(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Thks for all well-wishes. Nw doing confinement at hm. Decided to name him Kayden.

Janet, CD
Im using tollyjoy, nice smell n not soapy. CD, I get it frm Cheong Choon, normally I ordered like a dozen n stock up.

Here I am..kekekeke..quick one!

Mum at Work
GONG XI GONG XI for the arrival for your little prince...Is "Jie Jie" facsinated by her new "Di Di"? Must teach her to sayang her little bro.

Janet / Cool_D
I using J&J baby powder for Jonas. Traditional brand....

I've seen mums/dads using the Ergo before and they seem to be quite satisfied with it. But I guess must train your baby to sit in it from young...

Same like you, we can only consider nearby CC to make things easier for my MIL who is the caregiver...so factors to take care of when selecting a school..'Sang Niao Jing'.
how about 'bu' soup (chinese herbal soup) every other day? if western doesnt work, let's try the chinese way.

as for me, the 'adequate' sleep helps a lot. I feel i am very deprived of sleep loh. I now can sleep anywhere. Lack of sleep because my girl now sleep very late -- 11.30pm. Long long time ago, it was 9.30pm...time has really change.
i think pigeon smell okie..i still use it to wash the bottles everytime..

I got an ergo oso..think its a good investment..but i am thinkin of getting the patappum toodler carrier..heard that is better than ergo now that our kiddos are bigger..

I think see double line must action on the day leh..but not very sure lar..cos never use it b4...anyway just action today, tomolo lar..

ya lor..cannot enrol in a CC that needs to take bus..too troublesome..this MMI is the best lor..she just need to walk abt 15mins or less..then somemore if it rains..still hv shelter..so not too bad lor..


Ergo is nice! I had it, but I sold it away as it could get rather warm wearing it. So I just used the sling for adam till he was quite big - around 1 yr like that.

When I went to Tokyo last Dec, I bought Patapum baby carrier - something like ERgo but I felt that it was not as warm. Or maybe TOkyo was just freeeezzzinnggg when we went...

Re : Bottle cleanser
My mom is against me using it. She said that actually it's the same stuff like dishwashing liquid, but they sell it off as something milder etc, just to make the sales, haha! But I still use sometimes - the pigeon one.

I feel that the baby cleansers, no matter how mild, are just sooo FULL OF SLS (sodium laureth sulphate). I hate this chemical, which is abundant in shampoos, detergents etc. Which is why I'm seriously thinking of going organic whenever I can.
we were toking abt bottle cleanser la .. not baby powder :p hehe, but i dun blame u, coz u r 'busy bee'

u tink so? Coz the tollyjoy one is also a vege cleanser. . so i was tinking e ingredient muz b kinda edible.

nice name. Jboy has a new classmates named Kayden .. juz joined the class last wk.

U read the ingredients next time k? there is sulphate. I guess it's almost impossible not to have it & maybe it's safe to consume in small doses. AFter all still wash with water right...

but these days I prefer to just rinse with water, hot water, and I also use normal cleansers. Sometimes i think we should expose the kids to some germs too. I hate those dettol ads which encourage parents to sanitize /clean everything. With less germs, it's even harder for our bodies to get used to dirt/germs, then who knows that will also cause us to fall sick more often. Hehe, sorry for the long rant.

I got the toddler one - for up to 25 kg. I think I paid about $165 for it, through some website. I think its babyslings & supplies or something like that. The ergo one is good coz got infant insert rite? Some pple say that the patapum is a rip-off fro ergo, but then again as long as it does the job, who cares..hehe...

u're so cute. Obviously speed reading. Oh ya, re baby powder also, I wonder if I'm paranoid coz baby powder use talc which is no good when inhaled too much. But i tell myself, don't be stupid. Times are bad, just use the normal baby powder, no need organic..hehehhe

sorry I didn't congratulate you earlier. Yr baby is sooo adorable! makes me feel like having another one. I'm close to buying a pregnancy test kit, but stopped myself coz I don't think I am lor...
i try n rmbr to read the label 2nite :p But dan again, e plates, spoons n all, we washed using the normal dish washing detergent too .. so .. haha :p

Powder .. i still put some. Not for anything but the smell n the look (e white white powdered look .. hehe). It gives me a 'showered and clean' feel
dun buy the test kit lah. I send you my extra one.

i just went to take a look at the patapum site. Think i prefer the ergo. anyway NOT intending to carry the toddler! hahaha can walk liao shouldn't carry, unless sick or in pain... :p
so now you just wash the bottles with water/hot water. occasionally then you use normal soap?

I do use talc. but always try not to pour/apply so close to the nose loh..

that's the point - everything else we wash using dishwashing liquid...hehehe...

Haha, u're so funny abt the powder. I think powder makes us feel more comfortable. There are some pple who never use powder at all. I'm amazed. Plus, I wonder what baby lotions are for...

Yeah, correct. Normal dishwashing liquid then I'll just flush with hot water lor...

Haha, nehmind, keep for yr next one :p Got expiry date or not? Hehee...

I agree, toddlers shouldn't be carried much. Time for them to walk more. But I bought it last time coz I pre-empted tokyo trains to be uber-packed at rush hour, it wouldn't be feasible to use stroller or pull adam along. I really hope adam wont be one of those 3-4 yr olds who'll still be dependent on stroller....not cute liao..
definitely not cute. I juz saw a ger wif kindy sch uniform on a stroller on the mrt yday. Was telling my fren she shld at least be 4-5yrs old.

n sleeping ..
dats e best part abt being a kid. Can sleep anywhere, anytime. Daddy and mummy will carry.
that's rather pampering rite... I am determined to not let that happen to adam...

wow, so do you have muscles already? :p

I've not taken adam for his pneumoccocal jab...haiz...when to find time
me too. We hv our stroller in e car juz in case he fell asleep in e car and we r gg shopping. Otherwise, it's walk most of e time. Even if he asked to be carried, we carry awhile n will ask him to walk. But jboy likes exploring so normally he's willing to walk.
Smalldreams / Cool_D / Janet
Oppss...sorries neh mis-read coz read too fast...bottle cleanser, we also using Kodomo. Plus we sterilise the bottles with the traditional boiling water in pot once a day....

By the way, we have decided to venture for anoher holiday in end March (b4 Jonas turns two) and is my supposedly less busy period.
i hv d ergo. i still use it to carry cher.i find it gd, better than any sling or carrier i hv used. but cher is quite light even now.


yes, go for another holiday. lots of travelling promo now. we ar planing to brg cher b4 she turns 2 too. now considering either club meb or hk.
heheh waiting to see you reply me.
cos i know you use both ergo and the sling. ergo better is it? I'll still use the sling cos I'm used to it liao.
Ergo is more for my hubby.

go club med. i think will be nicer than hk.

where are you thinking of going?

I arm-twisted my hubby to agree to take me to Geneva still despite the fact that the flight will be 13hrs and i'll be abt 5+mths. hehehehe...gian hor...
so where u going? I am thinking of taking the budget airline to KL end apr. anyone taking air asia before? or visited the LCCT?

so will josh go with you? Geneva, so interesting....
now got HK disneyland promo leh..I just book my package for end mar...

My boy CC just called me again..he fell down in sch n knock the back of his head..got some scratches..duno how serious is it..
now am seriously thinkin of pulling him out from that sch
travel seems very cheap now .. I juz bkd my budget jetstar tix to BKK in Jul, $63 per pax. Hotel at Novotel is also abt $70per rm per nite. <$500 for a holiday to BKK for 3
U lucky gal. Geneva?! I'm sure it's gorgeous!! Switzerland is truly beautiful. That'll be summer time?

Travelling is fun rite, mums? But I'm really on a tight budget after splurging on my tokyo trip. pocket still recovering man... really gotta be prudent these few mths.
in my case it's always everyone goes!

oh abt the cleanser thing, i just checked again. sorry i use tollyjoy not pigeon. Seems ok for me. no prob.

er...wat's LCCT? we go KL so often but i dunno what that is...

as always, thanks to friend who is getting married there! o/w don't think there is a chance for me to go. The last time I went to Mauritius is also because of a friend's wedding!

oh dear! another accident! hmm..maybe really should reconsider the sch...
we ar tinkg of club med bintan or gg phuket? w 2 kids is definitely tougher to travel n we hv to brg both along. wah! geneva, i envy u :p
i cant take wt well so sling is only gd for me when bb is very small. whereas for ergo, i dun feel d weight tat much.

u book d cathay airline promo? can share w me roughly how much?
oh no, poor markus. hugz hugz.. i saw d nail marks n now d fall agn... ai yo..
to share my views/personal opinions, i hv read ur blog abt markus fall n injuries. if is me/hb, we wld seriously consider to withdraw fr tat cc. yes somtx minor incidents are unavoidable but if it's so often, then d level of care there is really a ?
me also cannot take the wt. and you know lor, josh is quite heavy lah. I stopped carrying him a few months back! That's why I thought about getting the ergo for 2nd one. use sling when bb is small (for me), when bigger i'll use the ergo. Then hubby can use ergo also.

ya..die die also must make the trip to geneva. o/w in future it'll be just nearby or have to ask my parents and my brother all to come along for a REAL family holiday!

hb's been to club med cherating before. He told me the services and food and everything is all included in the price we pay. And he said that it's definitely v family friendly with a lot of kids' activities and even babysitting services. Not sure if the bintan one is the same, but i think it shouldn't be too far off.
oh I also forgot to share this with all of you (although some of you probably already know if you read my blog). This rascal Josh finally decided to call "mama"...wah...i wait until my neck dunno how long liao!
its a 3d2n package to HK disneyland...stay at disneyland hotel..for the 3 of us..it cost us abt $2.1k+....the breakdown as below:

adult is $1054 (which incl tax of $83)..then markus paid the child tax ($60)only...infant tax is around $30++ but decided to get child seat..at least he had a seat by himself..

CX promo is at least must hve 3 ppl travelling..my colleagues keep asking me y i never extend my stay..told them i dun think i can shop with Markus along..

Check his head wound last nite..not really visible..but tomolo I am going to show my face at the CC..want to tok to the principal..

Cool daughter
he is at this MMI outlet at Tampines..

wah..u must be super happy..my boy still refused to call me mama..haiz..he keep calling me "pa"...
wah zhuzhu .. MMI reputable leh. Shld tok to them, am sure they will do something abt the situation la. The one at Tampines Mart rite? Near the zoophonic.
We are going to where you have brought Ash. On free &amp; ease basis...we rented a car from Hertz.

Nellu / Janet
Make a guess...this time, the hours of flight is much longer than when we went penang...so kinda worried how things will go for Jonas on the plane...really must cross fingers!

Nellu, you intend to bring Josh along for Geneva trip? Think he shouldn't have a problem on flight ya since he went France when he was younger.

Cool_D / ZhuZhu
NATAS fair tomorrow..think got many good deals!!

But you gals already booked rite?
yes. bkd my july holiday liao. Meanwhile, we gg Genting Mar 07 and another time during the Gd friday holi
We keeping those 'exotic' options till jboy is abit older.
cool daughter
no..not the one at tampines Mart..Tampines Mart that one dun have CC...its the other one at Tampines Ave 4..

Ya..i already book mine..but still pending for hotel confirmation...
will still have the same problem of not being able to sit still and dun want to be belted up during landing and take-off.
how you going to genting? drive?

Australia ah? last time you mentioned you interested. can take leave ah during your busy period? how many days?

zhu zhu,
I agreed with sanrio. so many accidents within such a short period
LCCT is the budget airport of KL. Being there before? I will be taking air asia to KL. Dont know whether the budget airport is friendly enough or not.
yo ladies! long time no come in chat chat.....super busy at work. n when i'm home, i real tired and still have to keep my boys company till they sleep. by then i'm half dead.

Re: Holiday Trips
Me n hubby just brought Javen to Genting. We took a coach together with a few frens...the bus has 5 kiddos...so far so good. Javen sit on our lap thru out the journey n he seems ok with it. not much fuss during the journey....the kiddos seems fine.

We plannign hongkong trip in the 3rd quarter of the yr or prob end yr. bringing my in laws n Jaren along this time rd.

coming month driving to malacca Afarmosa resort......

working life is hectic...so must plan something to relieve the stress.....

Mommies whos kiddo in CC or playgrp
how r ur kiddos coping? Javen is coping well for the past month since he 1st started...but today mil called to say he scream n cry n refuse to attend the class.....no choice, she brought him back home. When we ask him, he say teacher beat beat leg. but the teacher mention to my mil that during the class yesterday while singing some songs, he cry and say something like "mi mi"...which is me....not too sure if its cos the song they playing is what i usually sing tohim....n also he will sit at a corner n think abt something for a moment n then cry.....whcih happen yesterday during the class....not too sure whats wrong le. Separation anxiety now??
enjoy ur hoildays
aussie F&amp;E is a great hoilday place for family w young kid. i dun mind gg bk agn n agn if not for d high aussie tax. did u get any promo fare tis round? oh, my personal n hb n frds' view is dun go seaworld. nothing much at all. dreamworld n movieworld are nicer.

yup tok to d prinicpal n mus sound 'serious'. meanwhile can go ard cc looking/hunting.. but i do undstd new environment, new adjustment for markus is oso a consideration.
tis wk jboy oso cry eday when i drop him. He was beta for the 1st 2 wks in cc. Maybe it finally set in dat sch is for real n it's eday. But e teacher says he's ok after i leave .. his form teacher oso commented dat ard 4+, he starts crying for 'mummy' liao.
markus oso the same..some days he is okie in cc..but some days will cry when go there...

okie..I will bring my stern face when meeting the principal..
yup yup :p oh tks for d detailed breakdown on hk fare. my hb ah, is nvr a 'hk person'. he prefers phuket for short getaway but i told him phuket shd b v hot now. how abt hk weather?
tis morn jboy was PERFECT at the cc .. He din cry at all, said 'ning ning' to the teacher who did his health chk, and said bye bye to me volunteerly. After all these gd behavior, he requested for the teacher to draw him a star on his hand
After dat, he sat on e bench at the recept area wif 2 more kids, and when i left, all 3 wave bye bye to me. So cute.

I hope it remains tis way next wk ..
BINGO....you've got good memory gal...

Not sitting still is a small problem...I'm more worried if Jonas will cry and demand to be carried for 7 hours on flight....will be a super nitemare if that's the case.

Any rides suitable for little todds at movieworld, dreamworld, seaworld? At first I tot seaworld could be fun coz got water to play with?

Anymore must visit places that you would recommend for GC?

How are you ?! So long never hear from you liao and I kindda 'miss' you.

Must be very difficult to cope with two fellas....Your No. 2 can sit on own yet?

Jonas still has not start school...but I am very sure he will do much worse than Javen.

Cool D
I knew Jordan can overcome the "separation anxiety" fear very soon...even though yesterday you mentioned that he was still crying... his school seems to have a nice environment and he has got a pretty "girlfriend" to company him there. *winks*
