(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

think will just let my boy continue till he is in nursery in his current CC..then i will start to think if I want to pull him out for other kindergarten

apparently serangoon area only has a few. Provided you want to let your girl study in serangoon.

Serangoon central has Apple Tree, and other neighbourhood Tot house. I am thinking of Tot house, because nearer to my mum's place
i intend to put her into church where they have pre-nursery programmes. have your heard about living sanctuary located at hougang st 22?
oic. this morning i called up a church for enquries. they mentioned that registration start in may. got so early need to register liao?

oh. i only know that there's a pat's schoolhouse and cherie heart at serangoon.
the cc that Jordan attended, is it in Punggol?

I dont even know got pat and cherie. Ha, Ha, maybe can exchange info.
cool daug
which cc is jordan attending?

pat's is somewhere near serangoon JC there. and cherie is at Serangoon North Ave 5
Hi Nellu,
how ar u n Josh? hvnt heard fr u for a while n ur blog no update. ar u v busy w work? i suppose Josh is doing well in cc
hey sanrio,

also didn't hear from you for a while.

yes v busy esp this week. cos since started work and Josh started CC, also found out that the maid did some silly things then have to sack her. So now everything I do, work, Josh, cooking, cleaning...

Josh adapted surprisingly well at CC and his speech improved a lot even right from the first week. Now he can even say the names of some of his friends...BUT still doesn't call Mama!

how abt Ash and Cher? Is Ash ok with his new school?
Hello Nellu,
gd to hear fr u agn.
i m busy coping w 2 kids ever since we withdrew ash fr cc. but he adapted really well in d new kindy n he enjoys school v v much. evyday he is v happy to go to school. m glad tat we make d change. they hv so mnay interesting activities. tmr evening we are being invited to his school for Valentine day candlelight dinner. cher is doing fine, ash is like her buddy, playmate n teacher. ash is into science these days so he read up a lot on d planets n so now. cher can name, mars, venus etc, all tks to ash. she is also more active these days so i got to kip watch on her. my life is oso, like, take care of kids, wash, cook, etc....
soon Josh wld call 'mama'. Ash called mummy very late too. they wld pick up speech quite fast in school. gd tat Josh is adapting n doing so well in d cc. cher now evyday 'command' me, mummy on tv, mommy pls take biscuits, mommy i want strawberry... she has endless requests... i feel like tellg her mummy is tired, pls give mummy a break can. me so bad... :p
u take care
me oso losing weight, m trying to eat more..
good to hear that Ash is doing well and that Cher is also growing up well. Have you thought abt putting Cher into playgroup or pre-N? does Ash's school has a pre-N class? Would be good for Cher too.

I find that they are at this stage where they are really learning v quickly. Everyday he learns something new at school!

yes try to eat more...

perhaps later on I may contact you again either by email or otherwise. Got some stuff may need to ask you for tips on. ;P now not right time to talk also...
email or call me anytx. if i din pick up my mobile, drop me a note n i wld call u bk. yes wld start cher pre-nursery next yr, most likely same school as ash.
Hi gacc
long time didnt chat with you too. want to ask you, understand that you are christian right and there are some church have pre-nursery class. Any idea what will the teachers teach? As I'm not a christian, is it ok to put my daug to those church which have pre-nursery class?
hi serene,
yes i m. a lot of non-christian parents put their kids in church kindy. the teachers wld teach according to PN, N, K1 & K2 curriculum so no worries. of course, there wld b singing of some chrisian songs n mayb some bible stories n/or saying grace before snack tx.
do make a visit, a lot of parents like a church kindy environment.
ello mommies

would anyone have a contact for a dentist toddlers can go to? I realised there's a chip on Adam's front tooth an now I feel worried whether it's decay! And he doesn't even take any sweets
So better go to a dentist so I can figure out what that is
keira juz started 1/2 day cc. and the one she attending has nursery and kindy too.

i wld very much like to send her toa church kindy, after i attended one too. but for convenience, she is now in 1 nearby my in-laws. so they pick her up everyday while i drop her off in the morning.
My frend reccom me a pediatric dentist..think at camden edical center, #14-02
Tel: 6834 0877
Dr Ong Yean Sze
I need some ideas.. Markus had been refusing to drink milk after his recovery from stomach flu..the only time he drink is when he woke up in the morning....even then..its only like less than 100ml...even for his lunch n dinner..he oso dun eat much now...i really duno wat to do with him..
you may want to mix some milk in his food. eg. pasta sauce, creamy soup, omelette.
Start slow, then when you see he is ready, then can let him drink milk again.
You can also let him eat cheese or yoghurt. maybe yoghut would be good, because can build the good bacteria in the stomach. but maybe not too cold.
Hope these will help

Sometime when my girl likes that (refuse milk), then have to try other methods loh.
How long has this been? jboy oso ate very little (like 1/2 or less his usual meals/ milk) the whole wk coz of his stomach flu. Was having fever oso. I juz let him be. Can imagine his appetite would be affected wif all e med. I asked the doc, she says ok. Water is more impt than food actually.
talking abt kiddos'appetite, I think we have been having a very miserable time since CNY holidays. Cos my mil came to stay with us and day in day out she cooks the same things! Walao...I haven't been eating dinner...and worse still, she's been trying to force Josh to eat! and my hubby colludes with her...Angry angry!!!

sigh...maybe i should consider hiring a maid again so that my hubby has no excuse to ask mil to come. his reason is that so she can help to do our meals! ya...so yucky the food how to eat lah! and no variety!

u are most welcome
yes heard of d church before. do visit a few n see which one is more suitable. i wld say, teachers n environment are impt consideration.

it takes a while for them to regain their appetite. n at different stages of their growing up, their appetite can go up n down. 1 day mayb very gd, next day not eatg.

hi mummies,
ydy cher went for a bb contest n came in 3rd. there ar abt 60+ contestants in total. her daddy was very happy.
wah..congrats to cher..

Now i switch to the Dumex milk lor..hopefully that will give him more vitamins..

cool daughter
this had been goin on since last wk...but recently these few days..give him all the junk food..he ate leh..

He does drink water lar..but duno if its not enuff..his diaper is always not as full as last time..
is dumex ok? Read in the papers that the china dumex milk is also contaminated. I also want to change to dumex lei. then hold back now.
cool daughter
i cannot find any recent news leh..the last one i saw was in Nov 08..said mamil had some book lice on the tin foil..

congrats for Cher's win! she's really very gu-niang, very cute!

Btw, would you have a contact for a toddler's dentist? Thanks.

thanks for the contact. Camden medical? Whoa, sounds ex lei... anyway will keep that in mind, thanks

How much is mamil gold per 900 gram? Adam drinks soooo little milk now. Only drink when he got good mood. sighs, already don't want to eat, now don't want to drink milk.

hey there, everything Ok with chloe? :p
hi smalldreams!!!
since the lactose intolerance, i noticed chloe's appetite seemed to hv increased quite a lot. chged her bck to her normal milk lst saturday.so far so good, no diarrhoea.but because of her increase in food, she's pooing abt 3 times a day lately.
cool_D, zhu zhu,
the news i saw was either last week or the week before from TODAy newspaper. If I found it, will let you gals know.

do you mean that adam is on mostly solid now? or is solid + breast milk.? He only not drinking FM?

anyone watched ACT 3 show before? Is the Tick Tock Tack considered to be ACT 3?
I found this from sistic, ACT 3 International presents
Prudential Children First! Singapore International Festival For Children
Little Big Shots (Ages 2-7)
dont know want to go or not. Last time, the Tick, Tock, Tack, didnt really enjoy it lei.


adam is still on BM, FM & solids. but he prefers BM to FM! But I still perservere...and still make FM for him in the morning, and once more at night. Sometimes if i get lucky, he drinks! Like this morning - he drank 190 ml!

Ohhh..good that the milk is safe !

Hey good to know chloe is eating well. 3 times poo quite a lot huh! but as long as she's not in pain, is that OK?

I agree toilet training is tough & i've not even started! Though I ask Adam to "ek ek" and he'd squat and try to poo, hehe. Yesterday morning, he poo-ed in our bathtub (where I always bathe him) but he was soooo disgusted with his poo that he lifted his leg and stood on one leg while saying "eeee!" It was quite a funny sight. hehe.
