(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

wonder_baby, nellu
thanks for asking.adam's better now. we brought him to kkh a&e on monday as my mom said he was really weak and wanted to sleep the whole time. his eyes also, like closing all the time! This viral infection was really really bad - the doc said some viral fevers can cause watery eyes too... so guess tat's wat adam got.

he cried bloody murder when kkh doc wanted to check his throat and didn't want us to syringe glucose water too. but an hr later after many gluecose water shots, he became more energetic and by the end of our 2 hrs in KKH, he was walking & running around! So relieved...

but now it's my turn - I'm down with stomach flu & am on 1 day MC today. GP said I caught the viral infection from adam, but i'm not sure if it was because i ate something contaminated...sighs..

so now got 2 sick pple in this home rite now.

well now my mil is staying with my sil, so she let us tompang her flat lor... guess i have no complaints, at least i don't have to put up at my mom's place which is super crowded already...

oh dear, so sorry to hear abt YX's lactose intolerance. But i salute you, always preparing such nutritious stuff for YX to eat - that takes a lot of time & effort!

good luck with yr delivery! I gave birth at 37 weeks... hmm, then does that mean my tummy not so comfy for baby to stay in? hee...

oh no! is there anyone to help out at home? hope you and adam get well soon

chloe's diarrhoea after her milk intake is quite fast leh.
checked out your blog. u are amazing! you bento sets are so nice!!! does it take you a lot of time to prepare them? you must hv a cabinet juz to store all the bento stuff. yx can eat n chew so well. i still hv to cut up food like brocolli into really small bits for my girl
my girl is starting to cough. and she hates the inhaler and cries murder each time i try to puff her. anything else to avoid besides fruits?
It's been really quite a long while since we hear from you...I agree with the mummies that your Bentos look simply fantastic! It's like those display at Jap restaurants..does YX enjoys and savour them?

So which CC have you signed up for YX? I'm probably starting Jonas in May..but I am 99% sure he'll cry the hell when he goes and also, he'll probably not eat anything at all for lunch at the CC.

You popped? Anyway, BIG CONGRATS to the arrival of your no. 2 princess.

Janet / Cool_D
Both of you taking the VIP coach to Genting? "Chao Yuan Kuai Ce"? :p
my mom does help to take care of adam when i nap...that's when I go to her place. if not, my hubby helps out (he's not working yet, that's why). But u noe how kids stick to their mummies like glue when they're sick...

chloe's having cough too? better medicate already... seems if you ask doctors, they say anything can be eaten... but we know that some stuff makes kids cough more. adam doesn't seem to want to eat anything else except fruits for past few days...so we just let him lor... his appetite only came back yesterday and he ate rice, chicken & potato...

Hey who knows Jonas might surprise you by behaving really well in school
No lah.. Just that ur little one wanna come out earlier to see u.. Hee

Anyway, u do take good care of urself and adam.

No lah.. Haven popped. Today 40wk 1 day. Now at gynae doing CTG. Think bb wanna let me go shopping before coming out. Ha! am going shopping later! Last time shyanne also let me catch spiderman3 in time.. Haha
janet/ SD/ WB
i gg during the good fri wkend. Driving again. Dun dare to try coach yet .. scared Jboy will be a nuisance to other passengers :p

Btw, Genting hotel has a kettle in the rm.
wah! shopping. hv a gd tx
u gg isetan sales ah? i hv a frd, her both bbs oso overdue af 40weeks. but for her no. 2, d day d gynae scheduled her for induction, she had labour pain early in d morning.
we hear ur gd news soon
how about resort hotel? have kettle?

Me taking air asia...very cheap air tickets.

get well soon.

usually my girl cough, i only give fish. chicken also I dont give. hope chloe gets well soon
maybe ur no. 2 wans u to spend more time with jiejie 1st..

Just came back from isetan sls..not as crowded as previous few times..cashier Q quite okie..
It's not a matter of good behaviour or not...it's about his inward, timid and slow to warm up character ...which will definitely be there when he goes school. That's why I keep telling myself have to be mentally prepared for him to cry for one month, fall sick, lose at least 5kg when he starts school!! Very heart pain to think about it though...

Cool_D / Janet
Oic...kekek...I always think that go Genting is to take coach...which was what my family did when we went many years ago.

Janet, but you still need to take a taxi from KL airport up to Genting rite?
Self drive got more flexibility . .. Wanna stop, stop. Wanna detour, oso can

Btw, jboy cry more than 1 mth liao. Rmbr e last time I updated dat he was perfectly ok when I drop him at sch, dat was the only time. haha. Nowadays, i drop him, he will cont to cling onto me as long as possible. Only when the teacher finally took over, than he will say his signature 'bye bye' n 'see u' in tears.
are you still bringing Jonas to attend tod classes? I found that that is a good way to ease them into the school/cc envt (where we are not there). Actually Josh not so adaptable one de. It's because of the gym, rim and bb classes that we went to for a few months that built up his confidence. All the staff at Grace Kids can tell you that last time Josh v shy and v scared to leave me when we first started the classes. only towards the end (like Nov/Dec) then he became more willing to run off to play with the others.

and because of the classes, i found that he adapted to CC quite well. The feedback we got from CC abt him is that he's v cheery and v cooperative. so dun worry so much. if your plan is to put him in school, start preparing him ahead.

hahah talking abt crying at the door of sch, josh is also clingy when I am the only one sending him there. If both my hubby and I send him, he's ok. If my hubby sends him he is also ok.

like today, i had to send him really early at 730am. When we got there he wayang and grabbed hy legs, refusing to let go. In the end I was nearly late for my morning meeting...haiz...

i remember the last time we went genting n stay at resort...they have electric kettle but then not every floor will have. 1st world definitely no unless u take the suite. but the kiddo r older now...so only need hot water for milk. so when i stay 1st world, i just collect the hot water fr the dispenser outside in my thermal flask. BUT, i'm not going to stay 1st world hotel anymore. not my type....i cant stand the room. Resort or genting is a better choice!!
heya! feeling better? I hope son! When's yr MC till?

thanks for asking. I'm feeling better, tho i'm on another day of MC today. I hope to really rest & be ready for another fully-charged week next week. Missed so much work liao! Tues- on Child sick leave, wed- on CCL, thurs & fri- on MC myself!

i guess i know what u mean, but i think jonas still got the lead compared to kids like adam coz he's been attending todd classes. the only todds adam's been mixing with are my friends' kids & adam's cousins.

he won't lose so much weight lah... when adam was sick over last week, he lost only abt 300 grams...gradually ...he was 11.3 kg last friday at PD, but was 11 kg by monday when we weighed him at KKH.
dun worry lar..he probably cried..but then when he sees all other kids there..will get over it liao..u know..kids always "monkey see monkey do"..
like sometimes when Markus on milk strike..but he finishes his milk feed in sch..cos all his other frends are drinking oso..
hahaha you know what? today Josh MAJOR drama at the door...screaming PAPA PAPA PAPA.... hahaha...haiz...cos his papa last few days on biz trip....miss his alter male ego...
Agree that self-drive will be good if you know the way...that's why we also rented a car for coming Aussie trip.

Yes Jonas still on once a week play class...but always parent accompanied..he never do it ALONE before. Hence when he start CC, it will be his very first time...So I must set our expectations really low and be mentally prepared. :p

I dun think Adam will "lose out" to Jonas in term of mixing with other kids lei..coz for jonas, it's a 1.5hr - 2hr thingy once a week only...I am sure Adam sees his cousins much more!

Unfortunately, we rarely meet up with relatives...
he wont lose 5kg lah :p kids (generally n Jonas will to, give him some time) adapt well n fast. thou they (most do) will cry but after a while they shd b ok esp if d caregivers in d cc are good n there is lots of fun in learning there
me recovering well. next mon will go back work. miss alot of work too. think work is piling up for me liao. what abt u? feeling better?

dun worry. i think its a phase the kiddos have to go thru. i think its good to put them in sch. though prob they catch germs here n there but i think they do learn lots of stuff in sch. Javen knows how to sing London Bridge is falling down, twinkle stars etc after attending 2-3 months of sch. They even starting to learn to wear shoe liao......i think its a good start for kiddos to learn grp learning....
totally agree with sanrio and cheezel. Have more faith in Jonas and yourself. If you feel positive about it, he'll feel positive too. As they all say that kids see their parents as their pillar of strength, if they see their pillars of strength wavering, they'll feel frightened too.

btw, slowly move away from him at those classes lor. That's what i did with Josh. it really did help.
changed back to your old nick already ah? Which play school is adam going? GUG?

Yes, will still need to take taxi to Genting. But is thinking of taking the shared van..cheaper.

good to know that you are better now.

thanks for the link. Actually, i booked the hotel online, but wasnt paying attention to those details.
Sanrio / Cheezel / Nellu
Thanks for the encouragement about Jonas going to school...

Short term challenge now...Aussie holidays next week..pray hard we get over with enjoyment! heheh..

How many of you going to Genting?
haha i'm very fickle and quite bo-liao at times too, that's why can have time to change nick. anyway very fast ... 1 minute or even less!

Anyway Adam's not attending any sch for now. Maybe I'll place him in this tiny playgroup rite infront of my mom's house. It's run by...my ex religious teacher (when I was like 9 yrs old)..! Haha! But I intend to place him there later on...maybe after he turns 2 +

Hey i'm so envious u're going to australia! Which part? I so miss that place. Wish you a good trip there
Now AUD slightly higher than SGD already huh... my colleague going back to perth this thursday

I was thinking abt what u said about you not being a house-work person....but then again, WHO IS? Haha! I don't think any woman would declare them to be fit for housework... hehehe...

Btw mommies
I brought adam to see thomas & friends show at JP. Waiting time : 30 mins. Showtime: 15 mins! HAha! But I tot of just bringing him out for a little trip since he's been couped up at home during his fever..
only hubby, me and kid going to genting.

I'm sure you and family will enjoy the holiday..

Small dreams,
you used to be in Aus?

got lah...there are some women who just feel that staying home and looking aft the family is their life long ambition....
Actually I don't mind that, but I just dowan to do housework. can? But i do wonder sometimes - doesn't housework mean we're able to provide some kind of care for our family... and we have family to begin with...hehe...

can say so...was in perth for 3 yrs...study only lah.

When r u going to genting? Will yr gal be big enuf for the rides?
The last time adam went there, he only looked at the rides....hehe so ke-lian.
genting do hv some rides for e younger kids .. provided they are gungho enuff. Not forgetting there r oso those carousel, ferriswheel, monorail, and e kiddy rides in the arcade
I am envious that you & family have went to JAPAN! I LOVE sashimi.... Hahahaha...

Just that if our family go Japan, there's alot of "homework" to do (you had the luxury of family relations doing the research ya? :p) and we are not sure whether we can get by due to the language barrier...hence, the 2nd option of Aussie... We going Gold Coast & Melbourne.

Janet / Cool_D
I believe your kids will enjoy the kiddy rides and cooling weather at Genting...and you minus the STRESS of long flights.

My hubby already annouced...NO MORE long vacations for us for the next two years after this one...he "bankrupted"...
sorry took so long.
- movieworld
- dreamworld
- zoo at brisbane
- wildlife park (not too bad but not fantastic)
- we went up the mountains
- we went to some small towns like robina
- factory outlets (ok, can't comapre to the US ones in terms of brands/varieties/prices)
- beach
- weekend markets (i like d wkend mkts in australia)
- fruit farm (we went to 1 tropical fruits farm but agn nothing much)
- bee n choc factory (is very small only)

i wont recommend seaworld n sunshine coast/plantation (our personal opinions lah)

little tip: u can go to the tourist booth located near the hotels, near marriot area n pick up some brochures n see which are d interesting places.
Ouhh, maybe I didn't look hard enuf. Or also very noisy lah in the indoor game area so we just went out to the outdoor area where it was cooler...

Hey at least both of you are working, can still enjoy a vacation at times! But now that economy is not doing so good, i think it's a good idea too not to go on long vacations.

Anyway don't worry, I'm not even chinese speaking, yet i survived in japan. chicken & duck language lor...ehehe

Goldcoast is nice, very touristy. and activities are perfect for children & families lah..hehe..

I love australia for the weekend markets. Try googling Carerra markets or something like that, like what sanrio said...Lots of knicknacks to spend yr $$ on...heheeh

So fun! Enjoy yrselves!
i tink outdoor themepark wud be too 'old' for our kids. But outdoor strolling to enjoy the weather wud be nice

not ez to get thru' e 4 hrs car ride oso :p We try and time it so dat it is his nap time, at least we hv 2 hrs of peace . hehe.
me going genting end Apr. my hubby also at first didnt want to go. he said so boring...then i have to say it is for the kid...then nagged for a while before he agreed. maybe all men are the same. i dont know, this could be a sweeping statement.:-o

so you studied in which part of Aus?
yeah i agree, it's cool outside, although i remembered it to be cooler when i went when i was 11 yrs old. gosh, 18 yrs have passed...

hehe, when he's there he'll enjoy himself, i'm sure
I studied in boring ol' perth last time. I miss its slowness now that i'm back here.

btw, are any of your kids into the habit of opening the fridge rite now? Adam is. Every few 15 to 30 mins, he'll stop playing and suddenly "remember" to go to the fridge, open it, look-see, then take what he wants. Sometimes if nothing suits his fancy, he just close the fridge door. Tsk!
wow, adam so much strength to open the fridge door? my girl loves the fridge, but no strength to open. So when we open the fridge, she will not let us close. But i always say, 'help mummy to close the door'. then she will really help to close...haha, trick her into closing the fridge door

that's so cute! I must try that trick! I think my fridge door is not as "Tight" anymore, so it's easier to open.

But I think now our kids can listen to instructions - they're so cute & "Useful" haha! such as, "Adam, help Ibu switch on the TV" or "Adam, help get Ibu's handphone" etc, then see him bobbing up & down looking for the stuff, haha
smalldreams, janet,
i get Josh to do a lot of things in the house all the time since he wa 14-15mths...he loves to do it anyway...hehehehe....
smalldreams/ janet
oh! my ky is also a fan of the fridge! he everyday will aim to run towards the fridge when we open it ( cos he got no strenght). he likes to dig out fruits and his fav cold drinks etc. we are like playing hid and seek, open the fridge secretly.

i like to instruct my boy to help me by passing the controller or pass me the hp too ha ha ha.
haha, finally we can have little helpers.

let's wait till there 14 - 15 yrs, see if we still can make them do it as willingly :p
Thanks for the list of visits for GC..appreciate it!

I dun think we will be going to Sunshine Coast, the small towns and the mountains since we are staying only a few days so not enough time (I know your family spent much longer in GC ya. :p).

Yeap....BANKRUPTED after this coming trip...Japan maybe have to wait two years later! Lolzzz.....

How about you? Any upcoming plans for holidays?

I dunnoe whether is it the husbands' unsporty nature...but my husband is for sure not willing to go on holidays...I had been "nagging" him for a very long while before he finally accepted the proposal to Aust...but now, he's always complaining "No more money" even before we set off for the trip. Haizzzz.....

I read that you are now a member of the Breast Feeding Mothers Support Group.. so what's your role as a member? Curious so asking.. :p
Nah, i'm not planning any hols. seriously, japan wiped out quite a bit portion of my miserable savings. So i think I'll stay quiet-quiet in s'pore. unless just somewhere nearby lor. U have fun!
most welcome. u wld b gg melbourne too right? i studied there, i like d place a lot. if winter, can go up d mountain to c snow but it's very cold. brg thicker clothings, melbourne can get real cold some days. but u gg b4 winter right? great ocean road is v scenic but d journey is far n not recommended if u get car sick n if Jonas is not used to long car trip. queen victoria mkt n wkend mkt at st kilda is nice. there are factory outlets too if u venture out. else is shopping, to the garden, sightseeing. melbourne is a nice place for a gd, slow n relaxing trip too.
hello mummies!

long time no post, how''s all of u? I'm now on ml with my #2 born on 15 feb. Congrats to JG too, who's expectg another little one. Welcoome to the old cycle of panda eyes again! ;)

So envious of all those gg on holiday! Everytm i thk abt gg hol, i always ditch the idea in the end. No money lah, leh cheh lah, this lah, tat lah, end up stay home! Now w #2 thk it's near impossible liao!! Somemore #2 really more of a monster than Kae...

SD enjoy ur hol!
Javen also open the fridge. even the freezer door he also open. always open n take his cheese to eat. i change 2 door latch liao. the 1st one spoilt by him. second one more sturdy....he dunno how to open....hehe....

Javen down with cough. cough very badly. very worried. scared i spread to him. haiz....

hahaha, nothing lah...joined cos initially planned to train as counsellor but aft that got job so put that on whole. In any case can get discounts on some equipment and stuff for pumps and all...

your hubby last time before having jonas also dun like to go travelling one is it? mine one hor, ask him to go outing, he's v lazy, but when comes to go holiday, he's quite on. He must go once a year, o/w will become cranky old man...hahaha

melbourne's so nice...i like melbourne too. hoping to go back some day.
