(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

afternoon gals,

sy, i also don wanna allow amadeus to watch tv but sometimes when carried him on the sofa, n tv is on, he will tited his head 90 degrees towards the tv lor n no matter wat i do, he will try ways n means to watch tv...hahaha..so leave it lor...but next time i will limit him cos don wanna him be addicted to tv...

ken-ma, amadeus also loves to scream nowadays...whether good or bad mood..so sometimes bring him go out, he can jus keep screaming lor..aiyo, very pai sey lor...n i will try to stuff pacifer into his mouth to shut him up...

pooh, u take care hor...how come deydrated? due to the MS?

re tv
slow down the brain..? wow, like that i better dun let her watch tv liao since i am not a fan of tv too. dun wan to cultivate a habit of using tv to calm her..

my gal likes to watch laptop and hp too.. for this i am ok.. cos short term ma...
hi ros 11
ya lor..sometimes feel like digging a hole to hid.. quite pai seh.. but boh pian,cos thats the only way that they can express their feelings..
rina, auto shd be quite ok la...but better book ur test dates early lor...which learning from driving skool or private instructor?

ken ma, u so fast do up the grilles liao ah...then obstruct the nice view leh :p
btw,last nite i spoken with shizuka over msn...she wanted to meet up with the RP mummies for lunch as she's working here now...anyone keen?

RP mummies lunch
Date: 18 Oct 07 (thurs)??
Time : 12pm
Venue : TBC

1. Shizuka
2. sporty
Mei mei CAN FLIPPED!!!!

But her first flip...no one witness it...as my mum was sick..so she let mei mei lie beside her..when she turn... she saw mei mei on her tum tum..
ken_ma, my gal dont want to b swaddled. i bot L size "swaddle me" for her, din use it at all. so i place order to buy the dreambag le.
hi mummies i am new here. need some help here. bb 4 months old, still waking up middle of night, his bed time usually 8thirty 9pm plus, i try to tank up as much as poss, but he wun drink all up sometimes. do you intro water to bb in the middle of night if he wakes? He wakes up crying, i have to sleep with my arm over his arm as he keeps rubbing his eyes--and this cause him to wake up. then i dunno what to do , either carry or feed him . i scared dun feed cannot cause he dun drink all when tanking up. help can? i am almost a zombie liao.

hi mummies i am new here. need some help here. bb 4 months old, still waking up middle of night, his bed time usually 8thirty 9pm plus, i try to tank up as much as poss, but he wun drink all up sometimes. do you intro water to bb in the middle of night if he wakes? He wakes up crying, i have to sleep with my arm over his arm as he keeps rubbing his eyes--and this cause him to wake up. then i dunno what to do , either carry or feed him . i scared dun feed cannot cause he dun drink all when tanking up. help can? i am almost a zombie liao.

hi Elaine! Welcome to our thread.

Wat time is your bb last feed at nite? At 4 mths, think some bb still wake up to drink. My bb also aleep at 8+ but i will feed her at abt 11+ so that she can thong until 6am the next day. Need to slowly stretch the timing. Dont worry. Alot of mummies are panda bears already cos all lack of sleep.
Hi Hui, i found it...

Unit of measure of thermal insulation used in the textile trade; a light summer suit provides 1.0 tog.

The tog value of an object is equal to ten times the temperature difference (in C) between its two surfaces when the flow of heat is equal to one watt per square metre; one tog equals 0.645 clo.
hi KC..ya, mine sleep 8 plus after feed, ( and crying) then i tank up at 11pm, he will still wake ard 2/ 3 am. actually i dun mind he wake up to feed and then sleep, but i am more bothered about the flying arms. any of your babies like that? if i dun press down the arm, then he wake up crying, he cant put himself back to sleep , i have to carry him and soothe him , or put the 8 kg fella on my chest to sleep .
Just to share something...Sng's mum and MP dun laff....

7-11 dun sell FM.. if u run out of it in the middle of night.......... go mustafa....
RP mummies lunch
Date: 18 Oct 07 (thurs)??
Time : 12pm
Venue : TBC

1. Shizuka
2. sporty
3. Lizardesss

isn't it your 1st day at new workplace?
you still coming to RP for lunch ah?
kc n shannen
i juz join facebook too ... [email protected]

welcome elaine
my boy oso wakes up to feed.. he is on 3-4hr feeding schedule... last feed ard 10pm... den he will wake up ard 1-2am.. den ard 6am or so... me oso panda eyes...
agreed with kc nid to slowly stretch...

does it help to feed bb with water for the nite feed?
i see..powerpuff. i think i might try to feed him water this weekend( choose weekend so hubby can help if bb cry) but first see if he drinks all milk anot first.hiak hiak.
hui, thanks.. i will jia you.. :D

elaine, welcome! i will be adding ya blog link to mine.. ok??

glayz, congrats!!! meimei can flip alr.. :D u run out of fm before ar???

RP mummies lunch
Date: 18 Oct 07 (thurs)??
Time : 12pm
Venue : TBC

1. Shizuka
2. sporty
3. Lizardesss
4. Rina

i hope i wont get to tis rd lunch date.. hee
hi back fr lunch & pump. but 2pm meeting...so a quick post.

0.5tog shld be enuff, i also dress Leting in long sleeve & long pants + my rm aircon is a window unit (not that power)

i envy those whose bb can sleep early eg 7/8pm! mine doesnt...KO at 930-11pm thereabt.
anyways her pattern is not consistent yet. she showed that she can sleep fr 1030pm to 7am. but recently woke up early & i suspect is not due to hunger. so i trying out e water trick. this morn is e 2nd day i tried. 1st day i gave water, in e end i stil latch to KO her *fail* this morn OK. gonna try again lor. not sure if it wil work.

glazy: so no more...cannt buy liao...
who run out of fm? never stock up b4 e last tin dry???
hi rina. sure!
what's yours
tano, i tried water before. but failed. he still cried. that's why i am sooo very unsure. i am gonna try cereal. i tried spoon feeding but he hates it and spat etg out. now trying to use bottle to feed cereal. hope he takes it, and feels fuller at night. mine going thru teething phrase too, he wakes up wanting to put hand into mouth and bite and clench teeth.double whammy.
Elaine, could it be he is not full from the 11pm feed? At 4 mths, our bb can stretch longer per feed (4-5 hrs) but feed more per feed cos their stomach are bigger now. This is also a way to stretch their feed. My girl now is drinking 130-140ml per feed every 4 1/2 hrs.
rina: i wanna add u into my msn leh. wat's ur email add?

elaine: i read bks & websites, many said introducing solids (too early) doesnt help them to sleep thru e nite. if that's wat u hope...by making them feel fuller. too early may cause problems to their tiny sensitive digestive system (cos not yet fully developed), in turn cause allergies etc...
water...i duno yet, i only jus started to try this method.

KC: my girl takes 100-120ml each feed, 6feeds a day. BUT recently she hasnt been taking her full feed. there r instances she struggle (shake head, use hand/tongue to push away) after taking 40ml/60ml/90ml.
abit worried. sometimes when my mum/ i force her to finish, she wil cry *immediately she feel e teat goes in (i feed ebm)*. hw ah? duno shld i be worried or not? btw day time usu 3hrs interval, evenings can be 2/2.5 hr interval.

Hahahahaa.... never mix kor kor's milk? or dilute her milk? or feed her water only? kekeke....

I know i'm a known provision shop.. Gain IQ next time can call me lah.. Nan HA also.. Friso salah leh.. my children don't drink.. keke

Next time hor, call me with ur mobile hor.. especially mn.. to think i so blur, call u want to give u glayz's number.. haha
kc, my boy plays with the teat and puts his finger in the mouth during feed in day , so feed only ard 110/120ml. at night i try tank up , he so sleepy, he sleep with mouth open refuse to suck.tickle and jiggle him also dun wake. his usual is suppose to be 150ml but dun take all. really a headache.correct way is morning and aft drink ful full, then night tank up, then sleep thru. but this fella....* shakehead*
