(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

juz woke up from my nap...
gonna pump n zzz again...

elaine, better see a dentist tom...i hated toothaches too...have to ren for the time being lor...

hui, not onz la...juz happened to be ard orchard for lunch as we were meeting my cousin so juz go n see lor...didnt purposely go for the sale...

lizardess,taka sale was crowded...didnt buy anything much as their variety of toys not as much as robinsons...safety gates i bought from robinsons few mths back...in the store room now...forgot is which brand...abt 40 bucks i think

sy.added u on facebook liao...

bbfactory, damage was less than 30 bucks i think...bought socks n a cap for athan...was so crowded tha we didnt really shop...

gals on fb...can u add phy to our june mummies group?? i cant as cant find her name on my frens list when i wanna add...thks...
$40? that's cheap!
went robinsons just now.
saw one that cost $79.
hubby still say cheap and wanna buy already.
actually we bought not for bb, but to keep my IL's stupid dog away.
moving house in dec, so prob buy when we have shifted, but just source around first.
Finally master the skill of pumping n using PC. Ha! Save time..

Dryermama, glad to hear u r better

Ros, thanks. It is a relieve to hear that vomit milk then smile is ok

Mummytang, my gal also dun like to sleep during the day. Like yesterday, she never sleeps since she woke up at 9am. Though she is well fed and contented, she only slept at 6pm,

Elaine, just to add abt powerpump. During the break, rem to massage breasts. I also do not have much initially but after visiting a lactation consultant n with proper pumping, SS will increase. After latching on bb, try to pump to drain the breasts.

Hui, take care! Rest more..

Some many features!! So confusing!
Sporty, added u.
Phy, I type your name and so many phy came out.. haha.. dunno which one is you..
Hi mummies
now ok ok la.. took medicine, feel nausea but din vomit.. but feel very tired and sleepy..
something to share with u all
for fun

bbfactory , and sy, sob , no bb dun want to latch on after 2nd month, he will arch his back and cry and protest, so i gave up and just pump.will perserve definitely

ssh all just went to see dentist, stupid dentist just knock teeth straightaway say must do rootcanal, then he say must take antibiotics , when i say can take anot i breastfeeding, he say better not bf, i dun believe, so gonna tahan tommorow see another dentist my hubby fren. called her and then she say can take amoxilyn, now still pain pain. aiyo aiyo.

pooh and hui. pls take care!get well soon! the feeling sux hor.
sy, thanks.

pooh, pls take care ok. that time when i was preggy with my first child, i vomit until cannot stop... i went to hospital for drips too because I was too dehydrated... hope after the first tri, ur pregnacy will get much much better...

sporty, i blur leh, i add u in my FB but am I in the june mummies group? i also dunno... kekekekeke
re hi
mummies, may i know how to get renovation loan?

now i keep sippin iced cold ribena.. i want everything cold, so shiok feeling.. but ended up with alot of phelgm.. hahah

amox not so strong leh although it's safe for breastfeeding.. but if the dentist prescribed a stronger one, maybe u just pump and throw away 1st

i catch no balls leh.. got one account but it's just hangin there.. ah lao is the one addicted to it.. can play FB for hours one

anyone join flowerpod ar... received a personal msg from a sickening guy.. my profile i already write "MOTHER of 2 & MARRIED".. but this guy send a msg askin for sex!!! $400!! somemore can tell me blowjob $200!! How to report this guy ar?! i'm still new to flowerpod leh.. So Disgusted!! Yucks~
Hi ladies, I had a good weekend

Finally got to spend family time with hb n Megan this Sat. We went to West Coast Macs for breakfast, then went car shopping. And finally we bought one, YEAH!

Then went back to ILs house, and I think Megan was so tired out she slept from 4pm to 1am. Then slept again at 3am to Sunday morning.

Got my ILs to learn how to msn so that they can see Megan on the webcam on weekdays. I guess this will help Megan from freaking out every weekend. I also dun want Megan to be so fearful of her yeye and nainai.
Think u need to get quote from contractor liao then can apply...

I need to vent
Mei mei just came back this afternoon after spending 2 and half day at MIL....
She came back with...... short sleeve top, LONG pants AND SOCKS.... at a 30++ degree hot singapore afternoon.... MIL must be loony.... to dress her in this manner....
Then more surprises..she must sleep in sarong with a bolster...(she never sleep with bolster before this..) she sleep at 8pm...and wake up at 9+ WANTING to PLAY... (she used to koon all the way till morning..) and she was addicted to pacifier when sleeping..sucking for SO LONG and I had to keep stuffing back..she used to suck till koon and spit out..NEVER look for it till her next wake hours....
And hb even have the cheek to tell me..MIL gian to look after her long period..like every week 2-3 times... think all Shane timetable will be mess up by MIL if this happen in long run... and I will GLADLY say NO
lizardess, yeah...quite cheap cuz its those cannot "open door" kind...tha means u have to cross over it like a hurdle...for u no prob la...ur legs so long...hahhaa...we bought mainly is to keep our dog from entering bb's room but so far haven used it yet as my dog's still at my MIL's...

sy, i mastered the skill of pumping and surfing the net during ML...if not very bored juz to pump only...hahha...yeah, added u on FB as well

pooh, hope u get well soon... reno loan, u have to give original quotation to the bank for them to process...it will be 6 times ur monthly income...

elaine, oh gosh...i hated going to the dentist too...was supposed to go for a followup after i poppped but till now i haven gone to see him...so how's ur 2nd opinion? managed to see a 2nd dentist??

hui, i signed up with studio loft...think must take the pics within 3 mths...

dryper, no la...have to seek for approval to join june mummies or i have to invite u...i tried inviting u but cannot leh...weird...

glayz, meimei botak liao eh?? show pic leh...hope meimei like the play gym hor...sorry, the plastic cover abit dusty...oh yah, mr sporty said u lost alot of weight!! hahha..so happy la hor?? :p

divamama, great tha u had a good weekend!! so what car did u buy?? wow, ur ILs so hi tech ... kno how to use msn :p
sporty, bought the honda city. liked the boot space, quite big for cars of similar size. Got to teach them lah...as long as can see Megan, they'll learn...
sigh sporty, i suppose to ren till tommorow to see my hubby fren, but cannot tahan. pain till cant do anytg, went to Q and M at clementi, did a root canal that lasted 1 hour plus, teared at the sight of the syringe injection, dunno why so scared of needles after operation pregnancy. now lip , tongue, gum still numb, just came back, gotta follow up visits... but then the worst is it will cost over 1k just for this stupid molar....wah biang. heart pain.hope hubby co. can subsidise.
Of cos lose weight la... first time after preggie my tummy so flat...becos no appetie these days..(i was eating a meal a day) on Fri...survie on bread just to take med
Then if I dun take med..will keep LS-ing.... tot over liao so stop med...then next day will keep running for toilet...
already 2 morning of Ls-ing until I guai guai take med....

Thanks a lot for the playgym..Sky was super Kpo and I told him..that is mei mei toy...so he was DISAPPOINTED..... kekekekekke... ytd my mum bought a car and a bus for him..and a rolling toy for mei mei but he keep pestering us to open to let him play...till i buay tahan took away and keep...this evening he make a din..so I took the toy out and let him play..then he guai guai... (_ _)
divamama, icic...yeah...the boot space for honda city quite big...so when are u collecting the car?

elaine, i also very scared of needles...n dentists...i still rem i went for wisdom tooth extraction when i was 8 weeks preggy..it was terrible...yeah, better seek 2nd opinion tom...hope u get well soon...

glayz, no wonder la...u are like slimmer than i last saw u at fish n co...better get well soon...sky was so shy juz now...dun looked as if he will make a din :p
hi pooh,
u need a sales contract from the contractor in order to apply for reno loan,usually ur contractor will do the application for u...
pooh, that time i cannot drink plain water leh... only can drink mineral/distilled water... if drink plain water, i will vomit, got some kind of after taste...
sporty... but got backache leh to pump and use pc.. next time when old might end up walking like with a back like liang po po.. Can i join the june 07 mummies too? pls.................... haha..

glayz, meimei's double eyelids so prominent. So pretty!

elaine, me also scared of needles... last injection was years ago when i extracted 4 wisdom teeth together. now think of it will still make my legs rubbery... hope you will be ok soon.

divamama, what car u buying?
sy, I bought the Honda City, at first was looking at Honda Jazz cos its nice and sporty. But the boot space so small so end up buying the City.
Hi morning,

divamama, so u finally got a new car??? Honda city quite good.. i went for driving lesson at BBDC and they use tt car.. :D ya in-laws real hi-tech ya.. can use msn...

glayz, so good ar.. slim down even more.. i also wanna LS leh... heehee.. :D wah... meimei veri mei mei leh... esp with the double eyelid..
hui, i also wish jerral have double eyelid.. so far onli see one on his left eye.. but thin line leh...

sharon, hihi.. how ya wkend?? :D

we had jerral hm for the wkend.. together wif my mom n niece.. and he was busy lookg ard.. then my mom say he is recognising the house.... then when sleepg time he was crying like anything... hahahah.. heng.. got my mom to pacify him.. then he managed to sleep.. phew.. must bring him hm more often.. :D
glayz, hee.. actuali i nv had those jialat jialat kind of LS before.. hee... last time both me and my elder sis drink tea and eat pineapple.. then she LS but i ok.. wat u eat ar?
morning ladies

divamama, hope u get ur COE soon and can zoom zoom megan ard...honda jazz is nice, was considering tha too then but boot really too small la...

dryper, i tried inviting you leh but dun see ur name there...how ah? think FB is like lagging...can someone else pls invite dryper pls...

sy, sit on a table and chair while surfing and pumping lor...i works for me as i carry both pumps with one hand while i use the keyboard and mouse using the other hand...tried to invite u also on FB but cannot leh...

hui, aiyo...better drink more water...if not u will sound like ah gua :p

sharon, hihi...how's u?

rina, if u dare...can use those double eyelids sticker on jerral...it works for my sis's fren's bb...then ur boy will have double eyelids soon..hahha... :p u sure u wanan LS?? not good leh...dehydration leh

glayz, hope ur LS is better...

pinkzebra, i saw ur lil jedi...so cute :p
the problem is I DUN EAT ANYTHING..is the LS virus going aound that ganna my mum and Sky...then I ganna also

Now I guai guai take med liao...today should be ok
sporty, huh... so young make him to be so aimei alr huh.. heehee.. later my mom will scold me...

pinkzebra, saw ya latest post! xavier so cute in that jedi wannabe hood.. hw was the heyhey pot? wat the soup base like ar?
glayz, then u better "maintain" ur figure after this series of LS incidents...kekkeke :p so tha i can tell u tha u slimmed down again when i see u the next time...kekekke :p

rina, its not abt aimei or what la...cuz its good to start early mah...my mum also stucked scrotch tape on my sis's ears when she was a bb as she had dumbo ears...now she has nice ears and she didnt blame my mum for doing tha...whahahha ;P
sharon, yah... does ya gal like to sit in the stroller? jerral doesn't like... cannot sit long inside..

pinkzebra, u got mail! i juz sent jerral botak photo to u.. :D
