(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

hi morning gals ,
no school today . hehe . going for party world later
Lizardness, my mum say can drink DOM , but do not BF immediately , after two hours can..
KC mummy , your daughter very cute

mi too.. duno y out of sudden, my hair drop so much! so scary to see my hair all over my rm
i so scare i will become botak like my gal man
sporty and hui , me also dropiing a lot of hair , heard that hair drop is very normal after 4th month of delivery cos our hormones are gg back to normal i heard. will not go botak la ..
KC mummy , my boi sometimes bit me when BF and then laugh out when i make the " ouch " sound . he knoes and plays with my nipple sometimes, then i will just beat him on his backside and say nonono .. mummy pain .. and pretend to cry , then he will look at me and stop
sy, tell your husband its the 2008 model lor, not old car leh...now 07 u buy 08 model, sure he got nothing to say...

KC, we bought the vtec auto at 61000. If you keen, I'll introduce my agent to you? She can give extra discount.
I just came back from Megan's 5in1 2nd jab. She only grew 500g and 1cm since last month...so sad, dunno is it becos I went to work and have been giving her the FBM? But she's been eating well, 150ml every 3hrs and sleeps very well too. Is the slow growth normal?
hui, the prize is that u get to enter the grand draw next year to win a trip to somewhere, can't remember where...I also participated before.
divamama, thanks! Dont think i will be buying this year. Need to ask my hubby. Will get the contact from you if need be.

Dont worry abt Megan's growth lah. Think most bb will slow down after the 3rd month. So long eat & sleep well, should be ok. Ariel was born big but now think she's one the smaller bb here. She's only 6.3kg & 64cm long at 3mths 3 weeks. Lagging behind the rest.
kc, that tradition i also just heard abt it.. since no harm to bb, so do it.

my gal has double lids but they are hidden just like her daddy... and her daddy eyes very small! worried next time my gal's eyes also small small...

yes, my gal can bite and pull.. bite i can endure but not the pulling.. and she wont let go.. she will look at you cheekily

hui, me also dropping hair. sob sob.. thought i will be spared... haiz..
oh, congrats on jovial winning!!!

divamama, too late liao... cannot change car now.. hahaah.. but i m quite ok with the car now.

I heard FM will make bb grow more. No?
hui, congrats!! Congratulations to jovial too!!

qiuling, i am sooo worried abt getting botak, have noticed tat my hair is thinning le....

going for 6 in 1 jab for kai later....
hui, got special prize meh, I dunno leh, Megan won the Editor's Pick but they didn't give any special prize...

Ya, it seems babies on FM grows faster but I would like to TBF for at least 6 months...

KC, Ariel not small, Megan is 5.9kg and 60.5cm and she's already 4mths 1 wk
just came back frm tuition, ya man ,hui, i so scared to comb hair / wash too hard hair nowadays cause if do so , hair drop even worse, at this rate, i am joining my hubby and son, we be a happy botak family.
mummies, your 3/ 4 month old babies got show signs that they recognise you? or show preferences on who they want to carry them. i am scared he become too close my maid even though i with him..hahaha.paranoid hor?
elaine, yup Megan can recognise people and places now. She will protest if a stranger touches her.

For her, Stranger = anybody that is not mummy, daddy, grandma and grandpa

She's quite selective too, if stranger is a pretty young thing, she's doesn't mind smiling. If stranger is old or fat, she'll cry or frown...haha
hi mummies

been bz... manage to read up the posts (screen thru most of the time... heehee)...

congrats jovial!!

this facebook thingy seems really addicting... heehee... me ve not explore yet... oni view a few times when u gals send me stuffs... so sorry... will response as much as i can...

hair dropping
yes im dropping lotsa hair too... realise hair gets thinner when i tied my ponytail boohoohoo...
lol....your megan 's pretty smart hor. next time sure want a handsome young thing as bf one.yesterday brought Dylan to my hubby grandma place, he look so uncertain, then his grand uncle carry him , he was quiet for a while, then suddenly he started crying..goodness.
divamama n elaine
my boy recognise strangers too... he will frown and keep staring at them... and if they touch him will bian zui...
Thanks everyone!

Jovial used to frown n cry if stranger touch him but ever since my grandma bring hi to market now he more active n smile to the aunties
i used to think that babies on FM will grow bigger.
but now my boy (partial BF) is the same size as my 10month old nephew (total FM)!!
they wear the same size clothes too!
lizardess, maybe cos urs fortified with alcohol every Friday, power BM, keke...

Rina, yup FBM is frozen breast milk. Dunno if all the nutrients gone liao after freezing so like drinking water.

Honda city is actually 64K. 61K is after discount. The DSI version is cheaper but hb wants vtec engine so he can 'cut' people's car at traffic lights, MEN.....
hui, at least ur thick hair can afford to drop...i dun have thick hair lor...everyday see my hair everywhere very kei shim... congrats !!

kc, i dunno leh...cuz got pple request to join one leh...then we can approve...aiyo, this thingy is abit ku ku lor...whenever i latch athan, not painful leh cuz when they suckle, they use their tongue not teeth...but eventually if i spot the white pearly, dun think i dare to latch liao...keke

rina, aiya...bo bian...my mum was hiao last time...even now too...whahhaha :p

powermama, dun be scared la...ur 3rd time le...our first time, so more tramatising for us... :p

qiuling, wow...so goood go ktv...been long time since i last went...will add u on FB later...
divamama, think bb's growth will slow down once they double their birth weight...if megan's feeding well and sleep well, dun think it shd be a concern...

sy, i also heard tha FM will make bb grow bigger but dunno how true...

lizardess, no leh...didnt have YTF today...today went to Nan ten to have jap food...yummy yummy...juz came back nia...raining heavily ah...luckily i brought umbrella...

hui, oh isit...then how to add phy??
hi kc/divamama,
dun worry about the weight, as long as bb is drinking,its ok... cos some babies are more active so they dun store so much fats...
my collegue's bb is only 3mths old but already 8.4kg liao lor!! super scary! dr ask her to control his milk intake leh..
Elaine, yes. My gal can recognize my mum, daddy and mummy. In term of hearing, she can also identify her mummy. When my hubby feeds her, and I walk behind them but talking to my hubby, my gal will turn her head ard to search for me. My hubby jealous.. hahha.. so far when my gal sees a stranger, she will frown but when she sees us, she will smile.

Lizardess, how heavy is your boy?

Wah did u gals experience that ear-deafening thunder? Wonder if the bb will be startled by it
ken ma, ur fren's bb power lor...even heavier than my boy...hahhaha

lizardess, this jap restaurant at basement of hong leong building...serve nice set lunches at $14.50++...
ks mama called home to ask if bb gal is alright. hahah.. My mum said my gal was scared of the thunder and she pout her lips twice, threatening to cry... mum said luckily she was carrying her if not she sure cry...
elaine and dryper, we must strategise the voting, cos if not the other people will jio more votes. We should last minute before closing all log in to vote then people got no time to react liao...so now elaine and dryper competing ar?

Ken-ma, 8.4kg, that's reli scary but my cousin's son may be like that too cos brith weight at 4.2kg so 3 mths double = 8.4kg! Then soon, he'll be much bigger than Megan though he's actually 3 months younger.

Sporty, heard this Jap restuarant is quite authentic. A lot of Japanese patronise.

Hui, I also drop a lot of hair. So I tried to tie it up loosely in the day, like that, I don't see those strands on the floor, makes me feel better. Only when I wash, I'll feel damn sad cos the entire floor trap full of my hair. Dun even feel like clearing it cos I dun wish to know exactly how much hair is lost every washing, haiz...
hi divamama..ya lor.. very scary to be so big,the PD say the bb is considered as obese liao lor!! i think if he give kendrick one light push,kendrick will fall ...keke....
elaine and dryper, will vote for ur boys tonite as office cannot access tha website...

divamama, ya lor... tha restaurant very authentic, we had a tatami room juz now...very shiok !

hui, added what??
