon a time but nowadays wake up call is 5.30am! I was looking at the log book I had for my elder one and she also did the same thing, machiam same pattern like that... Earliest hubby will feed her is 6am... Sometimes 5.30am wake up also never make noise, only when hubby go in and check then realise she is already rolling around leh...

sng, u very cute leh...said grace's diapers too heavy...since PD said tha she's ok weight then u dun have to worry la...she's gal mah, no need to be so bak bak :p

elaine, the shop tha hiroshima brings sophia to...is at punggol plaza...

sy, aiyo...dun tell sng ur gal's weight la...if not she will panic again :p
sng, i dun race at 180km/h, like ur lao gong lar. i drive 120/130 can liao cos e other car by e time he reached tt speed, shaking liao cos i tink is oni 1 litre car whereas mine is close to 1.6 litre. aso, i was oni on TPE for a short while nia as i exit v.soon. but now i dun do tt anymore cos got kid liao.
aiyo.. think my signed-up email add veri inconsistency.. hee.. paiseh hor gals.. but.. its either rinachew or chewrina la.. and i have acc with yahoo (singapore), hotmail and now gmail!!!

mrs puppet, good good.. i like tt.. hope i can be like tt next time when i drive.. :D u still nd to drive ya sil to work one ar??
mrs puppet, i agree.. that's y these days i keep telling him to not speed.. if he don't suffer, the kids will.. but it don't seems to get drilled into the brain de wor..
rina, no lar. we dropped off DS at SIL's (hb's eldest sis) place cos she's taking care of him. so were discussing who to drive e car fr bukit merah to RP. then my hb v.cute, always trying to grab any chance of being chauffeured. my virgin drive aft popped was when my hb drove halfway, then not feeling well, asked me to take over e wheel, so i told him long time never drive, will take a slow drive hme. haha... aft taking over e wheel, i zoomed off, then my hb commented "wah, so ur slow is like tt, can't imagine if u say is fast!"
KC, yes received the email confirmation fr facebook

sporty, yes pls. add me in ur facebook. [email protected]

mrs puppet/ pinkzebra. added you...

lowja, your bb is so cute!
mrs puppet, wow...u dun look like the kind so "hiong" in driving leh!! :p

pinkzebra, u already on my facebook hor??!!

wow. suddenly so many pple on face book...i blurred liao... :p
hi elaine,

read your blog n your bb looks like u n very cute too! regarding your problem, hopefully other mummies will be able to help u as i got no answer myself...pai sei
mp - virgin drives after pop

my FIL bot a new car after i popped then my hb scared to drive - let me drive - he said if i scratch the car its ok cos i still under confinement - will not get scolding!!!

BIANG!!! i drove anyway & didnt scratch lah - only thing scratched was my hb cos I scratched him for saying what he said!
thanks sporty...wah. punggol really far.
i trying Fantastic Sam at forum tommorow. but it is $17 for hair cut. think quite ex. but see how la.

hi ros...no prob>
thanks... hehe. just whining away. else i go crazy . thank goodness have my blog!
sporty and rina...
i got no idea how to add or invite pple yet leh haha... i can only see hui, mrspuppet and shannen on my list at the moment...
elaine, hope ur bb enjoy the hair cut tom :p

pinkzebra, opps...then who's the lynette on my facebook?? not u ah?? kekeke
Kovan also quite far cause i live in alexandra.
thanks though stress ma. hehe your bb very cute lei. he certainly has more hair than my boy!
haha elaine - the barber's ME!~ & my baby's a girl! Vicky really looks like a boy esp after her hair cut. *& the picture she wearing blue some more !!! - decoy!
now elaine knows who is the naughty ma ma here in our June thread. :p

tomorrow on leave vicky going for 2nd 5 in 1 & on the 22nd 2nd roto & prevenar - going to be broker by $350 totalling to about $750 for her vaccinations so far! can buy a mini LV bag liao!!
mrs puppet,

mustafa is 24 hrs...never close one...

wow, so many of u joined facebook liao...think i also got acc but cannot remember liao...i go n check...

today amadeus don know wat happen, cannot sleep for long abt 1 hr plus nia..usually can sleep 3-4hrs...n also quite cranky today...don know wat's wrong...
oh stress ma, talking bout that, my botak princess, all dressed in pink from head to toe and wearing a DRESS.. the Giant staff ask me if she's a girl.. DUH!!! would i dress a son in a dress?
SNG ma

i think they must be low EQ. a Fortunate waitress auntie also asked if vicky was boy & i smiled said no - she so apologetic wor so funny.

think she being apologetic made it worse!

Strangers touching your baby

last sunday i was at toa payoh & a lady jsut walked up to my stroller & keep looking at Vicky -she didnt look siao so i didnt bother & started to talk to her as well - but i didnt try to look too interested talking to her lah - but she kept on talkin & touching vicky - i felt abit weird lor - was she trying to kong dao (voodoo) my child or not!
KC i think i had registered it before quite sometime ago but forgotten the login and pw haha... anyway as what hui had mentioned, delete the one w/o my boy's picture
haha i'm enjoying the graffiti thingy so fun! =p

hui, i like your drawing hee.. so cute .. and know wat? elephant is Xavier's favourite so far haha...

sporty, think u delete the one u have currently and add me again hee.. paiseh ah =p
sng mum/sporty, paiseh paiseh.. but my bb too chubby liao.. my mum will scold me whenever i say my gal is bak bak...

ester, there was once a g2000 saleswoman followed me wherever i go cos she just cannot stop touching my gal. i felt weird too but dun dare to say anything to her wor...
ester, i won;t let strangers touch my kids de loh.. u dunno they go toilet got wash hands bo..

Another one hor, i hate it when the waiters carry stuffs over my child's head.. what if they accidently pour it over their head? That one no need to wait for accident, i sure tell them off first..
ya! i will stare at the waiters & carry or push my baby else where away from them. dangerous!

ya some pple like to touch the baby's face which i dont like too. hands now i also dont appreciate cos vicky puts whole hand into mouth!

sy/SNGmum - what should we do ar - look unfriendly how to prevent it or tell pple we dont like wihout looking too bitchy ar?

sometimes i just tell myself - my bb cute lor so attract alot of attn haha!
ya, i dun like people to touch but how not to let people touch bb? tell them off straight like not very nice...

Tee - "BEWARE will cry when touched"
"Will bit off your fingers - AWAS!"

My ex colleague put her finger into my bb's mouth!!!!!!!!!! i dont let her see my baby liao

its like playing with her cheek then use her finger the back of it - bended 1st index finger & put the back of the finger into the mouth - she's a mother of 2 - gosh she does that to her kiddos too!

U know when we rub our own nose - usually that part of the finger goes against the openings of our nostrils lor - GROSS right?
