(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

morning gals..

pinkzebra - actually for flashcards, from wat i read, u got to flash them v fast..abt 1sec per card only.. n sld not flash too many at a shot.. i've only shown isaiah e alphaets n he luffs it when i do it with him.. he'll eh eh when i stop (e whole thing less than 1min) n when i show him again, he'll kick n smile happily.. haha.. but i dun do it v often anymore as no time plus i get bored as i gotta do it at least 5-6 times b4 he's satisfied.. he doesn't like any other flashcards other than e alphabets! haha

hui: usu Leting's last feed at 10pm+, cos we all sleep at abt 11pm. past 2days i TONG (my hb snoring away!)...drag her last feed to 11pm+ in hope that she wil wake up later at abt 6am-7am. & according to books i read, u can intro water when they wake up in e middle of nite IF they r of gd wt & u notice that w e middle of nite milk feed, they wake up v late in e morn & don't take their full 1st morn feed.

shannen: sure. sms me e amt to tt u.
Hi shannen,
ya lor.. The water in my apartment in KL very dirty one.. when u bath, u can see that teh water is a little yellowish and u will feel sticky even after u have just finished bathing.. this is how bad it is.. tink i better kia su a bit,bring some water there to make kendrick's milk or use bottled water, otherwise if he happen to fall sick during the trip, MIL surely CPCB....

Hi Rina...
Not 'sian dan' leh... don't know if within 1 week can see the effect or not, cos its bone area.. so far, the healing effect for colostrum on open wound is very fast, but bones might need a longer time gua... u can read chinese or not ah?cos the booklet i passed to u was in chinese...keke.. forgot where i put the english version leh...
how i wish i can have more time to sit down with him and show him the flash cards and all... I got my mom or the maid to show it to him but hmmm.. they switch to the rattle or his favourite Mr Elephant when he show no interest with the flash cards =|

they got very short attention span hor... initially he'll stare at the cards as I flash it to him, then after a while he got distracted to look else where and refuse to look at me *roll eye*

good job! you did it the right way =) and so good... at least Isaiah show interest and response to it. Tho' we may find it boring to repeat, but babies like things to be repeated over and over again, by doing so, they are trying to absorb what you've showed them. Some gets really trigger happy when the same action is done again, and gradually they'll try to imitate the actions or speak the words.
caitlyn, wah.. isaiah react quite well to the flash card hor.. haven get to try on jerral yet... hee..

ken_ma, i know not xian dan but juz hope lor.. heehee.. got try n read la.. but in chinese.. i long long time nv read chinese stuff alr.. heehee.. so just browse through nia...
Morning ladies, too busy at work recently. Wow, and there are too many postings to read ..

Have quickly run thru the thread before my boss asks me to do things again

Mummy_tang, the sides of my breasts also feel rough.. guess too much pumping liao

Divamama, megan looks very sweet in that headband! Btw people also say L looks like boy. Sometimes I will just say I only let girls wear pink. Hahah

Ros, initially I am worried that my gal will be suffocated by her pillow or blanket. But in the end, I realized she has the ability to shift her face away whenever she cant breathe. So now I dun check on her like every hour each unless she wails or cries. If not, have to use sleeping bags

Pooh, bb can eat eggs meh? Thought might cause allergy? Errr.. u preggie?? Btw Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Pinkzebra, just continue to do what u are doing now. Though bb is not keen, he is learning. U will be surprised when he response one of these days..

I have a cow and chick softtoy and I will do moo moo and chip chip respectively whenever I point to them. Then this day, I was changing diaper for L and said to her look at you cow friend moo moo and L turned her head towards the cow.. till now she still does that..
pinkzebra - i think isaiah likes books n words for some weird reason.. he luffs it when we read to him too.. he'll have tis v attentive look as tho he really listening to e story n understand like tt! haha.. but he also only lkes these 2 particular books.. when read othr books he dun like! faintz.. haha.. i also bot e bb signing times dvd to show him but he doesn't watch long.. he prefers to peep at e serials my MIL watches! faintz.. i think e flashcards n all sld not take more than 15 min a day.. n must get their interest if not dun do.. coz wait they associate it with sth bad? if i see he not in mood, i wun do.. actually in e day now tt i working, isaiah no stimulation one.. all just my mil playing with him, carrying him or sleeping (she keeps saying he wants to sleep@!! now every morning he wake at 4!!!) so i feel quite bad.. haha.. but nvm lah, let him enjoy his childhood.. hee..
ok, will try it
But muz stand by milk also juz in case he yell till everyone wake up at the middle of nite. My Jovial wake up super early wan..6+am he can wake up liao..wah piang!

do it @ nite lo..wat time he zzz?
hui - my isaiah wake up at 4 lor!! not to mention he needs to be pacified back to sleep sometimes every 2 hrs..but these 2 days by 4 he wants to play liao!!!

Do you ladies allow your bb to watch tv? my pd says for 1st two years better dun since their eyesight will be affected and more proned to short sightedness.
sy - my boy watches tv.. haha.. everytime it's on n he's in e hall, he can tilt his head until funny funny angle just to watch it! faintz.. then if i cover his eyes or his view he will get nangry! so i gave up n let him watch! haha
ken_ma, i also want to b kiasu. bring as much as water i can. dun know my hubby will scold me "siao" or not? haha....dun bother, as long as my gal dont fall sick during the trip. i juz wonder need to bring bath tub or not? if no bath tub i dun know how to bath my gal...

ken_ma, saw ur post in the thread of BP dreambag, u rcv the bag already?

tano, no prob.
hui - isaiah got sleep problems one lah.. he sleeps abt 10+.. ytday wake at 1+, eh eh eh, pat him he sleep.. then 4 wake up eh eh.. pat pat him also dun wanna sleep.. then cry! then carry him up, he smile n started cooing.. faint..
sy get lcd tv lor kekek! :p

but hor tv dulls children's minds - better not let them watch so much when they are in their growing yrs.
hi rina.. my chinese also cant make it one.. i take donkey kong years to finish reading the booklet...will scan n mail u the english version if i have...pai seh.. :p

hi caitlyn
kendrick also likes to watch serials lor... and he loves advertisment.. will scream gleefully during advertisment time.. (meaning u can hear him scream every 15mins... Piangz....)
hello.. gd morning ladies

on urgently leave tdy.. my elder son hving high fever last nite.. hv been tapping his body & head with water & measuring his temp every 1 hr

btw for the Brun thermometer lens filters, if got fever must change new piece whenever takes temperture?
ken-ma - keke.. i can imagine.. ur kendrick is a screamer!! =) he really v hyper hor.. hee.. must be v tiring for ur mum!!
hi shannen..
didnt get the bag cos i missed out on the payment...keke... was wondering if i should get teh bag or get the swaddle blanket...cos now my mum is using our blanket to swaddle him... scared it might get quite warm for him....
hi caitlyn
mb u wana try not letting isaiah watch tv? cos d radiation fm tv, vision n noise cause stimulation to d kids which is not tt good, esp below 2yrs...
n tt mite b the cause for his crankiness n not sleeping well... cos tts d oni way bb let out when they overstimulated or some bb will shut dwn...
im trying to c if tts wat happen to my boy oso... learnt it from d infant class i attend.
powerpuffs - i dun think it's e tv lah.. last time nvr watch tv also like tt leh.. i cannot control my MIL's tv time mah! hee..
i am ok jules? RE the subscription. this is confirmed lah the bumbo - rina if jules ok can both of us pay u separately thanks. Jules agreed $40 I will pay u the balance $56.
pmm thats the Disney one from robinsons $39.90 but i got 20% +5% off nett $30.33. Size 1 upto 79 cm long or up to 9 mths.
Actuali bb watch tv is something good n bad lah..good is that u can leave him thre n do hsework while he watch tv bad is once he gets older keep watching tv will slow down his brain working
hi caitlyn
ya lor... screaming all the way.. but now he started to tone down liao(finally!)
the other day my mum cleared 1 big pc of wax from his ear, and we were wondering isit becos his ear was stuck dats y he screams so loud cos he cant hear himself...keke...
true... so we told my inlaw tt we wana test out d possibilities... tell them to bear for a period of time... heehee
tink isaiah likes alphabets probly due to 'tai jiao'... cos u r teaching when preggie... my aunt son oso like... she is oso a teacher... now 2+yrs old loves alphabets n numbers so much... he can self entertainment himself with box of alphabets n numbers... at his age he can recite alphabets backwards...
hi hui
ya lor.. my mum leaves kendrick to watch tv when she is doing her chores... but i quite scared he will be addicted leh...
rina, wa must wait 1 mth? hmm.. my girl quite fattish now.. worried her butt cant fit into the bumbo if gotta wait another mth. think will pass on it in that case.. sorry ester and rina!
stress_ma, no prob on the payment part.. :D

re watching tv, jerral also like to watch tv leh... think he is watching la since he look at the tv wif a 'stone' look...
jules, tt the worrying part.. tt y ask whether u wanna wait for not.. hee..

stress_ma, does tt mean u are giving it a miss?
whoa...bz morning...juz finished meeting a client...now going to pump...

glayz, actually yishun is fine also...will u be there at 9pm+?? cuz its all on the way...u sms me the block and road name la...

rina, hope u are feeling better...alot of pple not feeling well...when's ur driving test??

tano, white spot in mouth? could it be thrush?

pinkzebra, i haven started on flash cards on athan...only let him play with toys...maybe will start when he's 6 mths old...

lizardess, eat YTF for lunch lor...lol

ken ma, can imagine kendrick's screams when the ads are on...hahha :p

sy, my boy also likes to watch tv or even looks at my laptop screen
yup yup, thanks for the assurance
I'll definitely keep trying, also go with the flow, else I'm afraid he'll get put off whenever I flash those cards =p
rina i dont mind taking over just the subscription part - if u are ok with getting the bumbo. let me know ok?

screaming babes

I get reports of her doing this crying nonstop for a few hrs at a go but this doesnt happen to me when i am around - she misses me?

yday this happened i went to work, hb OT whole nite slept 7am only. I left around 9am (vicky jsut fed) & & vicky woke abotu 11.30am - or that's what my hb thinks - she could hv been crying earlier & he didnt hear (same room ok when my hb is asleep i have to shout at him then he can stir) poor vicky. then she cried 12pm-3pm didnt want to sleep didnt want to eat either. Then evening, my SIL again didnt bring key & shout for my maid few times, so my maid had to shout back WAIT - after maid replied so loudly Vicky cried again.

Then SIL was complaining to my MIL later that she waited so long & Vicky only cried (& this around again in the evening very long & loud) after my maid shouted back loudly. Like blaming the maid. I just kept quiet but u know i actually fuming. I said this 100 times to get her own key! my baby could be wiping body half way or drinking milk - what stop to open door for this grown up & then leave my baby half naked or what - how can?

to me its - both sides also got fault - maid should not have screamed & just let my SIL cont to stand at the gate if she is attending to the child & my SIL should get her own key & not make such a big deal about waiting very long outisde the house.

is this a sign also that bfing mothers get - babes only want to be pacified by their nursing mums? (sticky) (my complaint about my SIL is just on the side to explain the screams & to vent my frustration about the key issue)
whe he know's how to run liao, u tink he will still sit dwn quietly n watch tv?haha

am facing this pro..anyone does?
i have slight cramp quite often this 2 days on my womb area..
hi hui..
i also got this weird feeling on the left side of my tummy leh.. dun noe y leh.. dare not tell my mum otherwise she will go: see lah, ask u to take care of urself during confinement but u dun listen...

nw kendrick already 'bo si tiam' lor... so cant imagine when he can crawl n walk.. lagi jia lat.. luckily i already do up the window grilles.. safer....

hi sporty...
i think i a liitle short of hearing liao.. after all the screaming for the past 4.5mths..keke..
