(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Kongrats Kris!

That's nice! Now got 2 princesses.

Still not time for me to have my 2nd one yet... gotta try again next month...

HEy, take care okay? Someone told me that honey helps in reducing cough. Why don't you google & consult someone to see if it works, before giving it to the boys? Also, Don't give fruits ok? That one really causes cough.

can try fisher-price.com they have little games and to learn.

Congrats to Kris on the arrival to her #2 bb!!!!

got try giving ur boys hou ning?
how about the zi ke soup...u can buy those pre-pack type from those chinese medicinal shop...i always buy and give my girl to drink...then the whole family drinks as well...keep us well...
but i think only for javen. jaren too young now to drink this kind of soup

started trying already...? all the best.

yah, how to keep the food warm? I still put the warm food in thermo flask/container now
I gave hinm a few dose of hou ning before I brought him to kk. Then stop n give him med instead. Prob now at night I will give him hou ning to see if better. He has lots of phlegm. My mil just told me he vomited out lots of phlegm this morn.

toddle can drink those zi ke soup? Those herbal stuff to make drink right? My mom make for me when I was coughing badly that when I down with pneumonia.

I heard honey with lemon for cough also. But I dun dare give javen honey now. Honey can cause allergy. Anyone tried giving honey to ur kiddo liao?

realise javen start to be more picky with food now. Previously he just eat whatever food we give him..now he will tell us he dun want vege dun wan carrot etc. n when we feed him our food at times, he will reject n only eat those which he likes like eggs, fish etc.
i think fruits are a main no-no for cough. Adam loves fruits, and when he was coughing, I gave him grapes, apples to eat. And he coughed like mad lor. After my friend said no-no to fruits, i stopped giving, and he became much better. so don't give lemon etc also k.

fish is good for javen what...ehhehe.. cute boy, so small already can rule what he eats :p

Yes, I think I'll start TTC more seriously after my menses this time round. Now I know how disappointing it is when women get their menses after hoping to get pregnant. Empathise with those who try much longer & still not conceiving....

i think Sanrio was referring to www.starfall.com
starfall is a nice website learning for kids le. Javen pick up alot from there. Eg. when we go to letter "D" and he sees the doll, he will say dancing doll...and he can say A to E now.

ok. will stop giving him fruits for now.
i managed to find the website last nite after scrollin thru the past posts..
yes, those herbs to make soup...usually those pre-pack are not so concentrated, so toddler can. no problem...if u feel cough is something javen always get it. maybe u can just make the soup even when he is well..just as preventive measures.

Coughing out the phlegm is good. toddlers dont know how to spit out the phlegm, so coughing them out is one way...actually, i also dont know. so i usually swallow back in...disgusting horr...

u very funny lei...
actually i will be trying so...hoping to have luck soon.
you cannot 'baby dust' me...later you dont have enough...hee hee.
I return you your 'baby dust'.
my company bus drops me off at tampines mall everyday after work. anyone wants to visit Kris? sms me yah? (but weekend I go back west side)

must continue to feed those vege. maybe too much fibre, so you gotta cook a bit softer. sometimes I will starve Cookie until he just has to take the vege. I will go meat-free for a day (noodles with vege and egg only)

re: cough
yah, cannot give fruits until fully recover per TCM doc instruction. think it really helps.

me no flat, no choice. also hb is only son.
do you want to stay with your kids next time?

smalldream, Janet,

re: youtube
Baby Cabbage is addicted to:

Cookie is addicted to:
Little People from Fisher Price

Have fun!!
I can now sing both songs. heh.
yup, tats d website. is gd. cher loves it.

cher loves vege. she is a vegetarian, she dislikes meat. me oso hardly go for massage, all my tx are given to d kids. i work 24 hr, 7 days a week :p tough job, somtx i wish to return to d workforce, mayb next yr, c how.
u are right, SAHM really works 24/7. It is a harder work than working as an employee. AT least, as employee, time up, you just leave. SAHM cannot do that.

my case is same like yours. that is why my motherin law is staying with us now.

my girl used to be very fussy with food, now she is better. Maybe because with more teeth now. but things that she doesnt eat, i will hide and make small pieces and mix in her carbo. so that she doesnt notice. maybe you can try that. Or you can make veg creamy soup. I usually make either broccoli or cauliflower soup.
Me too. So staying with in laws too. Even when move new hse, in laws also stay with us.

Ya. I did. I cut the vege into small piece and mix into his rice or soup.
jeanyard/ janet/ cheezel
oni son meaning no other siblings? for me n hb, we loves e idea of our own house, but than, oso loves e family time wif parents. So, we make sure they r all very close by. my parents stay 5min walk fm my hse, n my IL stays 5min drive fm our hse
wow, so near, that is good.
but my parents are living in a mature estate, so difficult to stay SO near. now, it is 15mins drive away.
Morning mommies…
intend to bring both my kiddos to Switzerland either next month or in oct. anyone with experience bringing kiddos to cold countries? Javen always down with running nose n cough…very scare le. Somemore he dun like to wear sweater…..not to say thick clothing.
wow, why suddenly so far...? because u going there for conference?

I think by then maybe Javen will wear already, since so cold. He did wear the sweater at genting right?

maybe can bring cod liver oil to feed him
We taking my hubby’s company free tics entitled to him each yr. My hubby has been working there for few yrs n we didn’t make use of this benefits while his colleagues were all taking and flying ard. Reason for not using is cos its subjected to load of the flight and with kids, will be abit troublesome if really cant board the flight at the last min. But when I think it over, I think its quite wasteful to let the free air tics get forfeited each yr. we can just go on low season etc to avoid such problem.

We prob choose oct to go as by that tat Jaren will be 1 yr old liao and prob easier to handle both kids together. Just worried abt the weather, meals and health for the kiddos. But my hubby’s colleague brought his 2 month old baby there and she only cry during the flight and thru ought the trip, seems to very smooth.
Morning mummies!

Wah, u're quite a powerful woman hor..hehehe but good lah, family support is very important.

hey, so exciting!!! Switzerland is a really really beautiful place, you're going to love it there. The air is clean, and the city is just so nice. And the mountains... *sighs*

Don't worry too much, children adapt quite well to cold weather. Just get thermal underwear if you're worried, and make sure their jackets are the good, padded ones. Socks too, all the time must wear.

U can bring some supplements like what Janet said too. And vapour rub for babies. And moisturizer too. So exciting. Lucky you to get free tickets to switzerland!
Hi mummies!

Congrats to Kris, and nice to see you here Miss Tan.

I sometimes also give my ds ChildLife Vit C. From GNC.

Oh, any mommies wanna buy potty? Yesterday I saw Thomas potty from Mothercare at Plaza Singapura, selling so cheap, at $19? or $18. Go grab it! It is those very comfy, with side and back support, basically like a chair type. And stable too. I have that design, but not Thomas lor.
wow, your hubby's company very good lei...people now all cut cost, his still giving out free tickets.

2 months is easier than older kids...because they just sleep...remember ours when 2 months...we could do so many things while taking care of the babies, but now, no time for everything already right...aiya...
ya u right also. 2months old only feed, change diaper can liao. if older, will run everywhere.

my hubby in airline company ma...so this is one of their benefits.

Re: Bento warming
Have check with Taro.....just put the bento set in a warmer bag to keep the food warm. warmer bag can buy fr daiso...quite a no. of designs
thanks for checking on how to keep the bento warm. I am also interested. But dont think will be so creative...must practice make perfect
way to go man. My in laws only want to move me, not the other way round.
My Hb used to think can save more if don't apply for flat at all. now he thinks of buying as investment.

re: housing
Anyone stays at DBSS flats? what is the price range like?

really admire you can lug two monkeys overseas. I prefer not to bring them so can have er-ren shi jie. really looking forward to a break but now company picking up so all of us working really hard.

Janet, sanrio,
my company is 24/7 so sometimes I have to wake up in the middle of the night to answer phone calls. Irony is my kids sleep throughout the night. My other "babies" are my machines running at work.
It's funny that FTWM wants to be SAHM and vice versa.
sometimes I wish I have my own house and be housewife. I like to be the very Japanese or Stepford wives- professional type: make breakfast, send hb and kids to work, sch, do housework, high tea in the afternoon, fetch kids, coach study, cook dinner, fetch hb back again.
Hi Cheezel,
Thanks for calling. Dun check the thread so often. Sorry if I missed any posts.

Kris! Congratulations!
<font color="aa00aa">hi mummies,
tx for all the wishes. bb born on 31/3/09 at 0630hrs, born at 3.01kg n is 48cm tall. consider quite big for a 37wks bb. i had c-sect tis time coz bb head still up at 37wks.</font>
re: DBSS unit
what do you think of the place? is it worth the price? the furnishings is good quality as compared to normal BTO units? half mil for 4 room?
congrats kris!! Kerryn is a nice name.

aiyo, i din know grapes and apples makes them cough. i have been giving Sophie lots of fruits, grapes, strawberries, apples, avocado, banana (grapes are her all time fav) and i'm wondering why her cough still so phlegmy. thought fruits good source of vit. avoided orange because i know that's not good for cough. any fruits that i can give?

anyone knows what supplements, if any, should we give to our kids?
Kris! Congrats on the arrival of BB Kerryn. Saw your post on the March 09 thread also.

So good.. Your kids sleep thru the nite. I find that Shernise is more difficult than Shyanne. She *Screamed* more!! I don't remember being so tired then with Shyanne leh. Wonder when will she sleep through the night.

Re: Childcare
Anyone staying in the Jurong West who knows of good/ better childcare? Am going to put Shyanne there. Think my mum will go crazy looking after so many kids (she gotta look after my bro's bb also - who's delivered 2 weeks after BB Shernise).

I'm already going crazy with Shyanne and Shernise. How some of you handle it? Zhuzhu? Jeanyard?
du worry. little Jaren also sleep thru the night but not his elder bro who still fuss n cry in the night a few times....zzzz......

i stay JW. which part of JW u looking at??
hahah I only had my boy..better check with the others who had 2 kiddos..

Not sure abt the furnishing leh..I think hers is consider a 5 room flat..but then she told me the rooms pretty small..and the balcony is damned big..But seriously..I think DBSS units are pretty expensive leh..half a mil for a HDB..might as well top up more and get a condo?

Pisces gal
yup cityviews..
fruits are good source of vit to build immunity but when kids kenna cough, it's too late to build immunity. instead, stay away all sweet and cold things until they stop coughing in the mornings.

can try whispering hearts at Jurong point nearby.
Cabbage screams a lot too but she's just very vocal. we try to feed her at 10 or 9plus at night and she;ll sleep until the next morning 7am.
Cookie wakes up sometimes and I just say, go to sleep and i pretend to sleep. he'll sleep.
actually I get insomnia or will wake up every night too.
think it's a mummy's problem for all of us.
I don't like condo cos the maintenance is quite high? and for half a mil, maybe only 4room type and even smaller then DBSS.

DBSS = design build scheme sites?

if put kids in childcare, get ready for more childcare leaves cos virus outbreak is very common. i can't cope either, I rotate my kids between my in law and parents so both sides get rest
<font color="aa00aa">lynn,
apple shld b ok, kelly usualli takes apple. u can try papaya oso.

Shernise oso a march bb? which day?

actuali i tot the maintenance for condo n HDB r not too much diff. after u add in TC charge n season, condo comes to abt the same with facilities. but the space area is definitely smaller.</font>
