(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

my boy used to be on 3hr interval at 130ml each.. recently he oso not drinking.. n realise he oni drink 140ml if he had abt 2hr sleep n almost 4hr interval... so im stretching the time with the same amt of milk intake to c how...

tano, dont worry lah. My girl also went on milk strikes previously. Had a hard time then. Dont force if she refuse to drink. Just make sure she dont get dehydrated. Feed water or milk with a syringe if need be. This phase comes & go.

Shanne, Powermama, Powerpuffs, I have added you to my Facebook.
welcome elaine! )

re : facebook.. errr.. i dunno how add u gals using email addys.. pls add me instead [email protected].. hahaha

powerpuffs, I have sent u a PM!
kc, what's ur email on facebook? or i search for ur name then can find u eh?

glayz, congrats on meimei's flip...

elaine, welcome welcome
when was ur boy born?

shannen/powermama/sweet and powerpuffs, can add u on facebook as well??

lizardess, tha's my last day at work, not first day la...so still in RP :p

qiuling, RP is raffles place...
ladies, what is RP?

glayz, congrats on mei mei flipping.. will be very fun to watch her flip

elaine, my gal till now still have to be carried and soothe to sleep on our shoulders and chest. But heard from elders most bb will out grown this phase sooner or later... so endure awhile more! jia you!

tano, my gal also dun take full feed during the day. she even rejects water totally... now cannot force her to drink anything.. she can use her hands to push you or the bottle away. if force her further, she will scream! so we let her be. H/w her last and first feed will be full. Somehow she knows that before zzz must fill up the tummy..
your bb sooooooooo cute!!! my gal oso chubby chubby lah... smile that time cannot see eyes cos the cheeks too chubby liao...
gd afternoon ladies. had a biz morning, packed my cubi (still packing), load some bags into e car, had morning tea-break w a colic b4 i report work at my new place nxt mon, zoom zoom to pass things to rina, went to pick-up hubby fr capital tower, zoom zoom to lunch, came back to ofc & pump, pass some proj materials to colics, finally can rest a while. will catch-up w e postings later.

rina, so sorry tt i inform u last min cos we just decided tt i'll take e car tis morning as parking at capital tower is damn ex, so might as well pass u e stuff, else dunno hv to wait until when. paiseh... just now, drove too fast tt i nearly miss e entrance, haha... luckily, i'm those aggresive type of person, so even e car driver doesn't move its butt, i aso dun care, he just wait there patiently for me to adjust e car.
mrs puppet, no prob.. thanks for making the 'special delivery'.. :D ya hb working at capital tower?? the parking here is so damn ex lor... hee.. i am impressed by ya driving skill.. the taxi-driver too guai lan (ops.. pls pardon the language used) la..
lowja, your bb is so cute!

sporty, hehe! but it's fun esp can adpot a pet.. haha

rina, it's something like friendster.. add friends, can play games, have your own pet etc
pooh, take care, drink plenty of fluid & rest more.

ken-ma, agree tt KL water is not tt clean. i got relatives at KL, they all install filter system. i was aso tinking of going to KL end of e yr but gd thing for me is, i'll still be bfing my DS. btw, will u be hme tis sat morning? we might be dropping by e food centre near ur place for breakfast cos hb likes e mi jiam gui there. if u r in or ur mum in, i'll drop-by ur place to pass u ur stuff. let me know.
ladies, my DS aso flipped last nite. i witnessed his 1st flip, put him back on his back, then called out for hb, hb quickly rushed in to c, bb was aredi halfway thru his 2nd flip. puts bb back on his back, then he flipped again & my hb finally witnessed e full process. my DS flipped so many times tt i lost count, he seemed so happy w his new found skill tt he kept doing it. haha...
my boi flipped on sun, but i missed it cos i was sleeping. so my sweetie pie flipped 3 more times for me to see after i woke up. as his head veri big (as compared to his body) he has difficulty lifting his head after he flipped. so was quite funnie to see him struggled against the playmat. we waited a while until he was obviously tired before we flipped him back on his back..hehe..*evil daddy n mummy**
lowja, ur bb very fair and cute

mrs puppet, wow...u all travel so far for breakfast eh??

sweet, icic...the facebook thingy looks chim to me, haven got time to explore yet...

rina, www.facebook.com i think...
yeah, my baby got super chubby cheeks, juz like his mummy. hope tis is only temporary, cos boy dun look nice with chubby cheeks...or else next time how to have pretty galfriends..haha
wow, so many babies flipped liao! congrats
still waiting for my princess to do so, but think she already show signs of it liao.. now she like to turn to 1 side and see things

hui, my sis send me the invitation then i add the application, then can adopt pets.. u add me too? [email protected].. then i can send u the invitation

rina, the link provided by sporty is correct

sporty, hehe.. yup it takes some time to explore
sure sporty, pls add...

i tink it shld b similar to friendster... have not explore yet...
duno wats tis vampire thingy...

my boy has not flip too... he still nid help heehee...
same same, my gal enjoy flipping (right side) so much that if we flip her back on her back, she will not be happy. so we will alwis wait till she runs out of strength than flip her on her back. now she is trying to flip on her left side. clumsy but very entertaining to watch her do that...
thanks mummies for the warm welcome

sporty< mine born on 3rd june.
kc, will try stretching. but then sometimes, if he hungry, NOW means NOW. must dirnk milk. i happily go make milk, then he dont finish. nottie boy , waste milk
. today i at hospital, saw a mama drinking up the remainder of the milk, ....my my...maybe i should start doing that..
mrs puppet, congrats on ur boy's numerous flips

sweet/powerpuffs, think ur bbs will flip soon...dun worry

rina, ok will add u tonite
so many pple to add :p

powerpuffs, u have friendster as well? can add u?

elaine, 3 june?? icic...tha was my EDD

RP mummies lunch
Date: 18 Oct 07 (thurs)
Time : 12pm
Venue : TBC

1. Shizuka
2. sporty
3. Lizardesss
4. Rina
5. J&mum

any suggestions on venue for lunch??

My princess also hasn't flip.. maybe her diapers too heavy? haha

Went for her jab yesterday.. She's only 5.9kg @ 4months and 9 Days! PD says girl ok lah.. but on the graph percentile, only 25% wor.. Nick on the other hand at this age belongs to the 90+% de..
welcome elaine, i add ur blog to mine, ok?

glayz, so u went all e way to mustafa to buy FM ytd nite? din know so late they r still open.

tano, u tink who run out of fm & din stock up b4 e last tin dry? i latched on at nite & sng got plenty of FEBM ss, so... tink no need to worry if bb din finish milk, mine aso like tt recently & i tink some other mummies here aso face e same prob.

lowja, ur xiao he shan so cute.

rina, my hb went to capital tower for a half-day seminar, no special delivery lah... since it's on e way to pick-up my hb mah, else dunno how to pass u ur stuff. i e aggresive & impatient type, tis morning, we were rushing for time fr SIL's place to capital tower, so we were discussing who shd be driving, then my hb said "since in a rush, better tt u drive cos u r faster & more aggresive." last sun when we rushed to e holiday bungalow, i aso e one driving. hahaha... i e type "men! dun tink women easy to bully on e rd" every raced w a hooligan who had tt type of tinking on TPE.
elaine, my colleague's fil does that everything her son cannot finish his milk too. Her fil's reasonale is that bb will dote on those who finish their unfinished milk..
sy, thanks for the encouragement. cross fingers he will out grow it too.
hui, haha, i not so hardworking as you , i just combine his and mine into one blog:p

hiroshima,...may i have the contact for the hydrotheraphy and hair cut? thanks
wanna cut my bb hair..
mrs puppet, u can shake hands with my lao gong leh.. He used to race on ECP with some ah beng @ 180km/h with sam on board.. Now he hit 110km/h, i can grumble until the speed drops to 90km/h.. keke..
sporty, yup! we like e mi jiam gui there. anyway, take it as taking bb out for a ride. my DS seems to get used of car rides once in e morning & another time at nite cos we fetch him to SIL's place every morning & bring him back every nite. now, weekends, time up, he'll eh eh eh, so bring him out jalan jalan for breakfast, then go hme & koon again.

sng, ur princess wants to grow up to be mei mei & miao tiao mah!
sng mum, your gal v light. must be very small framed. my gal already 6.1kg @ 3rd mth... now waiting to see her weight @ 4th mth when she goes for her jab next week.
