(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

i sit next to my boss -to i feel hard to perform - since my pregnancy i didnt like being so watched lor - but he can see my everymove which is quite sickening.


I went for haircut during lunch time & dandruff treatment - the lady rubbed some treatment solution into my scalp - was a great nearly 30 mins head massage man! shoik!

juz came back from moo-ing session...

mrs puppet, thanks for info on metro warehouse sale...they have preview for members tom as well, juz recieved their sms as well...

hui, u very cute leh...dunno abt the prize and still join...kekek...but good la...a raincheck for jovial's popularity...kekeke :p

lizardess, ahem...why did u aim at the "wrong" place ah?? hahahha...the "right" place u talking abt will shrink soon...hahhaha

ros, u stay with ur FIL eh?

vic ma, u can search for resume format online mah :p juz like how i searched for the resignation letter format 3 weeks back...whahhhaa :p
haha.. i particapte for the fun of it see if he's selected anot mah..then so heng he's selected lo..so nvr check out prize..By the way is 9 dec gathering confirm?
Resignation i can write off hand hah! I even know what to say - must thank them for guidance & when is your last day & must check with HR 1st how many days of leave u have left then write down in teh resume also ahah!
i skipped lunchtime moo-ing again.
gonna "dong" till i get home.
going to reduce my moo-ing session from 3 to 2 times a day.
sigh... let's see how successful i am.
u change name again? No stress ma? haha

muz have determination! i remember when i cannot bf Jovial due to serious block ducts to infection i feel so bad leh
i going hol in nov, so have to start reducing now lor, else come nov jia lat ah....
not gonna bring my pump for holiday too man...
hui, too early to confirm the dec gathering ba...now only oct leh! :p unless u wanna organise a dinner for mummies? hehe... haven knock off la, shd be working late today...

vic ma, yeah...leave very impt...if can encash even lagi better :p

lizardess, hope u not working late and can dong till u go back...2 sessions can la...slowly reduce lor..
haha.. coz if confirm then i will reserved that date for June mummies n babies and no other appointment coz is my "bird-day" ;p
Dinner with June mummies? hmm..idea hor. will find one day when Jovial @ grandparent hse again then i organize

my boss jsut told me something outstanding - gosh i started it before i went on maternity - i tot it was completed when i was away - now then come tell me its still imcomplete & left off just the way i started! Gosh! i feel like going to work for chanel or LV just be pretty, smile & tahan rich tai tais can liao!
sporty, e last metro warehse sale, i rcvd sms, tis time, haven't rcvd yet, thot they dun hv preview for members. wonder whether to go.

hui, gd for u, pang kang liao.
hui, ur bday then eh? then we can all celebrate for u...

mrs puppet, yeah..its tom...think u spend $30 or $50 will get $5 credit...paiseh...forgot its 30 or 50 as i deleted the sms liao...kekek :p
i never pump since morning.
my breast pad soaking wet and leak abit out.
luckily i wear black dress, and polyester material, not obvious.
saw tis posting fr another thread, tink is e shop where stress_ma got her cheap clothings.

Toa payoh Song & Song..

It's at Blk 178 #01-206, TP central...
Sellg Gap, Old navy, Greendog, Children's place clothing ..snipped label so tat's y sellg quite cheap ard $5 etc..

walk a few more stalls down.. there's another shop sellg branded cheaper rompers as well..
re hi
my hb think once got MS.. surely must be ger.. dun noe wat kind of thinkin is this...... makin me feel hurt..
somemore today's my bdae wor.. but everyone forgets abt it.. normally hb will wish me happy bdae when i wake up in the morning.. but today's bo leh... my mum called me up and asked how am i.. lamented to her that hb forgot my bdae.. then i received another shocker.. my mum too forgets abt my bdae... sianz.....
sure... if i work there. ;P
btw staff buy LV bags hor, heard they'll heat-stamp the staff's name inside the bag, so that they wun buy at staff rate and resell to make profit.

stree ma
keke.... you damn funny...
pooh, ur bday today?? HAPPY BDAY!! no wonder u so unhappy when ur hb said tha...

lizardess, oh isit...then all our LVs bag will be stamped with ur name lor...LOL :p
yah lor... hahah...
well for some "variety", you can get stress ma to purchase too.
so all your staff purchased bags will have either my name or ester's name.
everyone go home liao huh? Me still at work. Think will be late today. My maid just called & said bb having slight fever. Must be from the jab yest. Tot PD said only 4% of bb will get fever, but seem like alot of us here have this problem lei.
Pooh - i tried to translate the cantonese happy birthday song here but after 1 line i found i didnt really know the words to the whole song properly ! gosh!

go get a fork & poke your hb's butt & tell him to wish you a happy Birthday & where is your present.
Hi ladies, thanks for the well wishes... feeling better slightly. now i am feeling hungry... that is a good sign I guess...

sporty, lucky hubby took leave to be around... if not i dun have the strength to do so many things also...

pooh, happy birthday to you!!!
first & foremost. HAPPY BIRTHDAY POOH!!!

KC, hehe ... I also haven't got the time to read through it yet

sweet, the books were hand delivered to my door step
(and i opted for normal postage) received in very good condition.

caitlyn, they never call to confirm but it's super fast loh! I faxed over the order forms on thursday and i received the books on Monday
if intend to get, still cheaper than buying from bookstores

hui, will go vote for jovial
and hope he likes the walker

and HUBBY IS BACK!!! kekekekkeke
pooh - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! be positive.. maybe ur hb has planned a surprise for u? hee

cary - okies! yayy!! ur hb is back!!! happy happy!!
lizardess, u talked as if u really working for LV now...kekekke :p

kc, i'm still at work now...shd be late today as well la cuz i juz cleared my 3 workstations full of my barangs to bring home...hehehe...so what time u plan to go back?

dryper, ya lor...luckily ur hb take leave can help u jaga the kids...and u can rest...

cary, yeah!! ur hb's back...u must be giving him lotsa hugs and kisses...hahahha

caitlyn, whoa...why u suddenly appear...kekeke...
happy b-day pooh!

dryper, ur condition sound bad...hope u rest well and get better soon. 2 children, no maid and full-time bf...i cannot imagine.

ros, i also set my aircon at 24 degrees but fan speed i set it at the lowest. so far so good. it does get a bit chilly in the morning but thats when i wake to turn it up to 25 degrees.

cary, thats great! finally ian can bond with daddy again.

so many posts, no time to read. i need to relief my mum, my son getting too heavy and fussy to manage.

counting down to 6 mths! so that i can finally get my 4hr sleep thru!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggh
sporty - now hm liao.. just played with isaiah n he sleeping now so i log on lor.. so happy coz he was in a super good mood when i arrived hm just nw ard 5+.. v rare coz usu he a bit grumpier in e evening.. he's a morning bb! i miss all e happy mornings i have with him!
lizardess, nvm la...u tell me long story next time la...hey, when u back from japan, let's organise a drinks session leh...kekekke :p

bbfactory, *sayang sayang* think u really haven been sleeping well since the day u popped!! hahha...hope ur boy can sleep thru soon...

caitlyn, bo bian lor...at least u have happy mornings with him every weekend...
lizardess, think 8pm??!! then will take cab home cuz i already cleared my barangs liao...so i can leave fuss free on my last day... :p u not going back ah? or still wayang-ing ard?
i still in office!

today only 370ml so far at office , hb said yday was a good day (540ml) maybe cos over sat & sun whole day latching so lots of stimulation!

i think i must task my hb to learn how to ma shen - wipe the baby.

we usually have this session ar around 5-7pm on a week day but usually on a weekend it could be twice - once more before she sleeps.

I will teach my hb to ma sheng -usually i do - he assists - i think i should turn this around. from MP's posts (haha minister of parliament or Madam poo! or marshal of Prams - i just miss her lah) her hb can bath & even stimulate bb to poo & Mr Sporty's proud pictures of bathing Athan!

I must make my hb regain his poo cleaning skills! ha!

Imagine this

Mr Sporty - Poo Disposal(SG) - got degree in cleaning poo.

I think most of us will get PHDs soon from mastering handling a kid - so many things to learn!!!!!!
