(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

hi ros, thanks :eek:) Lucky you! can go back to work. For me, I need to settle baby Andrea first... find someone to care for her.

haha, ya, leewen, me an ex pri school teacher at rgps, now my only social work interaction are my tuition kids. lol and Dylan..( consider it work?!!)
hi all mummies!

FB is geeting addictive!!
How to go to the June mummies grop huh?

BB nap
what's yr bb sleepy pattern?
Megan seems dosnt like to sleep in the daysleep like only 20mins or 45mins..She will wake up at the slightest noise or easily frighten.
And worst, everytime she see Daddy, she will wail damn loud! Any bb like mine?
I see.. good on you! Do continue on BF. I stopped about 1 month ago... haiz.. ILs and confinement lady think i don't have enough milk so no choice gave in to pressure and put baby Andrea on FM. Haiz... Sigz.. I'm still alittle sore about it :p tell myself if I'm having another bb, I'm gonna be really determine to BF fully. Hrmppp! hmm.. hee..

My bb is fully on FM so takes about 1 week plus to finish one tin.
NTUC selling NAN HA 1 at $33.50. Tot it was cheaper than Giant cos the last time i check Giant, it cost S$35+.

Just came back from shopping at Robinsons. The sale is still on! 20% + 5% for members. Bought some teething toys for Ariel & other stuff. Damage is only $3!!!! (cos have free vouchers)
oh really? think u better go chk again lizardess.. sorry didn't mean to give wrong info :p but for me its cheaper coz i using NAN 1.
btw, if you got someoneone who is a senior citizen, can get extra 2% off on Tuesdays from ntuc..
leewen, if you stop 1 month plus ago, you can relactate you know, consult an LC. do you still have any bm coming out if you squeeze? i also on partial bfeeding. but miserable amount. like 200ml a day?baby on karihome goat.

tang-mummy, my dylan like yours wake up at slightest noise ...
FB: u go to the lefthand side there, under applications, u click the 'group' n u can see the june mummies grp liao

bb nap: normally Amadeus wake up at 5am plus for his milk, then slept till 8am plus wake up. will rf him from his cot to my bed n he will play for a while then fall asleep n wake up at abt 10-11am plus for his milk n bathe...then at 12pm plus, he will take his afternoon nap till 3-4pm plus n wake up for feed n play..then sometimes he will take another short nap at 6pm plus n will wake up at 7pm plus...then play for a while, will wipe him n feed him(if feeding time) n then put him to bed at abt 9plus...

Megan crying: Is it your hb hardly interact wif her? this is wat my hb do: he will feed, carry, play with amadeus every evening after work and then put him to bed after I wipe him down. Then weekend, he will sleep wif baby in his room n take care of him...so now, whenever amadeus see hb, he will smile n play wif him...so u might wan to get your hb to do like this also..
elaine, we ever ried the goat milk at the bb fair...taste so weird n since we don dare take it, we think better don put baby in same position..haha..but i know tat goat milk is gd for him....your bb so gd can tahan the goat milk taste...peifu peifu
elaine maybe u should get some tips from dryper's bfing blog.

increasing ss

U working or SAHM, using what pump?

anyone went taka yet?
Thank you for all ur wishes...
Now at hme as I was sick... keep vomitting and lao sai the night before....

Ytd bored in opic mah...so poke pple lor..and see the efect of water fight...so flood Sng's mummy lor...
so sorry to hear that u are not well - its the T virus! its really spreading! (gosh i watch too much resident evil liao) no offence just trying to cheer u up.

am sleepy at work. I was so tired yday or the massage was so good i fell asleep wo sleeping bag vicky! - bad ma bad ma.
I apply for MC thru my manager...
So my colics all tot I took leave to celebrate.... wahahahahhaha....

But this morning we quickly bring mei mei ovr to my MIL as my mum lao sai is coming back.... so we thinking to protect the youngest survivor...
and when we went over..Sky was sleeping... and got to know from my mum..the first thing Sky did when he woke up is to look for mei mei...so my mum told him..mei mei taken by aneh neh..... then he dun believe... SEARCh the whole house...when he finally realise mei mei not there...he console himself.."mei mei taken by aneh neh..." but sound sad la... then my mum decide to tell him the truth of mei mei in Ah ma house..and ask if h wants to go..he say VERY quickly..."MAI"

u know my mum told me this - she purposely frighten my brother last time say "mummy go far far away" just to make him cry. I was telling her about sometimes letting Vicky cry a little longer as i want to hear her cry - cos i know newborns cries are different & it just sounds nice.

My mum said its becos we like the feeling of them being dependant on us & wanting mummy, so that crying sounds are like 'music' to our ears - haha 2 generations of 'evil' mums - maybe it will be in vicky's blood as well.
any idea if cars can still come into ORQ later?
the roads are not totally closed due to the bull run rite?
else i dunno how to go home liao...
mummy tang, its quite normal that babies end up napping only 20 or 45 mins cos that's the sleep cycle. Ask whoever that is looking after Megan not to take her out to play but to encourage her to sleep somemore or she will end up having a short nap habit.

Glayz, happy birthday!
lizardess, wat time ya leaving ofc? connaught drive is close from 4-8pm.. the rest is from 5 to 7.30pm... ya co nv send out email on the road closure ar? wat is ya email add? i forward u u want?
have... i got the e-mail but i dunno the road outside our building is what name leh...
anyway, it's only block 1-2 lanes issit?
not all lanes rite?
i leaving abt 7pm, you? how you go home?
lizardess, wah... 7pm.. is the road closure timing leh... yah... think still will be able to come in one.. i gg by mrt leh...
Glazy happy bday!

Mich, my mum is taking care of Megan.

sometimes she will have to carry Megan then she can sleep.cos if put her on bed, she wil flip and play on her own.

Ros, hubby actually take care of her 1st 2mths and weekends hubby also baths her and take care of her..infact I am a bad mummy, I only bathes her abt 3times only since after birth and then after tat I went for op.Its just tat so weird, these few days she will wail once she see daddy....
mummy tang, Joy literally did not take much naps for a whole month cos she kept flipping and playing when I put her down... then after flipping cannot sleep liao or I have to hold her down till she falls asleep. But dun sleep, become super cranky right? Complicated leh...
mummy_tang, y so weird? maybe not due to seeing him? hmmmm....observe for a few more days lor....then your hb must be very sad tat megan cried when seeing him...
Mich, tat's the prob lorthen in the evening she see daddy, she will wail wail wail how huh? Dun sleep cannot leh.she also dun drink much milk these days and worst she still reject water ! We started her on cereal cos she dun drink milk but cannot dun drink water cos will become heaty....

To me, I think tat Megan is more naughty than Kor-Kor.and I just dunno how to let her grow.
Hi lizardess
em.... good suggestion!actually thought of going to M hotel for steamboat,but hb say eat steamboat eat until sianz liao..was looking into koeran BBQ, but dun noe where nice leh..
Dear Mommies,

Thank you for contributing your baby picture for the collage
I'll be working on it over the weekends... hopefully will present it to you soon

For those who are keen, can still email your baby's pic to me at [email protected]

Cheers! Happy Weekend to ALL
there is a place next to the Kbox at marina right jap BBQ style about $20+/head. SUKI YAKI i think

food is ok lah. there's simple cooked foods too.

those places u all suggested all very ex hor - now a days i think alot of places buffets all also becoming very ex - THE LINE is totally OUT OF LINE haha! but sounds so good i yet to try.
Ken-ma, i just went for steamboat at HeyHey Hotpot @ paradiz centre, was told the restaurant is opened by the actor terrence cao. Anyway, back to the food there... pretty good I thought
they've got quite an interesting variety of soup base to choose from, price wise also affordable
Overall pretty good. Can give a try if u'r keen
mummy tang, maybe megan is colicky or teething since you mentioned it's always in the evening she cries. Then she wants daddy to sayang her cos feel very uncomfortable?
vic_ma, the Line has alot of variety.. :D went there twice.. kinda disappointed the 2nd trip.. i prefer the buffet at aquamarine at marina mandrain.. i like the seafood there.. fresh.. got alaska crab somemore.. yummy.. :D

lizardess, so far i haven truied pariss.. is it nice?
