(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

sweet - okies.. i trnsf u tmr coz today my hp no batt.. haha.. so cannot activate e account thingy.. thanks! sory for e delay.. i actually forgot abt it.. paiseh!!

off for aftn class.. sigh.. think will stay late in skl.. must mark mark mark.. sob sob.. tmr also late day.. sianz!!!
jules, read that u bought the tweety bird float from giant? which outlet u bought from ah? i couldnt find in IMM's branch...

wow, so shiok! which resort u going to?

caitlyn, no prob! i also forgot bout it till u reminded me.. hehehe
divamama, megan so sweet, so nice to hv a ger to dress up. if my #2 is a ger, tink i'll go broke.

mich, dunno leh... at 1 moment, SIL asked us to bring 1 size bigger, then when we brought over, told us use size 1 can cos my DS still gets choke while drinking milk. not's e whole idea, dun let him c my ILs so tt he not close to them.

vic_ma, suddenly my nick becomes mp liao.

mummy_tang, i dun feel rough rough at e side of my breasts.

glayz, MIL just tink of themself, never tink for us.

bear, i aso agree... last time when my nephew was born, when my SIL changed for him, i'll feel his poo so yucky, feel like vomitting & run away too. now, own bb, ok.

sporty, at least mr sporty still quickly throw away e soiled diapers when he c u reach hme. ya lor... dunno y he needs to ask me for permission whether can stop stimulating. yes, saw a big banner at expo, metro sale starting on 11 oct.

hui, my DS din show temper. how long consider slow?
glayz, the red patch tha meimei have is chin rash la...athan kena tha quite often esp if he suck his hands then wipe his whole face with his hands...weekdays what time will u be home? abt 8 to 9pm+ ok??

lizardess, juz back from lunch...went lunch with my sis...u eaten liao? think must eat the golden shoe YTF before i say byebye to RP...hahha

hui/pooh, then how i imagined the blended porridge la...hee hee...sorry to spoil ur appetites...kekeke

ken ma, think u have to bring milk powder, diapers all those lor...bottles wise maybe can sterlise with hot water??!! at least no need to lug sterliser?

bbfactory, ya lor...he kept updating with pics yesterday...good tha ur hb clears the diapers too!!

caitlyn, sayang sayang...finish up ur work and can go home to see isaiah liao...
ya lor.. just received bills from my previous check up.. called up the finance dept and told me NUH dun cover from 3rd child onwards.. really giam lor.. heard that TTSH covered til 4th child leh

now eating fried rice.. dun noe can contain anot.. but i got craving for mr softee's vanilla... hee
just told my hb my MS is back.. he just shoot me with one reply lor.. "okies.. so it's gonna be a ger again.. sianzz.."

i was so ^%&%^^$@#$.. only cared abt gender..
yah had lunch too.
yup i can never get tired of the golden shoe YTF.
you better eat that everyday till your last day at RP.
hahha... by then you really get sick of it!
Ya I be home at that time la... But u dun happily come tonight hor... I got gathering...kekekeke...

Wah biang...if really a ger...tell ur hb.... "haiz...its ur sperm la...."
hi Jules...
I have got a long long list leh.. machim like running away from home!!

Hi sporty.
Think will get 1 pk of NTUc diaper to try...My hubby say must bring water there cos KL water not so clean... very 'kua zhang' leh!
Hi pooh,
tell ur hubby have MS doesnt means its gal lor!! I also had terrible MS (fr Week 7 to Wk 20) and i had a boy what.. my gynea says that its good to have MS, as it means that your pregnancy hormones are raging and its a stable preganancy...
Ken-ma, i got the 2 books that are offered at SMH. But have not got the chance to read yet. Think will leave it to my maid to figure out the recipes since i dont cook.

I used the ntuc diapers for ariel too. Use for day time. It's quite good & cheap.

For your trip, bring a bottle of water from home then mixed with the boiled water there. My mum said this will prevent the bb for not being able to drink the water over there. I tried that whenever I bring my elder girl overseas. So far so good. Remember to stand-by medicines as well.
Btw, for the ladies whose AF has arrived, did it come back again after 1 week? Mine came for 7 days (which is my norm), stop for a week then come again. Confused...
pooh, so ur hb is "betting" for a boy this time la...how can he say tha?? so bad!!

lizardess, cannot la...everyday eat YTF...u think i'm on diet meh??!!

glayz, tonite i also cannot la...tomorrow?? or next week??

ken ma, bring water?? abit kua zhang la...maybe small bottle can la...but not whole ss for tha few days!
pooh, tell your hb the bb gender is his contribution, so blame himself if it's a ger. In the 1st place, what's wrong with gers? looking at it now, having gers is like having another son in future cos gers very close to family. I came from a family with all girls so know that well. We all prefer to go back to my mum's place then to our MIL.
mrs puppet, no more vomitting... but my stools are still watery... cannot imagine vomitting 8 times + 5 times poo poo on Sunday... geez... no still not much appetite to eat... sianz... hope i will be better soon... the hse in a mess...
hello ladies..

i'm on leave since yesterday.. tml going back to work. bb ernice had her 4th mth jab on satuday & that nite a bit feverish. feed her med once only & pat her body with water liao..
her brother, waden started new childcare yesterday.. heng ar is didn't cry & still can kiss & hug me & hb bye bye.. haha
was so busy till now then got time to scan thru almost all post & all photos of bb r cute lor..

went to the library to register my 2 kidz for memeberships.. got 2 bags & a newborn kit.

went sin shiong & see the seashell(la la) so fresh.. got 1.5kg & will cook hot hot spicy recipe later.. woo yummy

sporty, mr sporty so funny.. wanted to proof that he can take care bb with u around.. haha

pooh, don't u hv ms for 1st 2kids? btw u can start to see if your body hair is darken & alot.. if yes then is a boy most likely. best is to check your shaved part.. then when growing u'll see diff.

cary!! u shiok leh.. when is plan to start work? or start plannign for 2nd 1 liao?
KC, did u opt for normal or registered mails for the 2 baby food books? coz i read from another thread that 1 mummy did not receive her book even though her credit card has been charged

my AF so far came twice liao but it's normal as in it's 1 mth apart lo.. your so called 2nd AF, very heavy flow anot?

dryperbaby, do take care!! i hate the LS feeling
Sweet, i opted for normal mail. The parcel quite big. Wonder how the postman manage to squeeze into my mailbox.

The so called 2nd AF not heavy lei. Much lighter than the usual & also realise there's more blood clots. Wonder if I am still clearing the dirty blood??
pooh, u shd tell ur hb, gender of bb is determined by male's sperm, so whose fault leh? in e olden days, if e woman keeps giving birth to gers, then ILs will pt finger at their DIL, not realising tt e gender is actually determined by e male's sperm. mine 1st one is a boy, so my ILs diam diam, if girl, tink they'll yak, if tt happens, will shot at them, saying is not my fault cos e gender is determined by their son's sperm, haha... actually, nowadays, i tink having gers better, c... we all closer to our mums & keep complaining abt MILs.
hi gals,

thanks for answering my qns...think i might buy the sleeping bag

bbfactory, u mean sleep suit are thick enough? Can withstand the cold..normally the aircon tempi set it at 24 degree...

pooh, i think MS doesnt mean tat it is girl lor....boy will also have ms one..tell your hubby tat if is girl, the it is his sperm fault, not yours...

mrs puppet, maybe u wanna try give size 2 to your son cos size 1 the flow very slow one leh...maybe initially your son not used to the flow but gradually, he will be ok liao...

dryper, glad tat u recovering liao...

hui, started too early might not be too gd as my nephew, he started cereal at 4mths n kana quite a bit of allergy...n their digestive system also not tat gd..so if wanna start at 4mth, better start wif cerasl than porridge at abt 8mth...read this from a mag...but then again, diff babies will react diff la...so up to u to decide...

glayz, amadeus will also have those red patches from time to time...esp when he used his saliva to touch his face...
KC, did they bubble wrap the book? coz i worried that by going thru mail, the corners will be damaged

think most probably the 2nd one is just clearing the old blood, not AF
no lah..i still ate alot juz now..dun wori :p

i have Jovial got very bad MS..lost a few Kgs

Mrs Puppet,
tink dun let DS drink milk more than 10-15mins..
me keep looking @ the chart also..yest nite he was 3rd then morning 2nd..haha..but tink the 1st bb muz have alot of votes coz so many of June buddies vote him but he still 2nd..hehe
hui, u ask all your relatives n frens to vote for him also lor...think the 1st baby got alot of supporters only as I don find him very cute...think jovial cuter...mean of me..hee hee

jus now i so angry with FIL...i put amadeus down to sleep, then he eh eh eh abit n FIL go carry him up..pissed me off...i trying to let him settle down himself n yet he came n spoil my plan...then when he carried amadeus, keep asking him to watch tv la...cos amadeus keep looking at me eating my lunch...n FIL tried to push his head to wards the tv direction n keep saying wat u looking at huh? look here la, look at the tv...so pissed off..but amadeus still kept looking at my direction so i quickly finshed lunch n FIL passed him back to me saying he want mummy n I promptly put him back to sleep...n he cried big time but I jus carry on patting him n refusing to carry him up n FIL keep trying to coax him but don dare to ask me to carry him up..he can jus look at amadeus crying only...but after crying for a while, he stopped liao n went to sleep...then FIL carry on looking at his tv...really cannot stand my FIL sometimes...so have to complain it here...complain to my hb, he will say his father is like tat one, n apologise on his behalf...can only stomach the anger to myself n yet cannot tell my FIL off or he will surely complain to my SIL...
hui, i just voted too. But really think he's the cutest lei.

sweet, no bubble wrap. But they wrapped with 2 layers of papers. The books i rec'd still in very good condition.
ros, i brought e size 2 to my SIL but she still uses size 1. maybe, tis wkend, try out size 2 & c if my DS gets choke. i aso find jovial cuter.

hui, my DS drinks his milk within 10-15mins. u create many many email accts - yahoo, hotmail, gmail... get ur frens & relatives to help vote too.
Ros & KC,
Thanks..i did liao.. my hubby also did that but still stuck @ 2nd..haha

Mrs Puppet,
Hubby say out water(in hokkien) not strong engh..wahaha
dryper, u sounded in bad condition and still need to take care of 2 kids...hope u get well soon ...

xtine, haven seen u ard...hope ur gal gets well soon... and glad to hear tha ur boy's enjoying skool...hee

hui, btw, what prize will jovial get if he's the first?? juz curious...

lizardess, so long never see updates of ur "snacking"...kekekke :p
rhink the baby contest if no 1 can enter into a grand draw whereby can win tickets to club med phuket...other than tat, don know whether got other price or not..so if mummies here r interested, can post photos of your baby too la..hee hee
back frm lessons.. yawns.. decided to wait for hb to come fetch me as if i go hm on my own now also bu san bu si.. miss isaiah!! keke..

KC - wld marshall cavendish call u to cfm order or they just send e books over? how long did u hv to wait?

lizardesss - u really v slim lor! no tummy one! hee.. no worries abt ur snacking!!

pooh - do take care of urself.. tell ur hb tt he must sayang u!! poor thing..

dryper - hope u get better soon too.. take care!
elderly dun like bb cry so long..so one way is bring ur DS to ur room n lock the door..so ur FIL will not come in
Usuali Jovial cry i will bring him in my room..

Sporty & Mrs Puppet,
good question leh.. i also nvr check it out.. i submit his pic for the fun of it coz that pic very funi..u submit liao then if they approve the pic they will publish online for voting
lizardesss - only sporty is big at e right place.. i A- cup one lor! hee.. plus got protruding tummy now.. lagi jialat!!
hui, i c. then we must submit at different timing, else we all fight for votes. haha... but i really hope jovial can win cos he's definitely cuter than e #1.
hi kc
thanks for the advise

hi hui,
i buy on behalf of my collegue... i have got too many bibs liao.. have to chop finger...hehe...
hui, i wanted to let my fil know tat i called the shots in taking care of my son so don wan him to interfere...i also don wan to make it too obvious by bringing him to the room when he cry...or else wait he complain to my SIL n in turns sil will ask my hb n hb will be caught in between again...had a few friction with fil b4 this n so now he reduced his visiting time from daily to twice a week n cos of this my sil say i should be more filial towards fil...so angry...
ladies i feel very unpaid & over worked - my solace is chatting here. now i need to write a resume! I have not written one in 5 yrs!

see i been rotting at this job - can someone email me the format? Cary haha!!!!

ic ic..Jovial ot much bibs

Mrs Puppet,
ya..muz submit diff time..they have it every week

i bring Jovial to my room co too noisy liao..his cry like thunder! shout n shout..will disturb SIL's son n my fil watching tv
