(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

i see. Thanx. We are also looking at staying in sofitel in HCM. Yday hubby told me his colleague not keen to go cambodia leh .. they rather go like Hanoi instead .. hiaz :S

Hi berser, saw your question asking about Shaws. I have been to their open house @ Mountbatten. And have to say that I think the set up is very nice and my hubby likes it alot. But the price is on the high side and surrounding that area has construction going on. So taking these into consideration, we have dropped this place. Perhaps you can go there and have a look.
hi mommies,
long time never come in here cos HB overseas and i'm soo busy at work (even though have pay cut but more cost cutting projects). Now must jaggar work, 2 monkeys all by myself.
Had an au pair last week to help out and she was really good, at least I don't have to run around the house with my son and he likes to play with her. Also ended up teaching her some cutlery skills but overall I had a bit of rest.

Noticed some have joined the Mummy-of-2 club. The rest: jia you!!
Would like to have 3 but really too stressful.
Anyone with backache problem? or see chiropractor? can recommend?
Some have to preorder and takes approx 2-3 weeks to arrive. I always overspend there. kekeke. Hello Kitty too cute to resist! :D

I always go to this Yin Yang for my backache massage. $30 per session by this very old uncle but he's good. You go try it out. I sms you his contact when I find his card.
heya jeanyard,
i spotted ya at the sprees section, hur hur :p

I'm so looking forward to joining the Mum-of-2 club! If possible, I'd like 3 too....or even 4..hahaha! But don't know can cope or not.

And silly me didn't take note of my last menses date. Yesterday the whole night I felt some kind of discomfort in my chest - something i experienced occasionally during pregnancy. Hmm..wonder why...
maybe good news is on e way
Thanks for the well wishes. I'm still struggling with Shernise's nite feeding habit (hourly feed at nite and 2-3 hrly in the day!!).

Re: Mum-of-2 club
Smalldreams, Jeanyard:
I'm also thinking of 3. But think it's too costly to have kids in Singapore. V stressed leh! Also, I can't imagine gotta go through the initial months of the kid all over again.

Smalldreams, go test and let us know the good news.. hehe

Good that ur mum is there to help you during confinement. Shyanne doesn't seem to show any signs of jealously leh. Maybe she's too pampered by my mum already, so she dun feel threatened. Heh..

Re: Breastmilk
Can I ask if I could give Shyanne the excess breastmilk? Am also wondering if she will take or not.. Heh..

Am not intending to start storing now, since can only freeze for 3 months. But Shernise is not drinking a lot of EBM. Most of the time she's latching on, and I gotta expressed to relieve my full breasts.

Now, cos of the excess, I warmed a lot of EBM for Shernise (hoping she will finish and sleep longer at nite).. but she only takes half and fall asleep. Ended up gotta pour away the other half.
one of my colleague mix her BM with FM and give it to her gal..cos sometimes older kid dun like BM fishy smell lar..so must use the FM to cover up the smell..
u try n see if shyanne likes o not lor..

Does any of u has extra Huggies Ultra or pull up barcodes together with the points? I need them quite urgently.

Can PM me? Thanks! Thanks !
me no time to shop outside now, can only shop at home when both kids are sleeping.
so any good news to share?

massage by uncle safe or not? I don't like men to touch....

why not buy another packet of diapers? I stock up quite a lot whenever got sale.
I used to give Cookie the Poorer quality BM, better than pouring away. you can use it like water and give 1-2 scoops of milk lesser.
i 'donated' my excess then for research, gave some to ash (he likes it but only d fresh ones cos he said d frozen ones tasted not nice n refused to drk) n threw away quite a lot too (heartpain).

Hi jeanyard,
how ar u? i hv v frequent n quite bad bkache esp af giving birth to no. 2. i tried TCM recently n i find that it works. occasionally i go to spa esprit for massage. i tot u hv a regular massauer?
but for research purpose, they only want the freshly expressed milk in d morning n they wld collect it n brg to lab for testing within 2-3hrs i think.
i hv. ok wld add u. saw ur disney fotos, very nice

whenever i drove past ur place, i can alwy c d beautiful sunset fr far. so nice... ar u still full tx at work evy day? hvnt met up w d rest of our support gp mommies for a while..
now hb overseas so i have no time to go for massage, gotta look after the 2 kids after I knock off work. hit Cookie a few times cos i'm so frustrated and tired and in laws expect me to take over after I know off work. sometimes I just want to scream and die. now will just bear with it until hb comes back. really want to stay outside on my own and run away from motherhood.
Hi all

Long time never chat in here, happen to click in and so nice to see many familiar mummies here. Trust that all of you are well

Is anyone lucky enough to grab Giant's pampers pricetag error last Wed am before they realise the error? 3 boxes of Pampers for $60 only.
Hi, I have a Neo Garden buffet voucher $80 selling for $50. (inclusive of normal postage)

Applicable for normal buffet. (Good for birthdays)

Terms & Conditions:

Expiry: 90 days from 29/03/09
Not applicable to Big Value Pacakge and all High Tea menus.
Limit to one voucher per order per day.
Not valid with other promotion or discount.
Only redeemable with regular price menu.

Pls pm me.
ya...the PT job is like a FT job...cannot tahan liao leh...think have to hire live-in maid...everyday so tired, rushing here rushing there.

i also haven't met up with them for a while, except last sat bumped into Elin, Shane and hubby at GlenE. In any case, we live few blocks away mah...so sometimes will still bump into each other.
Ms Tan
whats the difference between those boxed pampers & the ones in packed? I just bought the ones in the packs 2 weeks ago coz they were on offer. Still not as good as mamy poko & huggies though...

the convenience of a livein maid is really there huh? but of course lor..comes with a lot of other factors...
Ms Tan
3boxes = 6 packs = $60 !!!
aiyah should hv rush down to giant..

the box one actually contains 2 packs inside..so its the same..just dat the box is very cute..and can be use to store things..

not sure abt u..but sometimes i do think its nice to live with ILs...at least dun have to rush here n there to pick ur boys up lor..of cos having said that...living outside oso got its pros lar..
oh ya hor, but I'm not keen on such boxes - my place is so small! They'll just become clutter (the boxes).

Did anyone participate in Earth Hour? hehe!
long time no see. give me a call if you go Tampines mall to shop.

I am waiting for the last episode of the channel 8 housewife. nowadays learnt how to watch only first and last episode.

only stressed part is I cannot throw tandrums like my kids when HB is not around. so really need 100% tolerate.
it's tomorrow
2day start to show side effects of e holiday liao. . Hehe, looks like we mothers will neva be able to dump hsehold down, n enjoy w/o them. For sure I can't .. so rather lugged jboy along even when i go not so kids friendly places like vietnam/ bangkok.
there are companies that could do massage at your home. but they cost the same as doing in a spa. I saw the ad in April issue Simply Her. You can buy an issue and check it out. there are other lobangs too, like at home facial, etc. If you want, I can post the massage contact here too.
*hugz hugz*...when ur hubby return..tell him u need to chill out..

My kiddo had running nose AGAIN!!! haiz..
wanted to ask u mummies here..anyone start giving their kid honey already? i think my kiddo had enuff of medicine liao..wanted to try some natural remedy
I tried once. but just a tidy bit. mine is raw honey. heard it is good. i am eating that myself. so when my girl saw me eating, she also wants to try. but she hates it...taste maybe too strong for her. no allgery though, think u can try if you want
i don't really give honey itself but he has tasted some honey before. A friend of mine says it helps reduce cough. Not sure abt that though.

Oh you bot the really raw honey huh? There's a spree going on for it rite? I bought a small tub from Guardian 2 mths ago. definitely more worth it to get it online.
I oso tried the raw honey myself b4..not as sweet as those manuka honey...just order 2 small bots from the spree..
smalldreams, zhu zhu,
I didnt buy the really raw honey. mine was also bought at Guardian but it is a cheaper brand. My first time mah...so didnt want to spend so much buying the really raw honey.
should try the raw honey..but just dat seeing those other particles on top of the honey abit digusting lar..

I remember u mentioned there is 1 website whereby u let cher learn some ABC or something..can i have it again?
i managed to catch the last 30mins of the housewife last episode cos in law kept hogging tv and I super pai seh to ask for telly time.
I don't think I will be ask forgiving as Xiangyun, can accept hubby after an affair.

my kids always have runny nose these days. I beginning to wonder if they are overheated (instead of being too cold) cos I sometimes have that problem. other remedy can consider enchinacea but which age can start I don't know. honey can give but will have phlegm? but manuka with lots of active ++ is good.

me pai seh to ask ppl to come to my inlaw house to give me message. wah lao, I never do housework leh, still complain so much.
usually I just keep quiet and talk the minimal but seldom chat about work cos they are not interested.
my favourite pastime now: come into this forum to network again.
You're working at Tamp mall? Your mil can cook so well, U still wanna complain? I'm still waiting for her hokkien mee recipe
So surprise to rec a sms from Kris yest, didn't even know she was preg with the 2nd child.

My Missy is also having runny nose, giving her Vit C supplement.
ms tan
which vit c u giving? my prince kae also always runny nose after enter cc.

u always been stayg w in-laws? me cannot imagine life stayg w in-laws...
Ms Tan
U give Faith which brand of vit C? Is it helpful?

I tried to give Markus some honey last nite..n he gave me a face after taking 1 taste..
Jeanyard, tofu,
I also stay with motherinlaw. fatherin law passed away already, so the son needs to take care of the mother.

ok lah...i think in laws are good in a way that sometime they could help you to do things...but me also like Jeanyard lah...talk only when necessary.

zhu zhu,
mine also raw honey just that it is different brand, not the 'really raw honey' brand.
agreed leh..in law can help cook n do some hsework..i oso used to stay with my IL until Markus is almost 3 mths old b4 i move out..in fact i was staying with them for almost 3 yrs b4 moving out..

oh forgot to congrat to Kris !!! CONGRATS!!!
thanks for the concern. Javen has recovered but then younger bro start coughing. Now younger bro almost recover and Javen start to cough again last night. Very sien le….keep feeding med. Dunno what else can I give. Very Cham le..see Javen keep taking med.

Taro, I so impressed with your bento meal. U prepare early in the morn n let YX have it for lunch or u only prepare during weekends n bring out for his lunch or dinner? How to keep warm?

show mah .. hehe. But than, she forgave her hubby oso partly coz she wanted her kids to grow up in a complete family + her IL also camed n begged her to return. Under dat circumstances, mayb can consider la :p

I watched tis show oso keeps 'warning' my hubby on extra marital affairs. haha.

Congrats n take care. Muz post #2 pix soon
