(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

took half day yday..but since my ILs are at home also..i went back home to do hsework..so that i can devote the whole sat to take care of him..

Good thing today he still can eat plain porridge...

wow, even bak kwa. so hard, also can chew. My girl hates to chew. the best for all is everything just swallow, dont even need to chew

hopes Markus gets well soon. is the virus from the childcare centre?

YX kena stomach flu sometime back and spread the virus to me followed on by my two cousins and then my mum. It is air borne from what I understand from the PD. Yup. Drinking water can also puke. He has any diarrhoea? If so, no more milk for the next few days till diarrhoea stops. You can buy lactose free milk for Markus.
not sure if the virus if from the CC leh..

He did not have any diarrhoea yday..but today he did have a hugh diarrhoea..but then its only 1 time lar..so I am not so worry...He did try the soy milk sometime back..but he dun really like it..I gave him some very diluted milk this morning..so far so good..

the poor boy still not back to his normal self..not much appetite...
Hi morning mummies

i brought my daug for a trial class last sat @ Evans road. I like the class. she attended the waterplay and she like it very much. I intend to sign her up for the class on sat. what time slot is your kid attending?

poor YX. how's is he now? better
bbK oni chew on the soft part of bak kwa nia...heehee....when she chewed on the hard part, she'll paused awhile n stop.

bbK is attending sat at 9am, however tis timing waiting list is always d hottest. Nw they hv sunday class too, sunday the ctr is not very packed cos ter's oni bilingual class for playclub. Sat they've all sorts of lessons frm playclub to edudrama etc etc...so the whole ctr is packed.
jboy oso having diarrhea these few days .. 5-6 times watery stools daily. But the thing is, other than dat, ething else is normal. Appetite, mood etc. Even when he is poo-ing, like tis morn, he juz woke up 6.16am, squat on e bed, and start shitting. no whining, no fussing ..

But i m still worried, so will probably bring him to see a doc tonite.
wow, that's early. that means bbk wakes up quite early? 7+am.
I have signed up for my daug for 4.30pm slot instead. saw another mummy too with her son at the 4.30pm class but is in different class
Janet, serene
Cos sat slot is more convenient for working parents I guess..Most parents like to start off early so tat by afternoon, they can do their own things ba...
bbK wakes up at 7+ normally...I sign her for d 9am class cos by d time class ends at 11am, its her lunch time den nap time lor...
help . .. any of ur toddler has different color poo? Jboy having diarrheao for past few days and his poo is usually watery and mustard color. But occasionally, his poo is dark dark brown. Like last nite, his poo was yellowish and tis morn, it became dark dark brown. ..

do i hv to worry?
hi mummies!
hv not been logging in for quite some time. talking abt diarrhoea, chloe has been having that for the past 2 weeks. pd asked to remove milk completely from her diet coz i noticed she complains of stomach ache after drinking milk. so she is now on lactose free milk.
when my girl has diarrhoea, it is usually yellow, mustard. when normal poo, the colour will change as according to the food she eats. So i think no need to worry so much about the colour. If diarrhoea for too long, maybe need to see doctor, in case of dehydration. Otherwise, you can feed your child more water.
few weeks back, Josh also had this slight problem. PD said it's cos he's still getting used to CC.

Have you brought Jboy to see dr yet? he's still like his normal self or not?

during this episode, Josh was just as per normal and everything, only that he was poo-ing a bit more frequently and stools were more watery.
Iszit possible tat Jordan is teething again? My gf's daughter teething state was diarrhoea like more den 9x a day n poo oso watery n mustard. If he continues to hv diarrhoea, beta consult PD. Pump him wif lots of liquid too cos will be dehydrated de.

wonder baby
How com chloe suddenly became lactose intolerence?
She's on d same forumula?

Cartoon agar agar contact: Mrs Chan, 96350758. last yr wen I order for bbK's b'day, prices increase le due to fuel cost....
hmm .. cannot associate cc wif diarrhea actually, but than it is possible. Brot him to the GP yday. Prescribed some lactose. Today still poo 4 times at least, but it's not as watery and yellowish as past few days. I read up on internet .. indigestion caused yellowish stool.

i did thot of that, since he oso having running nose. GP says diarrhea caused by teething dun gets so frequent, so it cud be a variety of reason for him. Jboy oredi has 6 teeth for a while .. wondering when e last 4 will appear.

jboy is a water monster, so i m not so worried abt dehydration. Thanx.
not saying that CC is dirty or wat...PD was saying to me that it probably is just a natural adaptation process cos they are not so exposed to so many germs and other stuff that is present at CC.

But if he's still fine and all, then shouldn't be a bit problem. Perhaps monitor his food a bit lor..
Hello mommies!

Been so busy for past few days, and am so happy to see this thread moving! hehe!

how have you mummies been?

Yesterday afternoon I took half the day off to watch a movie with hubby. My first movie in MONTHS! Watched The curious case of benjamin button. Slowmoving but so nice & meaningful. I cried so much - my eyes are stil swollen today... tsk tsk
the pd said the virus/bacteria at the initial stage of the diarrhoea ate the layer of lactase enzyme in her intestine. so she doesnt hv the enzyme to break down the milk. so will hv diarrhoea everytime there's milk in her body. so temporary put her pn lactose free milk till the layer of enzyme form by itself again.

it's a lovely show. Maybe I was ultra sensitive, I cried quite a bit coz I "drama" a bit & thought in terms of how a mom would feel. hehe.

It starrs Brad pitt & Cate Blanchett. Love the show!


I only went coz I was supposed to attend to something yesterday afternoon but it was cancelled so I took time off. If not, seriously no time to watch movies man!

Esp you, full time SAHM, where got time..unless you get someone to babysit chloe...
cool daughter
as long as ur boy is still active..i think no need to worry lar..

me & hubby caught the stomach flu virus from Markus..and worse..my twin nieces oso got it..haiz..now i felt so guilty..

i heard dat the show is quite nice..

May I ask how long will it take for the enzyme to form back? Cause YX back to his enfagrow milk now but his poo sometimes still watery like diarrhoea. Poor boy had a bout of stomach flu sometime back then followed by food poisoning (Salmonella) before 3 days before chinese new year. I believe he still can't take his milk well like what your PD mentioned. Should I put him back to Similac lactose free like I did before??

it *is* nice. should go watch! I wanna watch changeling too (bitten by movie bug liao) but gotta see in my diary when I can slot in time for that.

Ya lor, we always talk abt babies, but rarely talk abt movies, coz we got no time for them! Frankly I got no courage to bring adam. And I wont' want to disturb the other cinema watchers.


gosh that sounds like bad. Hope yX gets better soon.

And my boy, only Thomas, and recently, The Night Garden or Elmo (which he pronounces as EM-MMOH) ..
I let my girl try watching Bolt before. She is ok to sit thru. But other than that, the rest all cannot, including barn yard.
my girl also doesnt like barn yard.havent let her watch thomas the train. but she doesnt like elmo

the pd said it depends on the kid itself. some may be 1 week. some may take 3 mths. i think i'll let my girl finish the small can of enfalac LF first before letting her go back to her normal milk. else the LF milk will be wasted. YX's poo is normal when you dont gv him milk?
janet what's barn yard & bolt?

My mom's place can't receive Okto. so sad. coz got nice shows there.

I hate the characters in Elmo - esp Mr Noodle's brother. Urgh. But Elmo is cute lah. hehe.
I see. I'm going to buy Similac lactose free later. If I've not seen your post, I'll be still puzzled over his stomachache complaints and diarrhoea-like poop. Did some search online that the lining of the gut may take a few weeks to heal... His poo is normal like 1 or 2 times a day. The other 2 times is definitely watery ones. Thanks!

YX says thank you! He likes Elmo and Barney shows. He'll say Elmo and Bop very accurately but Barney, he says "ni" :p
Same thing here... I hate that character! There was once when Elmo says, "Hey, meet Mr Noodle's brother, Mr Noodle!" I was like, "duh!"
long time no see.
starting to plan for yx's 2nd birthday?
chio me if u are ordering from overses or any spree. hee hee.
bolt and barn yard are movies. Bolt is about a dog, and barn yard has all talking animals in a farm.

I thought Okto is a singapore channel, how come your mum's place cannot receive? yes, indeed, mon-fri morning, they have good shows. I realised that when i took a few days leave at home and watched with my girl.
tokin abt poo..can I check dat nowsaday ur kids poo are those solid kind or still paste kind..cos Markus poo is still pastey kind..

My nieces diarrhoea can be avoided if only I never brought Markus to my Mum's plc..

Can try bringing adam to a wkdays movie..should not be too crowded...then sit at the last few rows..incase he makes any fuss..can still go out of the cinema fast enuff
Haha, yeah, same lor! I also always catch that part. So "duh"!

Okto is a singapore channel, but my mom got no cable and the neighbour further up has done something to disrupt the reception. Even HDB knows about this already but can't do much. Grrr. Fed up man.

then waste my cinema tix rite? hehe. Well hope Markus gets well soon. Just monitor and if he has fever bring him to the doc. U take care too.
hahaha ya..but at least u try out adam on wkdays showtime..

Just call my MIL..think he is better..but funny thing..when he pees..duno why got brown stain on his diapers..duno is it too heaty and he took medicine o not..
CD, smalldreams
Wow, toking abt movies...my last movie wif my hb was "sex n d city".
I brought bbK to watch Kungfu panda b4, she enjoyed d movie for awhile but later she dozed off... like wad zhuzhu said, bring them on a wkdays, rarely anione....

wonderbaby, mummiesssss
Yes u got good memory wonderbaby!! me is like a walking time bomb nw. 2day was my chkup and gynae said most like to pop tis wkend!!

Okto is a s'pore channel huh? Do u hv cable? if cable is wich channel huh?
m@w, mummies,
Okto is the same channel as the old Arts Central. Just name change only lah.

during the day it's still like the old Kids Central.
aiya..it's the same stuff to industry insiders like me... just putting ch 8 on ch9 then change the name, bluff the public it's new channel! wahahaha...this thing is just called re-branding lah..

i know it's re-branding, haha, but i think we're talking on different wavelengths. My grouse is, since they've changed the frequency, my mom's TV can't receive it as she's got no cable, and our neighbour has disrupted the signal thanks to his house renovations! Grrr. Fed up man. If not, it's simple to just tune to the channel.
thanks for the contact. is my frd require the no. but i have misplaced it. thanks so much.

Re: Pre-Nursery Schools
BTW, has any mummies start searching for pre-nursery schools for our kids next year?
