(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

end mar shd not b too cold esp in GC but do brg enough warm clothings for Jonas. but d sun in GC is quite bad. shd apply sunblock.
ash din take flu jab. u can check w pd.

could it be Hand foot and mouth disease? my coli's 2 kids is down with high fever and oral ulcer? viral fever? got do any blood test?
hello mommies!

I'm on child sick leave today, coz adam's down with fever.

apparently this is a viral fever...and not associated with pneumococcal like I thought.coz if it's due to the jab, he'd have developed a fever that very night.

I got a feeling he caught one of those nasty viruses from the PD on monday! So many sick kids that day. gah.

Hey take care gal. It's not fever due to engorgement rite? Get well soon and rest. So you've been on MC?

did you take cher to the dentist at camden medical centre?I asked PD abt his teeth, and PD said it was not decay, but just some discolouration. haiz... all kinds of thing...hehe
no i din take cher to d dentist.

i hope so
ash's doc encourages me to feed cher for as long as i can (till she self-wean) n she wld b well protected fr d allergies tat me/ash hv n wld b a strong gal. but i really hope she wld self wean by latest latest 3 yrs old.

really? but just now adam's PD said that his fever wasn't caused by the pneumo jab. oh well, whatever..i just want him to get well soon. he's up from his nap already, now busy playing with his thomas train & tracks...

ohh like that one ah..actually it doesnt sound so bad. i think if you go on a holiday, he'll be able to sleep quite easily as too tired already :p
poor adam..is he feeling better?

are you feeling better too? the other nite my fever went up to 39.7degC. yours is even higher then mine.
sgn, smalldreams,
the last time josh had fever from pneumo jab, the fever came the next day and was v high. the PD told us if the fever occur it would be within 1-2 days. only for MMR we were told that the fever will come 5-7days aft the jab.

you are also sick? better take care!
aiyoh everybody is sick oso...my boy flu still not recover yet..tot his running nose had stop..who knows after fri flu jab..his running nose came back again..
Hiya mommies

I'm back at work. This morning brought Adam to see PD again as his fever didn't quite subside over the weekend. Today woke up and he had slight nose bleeding - first time ever. Of course I so kancheong lor...then he also had watery stools, so after shower, off to the PD.

Thank goodness it's nothing serious though. His fever also subsided this morning and was not too high just before I left for work. Phew.

But my PD said it's nothing to do with the pneumo jab. She gave him antibiotics (groans, i'm really not keen on this :S) as fever has been around since last thursday....

zhuzhu, wonderbaby
Hey WB hope your fever's gone too. Am sure it feels lousy to be feverish...

it's like that one..i think it's making its rounds. My friend's 2 sons also just recovered last week, and 2 weeks ago, another friend's kids also took turns to be sick with flu. Sighs. What to do..

Thanks... nah, me not moving house at all lah. stuck here until my own place is ready in 2011! Did I give the impression i was moving?
Nellu / Janet / Sanrio
Called up PD's clinic...the senior nurse say it's up to us whether we want to let Jonas take the flu vaccine (i.e. it's not a MUST thing)....and generally there should be no reaction after the vaccine is taken.

Weather is Singapore is crazy for the past week...one day so hot...one day heavy rain...no wonder so many people fall sick.

How come Adam got nose bleed? Did the PD explain?
It could be due to fever, medication, all kinds of reasons. PD didn't seem alarmed when we told her abt the nose bleed though. We also googled, and it seems as long as it doesn't occure too frequently, it's nothing serious...I sure hope so...

PD today so crowded. LUcky we came at 9-ish and were the 3rd to see Doc...

Re: weather
what to do, SD... as of now, it's raining super heavily outside..
no leh..my boy just had flu jab last fri..n he develop slight fever on fri nite n sat..then his running nose start
so you are not staying at your own place now?
I always thought you are already staying on your own, that is why you, like me, always complain about housework.

zhu zhu,
aiyo, flu vaccine supposed to prevent flu. after jabbing, still will develop running nose...so funny
eh? no ah?, then flu vaccine prevents what? prevents complication, and have milder flu. yes, i think so.
to me, flu (influenza) is like a more serious illness dat includes fever, body aches + all the common cold symptoms such as running nose and cough. I believe they are caused by different kind of virus oso .. juz think bird flu.

Hehe .. i dunno if i m rite tho'.

I have been hospitalised since last sat when i went A&E for my persistent fever and cough. diagnose with pneumonia (right side of lung infected). In isolation ward all the way. Have to sent Jaren over to my mom's place as my mil develop cough n fever too. discharge yesterday. body still weak.....the only good thing is i dun have to slim down myself......

ok la....i go rest......wanna zzzz ....
Yeah you're rite...I remember our GP mentioned to us before the Flu vaccine does not prevent common cold & flu....the vaccine is against those serious specific viruses only

Jordan enjoyed the Genting trip? So he can eat quite alot of the adult food?

Actually I'm not surprised if the flu vaccine causes mild fever after the jab...afterall, it is also putting some external bacteria into the body to help the body get used to it and fight against in future.

I've discussed with my hubby and we decided that there's no need for Jonas to take the vaccine b4 our trip....since Australia so far dun have high profile news of "Qing Liu Gan (bird flu)"....and it's not of use for common flu.

Oh dear! Didn't know you were so serious need to hospitalis. In that case, I guess you have to stop expressing BM for Jaren? Try to rest as much as possible at home okie...Sincerely hope you recover fully soon!
very serious leh....must take care hor..

ya lor..AUS no need lar..but HK very prone bird flu..so i better take 1st..
I had been trying to teach my boy to blow his nose..but he still duno..

it's complicated..haha! I'm actually putting up at my MIL's apartment which she used to rent out. So we "live" there on weekdays, and commute daily to send adam to my mom for caregiving. That's why I still complain abt housework, coz there's just me, hub & adam!

My own place will be ready in 2011. I'm really looking forward to my own place

heys I'm so sorry to hear abt yr hospitalisation... luckily the pneumonia was detected in time. how on earth did you get it? Get well soon okay? Take care...

Me also today on CCL with MC. Yesterday was quite an experience for us - we brought adam to kkh...super stubborn viral fever! Gah..must've caught it when we went to PD for the pneumo jab...
thanks ladies for the well wishes. i didnt know how on earth i got it....anyway, i have already stop bf liao. no milk plus, i cant too with all the antibiotics which i need to take. now very worried cos both javen n jaren all coughing.....
no choice leh..cos if not later when he taste the mucus inside his throat..he will cry..so i rather he learn how to blow it out
oh no cheezel! that's so serious....hope you are much better now.

take care.

i have my own plc, i also complain abt the housework. :p I'm just not the housework type.

how's adam now?
wow, your MIL must be very rich...still have place to rent out. So where will your new place be? also at the East side?
jboy had fun. I asked him wanna go again he says 'yes'
We are going again the good friday weekends .. haha.

i oso taught jboy nose blowing, and he could, but lightly. I tink now, they will not be able to totally clear their nose by blowing, so we still use the 'sucker'.
which hotel in genting did you stay in? hvnt been there in ages. think abt 7 yrs already. did jordan enjoy any rides in genting?
i stayed at Genting hotel.

I tink jboy enjoyed e arcade more dan e themepark. U knw, there's a choo choo ride at the indoor themepark .. those kind dat only kids can take, no parents. He kips asking to ride tho i was hesitant as e train goes up and down a track. But since he insist, so i let him try. Put him in, buckled up, still ok. The moment e ride started, he screamed at the top of his voice. End up e operator has to stop e ride and 'rescue' him fm e track above .. hahaha. After dat, he was abit scared .. even e carousel hourse he oso dun wan sit liao :p But we still take those like monorail etc

Btw mummies, kids run happening on 24 May. Anyone keen?

me me! YX likes to run and jump. Would be fun to let him go run marathon. haha! :D

YX still can't take milk. Hope his layer of protective enzyme grows back fast.

You take care, gal! Hope you get well soon.

Speaking about jabs, have you all taken your little ones for chix pox vaccine? I'm not sure if I should bring YX for his or not.. The next vaccine if I'm not wrong should be Hep A right? I'll be sending him to child care come Apr le. Sigh.. hope he can adjust to the change.
hee.. Been busy at work. I will go home and register tonight! Tried to register just now but my company notebook can't take scripting. What size you take for the t-shirt? XS?

Think I'll send him for his chix vaccine soon. YX's currently in the care of my mum in the day but my cousin who stays with my mum too caught chicken pox just last week. Then I start to worry le. But hor too late lor.. cause if he takes the vaccine now, his immune system will dip further as advised by the nurse. So hopefully, cross my finger, he does not catch the pox now.
Btw, any birthday celebration planned for the babies? Think I'll just have a mini celebration at YX's child care centre if the principal permits. Me lazy to plan le. Now must first source for a good package to take a family photo shoot
hehe.jordan is so cute. genting hotel is better then first world hotel?

how long has YX been hving diarrhoea after taking milk?
regarding chix pox jab, i've also let my girl take the vaccination already. lucky i did. and she didnt catch my chix pox last dec!
ya, i juz take XS. Cant ustand e shirt measurement :p

i find genting hotel much beta dan first world hotel. more spacious. Apr i booked resort hotel tho'. .. Genting full.
Hi mummies,
Hope all of you are doing v well. It has been a while since I post. Once in a while still read the posting though.

I'm due with my #2 today actually. But still no sign of labour. Looks like it's going the induced route as Shyanne (induced on 41st week). Was joking w hubby that both my gers enjoy staying in mummy's tummy.. must be v comfortable.

I'm already on ML since 1 week ago. Took 2 week before EDD for #1, tot they say #2 will come earlier? Chey.. Somemore I still carry Shyanne v often.. But still doesn't help to induce earlier labour leh..

Wonderbaby, janet:
Shyanne also always turn here turn there for abt 30 to 1 hr before she falls asleep. Unless she v tired, will just put her on her bed and she will fall asleep herself (tat's if she naps v little in the day though).. usually sleep ard 10 - 11pm. Wake up at 8+/ 9+. Now she only take 1 nap a day, abt 2 - 3 hr.
Hi Taro,
ash lost d enzyme at abt 2 yrs old n 'din get it back'. wen he took diary then, he wld LS or vomit. but now that he is a little older, he can slowly take a small qty of diary pdt. but we stop giving him fm since then.
ur bento ar so nice n yummiiiiii, i m sure YX is eatg well w all d nutritious food u prepared for him.
you are also going genting in Apr? Me too, also Resort hotel, but is end Apr. You going early Apr?

so was it heavy carrying #2 and #1 at the same time?

I've signed up. See you!

He will poop once after the 2nd feed and we'll quickly switch back to soy...

I really hope YX will recover from it... thanks for your compliments. At least I'm glad he takes his solids well.

It was quite straining on the back I must say.. but guess cos I'm bigger in size.. so can still tahan.. plus I dun want to miss carrying my #1.. I have a colleague who stopped carrying her #1 altogether since she got preggy.. dun want that leh..

Ya.. i always see mummies popped after 37th week.. dunno why my 2 bbs all always post due.. gynae mis-calculate?
