(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

i think it comes and goes one...It's been 2 mths liao since Josh started CC. I still remember on the 5th day he was so guai and went in w/o crying. Aft that every morning will wayang dun want to go in to school. recently we discovered the trick. If his own teacher is not at the door to receive him, he's perfectly fine!

so we try to catch the timing and send him there and requested for his teacher not to be at the door. he just goes in nicely himself and doesn't cry!

when it's time to go home, sometimes he don't want to leave btw...

take a night flight. it will be easier to handle esp if the whole day he's been tired out liao...

that's what we do with our flights, esp those more than 6 hours...for those like 3-4 hours type of flights, it doesn't matter what time you fly as long as it is convenient to your schedule.

you mean Jonas now still demands to be carried ah? josh only sometimes but most of the time he's happy to walk on his own or be in the stroller.
hehe...actually i kindda miss the busybuddies class with u all. Jaren still cannot sit but he can support his head by himself. He seems happily content lying on the bed suckling his thumb. Haiz...when get him to do tummy exercise, he will also happily lie on the bed with tummy on....only attempt to flip when i put him on his side n give hima little push....hehe...

This morn, my hubby brought Javen to sch. Also cry when going in...but stop when he is sitting inside waiting for the rest of his classmate to come. Whenhe saw my hubby standing outside, he cry again but didnt attempt to run out. Think he miss us when he's in sch la....cos when i ask him y he cry, he only say "miss mi mi and dad dad"..."no go sch". teacher commented that he's ok during class...no crying...no more beating of other kids liao...phew...n interact well as he can speak quite well and express what he wants to the teacher. But he still carry on to his bag and water bottle. refusing to put down his things for the whole 2 hrs in class.

Javen also like to be carried. only want to walk on his own in a shopping mall, playfround, or when he sees something he likes n want to touch.
i think HK weather in Mar oso similar to SNG weather..

when u said javen likes to cling on to his bad n water bottle..it reminds me of another boy in Markus' class...this boy was 2 mths older than Markus..had been there since he was 18 mths..but for the 2 days when I was there..he keep on clinging to his towel..some sort of security blanket..
For the going trip, we book a night flight but return is a afternoon flight. But I guess the difference might not be alot coz Jonas will want to be CARRIED when he sleep, especially in a unfamilar surrounding. So I figured our arms will probably break (after carrying weight of more than 10kg) for 7 hours when we reach Aust!

Ya lor...I miss classes with you & Javen too!

Javen could speak very well already during the Busy Buddies times and I am sure he is even better now. Only my boy has no progress at all.

Are you going to plan for any birthday party for Javen?
wah..tough leh...maybe can start training him now? or if you dare to try, give him a bit of cough syrup to knock him out. would he allow you to sit down and carry him?

josh dun want use to carry him to sleep since we came back from London last year. it was huge relief man!

SD, Cheezel,
Talk abt bday party, i haven't thought abt Josh's yet. but likely to celebrate in his cc.

HK weather in march is nicer and a lot cooler than in SG. only when in Jun-Aug then it gets very humid and warm.
seems dat celebrating in cc is an In thing now. Jboy has been getting packs of little candies from his birthday classmates

U knw, since young, I hv e habit of not gg to sch or even work during my bdays .. haha. So, perhaps we will keep jboy out of sch on his bday and maybe plan some outing for him. Zoo maybe
ur boy can speak simple words already? I recently discover that my boy started to say more simple words....duno becos of sch or he finally decided that he has to learn..

oh oh..and he finally decided to call mama..but i am not sure if he meant ah ma or he really meant mama..

I must say HK disneyland hotel is very slow in responding..i keep asking the travel agency whether my hotel is cfm...they said still pending..had sent chaser since 2 fris ago...OMG!
hehe .. dats y last time jboy used to call me mama(2), n my MIL mama (4), i always insist he calls 'mummy' instead. Now, he can call mummy liao
cool daughter
hahah okie i will slowly try to switch him to call mummy..but cannot be too adventerous lar...he just started to learn only..
Talk about medicine to knock Jonas out...I did ever thought of giving him "Actifed" on the plane...sure to work one... but seems very wicked lei...giving him medicine when he is fine & healthy.

Hmm...Training him to sleep eaily on own...that seems very difficult to attain before our departure date... Ya know wat, during the weekends, there's heavy rain & thunder rite? He was awaken by the lightest thunder after a short half hour nap (same case for both Sat & Sun) and refuse to sleep on his bed and insisted to be carried...he was wailing & wailing each time the thunder sounds. Hiazzzz..............

I'm not even quite sure he can speak simple words actually??? He does makes occasional really soft sounds that seems like 'Thanks' or 'Yes' but we really can't tell.. He seems shy to talk.

Sometimes I find travel agents are really slow to get response from hotel...I think bookings made directly through the hotel's website seems faster and easier to put in requests.

My also stil pondering whether to throw party (which needs ALOT of $$) or keep to a simple family outing for Jonas' birthday. My hubby is DEFINITELY for option 2... afterall, we will have spent quite a hefty amount for the Aust trip b4 his birthday.
cool daughter
Markus oso must see his mood b4 he decide to call mama..

Finally my hotel is cfm...Markus will be going to disneyland afterall..

Dun worry lar..i am sure ur boy will pick up more words soon..

For his 2 yr old party..i will just buy a cake n celebrate in his CC..no point throwing a big party..waste $$ and he probably won't remember it also..
Pisces Gal,
Yes, ordered previously from Ai Mummy. But I think she is slowing down her orders this year. You can check whether she is ok to take some more.

I think like 1.5kg, cost around $76.

I will be getting this year birthday cake from PrimeDeli. They have nice pic of Care Bear. My girl now like Care Bear.

How are you now? Well?
wonder have u all start toilet training.
ky had been telling us he wants to poo poo and keep pulling off his pants and diaper, but never poo. the most he pee. i think he just felt siok to go bottomless. do u all have this prob?
jboy nowadays like to take out his toilet seat, take off his pants and diaper and sit at the toilet bowl. He some x request to brush his teeth while sitting on the toilet bowl. But sooo many times liao, neva once he poo or pee. haha.
i'm well now.thanks for asking.still hv not found out how to strengthened my immunity. do you think chicken essence will help. i dont like the taste though.

re:toilet training
cant seem to get my girl to urine in the potty. only pooing. think she associates pooing with potty. she can poo up till 3 times a day leh..is this normal? how to coax her to urine as well?
Alo alo everyone!

So what's the topic today?

Sgn, wonder_baby
Hmm, I think I better start toilet training soon too. Yesterday I saw a cute toddler's toilet seat at a supermarket, maybe I shud get that.

I don't dare let Adam go bottomless. If he pees, a LOT OF CLEANING UP TO DO! My mom is very particular with urine coz if not she'll have doubts that the place is clean enough... hehe.

Hey take care. Get enough rest ok? Do you have some time for yrself to catch up on your sleep? Would someone be able to help take care of Chloe while you have some "me-time" to rest, sleep or just do whatever you wish to do? I think that's important too. When you feel more relaxed, you might feel better.

Yesterday silly me just washed my hair & w/o drying it, I put on my scarf/tudung. By evening, I felt I was getting a cold!! And I really regretted it... I worried I'd fall ill, then what's gonna happen to my work & adam...

Hey, don't worry. Adam also not talking much. Just making some purposeful babbles. Adam's cousin, only 14 mths, can say "CAT" already. I was envious ! However, that girl don't know how to look for the cat, while Adam, who's much older, can really hunt the cat down and lure the cat out with his cat sounds. ehhe. So i guess i'll just wait till he starts talking
chicken essence to me like just keep awake..you know, something like coffee.
I am trying to collate some 'bu' chinese soup recipes. Also to 'bu' myself. I can share with you once I have something
keke... jonas sounded like ash agn. ash was v afraid of thunder wen younger, he wld cry. even now, but now he dun cry. there was once he was playing in his rm alone then suddenly there was loud thunder. he ran to d living rm n started running in circles to calm his own shock. so funny! hb n me cld not stop laughing.
my boy's cc said must inform them 3 days in advance..we can be present..n we must provide the paper plates, forks & napkins..maybe oso get ready some goodie bags as well
Hi working mummies /nellu(u still working w d financial sectors?)
can share w me is ur job/industry feelg d strong impact of tis current economic downturn? my hb said i hv been a sahm for so long and what i see and hear are more fr d news but he is seeing so many of his customers (he deals w corporate customers) facing terrible/tough tx now. even for his industry (oil-related which is very much affected by d economy condition), is badly hit by tis recession.
tis put me in stress as he is d sole breadwinner n we hv 2 young kids. i really miss holidays but guess we may hv to put it on hold now since hb strongly feels tat we shd b prudent in our spendings tis tx n hv savings for rainy days..
evyday he cum bk hm, can c his stressful face n he wld share w me abt his big clients closing down their plant, retrenchment, pay cut, forced leave etc..
really pray n hope tat our country can get over tis recession soon...
ash celebrated his 2nd n 3rd birthday in the cc tat he previously attended. u can c fr my archive blog posts. was advised to inform them 1 week in advance n they wld arrange d celebration during either morning or afternoon teabreak. we brought cake and some finger food and was there to join him in d singing of birthday song n cake cutting. i prepared goodie bags for d children.
ash has few classmates' parent who would arrange macdonald team to come or some ballooning guy or there was 1 parent who had a big air jumping castle set up in d cc field (ash cc has big space).
i think some industries are facing a hard time indeed. Having said that, I wonder how people get the money to tour. We see the jam pack NATAS right...
I wonder...or maybe not all people hit by the recession..
i am taking supplements and sleeping early at abt 9.30+ right after i get chloe to sleep. wake up abt 7am. but still falling sick so often.
smalldreams, nxt time hv to make sure your hair is dry before wearing tudung

good. once u collate let me know, ok?

chloe is easily afraid of many things. when there is thunder, she will run to me and hug me and tell me she's scared
Chix essence taste good to me on the contrary… you ever thought about going to a Chinese physician too “Tiao Li” your body? My hubby’s colliq’s wife used to be rather weak too and could not carry a baby…but she managed to give birth to one gal after getting a Sinsei’s help to prescribe medicine to strengthen her body for a period of time.

This is Markus 1st overseas trip? I hope your family have a pleasant holiday in HK….. all the good foods in HK… Yummy!!

No toilet training for Jonas yet too…

Thanks for your encouragement about his speech development… Like Adam, Jonas know how to look for stuff too when we ask him to and it really puts a proud smile on our face when he manage to accomplish it. Just that I’m getting kinda anxious to hear him start talking… :p

So interesting that our boys are so similar…I wonder if I do ever get a second kid and is a gal…whether she’ll be smart like Cher.

The economy is doing bad now…. Especially if your hubby deals with the US markets, it’s even worst. But dun get too stress up yourself ya… you are your hubby’s emotional support and I’m sure he definitely also appreciates what you have done so much for the family.
tink of it tis way.. coz economy is bad, so pple find ways to buy the same thing at a cheaper cost .. hence, sales n promo like natas fair is attractive
Like me, I dun tink i will stop holiday, but will try and find cheaper options.
so no worries, Jonas wld grow up to b so happy, chatty n frdly like ash. tks for d encouragement
evytx i c him so stressful, i oso feel a bit down cos i m like not 'contributing' to d family yet i still can tell him, 'can we go for holidays?' cos i see d fares so cheap now. i suppose he has to tink further since he is d one tat has to support all of us. i do hv tots of gg bk to work but my hb prefers me to stay at hm w d kids as long as we can still lead our life simply n happily. i shd feel happy n contented hoh

I think AiMummy goes by inches instead of weight. I am ordering from her this year. How is her birthday cake? Is it nice to eat?
me too i dun want ky to have the habit to go without a diaper. but he keep telling u that he want to poo, i find it hard if u dun let him sit on the potty yet keep telling him to signal when he wants to poo (fasle alarm).

cool daughter
how manay times jboy will tell u he want to poo poo per day?

u can always go back to ur formal job? so far medical still stable, and they still can promise bonus for this June. however they are still recuriting staff, like Khoo Teck Puah hospital.
u know what! went Bugis last sun, and found the resturant we met during our ever 1st meeting for May07 mummies, had been replaced by a japanese rest. sad......
pisces gal,
I dont know lei...because i told her in weight.
Her design is good, and she is very accomodating. Taste wise- average.
usually it's like when he see me going into the bath rm, or when we r getting into the bathrm for his shower. He does not really tell me he wanna go on e toddler toilet seat unless he sees it. Hehe, got wat i mean? So frequency is dependent on wkdays (most of his time in cc) or wkends, more time wif me at hm.

at tis point, i wun say it's regular.
cool daugther
well that's ok but my ky can do it everyday 2-3 times! even nanny also complainted to me that he keep striping himself!
agreed dat the economy is quite bad..esp in US co..like mine lor..everyday duno when will we get pay cut..or even retrenchment...our co. just had a major resturcturing last yr b4 xmas...so it might be good for u to skip the holidays this yr lor..

yup..this will be Markus 1st trip..hope he will be a good boy on the plane..i worry he started to get cranky..

wah i havent been to bugis for a long long time..duno is the last gathering my last visit there o not..
tk u

tks for sharing
my hb co oso undergg a major restructuring so evyday we just hv to cont to hv faith.
i m sure markus wld enjoy his holidays.

yup, healthcare/medical is perhaps a more stable industry as it still hv to function full force (mayb jus cut down expenses) during all tx. oso during tis tx of economic crisis, more stress n mayb more wld fall sick. yes if i do return to work, wld b bk to my old healthcare line. but now i dun hv caregiver for both ash n cher unless both go cc.
economy is bad. I'm having a hard time everyday trying to get biz. been thinking if I should quit too...cos not getting anywhere, plus preggie now also energy level v low having to take care of the household and Josh.

oil-related industries would not be so badly affected in the long run. Currently the situation that your hb mentioned is likely to be temporal and my guess is it'll probably last for 6-12mths. so just continue to pray...anyway i always feel that if God closes one door, he'll open another.

nowadays pple's mentality and attitude with money is very bad. They prefer to spend the money they have at hand than to be prudent. The end result: they'll be in debt lor.

i'm glad my hb is v prudent and we do make it a pt to save, reduce our debt where possible and really look for good deals when we want to buy things or make any spending. The long term prudence does help and I'm really not worried at all abt the current situation and really think we can ride out quite well.

hehe...not ask you to train jonas to sleep on his own lah...possilbe to train him to go to sleep w/o carrying??

sometimes i think for kiddo's fears and other timid beahviour, it depends on the parents' or caregivers' attitude. We've never acted like "poor baby!" with Josh, whenever he falls or for other stuff.. just say "you are alright. or everything is ok." and he's fine. there was once there was a really loud thunderclap and that was the only time he was scared. and the other time was he was cheeky and ran out of his room (naked) and found that the living room lights were off (really dark) and the front door was opened! and he ran back going "aaaaaahhh!" v hilarious but he's been pretty brave and everyone in our family has been pretty consistent with our treatment of kiddo fears so far.

of course each kid is different but i really feel that if we as parents can show them that there is nothing to fear instead of always sheltering them, it'll really help.

oh and btw, my neighbour's 4yo has this fear for animals. and you know why? my neighbours never made any effort to allay these fears or even show that animals are alright.

just thought this might help..

Nellu, SD, sanrio
Yeah the economy is very bad now and I feel really worried for some people I work with. I wonder how they are going to ride through this. While I don't think I'll be losing my job, I won't be surprised if I were to get a paycut. No choice lor, it's a necessary thing, and only fair that everyone gets a paycut while the economy is doing so badly.

SD, wonder_baby
Hey me too, having problem with getting Adam to sleep. he latches on! And I think it's getting worse. I tried placing adam to sleep by just patting him, but it didn't work. And it didn't help that hubby just told me to latch him on (the easiest way!) to get him to sleep. Urgh. Now that he's turning 2 soon, I'm thinking of getting a bed for him. But we don't have an extra room lah. The "supposedly baby room" though painted in baby blue, is full of books and other rubbish....sighs..

Hmmm..but for some reason, I think I'm ready to try for another one. But now "red light" so... gotta wait for some time before we start ...
tks for d sharing. yes we trust tat God wld provide n we hv to b prudent n wise in our spendngs. i m tkful oso tat my hb is more practical n watches our spendings, he oso rather not b in debt so wld really tink n pray b4 we make any major commitment.
his wori came as his co was recently sold to a french cum jap, so w d worldwide bad economic condn n his co undergg a restructuring, thgs are unknown. my hb oso not young anymore :p
ya understan your concern..i'm also not young anymore...

i guess if he just continues to do his best, he'll be alright.
in times like that, that is the only thing we can do i guess....
nellu, smalldreams, sd, janet n mummies,
tks for d sharing n i m so glad tat there is this thread. cos me d sahm evyday hear such bad news, wori, stressed and wo sharing, i jus kip to myself. especially recently we had to make a decision rgding somethg n i broke down n cried few tx. tk u mummies
<<<<<hugs>>>>> come here and vent lor...

can also email me to talk....if there is anything i can help, i'll be happy to do so..
hehe, at least we women have tears to let go once in a while to let go together with our frustrations...

are you at work now? or are you still working from home on some days..?

Re: finances
I'm one of those who spend a lot on nonsense stuff. hehe..I feel guilty sometimes but I also feel like i need to make myself happy. so sometimes i do splurge on famous amos cookies, etc. But I guess I really gotta start saving again (the japan trip wiped out quite a bit of my savings
) I am motivated to start saving for my reno when my flat is ready. If possible, dowant to take reno loan.
btw, whenever there is a downturn/recession, companies do get bought out and there will be a lot of restructuring. This is a very normal condition of things as we go through the economic cycles. it is like an evolution of sorts. it will be tough for sure. and being employees we can only keep positive and be flexible.

heheh you itchy fingers change your nick again?

me in ofc now...some days i work from home cos got errands to run, go market, supervise PT cleaner...etc...
