(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

caitlyn, signing may delay expressive language development in the sense that the child is not motivated to speak since he is understood and gets his needs met by signing. Essentially, language comes in when the child wants to communicate a need and that's y they learn certain words faster than others (provided the caregiver facilitates the right way.)

That's y i'm not for signing and make a point to talk a lot to Megan so that when she is ready to speak, she will have the vocabulary bank all built up. Even as I do routine care for her like diapering etc, I talking continuously to her, explaining what I am doing, ask her questions, describing things to her like the details on her clothes etc. It looks silly to an observer cos you'll look like u are toking to urself but seriously, its v impt for language development.

my 2 cents worth

kc, power leh :p ya lor like what u said, no worries of bringing home the wrong bb...heheh

caitlyn, marking compositions again ah??? hahhaha
hui, sporty,
hee glad that you like it ;)
yeah it look so "lifeless" with that "?" there hee.. so I tot we should have something to "call a place of our own". *LOL*
Caitlyn, yep, maybe you should bring him to a PD. Think you & your hubby badly needed proper rest. Hope you can find a solution soon! Did you try leaving him at your mum's place for a nite? If yes, check if he is still having disturbed sleep. If he is ok at other places but not at home, maybe it's "something" at home that's disturbing him? Sorry huh. Sounds really superstitious here but when we dont have the answers to certain things, it might just be the unexplained power that's working.
ok meet my office downstairs, cos we'll be crossing from my office traffic light.
errr.. i've never been there also leh.

the jap rest near where har?
diff to find or not?
hello all

i am down with a bad cough

hubby is ill again this weekend, thankfully now better. sigh. he has been ill so many times this year. i am so tired taking care of bb n hb! i need a break!
divamama - noted with thx! =) will discuss w hb n see how.. but we use it as a complementary thingy to speech so hopefully wun be too averse.. =)

KC - never try letting him sleep elsewhere before.. dun worry abt sounding superstitious.. =)
haha... bored?? hmmm yah my boy zzz in this nice weather, she nothing to do.
call and ka jiao ka jiao.
haha.... i so mean!
sharon, FB is face book...go sign up leh... www.facebook.com

rina/lizardess, u gals kno there's this hong leong finance and maybank at hong leong building rite? in the middle, there's an escalator down...go down escalator can see liao...

hui, wow...juz pump standing?? wow...not tired meh??

lin, hope u get well soon...take care
lizardess/rina/shizuka/J&mum, i made reservations for 5 at Nanten Jap Restaurant at 12pm on 18/10 (thurs) liao...requested for room, so we can sit on the tatami floor :p see ya gals then
think i should know where.
tatami ah... then i better wear pants liao.
btw it's the building opp ORQ rite?
hehe... ask fei hua just in case lah.

aiyer...... i wanna puke liao.
hui, wow...so li hai..can stand and pump and sms ...

lizardess, yes...thas the building...opposite ur building...u cross traffic junction can liao...aiya, no need to wear pants la...today i wore skirt also like tha, think wear easy to take off shoes better...hahhaha
lin: my hb also down w cough. 2wks alreadi! so i hav to do more feeding & carrying of bb. besides my 'daily' job of pumping & 'orh orh' my girl to bed.

hui: wooo...so openly pump. i jus came back fr my pump, office meeting rm. there was once i need to use e toilet (meeting rm in use) & e motion detector is OUTSIDE e cubicle...e lights went out on me & left me in e pitch dark -_____-

yippee! knocking off!
lizardess, i think i know whr alr... the one whr downstair got a watson one.. hmmm... wear easy to tk off shoe ar.. okie...
same lor..that lady using the switch beside the hand dryer..

that's y i say she so relax pumping milk..see liao also envy..lol
tano, so u pumped in the dark??

rina, good tha u kno where...quite easy to find one la, if cannot find then call me la...

hui, she shd go find a chair mah...then more relaxing...hahhaha :p
sy: sit on top of toilet bowl & hold on to my pump & precious milk :p ameda dual pump, put batteries. in office meeting rm i use e plug. can u imagine, i hav to hold my barangs, open e cubicle door & wave my hand outside for e lights to come on again?!
i seriously wish my colleags don hold meetings at e hrs i need to pump. so far so gd...only one time in toilet.
sporty: i kena pump in dark...wave my hand outside e cubicle to switch on e light til i v fed up.

lizardess: my office at level3. i go down to lobby toilet to pump. seldom pp use, so cleaner & nobody walk in & out (that's y e lights went out....).
errrr...i think i wil pack up & run away w my milk if sb is to do business besides me!
hui, ya lor...u shd have offered ur colleague's desk...if not too tiring for her...whahhaha...u are so funny...no wonder u wanna offer ur colleague's desk

lizardess, oi...dun be gross leh...

tano, whoa...tha sounds bad...imagine holding the pump and waving madly to make sure the lights are still on...
lizardess, no wonder hui said the lady so weida...cuz tha lady have to feed her bb with bm tha smelled of hui's biz...kekekkekee :p
