(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

wat a coincidence! Yeah, for lack of a better place... That school has not had any HFMD case, so I'm reluctant to move to its other branches, which have some cases. Better prepare mosquito patch yah. I mentioned before Kae came home with 7 bites 2 weeks ago.
oh i din noe there's another cc at surbana one. can tell me wat's d name. i m lookg ard cos if i do go back to my ex-employer, they ar at surbana one n staff fr surbana one can get add'l $300 off d rate for LV at surbana one.
you sure you want to go ho chi minh? heard it's not nice...a place full of vices... my hubby's gone there for biz trip. he said quite polluted cos everyone rides a motorbike..and it's boring...if it's for holiday, a lot of pple told me that Hanoi is much nicer.

for less developed places, i would not take the risk with the water. my colleague's bf came back from jakarta with a v bad case of food poisoning because he drank the water from the tap (boiled though!) there. Now my hubby also down with mild food poisoning aft his trip fr Jakarta..dunno what he ate and drank there...haiz...

tiring for me...cos Josh still coughing v badly. and I'm v tired!
agree w nellu hcm not best plc to go w young child. been there on biz trip too and like wat she says, hanoi more scenic. hcm very much city like.
hello mummies,
been a long long time since i posted. been bzee wif little kelly n her meimei who is arriving in abt 2wks time. looks like most kids have started gg to playgrd, kelly will b goin in apr, waitin for approval frm mcys since dat cc is full.
my 'exotic' refers to like south africa, japan etc. .. more ex kind. keke. hubby's frequent flyer miles expiring n so happen some frens gg to HCM. So we decided to go. One of our fren's parents stay in HCM, so hopefully wif 'locals' ard, not too bad. But we planning to go angkor wat, cambodia too. This is something i m looking 4ward to. GG 30 apr, may day wkend and juz b4 jboy's bday .. so still get infant fare. haha.

thanx for the info. I will go n take a look at e filter.

nellu/ tofu
thanx for the info too. Nvm la, go n experience a diff lifestyle
tired giving hou ning to josh?
somehow our kids still can't sleep thru the nite.....
ky also wakes up either for milk or nightmare hai....
josh refuses to take the hou ning...so....

josh if he is not sick sleeps through the nite liao... so not much prob for me, except when he's not feeling well lor...
abt siem reap hor, i suggest you go stay in a nice resort. The roads there are quite dusty. Other than that, the town is nothing much. pple go there more to golf and visit the ruins. Be prepared though when going to the ruins, some climbing required...can be tiring if carrying jboy...

i went last yr jan when our kids were only 8mths. already felt like can die cos Josh so heavy.
Hi mummiesss
How's everyone? Got a quick browsing thru the thread to catchup. Me finally fin my confinement, nw like a panda liao...bbKden is like an owl, mostly wide awake in the nite! His cries always woke bbK up as he's realli impatient for milk n changing...haizzz...still a new adjusting for bbK. She has improved quite alot frm the moment I bring her didi home. Her jealousy was way up ter but nw she is accepting it well though somex still 'fa feng' wanting me to carry in the nite. Will try to come in often as nw realli busy busy wif 2 kiddos + maidless...
zoom zoom.......bk to feeding time...
Hi mummies!
I've delivered to a bb ger on 16/3. called her Shernise. Happy that I dun need to go through induced labour. Was supposed to induce on 19 if she's still not out by then. Maybe the shopping that I went for the entire afternoon did help. Hee..

Shernise is a big bb - 3.975kg. Am proud that I managed to deliver her naturally, w epi of cos. Nobody expect her to be so huge. She's 6 days old now and putting on. Weight well. As u ladies can see, am back to nite feeding routing again.

Cheers! And catch up again.
Hi Tofu..thanks! Din expect it cos Shyanne was also overdue by a week, but weigh lesser..
Think it's attributed to the durian that I've eaten towards the end of the pregnancy.. was thinking I have to eat else after deliver cannot eat liao.. haha

Hope you are coping well. Anyone helping you at home? I will be getting a maid after confinement. Think really cannot handle 2 kids alone. But also scare that w maid = one more person to handle.

Am doing my confinement now. My mum is helping to look after Shyanne, which I initially was strongly against it but now really appreciate it cos I was so tired and the stitches pain is really hurting me. Brought her back in the afternoon over the weekends. Everytime send her back I will cry. I miss her so much. Even when in the hospital, I also break down several times cos am missing her and know that I won't be able to see her.
Morning everyone!

JG, hey congrats! 3.9 kg is VERY BIG to me! Coz my adam was only 2.7 when he was out. Glad you made it natural way....hehe...rest well ok? And do take care of yrself.

Guess u're going thru what JG is... great that u girls can share yr experiences with one another. Do get as much rest whenever possible!

I'm so sorry yr boy caught yr pneumonia...it's really nasty rite..but children should recuperate faster than us adults. Just gotta monitor lor. U take care too ok?

It's my off day today coz i've worked full day on saturday. wonder what I shud do today. Maybe I shud go to plaza sing to get adam a pair of crocs. His daddy lost 1 side of his crocs a few weeks ago...
congrats to ur #2. take care and remember to catch some rest while bb is napping it will helps alot.
Is Javen better already? It's sure is worrying when a young kid falls sick...that time when Jonas on Neubuliser, see him so weak and keep coughing...feel really sad.

There's isn't many CC within walking distance near my house...if go "famous" school, need to travel quite a fair bit which is very tiring for both my MIL (caregiver) and my boy. Though this school is not too big, good thing is that there isn't a lot of kids .. I went to reccee LV at Surbana One, the school occupy the whole floor but because there are many kids there, it's looks kinda messy & crowded to me.

We are referring to MMI.

How many days of Vietnam and Cambodia you intend to go? Think better for you to cook for Jordan there in case the local foods is not too 'clean'.

Your gal sure is one chubby babe! And I guess she really enjoyed the durians while in your tummy. Kekeke..

I can imagine how much you missed Shyanne...maybe another option after your confinement is to leave with your mum during the day time and bring her back in the evening so you still get to see her? If not, can also consider a full day CC?

You must be struggling really hard to manage two kids..plus your hubby works at night and there's no one to help you out with night feeds...

Possible to get your mum to come over to your place to stay and help you?
5 nites all in all. U knw, nowadays no more Nestle instant porridge (muz cook kind) oredi. Kinda diff to cook porridge out of fresh ingredient leh :p Maybe we will feast on Pho bo for the 6 days. U knw, i did raise this concern wif hubby, he says .. 'Vietnam no baby meh' :S
Congrats! Do you have any confinement lady to help you? remember to rest well. sound like you are pretty stress...take care.

your hubby very funny lei...
Hi all mummies
long time didnt log in too.

congrats to your 2nd girl. she's got the same name as my girl. your shernise is really a big girl.

cool dau
I've been to Ho Chi Minh last year. staying at Sheraton hotel. nice hotel. but hor, the traffic there is worse. must be very daring when you cross the road. shopping is not much. been to their diamond shopping centre and also their Ben Thanh market.

talking abt LV, any idea how much is their fees?
Reply your husband this: "Of coz Viet got humans & (babies) lar...just like Africa also got...but they were borned and grew up in a different environment and water...and sad to say, those poverty regions folks survived well on rotting & flies infested foods & waters...but our blessed Singapore babies (including his son) breathed a different air altogether and hence may not get used to even small germs in the food ."

But hor...dun tell your hubby I say this okie...:p

Anyway, I guess if you stick to foods prepared by the restaurants in your hotel for Jordan (I believe you staying at 5 or 4 star hotels at least rite?)...it should be fine.

No chance chat with you though our kids used to be in the "same school"...so is Shernise continuing with the next term of JG?
yeah lor. she is continuing with the next term. I heard from my hubby that you going to withdraw and putting jonas to church cc??
u very cute....

talking about learning vision: i think novena got one in TTSH. the waiting list is very long n waiting time is 1yr!!!
hmm, ya lor now all those nestle porridge are totally gone! I hope there's nothing wrong with them. I brought a few satches to japan the other time, and this adam ate all of them! When they were abundant in sales in s'pore, he didnt even bother to eat 2 spoonfuls. Hmph!

Maybe what u can do is grind the rice grains till very fine, and bring along grinded ingredients (ikan bilis etc)...oh well u'll know what to do

But of course, there's always rice & other adult food. Am sure Jboy can eat well by now rite?

sgn, springdance
there's an LV across yr workplace too - at Gentle road. near IRAS.

so are u doing anymore sprees now? :p I think I bough adam's thermal top from one of yr Gap sprees...

I just got back from plaza sing. i spent quite a bit on a pair of crocs for adam *ooops* didn't wish to wait for BP lah..too long...

btw, my crocs got stolen a few days ago from my mom's place!
so now, i'm getting one thru BP...
i dun mind letting jboy experience some poverty actually .. so he knws how fortunate he is livng in SIN :p but, doubt he can ustand at tis age .. haha.

Sheraton ah .. ok, will go n surf surf see. hubby's colleague dun wanna spend too much on accomodation, so we still sourcing for cheap n gd boutique hotels.
last yr when it's gone i called nestle, they say stop production coz run out of some ingredient .. dunno how true. And they say will only be bac tis yr June.
Heheh...correction...church kindy is next year (coz their minimum age requirement is 3yr)..so tentatively for this year, I'm trying out my boy at childcare centre first.

Overall, lessons at JG is not too bad lar..but my boy is really too dependent on us liao and still not talking..so I tot of "throw" him at no-parent accompanied CC for some "hardship training". I think Shernise's development should be better and she's more outgoing rite?

Me no working near Novena lei...you remember wrongly. :p

Novena & Newton area got quite a number of good CCs....you can consider for your boy...no need wait for LV.

Not only that...I think Jordan's tummy too "weak" to take in weird & not so clean foods at this tender age siah...better be careful, having your child getting sick in Vietnam (touchwood!) is no joke neh!
congrats! wah Shernise is big. i rmeb Shyanne was chubby too. my gynae told me my bb cant b too big cos u noe i petite w small hipbone frame. ash n cher were both of gd size at 3.2kg.

SD, tofu,
tks. tofu, i got ur email. wld reply u tonite can.

sorry to hear tat javen is sick. they wld regain their appetite when fully well n put on the lost wt, dun wori. thomas train cake fr polar but the taste so so. remb to ask them for 'less sweet' cos their cakes are quite sweet.
if i tell my hubby dat, maybe he will say' vietnam no doc meh' .. keke :p Anyway, we will be careful la and definitely no roadside stall for jboy. Thanx
whoops, hehe sorry wrong phrasing. I meant to tell sgn about that LV, and it so happened i wished to inform you too about that :p

just in case, u might want to bring some lancifort (is that how you spell it?) and for the adults, bring Norit - charcoal pills :p
just came back from my HK disneyland trip...we really spend the 3D2N in disneyland only..no other plcs...overall was pretty ok..except my arms nearly wan to break from carrying Markus..

surprising he wasn't scared of those Pooh or Mickey mascot..i was expecting him to cry..but he din..and those mascot made him laugh heartily..
zhu zhu,
you stayed in Disneyland hotel is it?

Markus didnt want to walk ah?
Good that he enjoyed himself. So it is still considered a good trip...:)
hi janet
yes..stayed at disneyland hotel...sometimes he does wan to walk lar..but then when seeing the parade or fireworks..need to carry him lor..n thats abt half an hr show..

trip is considered quite good lar..
Haha...then you ask your hubby he really trust Jordan with the Viet docs?

By the way, wanted to share with you this very nice looking boutique hotel in Cambodia for consideration - The Sothea.

Just google and you'll find the website.

How was the weather in HK when you were there? Took alot of pictures? Can share with us?

Then that's really quite cheap with the subsidy...probably that's the main reason why it's popular and on waiting list.

If I am not wrong...I vaguely remember the standard LV rate is around $500++ per month for half day cc.

Me flying off tomolo..you all take care ya...hopefully my office email will not be over-flooded when I return so that I've got time to come in here chat a little.
weather in HK was pretty humid and there are slight rain on and off...trying to upload the pics on the blog..

Enjoy ur trip..
haha...*hi 5* n gd luk to us...

Me struggling lor, sick of maid liao, giving endless trouble...haizzz. I understand how u feel, wen I was in hospital, bbK came too and I miss her terribly and could see the jealousy out of her wen I was carrying her didi. Heart realli aches hor... gd thing is tat my mum actually stayed over at my plc for my confinement so was not tat bad.

smalldreams, SD
tell me abt it, Im so deprived of slp nw!! 24/7 panda eyes... nite time is realli xiong for tis sec one.

Did u take the CX package to disneyland? Me bringing bbK ter for her bday. But den the 1st wk of May is their peak period, guess the quene for rides n pics taking will sure be long de...
yup took the CX package..u going there during her bday...then u can ask them for some special surprise for her bday..u can also order a cake for her as well..

Saw quite a no. of PRC there...loud n they dun really Q...was Q-ing for the pooh ride..and this lady with her kid tried to cut our Q..good thing the staff there stopped her..
smalldreams / wonder_baby / SD,
Thank you for your compliments. I'm just back from a conference in Washington for 9 days (actually only stayed 6 nights at the hotel) the rest were on the plane. The flight took 30 hours! (2 hours delayed at New York) Sad to say, I transit at Frankfurt and New York but never got the chance to tour the place. Went to visit the White House then realised have to seek clearance from Ambassy at least 6 months ahead! YX's been staying with my parents while I'm away.

I took around an hour to prep YX's bentos mostly. Not sure about his chewing but sometimes I can see the whole corn kernels in his poop! =P

Dun worry too much. Kids are highly adaptable. YX's attending Cherie Hearts at Depot Road come Apr. Hee hee. Very near me and I can pop in anytime to spot check =P

Tofu / JG

I'm trying to convince my DH to go Genting good friday too. My parents booked a room already so no issue about place to stay.. now is whether DH's saying yes.
Re: Toilet Training

YX's toilet trained by my mum. She let him go without diaper and every 1 hour or less hold a cup to his birdie and asked him to pee. Slowly, he knows that if he needs to pee, he'll need to control. Now, he'll go "xiao bian!!!!" ah gong!!!" (urine! grandpa!) when he needs to pee. He's not wearing diapers at home now though sometimes when he's excited, there'll still be little accidents.

Training pants dun really work lei. It leaks!
Re: Bentos

Google a bit and you'll can find some tutorials too. I've seen mothering corner's bentos. She's creative! I bought most of my cookie cutters from cakediy.com during one of the BP spree few months back and some others from this hello kitty shop at Chinatown Point at level 2. Though most of the time, the disney cutters and moulds are out of stock. You'll have to preorder. Bentos can be very addictive and I "invested" a lot into it especially lunch boxes! Will find them to share with you the loots I have
