(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

i like

chilli crab - jumbo with fried man tou
sashimi - bugis foodcourt - the sit around the counter one - Steve's the guy's name the sushi chef he usually recommends us what's good & what's in season - can cost up to $70-90 just me & hb eat & including 1 box of noodle or rice dish so that we can be full.
east coast - just like the enviroment & hokkien mee, satay, sting ray tea tarik then walk to bedok jetty - but since Vicky popped out - we only brought her once just to eat then go home liao.

Rina & the line
i heard on radio the Flying Dutchman & glen ong i think - they intro that place - sounded heavenly.

I went to that Suntec 3rd floor jap buffet not bad - not the best but ok.

went to that jap rest next to The french lido building one Amis something ar - that place was good but we silly tried their set - end up eating so much weird jap foods - never seen or heard before one. hb & i decided to stick to sashimi if we ever go back. cos its quite expensive.

jap rest at one corner nearest capitol building of chjimes is good at both sashimi & cooked food - u can ask them to recommend your menu but be prepared to pay quite a bit. it was my bd & hb then was bf still trying to impress me - we ended up with a $300 meal!! i nearly kok his head - give me $200 shopping $100 eat i feel happier haha!

rina & KC,
sure sure take your time
just send it to me when you're ready
vic ma.. ya, SAHM , pumping, but sometimes milk not much so i use hands express till wrist pain pain,--go accupuncture but i think it is hard to increase now, unless i pump every hour, dylan refuse to latch on.

ros . ya... haha, the goat's milk is weird, but i guess he is used to it by now. before tt he was on friso.

what pump u use ar sounds like u have a manual pump - cos i think the pump also makes a diff - those electric, dual pumps like the Ameda & medela series usually more apt for pump stimulation for increased bm flow - at 1st i didnt know this too but my friend who had 3 kids 1st 2 not successful - only had the manual avent single pump & alot of us agree its not a good pump for starting off. now she swears by the medela PIS series - but abit heart pain cos she bought it only for the 3rd child - better purchased since so ex for the 1st child lor.

its a problem with most SAHMs usually u dont want to spend so much on a pump lor - however u can give it a try maybe rent one? i know it costs about $70 for pump parts & rental about $10/day min 10 days to rent a medela symphony or u can contact your hosp's lactation dept for any rentals?

once u rented one- u can pump 20-25 mins once every 3 hrs or do power pumping - will detail if u need. if works then u buy the actual pump - i would recommend in SG ameda one $350 during sales can be as low as $320.
whoa...bz bz day...
cant wait to go off...

ken ma, i shd be going taka sale tom...
wow, so good eh...having romantic dinner with ur hb... tonite i'm gonna have korean food, maybe korean bbq too...yum yum

dryper, finally zayhan flipped ! congrats!!
hope u feeling better now...

divamama, where did u go for ur retreat? was it with megan or juz with hb??

leewen, yeah, tha's the play gym tha i'm talking abt...we have other sahm here as well besides u and elaine...hiroshima, bear, mich,ros etc... friendster, i have tha as well

rina, the taka card is with DBS...free parking for 2 hrs if u spend 50 bucks at taka...yeah, the aqua marine's buffet is buay pai :p

kc, oh...the robinsons sale still on?? oh...goodie...maybe will pop by robinsons tom as well...

mummy tang, i think i invited u to the june mummies gp on FB as well...

vic ma, wow...u very active today
u going taka sale?

glayz, ya la...we are drenched by ur water la...so how u plan to celebrate today? cham hor, sick on ur bday...

elaine, maybe u wanna try nursing tea to increase ur supply?? alot of mummies here are taking and they said it helps...or try fenugreek supplement from gnc??
I might go tomorrow wonder if they have latenite shoping tomorrow. Got a dinner birthday party smack in the centre of the day 5pm also dunno what to do tomorrow.

i v excited about taka sale one - cos i have fond memories - when dating my hb & i went before once 9am when they open for their sales on friday, then we even aim which floor to stand outside . taka sales usually very good lor - maybe its like adrenine rush for me lah :p else so bored at work - my manager not around most of the day & i needed to confirm some things with him before i continue my work.

& my HR lady resigned - i feel very sad - therefore distracting myself. My manager also leaving i actually think of the work load piling on my head i want to cry - cos no increment just more work i think.
hi ladies, have a nice weekend & a long one for those taking off on Monday!

e FB, so many apps, like never ending one, even went to pet other pp's pet whom i dun even know who they are! wahaha...
mummy tang, I suspect its just a phase they have to outgrow... I also quite lost too at times leh... How come I dun remember my elder one going through so many things? Or is it cos I forgot already? ha ha.
Sporty, went to Orchid Country Club, company retreat la, lucky dun hv to stay over night, but damn siong, brain dead when i came home...
I want to cry liao....

U know what is my bdae pressie from hb...
This morning at 12am.. he give me a HUG and a KISS and say Happy birthday...then BO LIAO!!!!

That Ngiao man...arghhhh
hello all!

Happy B-day Glayz! HB din get u anything ah...nvm, u splash him waist deep with water lo. kekeke in FB la.

mich, add me as friend in ur FB ley...pls?

vic_ma, wah all ready to go taka sale ah. when? this weekend? i also got $ taka voucher to spend!!! *excited*

elaine, lee wen hello!
ester..i using medela swing single. but still like that. maybe i should try increase the frequency i pump? but dis heartening cause even increase frequency still little. i pump at 6.thiryam , 9 thirty, noon, then 3 thirty , 6 pm, 8/9pm then stop till next day. each time 30 / 40 ml. at best is the 6 thirty pump---80ml.or 70 ml.drink lotsa fluid already, plus milkplus capsules . hiak hiak,....wat's power pump?
how long u pump each time?

i have a power pump method which i shared with the girls previously - i got it off another website forum.

But i modified it for single pump users - let me try to remember.

Power pump for dual pumps.
Pump 20 mins
rest 10 mins
Pump 10 mins
rest 10 mins
Pump 10 mins

power pump for single pump users
pump 10 mins left
pump 10 mins right
pump 10 mins left
pump 10 mins right
pump 10 mins left
pump 10 mins right
Done - you can try rest 7-10 mins inbetween if u need to attn to baby that's fine.

I pumped like 30 mins 5-6 times a day during my 1st week then later 4-5 times power pump instead per day - supposed to guarantee increased milk flow after 2 days. but since yours is single pump - you might want to do it for 2 days straight & at least once for the next 2-3 days. treat this like a spring clean kind of treatment - dont need everyday do this after that - just repeat when u wish to kick up your ss.

however a friend told me (she has 3 kiddos) she tried this method in her 8th mth no results - i think probabily it only works in the initial weeks from mths of the baby's birth - or she didnt do fastidiously cos she has 3 to look after - maybe very interrupted lor.

But for me i posted before i was like 30-60ml after 2 days (i using medela PIS adv) of the powerpump i did up to 170-190ml per pump (peaked 3rd -4th day 1-2 pumps of those days i got this much) then it averaged out (normalised) to like 80-120ml per pump on the 4th -5th day.
vary the power pump as u wish maybe 7 mins each side instead of 10mins - really up to you to control as well how fast u want your results too.rule of thumb the faster u empty your breasts the faster it will refill - in time lah
elaine, i had a low supply when i returned to work. i did the following things religously:
1. eat a lot of small frequent meals (preferably have a snack b4 pumping)
2. drink loads of water
3. pump using vic_ma's power pump method
4. use M-S-S method by by Chele Marmet in between pumps
5. lastly hand express whatever that's left
6. learn to relax, distract urself with a book or whatever.

Now i have enough to provide the feeds when i am away at work and i also manage to stock up an extra feed each week. Hope this helps!
mich/mummy tang, dun despair... my elder one when she was a baby also alot of prob one... when she fall asleep during the day I cannot put her down in her bed, 5 minutes later she will be wide awake. i have to put her on my lap to ensure that she sleeps at least 1 hr if not she will get cranky. she is a very difficult to handle child. she drinks her milk a little bit also and keep on asking for milk all the time... she is a fussy eater when she turns 8 mts. refuse to eat solid. i have to bring her downstairs to distract her if not she will cry non stop and refused to open her mouth. i got no life... but the good news is they will outgrow this so dun fret...

sporty, yup finally he flipped... kekekeke...
hi ester...thanks for sharing. will start later.
just finished a pumped just now at 9plus only 30 ml, then had to stay by dylan side to prevent him from flying arms again. now gonna koonz.

Thanks BBfactory for sharing.
gonna put you 2 mummies advice into prac.
hi mummies,
thanks for the input on the nice food... have console a list liao so that i know where to go for my weekly pak tor..keke... as for today, we went to a mongolian resturant off joo chiat for dinner..not excatly a romantic plc,but they have got nice food... nxt round will be mezza9..(cos today is dress down day,so wear until a little lok kok.. :p )
hi mommies

long time no log in...

wah... everyone is on facebook now? Can i join the mommies group? who can i pm my details so i can be added on? I dun want to post my details on this webbie... so far i only have mrs puppet on my facebook lei...

have u tried some supplements.. goat's rue is quite good.

I agree.. i tried the power pump before it help me to maintain my supply at work.

Drinking lots of water is important.. maybe ur supply is ok but can't get let down? maybe try massaging nipples and breast to trigger the let down... sometimes i can't get let downs so my supply is lower
hi dryper, i have organic mother milk tea, but not drinking religiously, but i bought more milk plus from home on earth, the effect not that fantastic, tabbieus, i heard that goat rue even helped mothers with adopted kids to breastfeed, maybe after i finish my capsules of moremilk plus, i will try that, i tried fenugreek before, no effect, took 4 caps a day.---in the end got loose stools

this morning, tried power pump --yield about 80ml only. si be cham hor. later try try again.


dunno which one good

U try waking up at 2.30am in the morning to pump ba. Cos that's the golden milk hr. I also pump little milk. In fact, I tried all mthds already (including pp, mmt, fenugreek) my ss still low. Only found out cos I got little breast tissue so no matter how hard I try also little la. But the good news is perhaps 2nd baby will be able to have more milk.

Dun be dishearten k. Hang in there and try waking up in the middle of the night to pump. I do that. Makes a lot of difference, u will find at least increase of 20ml if milk I think.
wah phy, ok , i will try do that. hehe,hopefully my son's arms dun start to fly at that time, and i have to pin them. have
a good time at gym, gan batte!
going my mom place now w dylan...raining..
Hi gals,

today not much mummies around...all going gai gai huh...i at home now wif amadeus..hb went back office to do some work...bored...
AFter all the hoo haa i had last month, my body finali break down..I fall sick liao! Yesterday morning fever and very very bad sore throat. After med Fever gone but sore thraot still there..now getting better.. Jovial also sick..Having fever but heng still can play!haha..He hasnt zzz with me since Fri coz left him @ grandparents hse
take care

i also just discharged from hospital..
now nth to do.. as whole family at home, helpin me with trimelle and ely..
i watchin videos on youtube now.. heh
hi ladies

juz back from taka sale...

vic ma, so cute eh...even aim at which floor to start outside taka...any idea for taka sale...how many percentage discount already before the 10% for members? cheer up..dun think too much of work la...i was pissed with my existing company tha i started my active job search

divamama, orchid country club quite nice la...

glayz, aiyo...at least he still rems ur bday mah...

elaine, jia you on BFing...dun give up!!

ken ma, sounds like u had a nice dinner last nite...

tabbiesus, can u PM me ur email add or name? so tha i can add u on facebook n invite u...

dryper/lowja, added u to my FB liao

phy, i tried to invite u but cannot leh, dunno why...can other mummies invite phy pls?? cuz i already made all mummies the admin...so they can invite members too!!

pooh, pls take care...
hello hui, u are sick ah? got take liang cha or not? nowadays the whether no good....morning sunny n later afernoon rain....drink lots of water...
just join facebook.

elaine, add u on facebook.

havent read the rest of the posting. need to zz... can add me on facebook - chew sy

pooh, aiyoh pls take care. hows the pregnancy going?

tabbiesius, ltns.

sporty, wats the damage from the taka sale? any good lobang? i'll b going down tomolo.

elaine, need to perservere for a week or so to see results. btw, do u latch and then pump? or r u pumping exclusively?

powermama, din go anywhere today?
