(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

POOH!! happy birthday.. hope u hv got a surprise from your hubby!!

sporty, when your last day? clearing workstation so fast?

stress_ma, ya lor handling a kid we still hv lots to learn ...
sporty, yup can rest as long as the little one not hungry...

bbfactory, dun imagine... my supply is running lower than usual but my boy seems contented after each feed so i guess for now supply is enough for him... i just hope i can recover soon... it is a horrible thing to get infected with....
hi Sporty, already home when i saw yr msg. Decided to leave earlier cos having a headache. Took a cab home cos too tired to stand all the way in the MRT. In the end, stuck in the jam on expressway. Time taken as long as the MRT ride & costs me $20 to reach home. Hiaz...

juz came back from dinner...had dinner at 1030pm..arrgghh

xtine, lasr day is next thurs...clear first since today working late then can take cab home mah...

kc, no worries,hope ur headache's ok...

dryper, u can build up ur ss again when u are well...
sporty, spot on... i need my beauty sleep, lately i find myself no more beautiful. haiz

dryper, i'm thinking of having a 2nd one but the pple helping me are already more afraid than i am.

stress-ma, haha ur degree in poo cleaning very cute!
happy belated birthday pooh !!!!

sporty, nope i not staying with fil...but he will come over twice/thrice a week now...when I'm in confinment, he come everyday n stayed till after dinner then go home...after tat, i complained to hb and sil go talk to him then he reduced his visitation times...

cary, u must be giving your hubby alot of hugs n kisses now la lke wat sporty says...hee hee

dryper, take care n luckily your hb around to help u...
Pooh: happy belated birthday!!!!

cheer up gal... gender is not important, but health of the baby more important... dun feel bad with wat your hb has said...

tell him every pregnancy is diff.. so this one maybe a boy.. everything is 50/50 in a pregnancy... so need not fret.. Just be happy and enjoy the pregnancy... ok?
Good morning ladies

Happy Belated Birthday Pooh!
btw, i also had MS when I was carrying Gabriel.

Cary, glad tt yr hb is back

dryper, take care!!

sweet/KC, me interested to get the books too
whats the contact ah?
cary: gd that your hb is bk... he got you any surprise?

sporty: time flies.. u'll go to your new plc soon... so happy for u.

stress ma/lizardess: not a bad idea to work in LV lah... at least u get to dress up in their nice uniform too... i dun mind to have your name in the bag though.. haha... then i can get neo cabby GM black w disc... heeeee

hui: jovial so cute.. i'm sure he'll win.. ask your frens to vote him more ya...

ken ma: NTUC brand not bad.. i got it too... cheap and nice...

dryperbaby: i was having gastric flu last fri too.. was on medication over weekend too.. arrgghh... hate that tummy aching feeling.. worst still, my elder boy got it fm me... Phew.. luckily younger one didn't get it. Am keepin my fingers & toes cross...
good morning Lin...
thanks for ur well wishes.. I'm feeling alright lor...
Jaythan is feeling alright too...

but i thought i just heard javier coughing... *tian ah*...
Morning ladies
thx for all the bdae wishes

hb din get me anything last night lah.. after i reach home after seeing dr chua.. he said "oh.. today's ur bdae hor.. u want to buy any cake anot"
i look at the time, it's already 9pm.. where to find cake.. haiz..

btw, think tml i got to admit hospital for IV therapy.. dr chua wants me admitted last night.. but i said trimelle still on nebuliser.. so she give me 2 days MC and ask me admit tml.. sayin i very dehydrated liao.. more sianz when i heard this
Morning ladies..

Heya Pooh, Happy Belated Birthday!
Aiyoz..Dun mind wat ur hb had commented.. anyway.. even if its really a girl, its not ur fault mah.. tell him straight in the face 'Who ask ur sperm so weak?' heh.. coz its when guys r tired n not enuff rest den the pregnancy will most likely b a girl.. but anyway, in tis era.. who cares? as long as healthy can liao.. right? u take care hor..
bumbo seat
my colleague pass hers to me yest.
but my boy's thighs too fat, very tight at the thighs part.
somemore he kept leaning forward.
this morning returned her the seat liao.
it was so nice of her to let me try it first.
trimelle is only 6.6kg now.. but my KS MIL opened up that pack of L size diapers
telling me that it fits her better..
i still got 2 pack of M size leh... aiyo~
aiyo, so what you gonna do with those 2 packs of M?

nevermind lah... he looked so stunned when we put him in.
hahah.... dun think he likes it.
morning ladies

pooh, aiyo...hope everything's fine for u..cheer up

lizardess, u must put ur boy sitting uprite on the bumbo so he wun kept leaning forward...

bbfactory, juz hang on lor...things will get better and u will get ur beauty back soon...

ros, dun be angry with ur FIL...shuan le...

glayz, u at home tonite?? if i pop by after 830pm, ok with u??
morning ladies

pooh, must take care oh....

tano, last nite is my turn. my gal keep waking up in the midnite with no reason. ard 3 hrs interval. *faint* U still keen on the sleeping bag? want to combine to buy 2 then we can enjoy 10% disc...hehe....
ken_ma, u ar gg to KL this nov? i m gg to genting on dec. i also worry the water not clean in the genting/KL ler. hopefully everything go fine...
Dun think will be home tonight...
More likely popping to my mum place... i need to jagar Shane....
My mum down with gastric flu... and she spread to Sky....
Morning gals,

was on mc ytd so din login.. and the posts is so many... will catch up on the posts later.. :D

mrs puppet, hopefully by then i already got my driving license.. hee.. then will make known tt the car is drove by me.. hee...

ken_ma, i let jerral try the colostrum already.. next tue he will go back to kkh for x-ray.. hopefully by then the bone heal nicely liaoz..

hui, i have voted for jovial.. jia you!!!
shannen: oh right! i was abt to sms u to ask if u wanna combine order. u wan to do e ordering? i alreadi decided on wat i wan. jungle friends, tog 0.5, 6mth-18mth. send to ur place, i go ur house get fr u.

last nite she drank at 730pm, then slept fr 930-11pm. i woke her up to change diapers & force feed (she stil in lala land). only managed to get in 40ml+
she woke up at 5am, i gave water again. she drank a fair bit & fortunately it DID THE TRICK. she can be 'orh orh' back to bed. 7am woke up again for proper 110ml feed

think i wil perserve w e water thingy.

anyways tonight gonna bring her to pd to check e white spot in mouth.
hellooo ladies!

Happy belated Birthday!

yes yes, send me your baby's botak/cute pic at [email protected]

hi girlie, enjoying your taitai lifestyle? hehe shiok huh! oh yeah, how's the big plan for the 6 mth old bash coming up?

I've got a question, sounds kinda KIASU... ... when do you start the baby with recognition of words and create the interest for reading? I tried showing him the flash cards, started off with the colors and comparison one, but he dun seem to be keen, or should I say very short attention span. Hmmmm.... so so so.. when is the best time to kick start with?
oh i prefer registered mail. since it's abit bulky & costly. we can split e cost.
if u wan, i can do e ordering too. i anything
how to do the water trick again? The white spot in mouth issit thrush? coz Jovial gum the front two very white but PD say is not thrush..ur white spot is where?
hui: likely not thrush. cos it has been ard for wks. & only ONE spot. her tongue v clean too. initally i thot tip of her growing tooth but i check e net, tooth shld be front out 1st, not e side. hers is on top of her mouth, at e side.

i gave her water to delay her milk feeding & to discourage her fr waking up in e middle of nite for milk. gonna try again & again, cos i don wan her to wake up in e middle of nite.
i also try to tank her as much as i can, right b4 i sleep/she sleep.

glazy: u gonna order pediped? i got both olivia & katelyn, LOVELY
i saw the order form juz wondering which to order?

i wan JOvial to zzz thru the nite also.his last feed abt 11.48pm yesterday n this morning 4.30am..
tano, i post for the sleeping bag le. i am not sure for the total postage we shd pay if we opt registered mail. i had asked itsy bitsy for the total amt before transfer the money to her. let u know the total amt after she reply me.

good morning ladies

happy belated birthday pooh...
u take care huh...

recently my boy oso got choke easily... isit a phase whr they start to learn abt choking??

tink im oso v KS... i starting d flashcards aft i got it fm sporty heehee... had intro him d ABC series... emmanuel quite ok... but cant conc for long... probly 1st 10 letters nia...
