(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

add phy liao

so fast ur son in top 3 #1 liao..haha

hihi! Just back from lunch. Went shopping in Taka & damage is $80. Bought the girls clothes.

Nope, it's a myth that FM milk bb are bigger. My elder girl is on FM but now so small size. BB ariel on FM now too but smaller than the BF bb here. I think bb's birth size is depending on mummy size but subsequent growth is more like daddy leh. Like my elder girl is also quite big at birth (3.57kg) but now so small size (only 15kg for 4 1/2 yrs old) & ariel 4.28kg at birth but now only 6.3. So i draw the conclusion that both of them like me at birth (big size mah!) & subsequently like daddy's genes.

elaine, dont worry lah. My elder girl also taken care by maid but now she super sticky to me & refuse to let the maid takes care of her. Children will be able to tell who are the parents so no worries.
hui, can u invite dryper and KC as well?? since u can add phy liao...thanks

kc, wow..didnt kno ariel was tha big at birth...so was it natural or c sec??
sporty, of course c-sec lah. How to squeeze the "little" fellow out man? When my gynae delivered the bb, his 1st words to her are "What a big fellow! No way your mummy can squeeze you out." Haha...
kc, icic...first one was it c sec as well?? no la...lin, she managed to squeeze out gabriel too, her bb also 4kg++....

hui, KC is K**lyn Chua...
hihihi...i am back
2.5hrs more to go!

sporty: in office u boil fresh hot water to scald ur ameda pump? or ur hot water fr e water dispenser?
sporty, haha... i like the **.
Yep, my 1st one c-sec too. That's why 2nd one dun wan to take the risk since she's so big.

hui, it's K**lin Chua. :p

hi Caitlyn!
divamama - yupz.. busy busy.. hee.. heard frm my mum abt how her boss said i better send my kid to her childcare in future.. haha.. n how the arrow got deflected to u! haha..

sharon - so far working's ok.. sometimes good to hv break from bb.. but v tired all e time coz isaiah keeps us up at nites..

kc - hi hi!
rina, i dun mind going there for lunch on thurs, if the rest of the gals are ok
i can try to call and make reservations...

tano, i use hot water from dispenser as my office cannot boil hot water one...how abt u?

hui, aiyo...i dunno leh...i still blur abt this FB thingy...

kc, use *** to protect ur identity mah :p hahhaha...we always use this at work whenever we mention client's name on email...hahha...opps...got ur name spelled wrongly...paiseh... seems like u tend to "produce" big bbs
aiyo...no wonder ur name didnt appear la, i kept trying and thot tha the FB is ku ku...hahhahha
divamama - haha.. n now my mum nagging me abt e signing thingy! heard u were 'tasked' to tok me out of it too! =) u go for ur company's one got discount.. me no discount leh! haha
hi ladies,

I'm in the group already. Finally.

Got to go to the airport soon cos HB going KL. Sending him there.
caitlyn, yup, she asked me for my views. Then she tasked me to tok u out and I said, not nice lah...but if u dun mind hearing me out. I can share a little on my views..Ya, I got staff discount so might as else use it, is quite worth it, I hope they dun change cos its still a long way to go before Megan can go childcare.
how to be inside e jun mummies gp?! aiyo...v blur.

sporty: my office has an electric kettle but recently started to hav black particles (i dunno issit rust cos i tried to remove w vinegar cannt). we also hav water dispenser (5gallon) but i am afraid e water isnt boiling hot? so not considered sterilising right?
anyways i jus asked HR, tonight i go buy a kettle & claim company
(cos i complain it's rusty!)
caitlyn, so good eh...no work today :p nice weather to sleep in...

phy, good! finally u are in the group already...been trying to invite u the whole weekend...

tano, i have made gals who joined FB admin as well, hey gals, whoever logged into FB now, can add tano??!! If u are worried abt sterlising, can use sterlising tablets, there's another option lor...sometimes i dun use boiling hot water...i will mix cold and hot water...so far so good...
Thanks hui!

sporty, ya. That's why must close factory. If every child i have increase birth weight by 20%, by the time i have 3rd one, i will faint. Some more I gave birth to Ariel at 38 weeks. If wait till full term think might be a 5kg bb liao. My last stage of pregnancy really very tedious. So painful & look as if I can bomb anytime.
divamama - hee.. i dun mind hearing ur views lah.. feel free to share it.. tt's wat forum-ing is for.. dun think they'll change e company policies re discount lah.. frm when i was a kid, already have lor! hehe..

sporty - yup.. but me sloggin over my marking.. left isaiah to my mil then i just mark lor.. occasionally go play with him.. but when he cranky, i RUN! haha.. v tired!!
sharon - yuppers.. last nite he woke at 12+ crying.. then had to carry him n all then he slept.. from 3+ - 6, he was eh-ing off n on every half hr.. faintz i tell u!
caitlyn, did you check with your PD why isaiah is still having disturbed sleep at this stage cos by 4 mths, bb sleep patterns should more or less established. Maybe the PD can give some advice?
rina/lizardess, ok...then i make reservations lor...u gals kno where is it hor?? 12pm...i try to ask for private rooms :p

kc, ur 20% theory very funny...heheh :p but at least when ur bb's born, they are not as fragile...i dun even dare to carry my son for the first few days...worried tha i too chor lok...:p

caitlyn, good la...at least u can do ur work while ur MIL handle isaiah...

pinkzebra, cool!! i was still thinking our FB page so "blank"...good tha u came out with a logo
aiyo...too bad i cant see how it looked like from my office now...shd be chio as per what hui said...
sporty, the percentile based on how much ariel has increased as compared to her sister. But yes, bigger bb easier to handle. At least I dare to carry her. Plus since she was the biggest bb in nursery then, no worries of bringing home the wrong bb. Haha...

kc - i dun bring isaiah to PD for his jabs one leh.. i also dunno y he's like tt.. maybe will bring him to one if he still doesn;t improve.. like some days he'll be okies.. tho most days are bad..

sporty - yuppers.. but feel guilty tt i home but never handle him lor.. mark until eyes crossed.. their work so lousy! haha
