(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

yesterday only posted that chloe is eating well then yesterday evening n today started to reject food already..haiz..headache
good that adam is disgusted with his poo. chloe doesnt seem to mind a heavy n wet diaper. wonder when only she'll be toilet trained


u noe some old folks say, when the kid is eating well, don't say it out. ehhe, old wives tale lah. But don't worry, as long as she's fit & healthy, nothing to worry
guess its a passing phase for every kid..last wk markus not eating well but yday he suddenly ate alot..last nite after his milk feed at 9++..give him 1 rasin bun..n he actually finished most of it..was pretty surprised..
Malay also believes not saying out loud ah? Alot of the practices quite same as Chinese. I guess we are the same lah, living in this small country. Most if not all beliefs should be the same.
Hello mummies,

I am new to this thread altho I had a bb in May 07 too.

Just wondering if anyone has started toilet training your little ones. I have been bugged by my family to start toilet training my boy but wonders how.. I tried couple of weeks ago but my boy cooperated in "small business" for a couple of days only. He has been resisting the potty ever since... any tips from fellow moms???

Thanks in advance.
not juz abt eating habit rite? i heard we shld not say all sort of things .. like praise the bb is fat fat etc. All the Opp will come .. hehe :p

hi angela
I hv not toilet trained my boy yet. Abit lazy actually. Was hoping it will come naturally. hehe. But i heard the key is consistency. hv to keep bring the kiddo to the toilet at intervals, do the same thing etc etc.
welcome..i oso havent started toilet train my boy..too lazy too..was hoping that the cc will train him on my behalf..
Janet, CD

Ya lah, it's so strange, but it's so true! So if kids eating well, we shall control ourselves and not say it out altho we're soooo tempted! hehe.

Btw, there's a BP of Stephen Joseph Go-Go bags. They're cute, but i wonder what's so good that it costs so much $$?

Welcome! Like zhuzhu & CD, i'm also quite lazy. Later lah, maybe wait till 2 yrs then train :p
Hello CD, zhuzhu and SM,

Thks for the warm welcome.

Ha ha, looks like we are all in the same boat! Phew! I am too lazy to be persistent too.

Thk you mommies : )
hallo angela,

welcome to the thread and the gang of lazy mommies! :p i also have not started toilet training..dunno when can start though..

my situation was same as yours so that's why i stopped lor...

btw mommies,
i got news to share...<drumroll>

I'm preggie!! Josh just wants to be gor gor..he doesn't care if he gets mei mei or di di...:p
congrats. Not bad eh...so busy with new job and everything, and still have time to successfully make baby.

hey nellu congrats!

I feel like I'm ready for one now already too. Let's see how things go..

Was it easy for you to strike? If you don't mind me asking :p I hope it'll be easy on us this time round too (prays hard)
Hello to all the new mommies.

Nellu, congratulations! Wow, must be pretty exciting huh? Wonderful feeling to be preggie, isn't it?

Smalldreams, me too! Feeling ready but am still nursing my boy.

hey that makes it 3 of us! Wonderbaby &amp;myself also still nursing :p But I think as long as our periods are back, it should be OK rite...
thanks!! actually didn't expect to hit so early! had aimed to get preggy this year but didn't expect it to be NOW!

tiring leh..this round the MS is quite bad...haven't had a decent meal in weeks..also because of my mil lah.. :p

smalldreams, angela,
i'll be nursing again...actually can't wait...this is the part of motherhood that I really enjoyed.
hahah just re-read your question..

i dunno if you would call this easy or not. we were kinda not really planning. was quite serious in one month, but the next was like "naaaah!"...then strike...in fact we only did it like twice during the fertile period!

farnie how sometimes we try v hard then dun achieve the desired results and when we least expect it, it just pops right in your face...
yes .. i read dat conceiving is stress related oso. it's harder when u r desperately hoping for it.

So mummies who are trying for #2 . relax relax and leave it to fate. You neva knw when u gonna strike
i agreed leh..sometimes just take thing easy..then will strike..

today my boy ganna bully in cc..there is this new kid on the block go around diggin his nail into everyone's arm...my poor boy dun even know how to complain..n he came back with his arm full of nail marks...

worse, i called the teacher to ask wat happen..she din even know my boy ganna bully..angry...

Yap, I think we are fertile as long as period is back coz it's a sign that we are ovulating. However, I read that if we get pregnant, the taste of our milk will change.
Oh I hope it changes enough to wean my son off then, hehehe.

Ohhh...seems it was easy for ya. Thanks for sharing :p Did you try one of those strategies to conceive a boy / gal? haha, was reading them up on the net, so many strategies! I'm gonna forget about them, but I'd like a gal this time if God Wills it! :p

Oh dear, poor markus! You mean his arms were scratches? markus also too "guai" to fight back rite..
i hope i'll get a girl too...will find out soon i guess..

actually ah...i was really looking forward to a bit more...you know...couple time...didn't expect to hit so soon...now MS all the time and a bit tired..so... :S

sorry to hear that markus got bullied. Must highlight to teacher abt the nail marks. And the teachers should do more to teach the new boy to behave himself.
my case was like urs. got my no. 2 kind of 'easier' than no. 1. my ms is terrible for both preg. i m d 'puking' type. as fo gender, my maternal instinct seems accurate. for no. 1, i kind of noe is gg to b a boy as i suddenly 'like' to eat chicken wings more which is my hb fav food. as for no 2, i loves to eat vege n i m a vege person. so now, ash is a meat eater n cher loves to eat vege n she dislikes meat.

as for gender, d more accurate basis wld b to time ur ovulation.
paed dentist: there is a smile inc at forum gallery. consultation is abt $50++ but exclude all treatments. else if adam is cooperative, u can go to normal dentist who are gd w kids (d more frdly, patient, fatherly/motherly type) :p
national dental ctr has paed dentist n i suppsoe nuh has too. but if walk-in, wld b pte rate, not cheap, comparable to pte dentists.
Hi Mummies
How's everyone doing? Hope you dun find me too unfamilar since I've MIA for quite a period of time. Work has been really busy for me and I practically had no time for anything...It's like 10 - 12 hours work daily in the office. Hopefully I can take a breather in March b4 the killer work comes back again in May - July.

CONGRATS for being blessed again...has your boss been informed of the news? Any plans on whether to continue working or return to SAHM life after No. 2 arrives?

My boy is also the inward and 'quiet' type of boy. even when people snatch away his things, he will just keep quiet abt it... I guess when he starts school, he'll probably be the big time victim to be bullied by others. Haizzzz.......

You trying for No. 2? Adam starts school yet?

Cool_D / Janet
Hmm... you gals got any plans for No 2? I'm still unsure if I wanna stop at one...cannot imagine managing two kids lei.
ya man..and the nail marks are not just normal nail marks..its like that fellow dug his nail into Markus' arm and caused bleeding..when we saw it..the bleeding had dried up already...poor boy..so heart pain..

likely to stop at 1..hb dun wan..n i think financially will be quite strain..so if 1 day i strike..u will know its an accident..
Good to have 2 kids. But I am still thinking when is the right time.

take care, since you still have to work and take care of Josh while you are having your MS.

Your EDD should be in OCt right?

that CC like not so good right..never pay attention to kids. must tell the teachers off.

hey welcome back! Poor you, so busy juggling work &amp; home. Hope things get better...

i'm not trying for #2 yet. But i think I'm ready to. I miss maternity leave! hehe. adam's not in school yet.Maybe just playgroup when he turns 2.

hehe, so the little victim, probably around markus' age would be prosecuted? hehe. But i think u gotta be firm and tell the school teachers that if this happens again, you would not take it so easy anymore.
i agree the best way now is to call the police !!! hehe, i m joking la. I guess juz hv to tell the sch and the form teacher again n again. Dun be paiseh, juz nag nag at them till they do something abt it. Dats wat I will do.

'Bz bee' springdance
recently work very sianz so i did thot of having #2. Great way to get away fm work .. haha. I will not stop at one la. Was planning for bunny actually, but if now strike, be nice oso
v v v v busy huh?!

I haven't told the bosses yet and also had not decided how to handle stuff in future...have to see if this job is worth the while or not...a bit bo hua at times...so may reconsider...

my edd is in Sept. MS is much better now...but really must grab food to eat the moment I'm hungry if not will start to puke v badly.

that's v interesting! The last round I was into spicy and savoury food a lot. I usually don't take chili... This time round also like a bit of chili but have more interest in veggies and fruits...but not too sure yet lah..

your hb so emotional! actually this kind of things are quite common in CCs. Have to teach Marcus to tell the teachers if he is bullied. How big is the class size by the way? perhaps it's too much for the teachers to handle?
smalldreams &amp; cool daughter
hahah ya man..i was telling hb..think the policeman won't bother with this kind of case..

ya i agreed its very common in cc..but what makes me angry is the teacher din even realised it !!

Anyway i just called the principal to complain this morning..

the class have 8 boys at the moment..not alot of kids leh..considering they have a teacher n a helper
good to alert the principal. Then hor must keep on bugging them to see what is the update. hehehe I have been doing that...

when Josh first started CC, there was actually a much older boy who has ADHD and was very attached to Josh's teacher lor. And he's a bit temperament one and would push the teacher sometimes. I thought it was very dangerous, even my neighbour (whose gal also go to the same CC) thought so too. So two of us 'gang up' and raise the issue to the principal and to make sure that she arrange enough staff to that that older boy out of Josh's class.

cos of the pressure right, the principal really acted on it. and now it's not a prob liao...hehehe
nellu, congrats!


gosh! is markus alright now?

was sick again past few days and my parents came to help me take care of chloe. so for the past 3 days, chloe didnt latch at all and she slept with my parents. but she only slept at abt 12am! and woke up at abt 7.30am. then today my parents went back and i thought she'll forget abt latching but no! she cried and demanded to latch
.but i hv weaned her off latching to sleep at night for the past mth. she only latches when she naps in the afternoon

so many mummies getting preggie..make me want to chop chop get #2 over and done with. but i seem to be so weak lately and keep falling sick almost every mth! so i dont think i can handle being preggie now.how can i boost my immunity?
any tips on how to conceive a boy?
wonder baby
ya he is okie..just dat the mummy see the marks on his hand..very heartpain..

u wan to conceive a boy..then must action on the day of ur ovulation...time to monitor ur mucus flow lor..
Oppss...I spoke too fast...looks like this week could be busy for me AGAINZZ...hopefully I can come in here again this week after this message. Seeya ladies soon I hope....Signzzzz

Hope your MS goes off soon (or at least when 1st trim is over). Try to keep some biscuits or dried foodstuff in your drawers at office so you'll have somthing to much on when you feel hungry.

Ya know...this reminds me when I was in Primary school, I was bullied by a bigger sized gal in class in a 'pinching' ordeal....and my arms had her nails markings all over ..worse thing, the teacher punished both of us for "fighting"...I still remember this after so many years!

Is Markus still with MMI? I was thinking of whether to consider this school actually coz they have flexi-care programme and they have a franchise in the neighbourhood..Hmmm...
Congrats congrats, muz take gd care yo.... How many mths liao? So its gonna be a yr end bb huh?

Hi mummies
I've delivered!!! Was a super fast delivery, 3hrs wif 3 pushes n my lil prince is OUT!! Jiayou for rest of the mummies whose trying for No.2!

Congrats. what is little prince's name? You discharged already? give us the details.

low immunity, is it because you always sleep late since chole also sleeps late? Last time i also like that. Maybe you can try napping with her, so as to catch up on your sleep.
I also eat the cod liver oil in hope to build my immunity. I eat together with my girl. you can try this too.

are you still using the infant dish detergent for the milk bottles? what brand you gals used? I find the smell of kodomo too powering, and always still have the smell even after washing. Anyone has this problem?
yah Markus still in MMI..its the closest sch to my MIL plc..so if I were to pull him out..i oso duno where else to put him..


I am using the pigeon detergent..never tried kodomo b4 leh..
Does pigeon have a strong smell? the smell still remains even after washing? Do you still use the detergent everyday to wash the milk bottles? Or sometime use water only?
congrats!! the boy's so chubby!

i hope my next labour will be as fast...

i'm starting to look at some new items to buy. kekeke...1st one is the Ergo carrier...I think some of you use it? can give me your opinions abt it? Previously for Josh I've been using the MIM sling and because of that, my hubby always dun want to use it and end up if he carried josh i have to carry a lot of bags. I think this time round we probably need a carrier which my hubby can use. so that we can be more efficient with the kids and the stuff...

any ideas, pls share.
I did not use the sling last time, because i dislike using only 1 shoulder to carry things. We bought a Ergo carrier. Good choice for me. Because i seldom need to carry my girl. My hubby always carried her using the carrier.

How about the dish detergent? what brand are you using? any powering smell even after washing?
thanks for your views on ergo. i think it looks pretty good and more comfy then the bjorn leh..your hubby likes it??

dish detergent...not sure what brand my hubby bought. i think it's pigeon if i'm not wrong. no overpowering smell but i find it pretty soapy..so should only use little bit.
congrats! what is your son's name?

i hv been taking cod liver oil but still fall sick often leh

zhu zhu
if double line on ovulation strip, means must action imediately? or within a certain no of hours|?

i hv the bjorn carrier but hubby doesnt even want to use that. but i think ergo is more comfortable too
My hubby felt the carrier very good...provides good back support when baby started to get heavier.

how about vit C? i feel enough sleep is very important. because that time, i every month also sick was due to not enough sleep. Then subsequently when i also napped with baby in the afternoon, I got better/stronger.

Think it is better to get stronger first before trying for #2. Otherwise, dont know whether will affect #2. That is also the reason why i am holding back. Trying to build up my body.
congrats congrats. Happy for u. Confinement now, muz take care

i tink i m using kodomo leh. I thot e smell is ok. Previously using tollyjoy, nice smell too. OOS so bot kodomo.

vit c i'm also taking. only thing is i cant nap during daytime coz i'll be unable to sleep at night.what else can we take to 'bu' our body? i also think i'm to weak to ttc at the moment
